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Monkeys Fist

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Everything posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. Aye, my great grandfather- poor fucker was stationed on one of the islands in the Firth of Forth initially, then went to France and came back deaf due to the guns they were blasting. One of the lucky ones, tbh.
  2. That’s amazing news @Toonpack, well chuffed for you. I went to Thiepval a few years back, the memorial to the missing, and one of the things that struck me was just how many names are listed of missing men. 72,337 And that’s just men from the battles of the Somme. So pleased your relative has been found, and in time for there still to be a tangible connection between you and him.
  3. I’ve spent many hours in San Gimignano in Assassin’s Creed, so I’m counting that and upping my tally to 8.
  4. It’s a must-see for fans of rusty glass museums and players of shit-slalom.
  5. 7 here- Edinburgh, York, Bath, Bruges, Zurich, Annecy, Barcelona. It’s a bit of a random list tbh, as I can think of loads of places that would qualify equally well. Perpignan old town is lovely, Carcasonne is mint, if a bit touristy, you’d be struggling to find somewhere in the south of France that isn’t worthy tbh.
  6. Absolutely mullered. Goodnight and good bless.
  7. That’s Colin Farrell??? Looks like a bunch of elephants.
  8. Thats some interesting Rorschach shit.
  9. I could be wrong, but I think this image has been edited slightly.… No way CT is that slim.
  10. Unfortunate choice of phrase for Pedro, considering 80% of his enormous head is his chin.
  11. To be fair, he has more in his vocabulary, to be fair.
  12. Met an epileptic cowboy yesterday. Tex Fitz.
  13. I didn’t Camilla’s udders were like, well…
  14. Best compliment I’ve had in a while, cheers mate.
  15. Aye, it was so obvious Mysterious Tart had been photoshopped in, wasn’t it?
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