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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Good job, considering your personal responsibility for the Pig Holocaust.
  2. Should've worn some Shredded Wheat as a hat- gone for the subtle route
  3. Congrats Happy Tadpoles! Once they get past the toddler stage, the little shits team up and work out what winds you up The War of Attrition begins now
  4. Hope all's well Meenzer, it's shit when they get old and frail- one of my elder relatives is in hospital having suffered a massive stroke. Not looking to good for them, if I'm honest. The jolly jaunt round The Colony had mixed results- Glasgow went without a hitch, Aberdeen though, due to some numpty further up the chain of contractors not sending an email , resulted in us having our notes confiscated and being asked to leave the Mall by the Teuchter Heisenberg. A slight over reaction by Walter McWhite, given that were simply walking the Mall, estimating the duration of works.
  5. "Hi John, I'm Schteve. There's some potholes in the car park need filling in. "
  6. Sound advice from the King of Google.
  7. Why don't we just send our B Team, then? Ah...... Right.
  8. Bleurch. Driving to Aberdeen tomorrow to price some work, then Glasgow for the same, then home.
  9. Heroin will help you through it.
  10. German ref, Knut Kircher, taking no shit. That death stare
  11. Legoland is a stinking hellhole. Enjoy Greece
  12. Aye, silly me, he had a dog but got sick of it after a month and swapped it for a metal detector.
  13. Happy Gunday-( I conflated guns and birthday, look and learn Fish, look and learn ) http://youtu.be/qx9e-od6A0g
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