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Monkeys Fist

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Posts posted by Monkeys Fist

  1. 3 hours ago, Sonatine said:

    I purchased image rights to original artwork for a movie poster of the 1964 film ‘The Fall of the Roman Empire’. I’ve adapted it into a photomontage featuring Trump, Musk, Vance and the rest of the wrecking crew.

    What’s so bitingly, hilariously true is that whilst Don Jnr is pictured just below his father’s nappy, the Trump Prince Edward- Eric, is way over on the left, last in a line of minor cunts. :lol:

  2. 2 hours ago, Renton said:


    Aye but still. 

    As long as we get Taylor Swift from the mackems. Imagine the fewm marra! 

    I reckon no actual mackems went to their hosted concerts, Beyonegetonefreeonce, and …err… the others on account of them being too expensive for the average Morlock. 

    If we really wanted turn the screw on our nether-neighbours, we’d open a weekly evening of The New Blue Monkey in the fucking car park or wherever, pumping out that mind-melting shite all Vauxhall Nova owners love to share with the neighbourhood. 

    Tickets sold on a postcode basis, NE codes only. :lol:

    RTG would actually explode. 

    • Haha 2
  3. 7 hours ago, Gemmill said:

    That is NOT a pun. No way no how! 

    Pun- a joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words which sound alike but have different meanings.

    Oxford Dictionary. 

    Welcone to Pun Club, I knew you’d crumble eventually. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Gemmill said:

    ONE divorce dickheads! The exact same number that your wives wish they'd had. 

    We not counting the Roomba you just dumped like a bag of laundry when the dog replaced it in your affections? 

    • Haha 5
  5. Just heard that Roy Ayers died last week, aged 84. 
    Fucking legend. 

    Here’s him at 77 doing a Small Desk Concert. 

    He does a tasty version of his most well-known track from 16:00 onwards, but if you can’t be arsed with that, here it is 



    • Like 2
  6. 4 hours ago, Howmanheyman said:


    "Welcome one and all to toontastic, the place to be for red, hot soccer chat. Have you been to a game today? What did you think of the referee and most importantly are you a season ticket holder? What hand do you usually hold it in? I prefer holding it with my right hand when I'm at craven cottage, err, I mean the bridge, definitely the bridge now. Call us now on 0898 244 606."

    I can’t remember the name of the lass who brought him down, but she looked like she’d had Bell’s Palsy and also had an absolute fivehead. 

    Presumably registered blind, too. 

    • Haha 5
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