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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. True, but when Ashley was sounding him out about the job up here there wasnt a lot of us who had a good word to say about him.......
  2. fuckin hell you couldnt make this club up this season.....if he's whoopsie, fair play to him, but he'd be as well packing his bags now if no one at the club knew about it.....football folk aren't the most liberal minded folk.
  3. Well, the article's littered with truisms and cliches, isn't it? If someone had posted it on here they'd have had the piss ripped out of them. EXACTLY what I was thinking. Eventually, Ashley will realize that JK is a poor manager and he needs a better one if NUFC are to be sold for a real profit. Shortly thereafter, he will also realize he only finds horribly under qualified candidates for the job because of Wise, Llambias, at which point he'll finally fire those two. Around that time, everything falls into place, NUFC returns to form within a couple of seasons and Ashley finally sells for a tidy profit. How long it takes for all this to happen is anyone's guess though and that's the problem. I'd like to think the scales will fall from Ashley's eyes and he will realise he has to invest in real financial terms as well........but all you've got to do is have a look in one of his shops and you realise that his entire business ethos is based on doing things on the fuckin cheap
  4. apparently it used to be called spiced ham
  5. Geremi & Smith in the centre of the park v manu?
  6. Was the horned one actualy watching how Swansea play?......even these chancers must realise that Joe may be prevented from returning to work by doctors advice, or if he does he may well fall ill again....was Martinez being watched with a view to being part of a contingency plan?.....having said that, why don't they just make an approach for him in the summer anyway....he's bound to be fairly cheap, they'll like that
  7. I thought Green was a Liverpool fan ? I tend to think that when im listening to him commentate on liverpool games but now im listening to him commentate on united and I'm thinking hes a united fan maybe he is just a cunt He undoubtedly is, but he is also a fat plastic scouse cunt Fergie fails to beat Mourinho......again...once in 14 games now Sir Bob wanted Jose as first team coach at SJP Shep wanted John Carver
  8. But Shepherd has left Strange the bloke who's put in hods of his own cash in gets all the crap, yet the ones who fleeced it and walked away get nowt. Correct....for me, Ashley's major problem is having to write the cheque for the Shepherd era. He's fucked up royally just by buying the club...and now he's thrashing around in a sea of self created mediocrity, seemingly without the first clue as to how to get us moving in the right direction. Alienating those who showed faith last May by stumping up 3 years dough in advance is just another nail in his coffin
  9. When Wayne Fereday packed in playing he got my mates old job, delivering car parts in a van. We played a 5 a side game against them and I thought "this is my chance.....I'll kick the shit out of him for being possibly the worst player ever to sully a black and white shirt"........ sadly,for me anyway,I didn't get anywhere near him in the hour or so we played.....in fact he ran past me at least half a dozen times. I got a bit frustrated about this so took it out on the ankles of one of Fereday's slightly slower teamates, who promptly elbowed me in the nose, breaking it. The cunt.
  10. They seem to have an IP filter which bans Tyneside based people, they are the sort that they are looking to discourage I've heard. I should fit in an absoloute treat on there then.....I live in Poole, Dorset Do you have issues with all exiled Mags, or just some individuals on there? No, all. I don't blame you......us football fans get everywhere nowadays, the government should send us all back No problem at all with exiles. Some exiles make great sacrfices to follow the toon on a regular basis. Tell me about it....ST holder in the east stand.....there used to be about a dozen of us from Poole, Bournemouth and Southampton.......Souness finished some of them off, Roeder a few more......Ashley + KK sparked a bit of interest, but really theres only 2 of us who go regularly now.....and we're just getting membership next season. We both signed on for 3 years though, but have written to the club telling them to poke it. They're going to "let us know" what their "decision" will be soon...can't fuckin wait.... nufc4ever has sorted me out re N-O...cheers
  11. They seem to have an IP filter which bans Tyneside based people, they are the sort that they are looking to discourage I've heard. I should fit in an absoloute treat on there then.....I live in Poole, Dorset Do you have issues with all exiled Mags, or just some individuals on there? No, all. I don't blame you......us football fans get everywhere nowadays, the government should send us all back
  12. They seem to have an IP filter which bans Tyneside based people, they are the sort that they are looking to discourage I've heard. I should fit in an absoloute treat on there then.....I live in Poole, Dorset Do you have issues with all exiled Mags, or just some individuals on there?
  13. Cheers for the advice lads....but don't I need an activated account to send a pm/email?
  14. Speaking as a complete pc/IT moron, I've tried to register on the N-O site this morning and can't seem to activate the account I've received the email,clicked on the link and then a box appears saying "resend activation email" or some such bollocks, I tried to fill this box in but still don't seem to be able to log in. Any advice or help will be greatfully received.........yes I'm very behind with the times, we've only recently got mains electicity where I live
  15. I'd rather stick a fork in my fuckin eye
  16. Virtually every corporate board of directors will be thinking of taking advantage of the recession to cut costs.....they just want to protect their own profits/share dividends, rather than taking this sort of action to "save the company" etc....twats
  17. Really?......hmmmmm........I feel a balance transfer coming on!!
  18. That is the truly frightening thing - the depth of incompetence that keeps being demonstrated by Ashley Llambias Wise, whichever of them is making decisions is astounding. There seems to be absolutely no understanding of our position, what is needed for the future or how to get there. Leadership is completely absent, no one is responsible for anything, and the recent attempts at communication have been almost worse than the silence that preceeded it. I genuinely am worried for the future of the club, probably more so if Ashley isnt trying to asset strip and turn a profit. If he thinks the current situation and management of it is anywhere near satisfactory he is completely deluded Aye, they seem oblivious to the seriousness of the situation as though it's a case of everything being ok, if not ideal. I think that they think they have plenty of time to do what they want with their 'business plan', what they don't realise is that football isn't like any other business. For one thing - good players, managers and coaches etc. are finite and (usually) expensive resources. They can also afford to be choosy about who they work for. Which is a little bit different to how Sports Direct does things. All joking aside, it's quite scary to comprehend that he's applied the same business model to Newcastle United. I can't understand how the bloke is so rich tbh - rather than decent business acumen, it's surely a case of him having been in the right place at the right time? I don't think it takes a genius to make money the way he has....go into his stores and you'll see what I mean. This man could've invented the phrase "pile it high,sell it cheap" Sadly, as mentioned above, he's running the club in the same way.....he's a born gambler, and he gambled on not doing due dilligence with a view to a bit of asset stripping (getting high earners off the wage bill) and selling on for a nice 100mill or so profit 12-18 months later....but his luck has finally run out, the fuckin useless cunt
  19. is it on the box mate? if so what channel? cheers
  20. Couldn't agree more, not at this stage of the season looking at the posistions of the two clubs. We're still basically up for sale, no one's biting, we're as skint as Wigan and he'd have to work with Dennis fuckin Wise. We'd all consider Shearer to be "one of us", and we know he wouldnt touch the present regime with a bargepole. So for the Mirror article to claim that we'd be tugging on Bruce's Geordie heartstrings and he may come because of that is frankly bollocks. I really don't know how Steve Bruce feels about NUFC as a supporter, and neither does anyone else really. Its probably fair to say they were his boyhood team, I don't think thats too difficult to work out. But I can't see him knocking a nice little gig like Wigan is at the moment on the head to come to this fuckin basket case for any reason, let alone some misty eyed romantic bullshit.
  21. Oh yes it FKN does. Avoiding relegation is equivalent to winning the champions league this season. Do you want to spen next August looking forward to such horrors as; Swansea City Bristol City Queens Park Rangers Burnley Ipswich Town Sheffield Wednesday Crystal Palace Coventry City Blackpool Derby County Plymouth Argyle Nottingham Forest Doncaster Rovers Norwich City Barnsley Weekend in Blackpool?...it's almost worth going down for man seriously, don't know what any other old farts think but the old 2nd division really wasn't that bad......apart from getting twatted at Southend on new years day that is
  22. We're cursed.....only Newcastle United could be bought by the world's only utterly clueless, and now seemingly skint, billionaire in the same amount of time as Man City have been sold twice to groups who just want to throw money at that particular club...t'aint fair!
  23. Jiminez still pulling the strings? Can this gadgie speak better English than Ramos?
  24. The truth? to have all fans treat as actual paying customers with an opinion and not some piece of shit that they can give any old bollocks to? Fair enough PP, a good starting point.....I've got a couple of questions too....Why did you folks not feel like banding together in protest when Shepherd was spending his way to the Nou Camp and the San Siro, because as far as I can see Ashley's biggest problem is having to write the cheque for Sheps ten years in the hotseat while the man himself is sat in Mallorca 30 million or so richer due to Ashley's rashness.......which also, it could be argued, has actually also saved the club from a twelve point deduction due to the strong possibilty of us being in receivership in February 2009 due to the debts of the Shepherd era.Another buyer couldve been attracted, but one or two did do due dilligence and they passed on the opputunity....surely not a good sign? For the record, I'm actaually vaguely in favour of of NUSC's aims and wishes, I too think fans have strong representation at the club, but there is also two sides to everything and for me it has to be said that you guys may be either shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted or picking on completely the wrong target? placing the blame all on freddys shoulders is buying into lambsarse's bullshit , been many a smarter person that you went over those figures and pointed out the bullshit , and freddy knew what he was doing , debt or not , he said himself he had that sorted with loan secured on future ticket sales , and also he had investment lined up for sam (sam has backed this up aswell) Well, you could put it like that, but there are two sides to everything in this and it would just as easy for me to say that you've swallowed what Shep has added to the debate...large parts of it are unprovable on both sides. And Shep had sorted a loan secured against future ticket sales?...supposing that it true,its pretty much the same financial model that Peter Ridsdale employed at Leeds Utd a few years back
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