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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. That lass from mencap is just pissed off because she's too thick to play with Lego.
  2. I'm being generous when I say he tackled it. It was more like bits of it found their way into his mouth as his head repeatedly swooped over it on it's descent into sleepy time.
  3. No, I'd ring them and just say nowt. Bit of heavy breathing til they hung up.
  4. Clarkie being a knacker anecdotes , you say Oh, go on then, you twisted my arm. I was managing that lovely little pizza/kebab joint opposite the Akenside for a spell around 96-97, and he was a regular. Came in one night, literally unable to speak beyond unintelligible grunts. We got him his usual chicken burger and chips, which he attempted to tackle but fell asleep into instead , whilst standing up Staggered out with mayo smeared all up one side of his face.
  5. They keep this in place. Edit: it's a link from me, so , you know, risky.
  6. CT will be there the day after it's dismantled, scavving for lost pennies, occasionally dashing off to the hedge for a furtive peruse of his specialist grumble mag
  7. His family nickname was apparently Butterfly Joe due to him always wearing butterfly collars. I freaked my daughter out a while back as they'd been learning about the Victorian era at school. Showed her this pic and told her I'd known a Victorian ( he was born 1889, 12 when Owld Vicky died), she was blown away.
  8. This is the sad fact. The corpulent blob can't seem to help himself from doing it. ( Ashley, in this instance, not our erstwhile trowel warrior)
  9. Some close parallels with my Great Grandfather there. He was also in the RGA , attached to 230th Siege Battery in France as a gunner, also on the 9" Howitzers. Before that he was on Inchkeith Island Battery in the Firth of Forth. Fortunately, he wasn't injured, but it left him deaf as a post for the rest of his life. He died in 1977 aged 88, having worked as a printer at the Chronicle for his remaining working life. He mustn't have spoken about it since my mother and aunts and uncles were very surprised to hear he'd served. This is him, he was always immaculately dressed, dapper old sod
  10. "John, since your sacking, that means you're now a regular fan, one of us" " So, you'll be joining us all in boycotting the Carling"
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