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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. This is like when the Twatterati all became lip-readers a while back in their search for things to be outraged about, so the players and coaches now put their hand over their mouth when speaking during the match. I can see scanning going the same way, with players putting their hands over their eyes…
  2. Fingers crossed everything turns out well mate. I’ll echo what Gemmill said about using here as somewhere to vent.
  3. I’ve pitched a “Super Sat’da” competitive giant leek growing league to Sky , with teams made up of the various different allotment associations in Eshinton and Bairdlintin. They told me never to contact them again.
  4. Id give it to him purely because of the comedy potential of his first name.
  5. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68513071 What are the chances this lad had three juggles on the back seat, a gallowah in the caravan, and box of jakeys screaming blue murder on the roof?
  6. “ I say, Jeeves- where is Mama, it’s been nearly 5 minutes and I miss her ever so…” ” I’m afraid, Master Meenzer, that Ma’am is currently engaged in the netty, laying a cuddie’s leg.” ” Oh bother!!”
  7. “ Papa, we have dropped our kets on the croquet lawn- can you fetch Jeeves to clean them up?”
  8. You playing as the male or female version? The female version is much better.
  9. You ever try Tudor Pickled Onion?? Much like HMHM’s mate’s Mrs giving him a blowy, it’s a once and never again experience.
  10. So another thing they shared with her contemporaries, Erasmus, Garfield and Micky Peanuts ?
  11. How do you pronounce Hobbes then? Does it rhyme with knobs, robes or jobbies?
  12. Sorry lads, but that’s just the state of British policing. As it stands
  13. The investing officers returned to the station to find that their toilets had been taken in an opportunistic burglary. They hope to find the perpetrators but at the moment they have nothing to go on.
  14. I just gave the Mrs. a butt plug and a tube of KY. “ Call it practice, pet”
  15. Actual place in Coleraine, mate of mine grew up there. We called him Winnet once we found out.
  16. Carry your bag sir? Nah, let her Wark!
  17. A massive sinkhole has just appeared on the A1 at Gosforth. Police are looking in to it.
  18. I made it absolutely clear that 2 was enough. One main character, one spare in case the first one breaks.
  19. Never played Death Stranding- it’s it open world? I might pick it up as I’m after a new game. Tsushima is fantastic I reckon, I’m up to Act III now, just got to the far north of the islands and it’s time to get fucky with the Mongols. Mirage is… ok. It was originally going to be a dlc for Valhalla, which shows as its considerably smaller than previous games in the series. I like the return to proper assassin style play, but just found it hard to give a fuck about any of the main characters. Still, decent enough.
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