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justin sane

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Everything posted by justin sane

  1. I would imagine they spent more of their time talking to buyers than sellers.
  2. After this i'm resigned to going down.It's going to be difficult to get the points needed to stay up.With this squad i can't see us winning many more games and if we have more injuries(please not Bassong)then we have no fucking chance.
  3. Where the fuck are we going to get the goals to keep us up? No doubt he's now pissed Martins off,Owen will be back for the last few games to put himself back in the shop window.So we are going to be stuck with one paced (slow) Ameobi. As of now i'd have that lazy fucker jog to the first lampost,sprint to the secend ,jog to the next one ect.Teach the fucker the concept of a change of pace.
  4. Nothing personal mate but i hope you end up paying out a few hundred quid,though i doubt it.
  5. Still can't be slower than Geremi,i've seen 20 stone blokes move faster than that fucker.
  6. I think i would have him, doesn't look tough at all.
  7. We would more then likely end up with monkeys.Like when Hartlepool elected a monkey(or at least a monkey mascot)as Mayor.
  8. "Lady Royall went on to say that if it emerged the peers had broken the rules, they would be "named and shamed" but they could not be thrown out of the House of Lords." Why not? IMO another load of unelected,untouchable parasites who have no real idea what it is like to live in this country.Wonder when any of them last walked the streets or visited a council estate unprotected.FFS i'd be surprised if any of them had ever gone hungry for a day let alone suffered poverty.Most of these fuckers ,if not all of them,have no idea what its like to ;ive in the real world because they are too far removed from it.Most of them will have lived a lifetime of privilege. I'm not against people having a privileged lifestyle, thou i think it obscene that one man can be worth billions while another can starve, but feel we need people to represent us who are representative of us (us being the majority). No more philanthropists anymore.(or not many)
  9. Don't know if there's a thred for PC gone mad but these 2 pissed me off. Staff warned by their local council not to drape England flags from office windows during the last World Cup - in case it offended those supporting other teams. A magistrate who, when considering a publican's request for an extra hour's drinking, ruled that St George's Day was not "a special occasion" - even though the publican had not encountered any such problem with a similar request for the Chinese Year of the Goat And incase anyone is wondering;no i'm not racist just proud to be English.
  10. And you think Fop would be upset by this why? This is what Fop wanted. It looks like the Conservatives and Lib Dems have decided this is a good political issue at the moment. So it's (for now anyway, Labour will try it again eventually) This is good news,but they'll be back with it soon enough. You may have seen this before but it shows the type of widespred abuse they want to hide from us(slightly of topic as its about MEP's Allowance abuse but shows why we need transparency) It's subtitled but well worth the 6min or so it takes to watch. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=xnMtc_QJ4-E
  11. I agree but fear we'll only see the "cash in" bit.
  12. What about left back? If Enrique gets injured and zogg gets what he wants and fucks off, then is it Duff at left back? Did i say that we shouldn't go for anyone else? : I din't say you didn't. I just asked;What about a left back?
  13. WW2? Rob is right what we do these days is more or less put a dictatorship in place or bomb the fuck out of anyone who won't do everything we want. That sounds about right but i'd chance the "we" to they.
  14. They do when the old sanctions start. That's what I mean, or even just making the USA withdraw more support politically. Mind you a war is a war (and that is how Israel views it, rightly or wrongly) and bad shit happens in every one. And some people make lots of money out of wars.
  15. And take that smug fucking Lambass with ye!
  16. Thing is, if the Arsen leaves Arsenal they could be in the shit.
  17. What about left back? If Enrique gets injured and zogg gets what he wants and fucks off, then is it Duff at left back?
  18. You misunderstand me. I'm all for learning, whatever their background. But when certain people are 'encouraged' to stay at school by payments, surely there must be a few who are going to be there for the wrong reasons. If they are there for the wrong reasons, surely they will be less inclined to want to learn thus the possibility exists of disruption in a classroom - the very thing Kid D (Sunny D ) was referring to? Some might be there for the money but still learn(i don't think its a lot of money)Better than them out stealing or at home shooting-up.
  19. I wonder if Ashley is waiting to see how this pans out before bidding for any players.
  20. May well be the way to go ultimately (not sure about 3x salary necessarily, but there's no doubt some formula which would do the job). Giving the public full access to what they actually earn? That's exactly what they are trying so desperately to avoid. Yeah, we know. We're suggesting an alternative solution to the problem. And why would they go for that when that is what they are trying to avoid in the first place? Public opinion. Aye, but it's what they think they can get away with, and public opinion would be massively against any massive increase of their general pay anyway. What do you suggest then? A bunch of parasites.Off with their heads.We will have given all real power to another bigger bunch of parasites in Europe soon enough,so this lot are pretty much redundant.Tho i'm sure they'll convince us that they still give us value for our money. To use their own slogan(when taking away our freedoms); "If you have got nothing to hide...... "
  21. We'll get a top line coach in the summer and it is clear if we put the hysteria aside that there are still many attractive things about managing in the PL. I refuse to believe they aren't looking for a top line manager. Can you think of any top line managers who would work under Wise? FFS i don't think any Top Shop manager would work under that little shite.
  22. I have the same worry as a lot of people on here.That being;even if we stay up,if Ashley,Wise and Lambrisco stay then we'll be talking about the same problems and worries next season.
  23. not agreeing with someone doesnt make them a fucken idiot £10m on a centre mid and nothing on anyone else is ludicrus, i'd rather go with what we have, that will be good enough. Oh no i am a fucken idiot like Kinnear who wants to blow his entire budget on a centre mid, how does that work., you cant liken me to Kinnear just because you dont agree with me. Joey Barton and Obafemi Martins will will be key just like last season, full backs will shore us up better at the back. We're not going down, we are good enough to stay up, even with a mere 2 signings, it's a question of how comfortable we make it for ourselves, i guess i am a fucken idiot for thinking so though. We're going down unless we spend £100m and replace everyone fast, lmao. Our full backs keep costing us goals, fix that first and foremost. M'Bia £10m, dont make me laugh. Not being able to spell Fucking on three occassions in one post doesn't make me think anything better of you.. Being a bit elitist there aint ye.Tbf being able to spell correctly isn't necessarily an indicator of intelligence, especially on a pc where spell checkers are readily available, more an indication of education(programming could be substituted here).Its the ability to take in what you are being fed,memorize it and regurgitate it. It's the ability to spot a joke you're missing there mate. I am more concerned with someone not being able spot how shite we are in midfield which suggests they haven't watched any of our matches in the last three seasons. Sorry i missed it mate.No offence meant i just get wound up with people being pedantic over grammar and spelling when they know what the other bloke's talking about. No problem mate, my spelling is shite tbf. I just get pissed off watching the shite we have in midfield and then hearing people defend them. Each season we seem to be worse and nothing is done! Understandable,i sometimes think people have been watching a different team to me.Why anyone would think we have an even passable midfield is beyond me.We would struggle in the 2nd div(champ) with this midfield.
  24. not agreeing with someone doesnt make them a fucken idiot £10m on a centre mid and nothing on anyone else is ludicrus, i'd rather go with what we have, that will be good enough. Oh no i am a fucken idiot like Kinnear who wants to blow his entire budget on a centre mid, how does that work., you cant liken me to Kinnear just because you dont agree with me. Joey Barton and Obafemi Martins will will be key just like last season, full backs will shore us up better at the back. We're not going down, we are good enough to stay up, even with a mere 2 signings, it's a question of how comfortable we make it for ourselves, i guess i am a fucken idiot for thinking so though. We're going down unless we spend £100m and replace everyone fast, lmao. Our full backs keep costing us goals, fix that first and foremost. M'Bia £10m, dont make me laugh. Not being able to spell Fucking on three occassions in one post doesn't make me think anything better of you.. Being a bit elitist there aint ye.Tbf being able to spell correctly isn't necessarily an indicator of intelligence, especially on a pc where spell checkers are readily available, more an indication of education(programming could be substituted here).Its the ability to take in what you are being fed,memorize it and regurgitate it. It's the ability to spot a joke you're missing there mate. I am more concerned with someone not being able spot how shite we are in midfield which suggests they haven't watched any of our matches in the last three seasons. Sorry i missed it mate.No offence meant i just get wound up with people being pedantic over grammar and spelling when they know what the other bloke's talking about.
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