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Everything posted by 1892

  1. 1892


  2. I don't think Simpson is PL quality tbh, maybe a 'squad player' but definately not a first teamer if we were to go up. The same for Raylor, and a few others in our squad atm too.
  3. Llambias is the chairman. I thought he was the Managing Director. Well, you still put Ashley as chairman...
  4. Llambias is the chairman.
  5. Who do you think you are kidding Mr Ashley? If you think that we areee done, We are the boys who will stop your, little game, We are the boys that will make you think again.. 'Cos who do you think you are kidding Mr Ashley, If you think that we're not done.
  6. Ashley, all he's done is lie to us, Ashley, he's turned this club upside down.. Ashleyyy.... Go East.
  7. That was soooooooooo 4 years ago.
  8. Yup, he was mine aswell. 2 good saves by Harper and a solid performance by Jose too like. Was getting twitchy with all this suicide defending mind.
  9. 1-1 I reckon. Hopefully it won't be right!
  10. 'Hes gonna die, Hes gonna die Mike Ashleys gonna die, How we kill him i dont know Cut him up from head to toe, All i know is Ashleys gonna die..' 'And we'll all hate Ashley till he dies, And we'll all hate Ashley till he dies, And we'll all hate Ashley, All hate Ashley, All hate Ashley till he dies. Singing die die Ashley Ashley die, Singing die die Ashley Ashley die, Singing die die Ashley, Die die Ashley Die die Ashley Ashley die..' 'Build a bonfire, Build a bonfire, Put Mike Ashley on the top, His cronies in the middle With Llambias on bottom and We'll burn the fucking lot!' 'Bit empthatic on death like.
  11. Shearer Cort Bellamy Given Dyer Speed. (or something like that)
  12. And throw eggs! Egg his helicopter etc. S.A.M. his helicopter more like. Yer got one handy?
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgmjyf651D8...feature=related Don't know if it's already been posted but it's pretty interesting, albeit abit on the short side.
  14. And throw eggs! Egg his helicopter etc.
  15. First of all, can I say kudos to yourself and the rest of the Toon Ultras. Is this just a general five minute sing song before leaving the ground or a proper sit in at the end of the game? Also, will you be handing out the leaflets before the game? Obviously raising awareness is crucial, especially for those fans who dont get online that much if at all? Cheers. Thanks for your support. First of all, no; It's been planned to stay aslong we can/want to vent our anger at the total mis-management of Ashley and the board (Although Plan B will be to protest outside the Milburn reception) Secondly, I've asked people on the forum to print them off, photocopy them and hand them out on the matchday. But sometime next week I'll maybe go into town and ask people if they would put them in the shop windows etc and/or stick them up 'round town and like you say try to raise the awareness more of the protest. Thirdly, this was only decided tonight tbh, so we've basically just been posting them on Newcastle forums aswell as facebook etc, so tomorrow we'll try and promote it through the media (.com, Ronnie Gill, TF, The Mag etc) and hopefully we can promote this successfully. And finally, I just want to mention this is our first decision what we thought had to done. We're also trying to push on for a Protest March, but it might need more planning (the home game after?) and most likely fans will be gathered outside the Milburn reception pre-match anyway, so we'll probably try and raise the awareness for that aswell. We've also got a meeting with NUST next week with 4-5 members from each meeting in town, so we'll see what comes from that too.
  16. Right. I hoyed a leaflet up before. But the first plan of action is sorted and now TU will take action inside the stadium AFTER the game. Here's the facebook group: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=1685...604&index=1 And the leaflet at: http://i34.tinypic.com/141tms2.png
  17. TU's form of protest for Peterborough is going to be staying inside the stadium after FT. However, unofficially fans will gather outside St James' before and maybe after the match - which I'd like to add that we'll be 100% behind or any other kind of mass protest.
  18. So if the ground was deserted for the next four home games, do you think he would hang around or get on the phone to Barry, snatching his hand off. I think he would stay. It wont make a difference. He has the power to do what he wishes. All it will do is jeopardise our possible promotion. And Christmas tree, so what? if you dont like it, support your 5yo, and send the money you'd use for football to a charity helping those at war, and dont bother with football anymore Pretty ironic having a go when the topic itself is about trying to get people to stay and support the lads/team.
  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ity/8328913.stm It was reported today they'll go out of business altogether if they go down. No need for the wink smiley tbh - I wouldn't wish 'going out of business' on any football fan. Sad indicment of what football's become... I used the smiley to show that's where he was reading it. S'pose it wasn't necessary.
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ity/8328913.stm
  21. Just been invited to this group: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/group.ph...4563&ref=mf Save St James' had more potential.
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