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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Answering yourself- is this a Makom trait?
  2. The problem is the lack of any vision for the club- if they had one, they'd find it a whole lot easier to pick their best candidates for the job. As it is, they come across like a divorcee in her 40s, sweeping Sgt. Peppers for a cock, any cock.
  3. http://www.financialexpress.com/article/industry/and-the-stinkiest-people-in-europe-are-french/78441/ @@ChezGiven, get a bath you minger.
  4. Is that like light scarlet, or more pinkish?
  5. Unless my heart exploded again. Edit: and as long as JawD, real life ninja, was busy elsewhere.
  6. Steve Round seems to be his choice of #2.
  7. Current - Tiote. His signature move would be to set his wives on his opponent- pant shittingly scary. Past-Brian Kilcline. No explanation necessary.
  8. I love when actors are described as "brave" or "fearless". They're fucking actors, man, playing pretendy people.
  9. Aye, given past appointments, I'll not be to unhappy if it's Schteve.
  10. Asks his Mam if he can have it.
  11. Salt and Peppa can do one, this is the definitive cover.
  12. Try asking the Newcastle egg chasers forum? http://m.rugbynetwork.net/boards/list/s95.htm
  13. Wait, I can transform my garden into a chav's nest for less than £250? Please, Mike, have all my money.
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