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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Who's this Gaz bloke? I'll sort the filthy bugger out!
  2. Jenny Powell. Still would. There's a shock, eh?
  3. Ooh, nasty. Get well soon an stuff. *insert warm throat lubrucation joke here, bloody heathens
  4. Before I stuck them together,pages 50-56 of Best of Razzle 1984 were spectacular.
  5. Daft twat- "it's not as funny as it used to be" is one if Viz's tag lines.
  6. THE CAROL MALIA CAMPAIGN. This campaign would leverage the alledged fondness of Look North's chief presenter for a bit of strange, to improve the media representation of the NUFC fans frustrations with the current regime. Through the use of dogging sites, a number of fans (not less than 50 for maximum results), would arrange to meet Carol, individually,for friendly fun. When she lies back and says "Let's have a quick word from Jeff", we flip her over and take her angrily in the stinker, saying "This is what Ashley is doing to our club!". This will help, somehow. Maybe.
  7. Other than finding the above mentioned grot, I spent loads of my childhood cycling to and climbing trees in Gosforth park, finding lost golf balls in the woods by the course there and selling them to golfers for a pound a bag, the ones that didn't chase us anyway Trips the Lake District with Pa Fist were regular features too. He once took me, my brother and five mates for a weeks camping to Ullswater, in his Allegro. Mentalist.
  8. I'd like to add a sprinkling of grated dairy products, and pair it with a lovely Panda Pop Framboise Bleu. Whilst fucking my sister.
  9. I think this idea could work- I also happen to know a cracking graphic designer. He's a bit shy about his work, so.....
  10. It's also in pretty poor taste to use the fund raising for John Alder and Liam Sweeney as the starting point of your little wind up. But then, a lifetime of blue pop will do that to your taste, won't it?
  11. Aye, try convincing the safety officer at the Knuckle Dragger's Flat Pack that letting 5 lads in Black and White stand in the retards end and protest about NUFC being run badly is a good idea. I reckon you could count on 6 fingers the number of people who think this is a good idea.
  12. As if that was foremost in the mind. I'm convinced there's a bush/bush correlation- when porn was stashed in bushes, the growlers were like mohair jumpers. When the arboreal stashes disappeared, so did the flange fur. I'd like to hear Parky's thoughts on this
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