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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Like thinking you've just done laying a cable, then the turtles head pops out again?
  2. I don't have any, but if I did, I'd probably sell them.
  3. Nah, even Thompers was funny occasionally.
  4. Here's the link http://ashleyout.com/articles/dear-wendy-an-open-letter-to-wendy-taylor-nufc-head-of-media/
  5. Also, any pics of your lass' wrecked bush would cheer me up no end.
  6. Aye, I was a bit fucked off for a minute, but I apologised to the bloke for being stroppy. Like you said, he made a mistake and probably felt lithe a right tit anyway
  7. " Hey Mrs. CT, have you got a slow cooker, they're great?" " Aye, but he puts cherry tomatoes on everything"
  8. Aye- healthy eating. "Fuck breadcrumbs , we'll use processesd fake potato."
  9. Smash? You're eating chicken dipped in mash? Slimming?
  10. Him/his insurance, aye. I was initially a tad stroppy, then realised I was being a twunt. I'll plough through the paperwork tomorrow, can't be arsed tonight.
  11. Haven't you got one of those?
  12. Vote. It's piss easy, and if you don't, you fuck off whining at politicians. Simplistic, but that's what it boils down to. Edit: that's not directed at Roboyogi, but a general statement.
  13. I've just been in the slowest crash of my life Some divvy rear-ended me at about 1mph whilst I was sitting in stationary in traffic, and still managed to leave a dent in the bodywork. Ffs. I'm handing the thing back in a couple of weeks too.
  14. No need for that , I was only saying.
  15. It's Cuddles I feel sorry for- nobody's even mentioned the poor fucker.
  16. Wasn't the comedy one either.
  17. To reach Base Camp, it must've been one almighty avalanche.
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