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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Also on this day, a mere 6 years ago, from NUFC.com: 2003 Newcastle were third in the Premiership, six points behind Arsenal and Manchester United but having played a game fewer than them both. We had 61 points from 31 matches while the mackems were bottom with 19 points from 32 games.
  2. I personally can't argue with much of this particular column, the Valerenga thing when Shearer went straight to the press after being rested was definetly a nail in Sir Bob's coffin at SJP. In Sir Bobs book he says he was also trying to bring Emile Mpenza in at the time, and was blocked by Shepherd,who with Souness spent 25 mill on Owen and Luque and completely indulged Shearer to limp on and break Milburns record two season later,which is a nail in the coffin thats about to be lowered into the fizzy pop league. Morgan has also said in his hugely well informed column this season that Wenger should be sacked (he proffesses to be an Arsenal fan) and that Liverpool blew the league when B enitez had a "rant" at Fergie in a press conference. He knows next to fuck all about football but is a smooth talking gobshite who comes across well on camera, and as mentioned above doesn't take himself too seriously. British Soldiers and his ex employers at Trinity Mirror may not be so charitable.
  3. Says the lad arguing against asians and women on another clubs message board I'm not anti asian or anti women. I just feel that when a women goes to football she is denying a man a seat but I suppose that doesn't apply in the case of Newcastle. Alf Garnett was supposed to be a satire on knuckle draggers who come out with crap like this, and that was 40 odd years ago. Ask Warren Mitchell who played him, he's a Spurs fan,and has said it many times. He'd be dead proud of you for that little gem.
  4. ...In no man's land The same old story again All those tears shed in vain Nothing learnt and nothing gained Only hope remains and thats in short supply this morning hope this is in August or May next season
  5. My old man took me and my brother to Poole Town v Southampton in the very early in 1980 because he said he wanted us to see Kevin Keegan play before he retired from playing, impressing on us what a great player he was.....later that year we moved north, and KK followed 18 months later and we saw the great man every other week We lived near Berwick so I was at Shielfield a lot as a youngster too And I lived on Easter Road in Edinburgh too so it was Hibs when I wasn't watching the Toon trying to keep out of divi 3 in the early 90s......You could watch the CCS (Hibs casuals) ambush groups of away fans from our second floor flat, which was often more entertaining than the football.....until they started using petrol bombs and CS gas.....bit naughty that like
  6. I cant see us going into admnistration as being in major debt isnt really the club's main problem....losing 30 million in the last financial year and the wage bill of a top 4 club are the main problems though....maybe Ashley thinks administration and certain relelgation is a good way of cutting costs and trimming the wage bill...fat cunt
  7. Is it really dull to say I don't really hate any individual player as such? With many of them its just jealousy, apart from anyone who's played for the mackems....Ball,Kay,Gabba,Gates,Owers,Armstrong,Phillips,MaCann,Quinn...that list is fuckin endless really I wasn't keen on watching the Wimbledon team of the mid/late 80s, and sure enough, any of them still hanging around in the game/the media are without doubt complete fuckin wankers...Basset,Gould,Fash,Sanchez.....fuckin Wise
  8. If he's a championship standard striker it would be fair to say - for a lad that has scored at Camp Nou in the Champions League - that he has overachieved. I'm going to be laughed out of this place but.......he must've been close to an England call up around then....Erikson was regularly naming just Owen,Heskey and Vassel in his squads...The Fenham Eusebio was banging them in for the under 21s as well at the time,Anfield,Leverkusen etc etc.....he was at least as good as Darius fuckin Vassel
  9. True, but when Ashley was sounding him out about the job up here there wasnt a lot of us who had a good word to say about him....... If only we could wind the clock back then. I'd have hated Redknapp at the time because I don't think he'd be a long term appointment, he's something of a chequebook manager in my eyes and a bullshitter, and would be on his toes the moment he got a better offer from a Southern team. He's also extravagantly ugly, looking like a wax caricature that's been melting by the fire. Now I'd have him at the club in a flash. At least he has a clue what he's doing. According to Chris Mort, he wasnt offered the job, but I think thats largely bollocks...why speak to a bloke with his proven record if you're not going to offer him the job? I think he saw through the crap and could see he'd have to work for Dennis Wise and that Ashley was just stripping us down, making us financially lean for a quick sale, a process still ongoing. As to your other points about him...cast your eye over the first choice England team and you'll see that when he had to, he could produce top quality young players.He may well have used us as a step up in salary if the likes of Spurs had come in for him, thats true. And he looks like a bit of a freak due to a road accident which killed a mate of his during Italia 90.
  10. True, but when Ashley was sounding him out about the job up here there wasnt a lot of us who had a good word to say about him.......
  11. fuckin hell you couldnt make this club up this season.....if he's whoopsie, fair play to him, but he'd be as well packing his bags now if no one at the club knew about it.....football folk aren't the most liberal minded folk.
  12. Well, the article's littered with truisms and cliches, isn't it? If someone had posted it on here they'd have had the piss ripped out of them. EXACTLY what I was thinking. Eventually, Ashley will realize that JK is a poor manager and he needs a better one if NUFC are to be sold for a real profit. Shortly thereafter, he will also realize he only finds horribly under qualified candidates for the job because of Wise, Llambias, at which point he'll finally fire those two. Around that time, everything falls into place, NUFC returns to form within a couple of seasons and Ashley finally sells for a tidy profit. How long it takes for all this to happen is anyone's guess though and that's the problem. I'd like to think the scales will fall from Ashley's eyes and he will realise he has to invest in real financial terms as well........but all you've got to do is have a look in one of his shops and you realise that his entire business ethos is based on doing things on the fuckin cheap
  13. apparently it used to be called spiced ham
  14. Geremi & Smith in the centre of the park v manu?
  15. Was the horned one actualy watching how Swansea play?......even these chancers must realise that Joe may be prevented from returning to work by doctors advice, or if he does he may well fall ill again....was Martinez being watched with a view to being part of a contingency plan?.....having said that, why don't they just make an approach for him in the summer anyway....he's bound to be fairly cheap, they'll like that
  16. I thought Green was a Liverpool fan ? I tend to think that when im listening to him commentate on liverpool games but now im listening to him commentate on united and I'm thinking hes a united fan maybe he is just a cunt He undoubtedly is, but he is also a fat plastic scouse cunt Fergie fails to beat Mourinho......again...once in 14 games now Sir Bob wanted Jose as first team coach at SJP Shep wanted John Carver
  17. But Shepherd has left Strange the bloke who's put in hods of his own cash in gets all the crap, yet the ones who fleeced it and walked away get nowt. Correct....for me, Ashley's major problem is having to write the cheque for the Shepherd era. He's fucked up royally just by buying the club...and now he's thrashing around in a sea of self created mediocrity, seemingly without the first clue as to how to get us moving in the right direction. Alienating those who showed faith last May by stumping up 3 years dough in advance is just another nail in his coffin
  18. When Wayne Fereday packed in playing he got my mates old job, delivering car parts in a van. We played a 5 a side game against them and I thought "this is my chance.....I'll kick the shit out of him for being possibly the worst player ever to sully a black and white shirt"........ sadly,for me anyway,I didn't get anywhere near him in the hour or so we played.....in fact he ran past me at least half a dozen times. I got a bit frustrated about this so took it out on the ankles of one of Fereday's slightly slower teamates, who promptly elbowed me in the nose, breaking it. The cunt.
  19. They seem to have an IP filter which bans Tyneside based people, they are the sort that they are looking to discourage I've heard. I should fit in an absoloute treat on there then.....I live in Poole, Dorset Do you have issues with all exiled Mags, or just some individuals on there? No, all. I don't blame you......us football fans get everywhere nowadays, the government should send us all back No problem at all with exiles. Some exiles make great sacrfices to follow the toon on a regular basis. Tell me about it....ST holder in the east stand.....there used to be about a dozen of us from Poole, Bournemouth and Southampton.......Souness finished some of them off, Roeder a few more......Ashley + KK sparked a bit of interest, but really theres only 2 of us who go regularly now.....and we're just getting membership next season. We both signed on for 3 years though, but have written to the club telling them to poke it. They're going to "let us know" what their "decision" will be soon...can't fuckin wait.... nufc4ever has sorted me out re N-O...cheers
  20. They seem to have an IP filter which bans Tyneside based people, they are the sort that they are looking to discourage I've heard. I should fit in an absoloute treat on there then.....I live in Poole, Dorset Do you have issues with all exiled Mags, or just some individuals on there? No, all. I don't blame you......us football fans get everywhere nowadays, the government should send us all back
  21. They seem to have an IP filter which bans Tyneside based people, they are the sort that they are looking to discourage I've heard. I should fit in an absoloute treat on there then.....I live in Poole, Dorset Do you have issues with all exiled Mags, or just some individuals on there?
  22. Cheers for the advice lads....but don't I need an activated account to send a pm/email?
  23. Speaking as a complete pc/IT moron, I've tried to register on the N-O site this morning and can't seem to activate the account I've received the email,clicked on the link and then a box appears saying "resend activation email" or some such bollocks, I tried to fill this box in but still don't seem to be able to log in. Any advice or help will be greatfully received.........yes I'm very behind with the times, we've only recently got mains electicity where I live
  24. I'd rather stick a fork in my fuckin eye
  25. Virtually every corporate board of directors will be thinking of taking advantage of the recession to cut costs.....they just want to protect their own profits/share dividends, rather than taking this sort of action to "save the company" etc....twats
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