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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Virtually every corporate board of directors will be thinking of taking advantage of the recession to cut costs.....they just want to protect their own profits/share dividends, rather than taking this sort of action to "save the company" etc....twats
  2. Really?......hmmmmm........I feel a balance transfer coming on!!
  3. That is the truly frightening thing - the depth of incompetence that keeps being demonstrated by Ashley Llambias Wise, whichever of them is making decisions is astounding. There seems to be absolutely no understanding of our position, what is needed for the future or how to get there. Leadership is completely absent, no one is responsible for anything, and the recent attempts at communication have been almost worse than the silence that preceeded it. I genuinely am worried for the future of the club, probably more so if Ashley isnt trying to asset strip and turn a profit. If he thinks the current situation and management of it is anywhere near satisfactory he is completely deluded Aye, they seem oblivious to the seriousness of the situation as though it's a case of everything being ok, if not ideal. I think that they think they have plenty of time to do what they want with their 'business plan', what they don't realise is that football isn't like any other business. For one thing - good players, managers and coaches etc. are finite and (usually) expensive resources. They can also afford to be choosy about who they work for. Which is a little bit different to how Sports Direct does things. All joking aside, it's quite scary to comprehend that he's applied the same business model to Newcastle United. I can't understand how the bloke is so rich tbh - rather than decent business acumen, it's surely a case of him having been in the right place at the right time? I don't think it takes a genius to make money the way he has....go into his stores and you'll see what I mean. This man could've invented the phrase "pile it high,sell it cheap" Sadly, as mentioned above, he's running the club in the same way.....he's a born gambler, and he gambled on not doing due dilligence with a view to a bit of asset stripping (getting high earners off the wage bill) and selling on for a nice 100mill or so profit 12-18 months later....but his luck has finally run out, the fuckin useless cunt
  4. is it on the box mate? if so what channel? cheers
  5. Couldn't agree more, not at this stage of the season looking at the posistions of the two clubs. We're still basically up for sale, no one's biting, we're as skint as Wigan and he'd have to work with Dennis fuckin Wise. We'd all consider Shearer to be "one of us", and we know he wouldnt touch the present regime with a bargepole. So for the Mirror article to claim that we'd be tugging on Bruce's Geordie heartstrings and he may come because of that is frankly bollocks. I really don't know how Steve Bruce feels about NUFC as a supporter, and neither does anyone else really. Its probably fair to say they were his boyhood team, I don't think thats too difficult to work out. But I can't see him knocking a nice little gig like Wigan is at the moment on the head to come to this fuckin basket case for any reason, let alone some misty eyed romantic bullshit.
  6. Oh yes it FKN does. Avoiding relegation is equivalent to winning the champions league this season. Do you want to spen next August looking forward to such horrors as; Swansea City Bristol City Queens Park Rangers Burnley Ipswich Town Sheffield Wednesday Crystal Palace Coventry City Blackpool Derby County Plymouth Argyle Nottingham Forest Doncaster Rovers Norwich City Barnsley Weekend in Blackpool?...it's almost worth going down for man seriously, don't know what any other old farts think but the old 2nd division really wasn't that bad......apart from getting twatted at Southend on new years day that is
  7. We're cursed.....only Newcastle United could be bought by the world's only utterly clueless, and now seemingly skint, billionaire in the same amount of time as Man City have been sold twice to groups who just want to throw money at that particular club...t'aint fair!
  8. Jiminez still pulling the strings? Can this gadgie speak better English than Ramos?
  9. The truth? to have all fans treat as actual paying customers with an opinion and not some piece of shit that they can give any old bollocks to? Fair enough PP, a good starting point.....I've got a couple of questions too....Why did you folks not feel like banding together in protest when Shepherd was spending his way to the Nou Camp and the San Siro, because as far as I can see Ashley's biggest problem is having to write the cheque for Sheps ten years in the hotseat while the man himself is sat in Mallorca 30 million or so richer due to Ashley's rashness.......which also, it could be argued, has actually also saved the club from a twelve point deduction due to the strong possibilty of us being in receivership in February 2009 due to the debts of the Shepherd era.Another buyer couldve been attracted, but one or two did do due dilligence and they passed on the opputunity....surely not a good sign? For the record, I'm actaually vaguely in favour of of NUSC's aims and wishes, I too think fans have strong representation at the club, but there is also two sides to everything and for me it has to be said that you guys may be either shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted or picking on completely the wrong target? placing the blame all on freddys shoulders is buying into lambsarse's bullshit , been many a smarter person that you went over those figures and pointed out the bullshit , and freddy knew what he was doing , debt or not , he said himself he had that sorted with loan secured on future ticket sales , and also he had investment lined up for sam (sam has backed this up aswell) Well, you could put it like that, but there are two sides to everything in this and it would just as easy for me to say that you've swallowed what Shep has added to the debate...large parts of it are unprovable on both sides. And Shep had sorted a loan secured against future ticket sales?...supposing that it true,its pretty much the same financial model that Peter Ridsdale employed at Leeds Utd a few years back
  10. The truth? to have all fans treat as actual paying customers with an opinion and not some piece of shit that they can give any old bollocks to? Fair enough PP, a good starting point.....I've got a couple of questions too....Why did you folks not feel like banding together in protest when Shepherd was spending his way to the Nou Camp and the San Siro, because as far as I can see Ashley's biggest problem is having to write the cheque for Sheps ten years in the hotseat while the man himself is sat in Mallorca 30 million or so richer due to Ashley's rashness.......which also, it could be argued, has actually also saved the club from a twelve point deduction due to the strong possibilty of us being in receivership in February 2009 due to the debts of the Shepherd era.Another buyer couldve been attracted, but one or two did do due dilligence and they passed on the opputunity....surely not a good sign? For the record, I'm actaually vaguely in favour of of NUSC's aims and wishes, I too think fans have strong representation at the club, but there is also two sides to everything and for me it has to be said that you guys may be either shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted or picking on completely the wrong target?
  11. Well thats the thing...our present strip is just a piece of generic addidas mechandise...it has no originality in it,no one in germany has been given the brief to design a new Newcastle United strip as our current one is just a monochrome version of the Milan strip from last season....it's an addidas strip, not a Newcastle United strip. I didn't buy it. I bought this one...again...this is what a Newcastle United strip looks like .... *cough* tbh I'll just get me coat but I still say the current strip looks nothing like a Newcastle United strip as I know it......its fuckin horrible
  12. Well thats the thing...our present strip is just a piece of generic addidas mechandise...it has no originality in it,no one in germany has been given the brief to design a new Newcastle United strip as our current one is just a monochrome version of the Milan strip from last season....it's an addidas strip, not a Newcastle United strip. I didn't buy it. I bought this one...again...this is what a Newcastle United strip looks like ....
  13. Shola doesnt make mistakes though like other players do, his errors are generally because he cant be arsed to actually try. He has to be one of the laziest twats in the League nevermind the club. Shola makes errors because he's fucking shite. there's no other reason to it. Is it just me or is Shola,yet again, playing with an injury? He's done this before when he virtually single handedly kept us in the division a couple of years back. Not the greatest player,no. But its more an indication of our piss poor squad and inability to attract better players rather than a reflection on the lad himself that he was offered a new contract and is getting a game now. He'd struggle to get in if we had Oba, Owen and Viduka all fit at the same time but thats highly unlikely to happen so he's just about adequate as a back up striker. And the crowd needs to get off his back, the lads obviously playing whilst half fit and must think we're all twats if we cant fuckin see it, because you can be sure he knows due to the crowds reaction every time he misplaces a pass. Sometimes we dont help ourselves, or the players very much
  14. as near to be royally fucked as its possible to be
  15. I don't know how accurate the book "The Damned United" was but it is a great read. It tells the story of Clough's 44 days at Leeds, but it does this in the narrative by telling the story of him at Derby County in parrallel. If you want to know what football was like in the 70s I'd thoroughly reccommend it. Looking forward to the film later this year. I always thought Nigel wouldnt be daft enough to take a job at Derby or Forest, but after it was announced tonight I realised that he's more than likely a Derby County fan, as the family home was there. Good luck to him.
  16. I can assure you mate Keith is a good bloke. He's done more for the supporters of NUFC than anyone else I know or have heard of in the last 30 years. He'll get a ban from SJP when it goes to court and from every other football ground in Britain. He's been going to SJP for 47 years, That is a fuckin tragedy. Anyone who used his buses regularly will know or will have heard of "John the Chap".......well he's in the same boat. He was in one of the "wanted" jpegs in the Chronicle before christmas for bother at the mackems game....... someone grassed him up and now he's in court next week. There should be some sort of dividing line in the courts between organised football hooliganism and ordinary decent fans who,totally out of character, get out of line in some way. Good luck lads.
  17. A bit like how Speed was hounded out. I always liked Parker, I know he wasn't an all round midfielder, but I thought that he never had the right pairing up here-Butt and/or Emre. No...not for me.....Parker fucked with us in the East Stand "Chosen Few Crew"........if he shows his face at SJP again we'll pop a cap in the cockney twats ass Seriously, looking at the dross we have now, Parker looks like fuckin Zico
  18. The money the Old Firm would generate from our world wide fanbase would be massive, rangers would be more interesting for a investment, we would be able to attract the right type of players because its hard to convince a player to play in the spl, you get about £2 mill for winning the Spl and you get £30 mill for getting relegated from the Epl its very hard to compete with that. Rangers and Celtic would be challenging top 4 in about 5-7 years That would depend on you getting out of the Arngrove Northern League, where Scottish teams looking for a good standard of football usually play......Gretna and if I'm not mistaken Annan have both played in it.........you could start a bitter rivalry with West Allotment CELTIC.......I imagine the likes of you would enjoy that
  19. Perhaps if the club had followed KK's advice and got it sorted out last spring we wouldn't be in this situation?.......oh well......
  20. Here you go mate....WOW!.......is this lad represented by Mackay? http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2009/ja...angers-newcastl
  21. Surely if you've being paying attention to what's been said, and believe what's been said, you should have an idea. Closer to £20m or £0 then? As for 1-2, I'm not really sure that 1-2 of Robinho quality would be enough. Keegan said at the end of the summer transfer season that he wanted another 2-4 in to avoid the sort of situation we have now..... can it be that the utterly clueless and bumbling Kevin "tactically naive" Keegan actually got something right? Whilst we desperately do need quality we also need a decent squad and cover, something that seems to have passed Ashley, Wise, Lambrusco, yourself and company by, only Keegan and Kinnear seem to have twigged. It was hard enough in the summer. Keegan said last Summer he wanted 3 players before we even bought anyone, seems like he's as inconsistent as Kinnear for what he says to the media. As for 2 players of Robinho's quality, now you're just being daft. Perhaps you could tell me the last window when we brought in 3 players who have been the quality of Jonas, Coloccini and Bassong? Or are you one of these people who are appeased by how much we spend rather than the quality of the player? Aye and look where they've got us in the table. They're ok as players, I've no real complaints to be honest. Its just that the major surgery that needed to be carried out last summer to prevent another flirt with relegation this season was baulked at by Ashley who decided a better policy would be to sit idly by and let Wise and Llambias drive the manager out of the club and now surprise surprise we're two points off the drop zone in the tightest league table for years where just a tiny piece of consistancy can get you out of trouble and into contention for Europe e.g. Wigan. Yesterday some rather worrying looking pigieons came home to roost the chief one being if Bassong was to get a long term injury we'd be somewhere up a creek without a paddle. And seeing as this is Ashley's fourth transfer window since he came to the club and we're still complete fuckin crap on the pitch surely you can't blame some of us for being a tad concerned as to who will be coming in and who will be going out? He doesn't want "unrealistic" signings for big money?.....well lets see how real the fizzy pop league will feel to him next season......
  22. Agree with both of these posts. So do I to an extent but have you looked at the league table? it gives the lie to the myth that Wise/Jiminez have made "good" signings...they have made signings to make us continue to tread water, to keep running to stand still. I was in the San Siro a few years ago with a centre back pairing of Titus Bramble and Andy O'Brein.Go Figure.
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