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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Yeah, Mako mate, we're done with your boring shite and moved on to Fish prodding. Just letting you know, so that you don't look desperate and start replying to yourself.
  2. Let's have a little respect here, Fish. This is a self-crowned genius you're dissing.
  3. Editor, every day- " I said 5000 words, MAXIMUM!"
  4. And she's off........ Will she find it, who knows?
  5. Text reads- " Pick up from Boldon Asda to Cleadon. Standard fare. No food breaks!"
  6. Niall Quinn lost £300 on the 2:45 at Wetherby that day, then drank several pints of Vaux and drove a minibus full of disabled babies home.
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