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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Do you know why they lost though?
  2. The Native Americans, noble savages and wanderers of the plains, had a city which, at it's peak in the 1200s had a population of over 40,000, something not surpassed in North America until Philadelphia in 1780. It was sited close to modern day St. Louis, on the Mississippi, and was a trade hub for routes stretching from Mexico to the Great Lakes. At it's centre was an earth mound/pyramid 10 storeys high, covering 14 acres. This was the biggest of 120 such mounds in the city, which covered 6 sq.miles. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cahokia Whale Oil Beef Hooked.
  3. Aye, which is why I didn't name her, she's still teaching.
  4. That's just reminded me of the highlight of my schooling. Lower 6th form, Old Folk's Christmas party, me and three mates were asked if we'd drag up and do "Nobody Loves a Fairy When She's 40". We were allowed some input for our costume, so I decided I'd be Punk Rocker Slut fairy. One of the female PE teachers ( fit as fuck, as standard),was also my A-level Geography teacher, and, as usual, we were talking bollocks in class with her when my choice of costume came up in conversation. She said she had something for me which she'd bring in the following day before our dress rehearsal. ( the actual performance was a week away). Next day, I'm sitting in the common room with the lads when she comes sashaying by and drops me a bag and says here's that thing for your show. "Cheers miss!" , waited til she'd gone, had the standard perv talk with the lads, then opened the bag. Purple silk bra, knickers, sussy belt with black lace and fishnets! Naturally, I was straight off to the bogs to "try them on", the bra was way to small, sussy belt fitted ( I was a slim bastard then ) and the knickers were judged by the lads as too obscene- although the they did make a smashing mask, think Spiderperv and you'll get the drift. So aye, I had in my possession, for a week, the slinky lingerie of one of the fittest teachers in the school. Suffice to say that , even after washing them post performance, I'm surprised she didn't get pregnant. Even by 16yr old's standards, I was an empty husk by the time I handed them back.
  5. "Di Bart has since released 41 versions of "The Real Thing" in addition to various other releases, none of which has seen any success" God loves a trier.
  6. Fred Fistwilliam, court jester.
  7. It is. My favorite castle in Northumberland, for nostalgic childhood reasons. Great pics Tooj
  8. Seen on Collingwood St. today. All for nothing, Zammo, all for nothing.
  9. Speaking of local TV Presenters, this chap did a stint on Look North That's my old teacher, Mr. Richard Swallow. Guess why he left teaching
  10. Did he have to stand on a box to sign it?
  11. Relax, according to the wiki page he wears a red wetsuit which is "highly resistant to penetration". Designed for him by Professor Shitinmegob. Edit: further reading tells me his lass is a mermaid with a pearl necklace, whilst his dolphin is called Splasher. I assume his submarine is the S.S.Bukkake.
  12. Got it- The Double Deckers. Google tells me the boss from Spooks was in it
  13. I can vaguely remember an ITV show that was a bunch of stage school dahlings pretending to be homeless and living in a bus under some arches. Late 1970s early 80s re-runs. Can I shite remember what it was called. Anyone?
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