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justin sane

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Everything posted by justin sane

  1. they might not like ants or pease pudding
  2. Could very well have been. Or they could have been placed there by astronauts on covert mission/s. For me personally I don't dispute that America has sent man on the moon. I question what rocket was used, what mission, which astonauts and which year (could have been earlier than 1969). I think China plans to send a manned-mission to the moon by 2020. That's 12 years of more doubt and questioning - Yes, no, maybe. Actually it is the new Nasa manned moon mission that has estimated 2020. This kind of thing just makes me laugh..Meant to be a piece of piss putting men on the moon apparently, after all we did it in the 60's?? If you look at how much cash they threw at it then though, compared to now...... well it's surprising we can get out of the atmosphere. Yes but the tech curve evens out the monetary needs. It's my belief that they still find it very hard to put men on the moon (if they ever did), but now the Chinese have taken an interest, they have no choice but to go back. However the Americans and Russians are aware of 'the things' on the moon and are wary of going back (they ditched the ideas of dumping radioactive waste in space quite early). The Chinese are all gung ho about it which means they don't really know what is going on. This is vintage Parky btw. He doesn't accept the Americans definitely went to the Moon but he hints at them and the Soviets having knowledge of aliens there anyway What was the stuff that was supposedly picked up by amateur radio enthusiasts that hints at there being some alien presence there btw. I've read a transcript once. The astronaut says I can see it looking at me or something like that. Has that ever been verified? Interesting thing about the Luna and other early mechanical landings was the amount of misses (totally missed the moon) and crashes. We didn't have our sums right for a long time..... "The mechanical things we sent already picked up enough to get JFK killed. " lots of things may have got JFK killed,don't forget the bankers.Like Lincoln he tried to introduce a monetary system not based on debt.
  3. Yes, most of it can be. But there are anomalies and theories which cannot be debinked(sic). Tbf there aren't any on this thread who deny man got to the moon. Just how, when, and what they encountered. The problem is, I could be stood on the moon now, and yet there'd be no way to prove it to the standard required by conspiracy (because it's impossible, it's still possible to make a reasonable internet argument for a flat Earth ). "The problem is, I could be stood on the moon now, and yet there'd be no way to prove it to the standard required by conspiracy" You could rig up a web cam and show us.
  4. Not sure but i did fall down the stirs once.
  5. 100% Agree with all the above! same here. But not sure about Butt (i ye know what i mean) one of his earlier freekicks whent straight to the first villa defender,most of our lads in their half,and put us in loads of trouble.Not a verry good passer of the ball for a man of his age either
  6. It should be the managers job to send him out there feeling terrific imo don't reckon his inconsistency is down to motivation, he always seems up for it things just either go his way or dont ithink he does need to learn to make better runs and to read the game better maybe he's still learning or maybe he's too thick to learn who knows?
  7. It should be the managers job to send him out there feeling terrific imo
  8. Its my first post an all i can say is FUCKING GET INNnn!
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