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Everything posted by timnufc

  1. NUST? Or did they implode? Hopefully, but we havent heard any plans from them in a while.
  2. What if the majority did stop handing over our money, you mean he would look to sell the club at a lower price? The problem is, who the hell would that buyer be?
  3. Anyone have 2 spare tickets for the leazes corner??
  4. I know thats level 7, what I mean is if banners were draped over the parts I've highlighted it might look canny good.
  5. We have one though, I dont see the logic in creating another. The idea is that we have an entire level set aside for those that want to sing, creating another section would either bomb miserably (imho) or would result in a number of those from L7 moving to the new one thereby reducing the numbers in L7 and the subsequent noise created. In turn that would mean more "non-singing" fans would be placed in L7 which would result in more trouble from those who think they're going to be able to sit and watch the match without people standing up around them. As far as I can see, what needs to be done is increase L7's voice, not dissapate it into smaller groups elsewhere, increase that, get them singing a wider range of songs with some good oldies in there and try to motivate the rest of the ground to join in. SJP is not designed for banners (unfortunately), there are no areas where a banner could logically be placed, other than L7 and hanging over the balcony which, if memory serves me has already been tried and battered down by the stewards although Im sure the likes of HF and the lads from the Ultras will be able to confirm/ refute. Edit: And Im in the NE corner, the atmosphere is fairly quiet although when a song does get going theres plenty of us joining in, but I refuse to join the bloke 3 rows in front who permanently tries for Toon Toon, Black n White Army.... What about displaying banners where I have highlighted in this picture?
  6. Let go and move on mate. Im simply pointing out how slimy it is for him to be depicted as some kind of hero in this article, despite simple logic in front of anyone.
  7. 5.2 The Club admitted to the Tribunal that it repeatedly and intentionally misled the press, public and the fans of Newcastle United "We'd be like Portsmouth if he didnt pay the bills after getting relegated" ... WE GOT RELEGATED BECAUSE OF HIM, I'd fully expect him to pay the bills, he owns the damn bloody club, and completely took the piss and the cost was relegation. He's the one that didnt have relegation clauses in the contracts of players we signed under him. He's got nothing to complain about, the fact they have the cheek to put out these 'poor mike' stories just show what total piss-taking wankers they are. He took over the club after failing to check the books- had he seen the debt he might well have not bothered, mike ashley did not come along and say 'ahhh I'll save good old nufc', he is stuck with us after f*cking up and we are stuck with him. Yes we would have been hit harder with the credit crunch if we hadnt been taken over, put the point is the manner of these reports or patronising and sick - making him out to be something he's not. In terms of 'stupid player salaries' that he may complain is killing the club, he's the one who was in charge when a lot of these contracts were handed out. And one minute he said the whole debt was cleared then months later he says 'theres still a lot of debt'. And in which way has he paid it off, a loan? He might well be wanting that back. Chris Mort in May 2008... "This club had £100million-worth of debt which has now been cleared" Months later, Mike Ashley... "I then poured another £110 million into the club not to pay off the debt but just to reduce it. The club is still in debt." Can I ask that with money being so tight and Mike going through a difficult time, why (if true) is Dennis Wise still on the payroll? Again though, the main point is even if these reports are true, its the pathetic 'poor mike' tone that his people are coming out with, as if we should be giving him a pat on the pat for paying the bills of the club he owns and for the results of his disgraceful behaviour. Or because he didnt put us in administartion - "thanks for bieng just a total c*nt, and not choosing to be an even more of a total c*nt, thanks so much."
  8. Aye finally sorted lol, cheers. I didnt make that video btw.
  9. Have you not got homework to be getting on with im off tomorrow and the next day, keegans off also, did you hear? he walked out on his job, wouldnt be like him eh. Call yourself a Newcastle fan and you come out with shit like that. Tit sorry for not worshiping a man who walks out on the club 3 times. Seriously, have you actually read the tribunal report? Would you have prefered he stayed to lie to you week in week out?
  10. I will always hate him, and any success that happens while he's still here will always be tainted that little bit for me. The scale of which he has taken the piss is unbelievable, to the fans, Keegan and also Shearer. So many things where it has crossed the line, where its not about 'winning people over on the pitch', its about the integrity of the man, its went way beyond just 'do well on the pitch and your accepted back'.
  11. http://www.toontastic.net/comical_dekka/in...isplay_image=60 few updates
  12. timnufc


    I'm not too sure, was going to maybe get it out at the Milburn Reception before the game - as long as it got into the media, and a photographer can be there at the Milburn Reception then that would do me. Could maybe hang it down from the L7 Balcony, but going off the last game, the stewards would probably have it taken off me by the time I put it up, thats the problem. Could hold it up at the back of L7 (which is where I will be), again canny annoying if a steward still comes up to take it away. But I was just thinking the biggest exposure is the media, and as far as I know, no banners where taken off people at the Milburn Reception last time?
  13. timnufc


    Was also thinking of bringing along this banner: aswell, 6ft by 4ft.
  14. timnufc


    Fair do's, will alter it, was also going to put 'Ashley Out' & 'Liars@St.James' Park' in the left and right corners. Is anyone going along to keep protests going? Not only that, but singing just Newcastle songs actually creates a good pre-match atmosphere anyway, and gets more people up for the game imo.
  15. timnufc


    What the 'HOWS' ?? Surley thats not a stand-out problem?? An apostrophe can easily be drawn on anyway.
  16. timnufc


    A lot of people dont actually realise he's being investigated & could be done. If those people do realise then Ashley is dis-credited that little bit fruther & that will do me.
  17. http://www.skysports.com/video/inline/0,26...5698184,00.html Sad, patronising bastard. Same here, he's one of Ashleys crew as far as Im concerned. How will 1m a year "get the right players on the pitch"???.
  18. Indeed, brilliant timing Barry to say something now isnt it? Happy to be a puppet for Ashley to take the heat off him?
  19. Banner: "As you said in Goal 3 Mikey - FUCK OFF"
  20. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but fat mike paid 3 million to be in a shitty straight to dvd film for 10 seconds and say "fuck off" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fqxuHfgogg...feature=related
  21. Who's protesting tommorow on here?
  22. timnufc


    Ive passed the image on to the person who is able to make it into a banner, he will try his best but cant give any garentee's as he has a lot of work on. I think its quality, and does the job of dismissing Llambias comments this week - we are not going to be fooled this time.
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