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Everything posted by timnufc

  1. That would be greatly appreciated, I've took a picture of the pic on the computer screen with a digital camera, Ive tried showing that in my last post, but it didnt come off any bigger. But basically Ive got a picture on my computer thats decent quality and that is bigger than the original picture, just wondering if that would help?
  2. Around 4 - 6ft high, width around 4ft roughly. It would be tricky putting it somehwere in the ground if its too big, so I was thinking on top of one of the 'entrances' to the ground, above that, if you know what I mean. To be honest mate unless the person who did it started at a high res at around A4 portrait (minimum) and you can get that version you've got no hope of blowing it up to 6ft. Resizing the image you've linked to will just turn the image into a blurry mess and the text will be pretty much unreadable. Nice bit of photoshopping mind What about this one, would this version be any different? Whats the biggest it could be gotten to do you reckon mate?
  3. Around 4 - 6ft high, width around 4ft roughly. It would be tricky putting it somehwere in the ground if its too big, so I was thinking on top of one of the 'entrances' to the ground, above that, if you know what I mean.
  4. I could have that made into a banner if someone could make the size of that picture to around 300 DPI.
  5. Is anyone on here really good with photoshop, and able to make this picture OF Llambias: http://forums.icnewcastle.co.uk/viewtopic....77&start=15 a bigger asize, to around 300 DPI?
  6. I know he dosent care. I simply find it annoying he's doing this to the club, potentially destroying our hopes of re-building this year, and its not really bieng picked up on. Its not really mentioned WHY there is 'turmoil' at newcastle. What actually is going on is never questioned. Is he holding out for more money? Is is the loan for the debt thats a stambling block? What on earth happened to 'more than 2 bids'? Questions just arnt asked, and its annoying that he can do this and basically get away with no scrunity.
  7. Have banners asking 'whats the hold up' 'what happened to more than 2 offers' 'Whats going on Derek' 'Greed over dignity??' etc Just to potentially get them into the media.
  8. I think what can be done is putting pressure on via the media. Derek Llambias said about 2 weeks ago "There have been more than 2 bids of 100m". Obviously nothing has happened. Why on earth has this not been picked up on?? Why arnt the media, skysports, or anyone, when talking about Nufc, focusing & homing in onto that god damn statement made by Llambias? He should be getting grilled in the media, and questions need to be asked about that statement. If we've had those bids THEN WHATS THE HOLD UP? Or obviously it was probably lies, then the fact he's blatently lying about that should be focused on & exposed.
  9. I advise you see this: http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/...ic,62654.0.html They sound incredibly dodgy, and possibly just using us for publicity.
  10. The thing is, what is football about? Pride? Hope? The day when KK came back showed why I love football. The genuine buzz & excitement when I heard the words 'Keegans back', everyone's phone bieng blocked with all the networks down, unable to ring as if it was a new year, and the buzz you could feel in the air. People complain about some bieng obsessed about the past, and I understand that view point, but if some people are 'obsessed' about the past, then sometimes they kinda have a right to be. Because the magic that was brought by KK returning is the unique part of football & what makes me obsessed with this crazy game - "Yes, its not garanteed he'll bring success, but if he does...". I know some people say Keegan coming back was a disaster waiting to happen, but imo, Ashley's regime/'structure' was a disaster waiting to happen under many different quality manager's who'd have came in/come in instead. Keegan coming back for unfinished business and achieving the pinnical, potentially winning something under him - not only winning a trophy, but winning a trophy under a legend after waiting so long, is definetely what its about for me and something to strive for.
  11. What about Kinnear if they done something? (after going on about Kinnear bieng this & that, that hes their man) Would they do that much of a u-turn?
  12. What's the fucking point in publishing that? It's not telling us anything we don't already know. Very strange. Out of nowhere, and for no obvious reason that I can think of. It's also curious that the club is speaking on Keegan's behalf - strikes me as a bit odd anyway for the club to be making statements in the name of both parties. Why not just say the club is in the arbitration process and will be making no comments? And, as you say, it tells us nothing we don't know. I've been trying to work out what might have prompted this but can't think of anything at all. Because he is coming back, simple as. We're you bieng sarcastic there or not? Not at all, said in a post yesterday that I think they will be in crisis talks today and it wouldnt surprise me in the least if for a number of reasons, KK coming back was the final outcome. Fingers crossed anyway. As he famously said, I'd love it, and I join you in your prays mate. That statement definetely seemed a bit weird like, along with the timing of it with the rumours about KK wanting back in... obviously could well be nothing like... *but crosses fingers*.
  13. What's the fucking point in publishing that? It's not telling us anything we don't already know. Very strange. Out of nowhere, and for no obvious reason that I can think of. It's also curious that the club is speaking on Keegan's behalf - strikes me as a bit odd anyway for the club to be making statements in the name of both parties. Why not just say the club is in the arbitration process and will be making no comments? And, as you say, it tells us nothing we don't know. I've been trying to work out what might have prompted this but can't think of anything at all. Because he is coming back, simple as. We're you bieng sarcastic there or not?
  14. I dont care how good Guterriez & Bassong are - it dosent change the fact that a) we went into the season with a threadbare squad in areas, So does Dennis Wise take responsibility for any poor 'singings'? (as we know the answer is no, the manager does)
  15. I never go on N-O, I wasn't aware there was a pro-Ashley faction. I assumed the only position you could reasonably occupy would be one that is against the current regime. I simply cannot imagine why anyone would think otherwise. It's kind of based around the idea the club would have been history (debt wise) if MA hadn't rode into town or summink. Imo there does need to be perspective amongst the critisism - in terms of it is good to see a lot of potentially promising youngsters coming to the club, it is refreshing, and because people aren’t happy with other things it doesn’t mean they cant appreciate more promising aspects. At the end of the day if 70% of the income is going out to wages then thats clearly a problem - but a lot of those wages should be clear in the summer - & we will see if they then act upon that. And at least Llambias is trying to explain things now, whether its utter lies, misguided ideas or total crap, a big problem was zero communication & we now have things to go off, and he's meeting fans. The flip side is the sheer lack of ambition wanting Kinnear long term, and the lack of clarity regarding Wise's role (no-one knows EXACTLY what he does/how much influence he has), which in turn discredits the image of the manager position. What I don't get is why some people are obsessed with debt. Every club has it. Whether we have too much debt is not up to the supporters to judge, that's up to the bank manager. Some people (not on here) seem more turned on by the club's books than the football. How does that work? If you get a hard on over the books, go and be an accountant imo. As if a numpty internet jockey can judge what the club/Ashley can and can't afford to spend, based on a set of historic records and guesswork! The example of Leeds is trawled up time and again. To me that's just scaremongering. I don't think Shepherd & Co were remotely as reckless as Ridsdale & Co. I don't doubt that we had overstretched ourselves and needed a period of retrenchment, but as always with the toon we've reacted in the opposite extreme and now our prem status is threatened through under investment - where a canny use of even the transfer profits to date would have made a massive difference. Aye, I agree in the way that some kind of debt will always probably come with success, definetely. In terms of wages, I'm not a mathematics genuis, but surley if 70% of the income is going on wages there's simply a problem there. I mean that the positive side is potentially having better young players coming through who are talented & hungry - something we have lacked over the years. I don't disagree at all with the need to bring wages down, ditch overpaid underperformers or invest heavily in youth. In particular I believe we couldn't sustain those wage levels in the medium term. What I can't understand is the thought that with a piss poor squad and manager we think we can get by with selling players and not reinvesting the money. In the short term it must be obvious that we can't rely on the current players to keep us in mind table, the evidence is there on the pitch and in our league position. I wasn't expecting mega-bucks but I was shocked that the January window went by with a net profit. That either smacks of complacency or obliviousness to our position. Judging by Llambias' recent statements, I'm beginning to think they are genuinely clueless about the state of the first team. That's not to say there aren't some positives by the way, but it won't matter if we're relegated, and that's what worries me most. I think Nolan & Taylor were good buys tbh. Didnt like the Johnson & Richardson bids as they we're suspicously late. But I agree with most of what you say. Imo NUSC, as an 'organistation', needs to & should have came out with the critisism they have done while at the same time acknowleding things such as the writing in bold above. That gives them credibility, balance & prespective, and it annoys me they havent done that.
  16. I never go on N-O, I wasn't aware there was a pro-Ashley faction. I assumed the only position you could reasonably occupy would be one that is against the current regime. I simply cannot imagine why anyone would think otherwise. It's kind of based around the idea the club would have been history (debt wise) if MA hadn't rode into town or summink. Imo there does need to be perspective amongst the critisism - in terms of it is good to see a lot of potentially promising youngsters coming to the club, it is refreshing, and because people aren’t happy with other things it doesn’t mean they cant appreciate more promising aspects. At the end of the day if 70% of the income is going out to wages then thats clearly a problem - but a lot of those wages should be clear in the summer - & we will see if they then act upon that. And at least Llambias is trying to explain things now, whether its utter lies, misguided ideas or total crap, a big problem was zero communication & we now have things to go off, and he's meeting fans. The flip side is the sheer lack of ambition wanting Kinnear long term, and the lack of clarity regarding Wise's role (no-one knows EXACTLY what he does/how much influence he has), which in turn discredits the image of the manager position. What I don't get is why some people are obsessed with debt. Every club has it. Whether we have too much debt is not up to the supporters to judge, that's up to the bank manager. Some people (not on here) seem more turned on by the club's books than the football. How does that work? If you get a hard on over the books, go and be an accountant imo. As if a numpty internet jockey can judge what the club/Ashley can and can't afford to spend, based on a set of historic records and guesswork! The example of Leeds is trawled up time and again. To me that's just scaremongering. I don't think Shepherd & Co were remotely as reckless as Ridsdale & Co. I don't doubt that we had overstretched ourselves and needed a period of retrenchment, but as always with the toon we've reacted in the opposite extreme and now our prem status is threatened through under investment - where a canny use of even the transfer profits to date would have made a massive difference. Aye, I agree in the way that some kind of debt will always probably come with success, definetely. In terms of wages, I'm not a mathematics genuis, but surley if 70% of the income is going on wages there's simply a problem there. I mean that the positive side is potentially having better young players coming through who are talented & hungry - something we have lacked over the years.
  17. I never go on N-O, I wasn't aware there was a pro-Ashley faction. I assumed the only position you could reasonably occupy would be one that is against the current regime. I simply cannot imagine why anyone would think otherwise. It's kind of based around the idea the club would have been history (debt wise) if MA hadn't rode into town or summink. Imo there does need to be perspective amongst the critisism - in terms of it is good to see a lot of potentially promising youngsters coming to the club, it is refreshing, and because people aren’t happy with other things it doesn’t mean they cant appreciate more promising aspects. At the end of the day if 70% of the income is going out to wages then thats clearly a problem - but a lot of those wages should be clear in the summer - & we will see if they then act upon that. And at least Llambias is trying to explain things now, whether its utter lies, misguided ideas or total crap, a big problem was zero communication & we now have things to go off, and he's meeting fans. The flip side is the sheer lack of ambition wanting Kinnear long term, and the lack of clarity regarding Wise's role (no-one knows EXACTLY what he does/how much influence he has), which in turn discredits the image of the manager position.
  18. I agree totally. This is the problem, we dont know if they see him as the man till the end of the season or if they see him as the man for us next season too. If its the latter then im worried, although JFK hasnt been as bad as some make out he is NOT the man to take us foward. Part of me thinks stick with him for the sake of some stability and consistency but he is on a rolling contract so should we get another manager they wont have to shell out on severance fees etc. Im partial to the idea of bringing in Big Al at the end of the season, i totally think he will bring the buzz and have the same impact as what KK had. He will command the repsect from the players and attract players of a good standard, he is ambitious and a strong character. Exactly what we need imo. The thing is that they seem to think JFK works well in the set up, whether that is because he does as he is told and they have him by the nuts or what i dont know. Should we stay up, finish strongly and at the end of the season say they thank JFK for what he done and wish him all the best (He'll get another job now) then i think alot of the guys on here and in the stands will start to put a little faith back into the current regime. This.
  19. I think the writing needs to get to the point of what are the burning questions? It shouldnt be Ashley out, it needs to be more specific about the regime. Imo, WHAT IS WISE'S JOB? is a must. A simple question, that has caused a lot of anger because no-one knows for sure what his job actually is, and a legend has left the club claiming players we're brought in without him wanting em. And it must be yellow imo.
  20. ____________________Harper_______________________ R Taylor_______Collocini____Bassong_________Enrique Duff__________Nolan_______Butt___________Gutierez _____________Carroll_____Lovenkrands______________ Gutierez is better on the left, Duff can play comfortably on the right. Steven Taylor is more of a liability than Bassong & Collocini imo.
  21. timnufc


    There can only be one. I am a big fan of Keegan don't get me wrong but we all knew bringing him back was a mistake and we knew it would end badly, we need to move on and look to the future. We need to establish stability and actually create a scenario that offers the manager something to work with. I undertand that totally, and cant blame people for maybe not bieng all for it. The thing is, isnt football about pride? Hope? The day when KK came back showed why I love football. The genuine buzz & excitemnet when I heard the words 'Keegans back', everyone's phone bieng blocked with all the networks down, unable to ring as if it was new year, and the buzz you could feel in the air. People complain about some bieng obsessed about the past, and I understand that view point, but if some people are 'obsessed' about the past, then sometimes they kinda have a right to be. Because the magic that was brought by KK returning is the unique part of football & what makes me obsessed with this crazy game. 'Yes, its not garanteed he'll do brilliant, but if he does...'. I know some people say Keegan coming back was a disaster waiting to happen, but imo, Ashley's regime/'structure' was a disaster waiting to happen whichever self respected manager came in. Keegan coming back for unfinished business and achieving the pinnical, potentially winning something under him - not only winning a trophy, but winning a trophy under a legend, after waiting so long, is definetely what its about for me and something to strive for. Not to mention the fact he is actually a damn good manager, look whats happened at Everton with David Moyes (on a low budget) - he's built his own team, signing really well, and turned them into a side challenging the top 6 more often than not, and its very much a David Moyes team & a David Moyes club. He didn’t need Dennis Wise, because he's a quality manager, and if that’s the case, it speaks for itself. I don’t think David Moyes would very chuffed if Dennis Wise came back with Xisco after asking for a left back, but again, not that he'd accept that position anyway. Imo its the perfect example - have an understanding with your manager from the outset, then have total faith in him doing the job.
  22. timnufc


    It pisses me off a legend coming back (& wanting to) for unfinished business was messed up by an unessecary system/personal. Yes its the sentimental/romantic view, but what is football about? Really, you dont live forever, what is football about? But thats just me.
  23. timnufc


    Why not have the role of bringing in young acemedy/reserve (16, 17 yr olds) players in only, and let the manager manage the first team, including who comes in and goes, on the budget that the club has? & frankly if that happened, or we get new owners, I'd have Keegan back as manager.
  24. Dennis Wise: "He'll say yes and no, he has the final word, no-one else. Everything that happens will be run past him." "I have to concentrate more on the academy, we need some young blood coming through of our own. We need to look abroad for players and that's my intention over the next few years." Mike Ashley - Is there money to spend?: "Yes, there is. If the deal is right - and that means its the right player who Kevin wants - then we will do the deal."
  25. I do understand why we havent spend as much now like, and you cant get away from the fact wages are a killer. And like I've said, I think its refreshing to see the youth side of things shaping up for once, and I can understand where Ashley is coming from. I can see the pro's & cons of Ashley. But I'll be cynical for a bit and look at the flip side... Why dont we know what our chairman sounds like? Why has there never been any interviews what-so-ever from Wise, Llambias & Ashley for that matter, in amongst the chaos & worry surrounding the club? Unless their voice-boxes are broke, its in-excusable and a total piss take to the fans, the customers. Why demand KK is not to talk to the media about transfers, why? Why say no-one will sign unless Kevin wants him & then merley state he agreed to 'the system' in response to KK's accusation? That could be legal reasons, but why not state how much power Wise has now, in the present? Why does the manager have to educate the board about football for them to know we are in danger? Why offer, or even discuss, a two year contract for Kinnear after 4 wins from 17? Why does it take a request from the manager for the 'chairman' to do things the manager think will help us in the transfer window? If Llambias has to be dragged up to meetings by Kinnear to be educated about football then please, after the transfer window, bugger off & never come back. This man should not be at the club, and I'd rather he didnt suddenly RELUCTANTLY start to try & do his job, I'd rather he didnt and just left asap. The total & utter contempt these people have treated the fans with is unforgivable, and I dont see why I should believe they didnt treat Keegan any differently. In a way the defeaning silence has been more revealing than the accounts imo. How easy would it have been to avoid the total silence? Its so unavoidable, it says so much that they cant be arsed to just simply come in front of a camera and talk to the fans, its disgraceful treatment, and if they really cared they'd at least get that right. Dosent it reveal everything about their attitude towards the supporters? I bet if they were coming out saying 'the fans shouldnt be complaining, geordies are idiots & w*nkers etc' they'd get even more critisism, but because its the other end of the scale - but pretty much just as disgraceful - its not picked up on as much, but its the same two fingers up at us. If the case is you cant judge Ashley's ambition by signings because of money bieng tight, then fair do's. Where we can judge his ambition is which manager he wants to appoint, and talking about a 2 year contract for Kinnear screams zero ambition. Is it because he is (hopefully in their eyes) a yes man? Preying on the fact he's desparate to be in work, and chuffed to be at Newcastle? If the structure with Wise etc is perfectly acceptable, then why not show that by getting a better manager in?
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