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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. I sent a letter and the sixty quid they wanted back a few weeks ago.....just logged on to the box office and my ahem "loyalty" points for away tickets have gone form 120+ to zero :D


    Anyone else noticed this?


    Or have all points been set to zero?


    It strikes me that whether I get a season ticket or not next season (and I may well do, the two year commitment was proving a bit of a millstone) then they're really just shooting themselves in the foot.Because by scratching the loyalty points I've built up over the years they're basically stopping me from getting away tickets on my ST number next season.......... so they can just fuck right off and I'll go and watch Berwick on a Saturday afternoon next season :razz:


    They'll need all the support they can get next season regardless of what division we're in so what is the point of pissing fans off like this?...if they have like..

  2. You're right like.


    They are a proper set of doyles, was talking to a couple on the tube back yesterday.


    Firstly he reckon Ginola and Sir Les were better for Spurs then he asked what average attendance we will get if we go down.




    In person.


    Had it a few times over the years before/after games at Spurs......they do seem to enjoy laughing in people's faces. Maybe it's being in the shadow of Arsenal all these years.One lad claimed we got 4k for a league cup tie around 92, which may have an element of truth, but then he launched into a dull "big club" rant, which his mates told us to ignore as he was having treatment for depression...........I expect that was the Arsenal thing again :nufc:


    The pub we were in has now been flattened.....we discovered this at roughly 1030 yesterday morning when we were in dire need of an early pint.......does Danny know what happened to "The Park", next to Northumberland Park Station?....

  3. How can we not have a single other left back at the club? Fair enough we've one first team LB but what about reserves? Academy players? Surely there is someone who plays in that position that is worth a shout? :nufc:


    Said it elsewhere....Shearer's making a point.


    I'm starting to think he wants to go down too. Make his job a bit easier in his first full season.



    He's going out of his way to say its till May 24th only.....do you really think he could stomach working for Ashley much longer?....unless he knows something we don't?.......

  4. To be fair though, we are modest. We know we're not title challengers or even european challengers at the minute. I think you mistake our hope and will to become title challengers once more, with a belief that we have some divine right to it.


    You ask your average Geordie and they'll merrily tell you exactly what is wrong with their club, self-deprecation is not rare amongst us. When chatting to other fans, if they talk with humility we'll reciprocate, however, when the Scousers claim Liverpool are the greatest side ever nd their fans are the greatest fans ever and their passion is the greatest passion ever and they're victimised above all others.. of course we'll hand them a new one.


    at no point has anyone on here said we've a God given right to play Premiership football, we all think the position we're in is a shock, as would all fans everywhere, but the way our club is run doesn't change the club itself. You take the piss out of our chairman, we do it louder. You deride our defenders, we do it with more than just paper nonsense to go off. You point and laugh at the toothless mouth breathing orcs they interview on Sky Sports News, we do it with more venom and contempt.

    You think our club is small time, yet you return day in day out, the papers cover our every stumble, the pundits show surprise at our demise... in short we matter and that makes you angry.


    Your existence on this board proves we're an important in the eyes of other fans, you don't post on a Norwich board do you? Or a Leeds board... I'd wager you don't post on a sunderland or middlesbrough board.. yet here you are.. day in, day out.


    it's OK Danny.


    I basically wasted 20 mins of my life berating a complete fuckin cockmonkey in a pub yesterday afternoon, I found myself repeating much of what you have said here Mr Fish....when I had finished pulling him up for his completely cliched media influenced view of NUFC I asked the fuckin halfwit who he "supported"....yeah, you guessed it, fuckin spurs :D

  5. I'm almost in agreement with that sentement, but we lost over 30 odd million in the last financial year on crowds thatLiverpool, Everton,Villa,Spurs etc would kill for. Christ knows what the true financial posistion of the club is, but if we go down there must be a possibility that if Ashley is putting his own cash into the day to day running of the club then he will just cut his losses and pull the plug and leave us in real financial trouble. Anyone up for FC Newcastle United 2009 in fuck knows what league? 95% of me is horrified by that thought, but 5% of me thinks that you're right :D


    But I agree, football has completely eaten itself, and we've had our noses in the trough as much as anyone.Have a read of the piece from the Guardian in the Hillsborough thread to see what I mean.


    The ironic thing about relegation is that if we do what the Mackems did and get rid of all our high earners and then get back up on a shoestring as they did in 2005 with McCarthy, Ashley would be in a great position in terms of low costs. Hypothetical I know but it could turn out better than 3 years of finishing 17th under Kinnear.


    I see what you mean, but for me Ashley came in with the intention of selling us for a fat profit within 12 months. He still would if he coud break even. I don't hold out much hope for the future under the fucker if we go down. Appointing Shearer was the last throw of the dice for football's biggest gambler. He had to do something to try to hang on to his cash, and Shearer was his only real option.Relegation means a whole new ball game, and with the subsequent loss of income, Ashley could conceivably give up completely.

  6. In a fit of abject stupidity I decided I want to go to the Villa match. On searching for trains I find that the west coast main line is not open that day which means 3 hours from Euston via a train/coach/train combo.


    The thing is I can't work out why it's on a Sunday at 4pm - I know the Sky bastards will say that's now the tradition but they can fuck right off. I know the football league will be finished by the Saturday so they can't pull the "affecting" attendances crap like they actually fucking care.


    (finishes rant after hitting return in error)


    We also have the case of Setanta shitting on the Mackems exactly as they did to us last year.


    This all is a great example of why I'm caring about football less and less - the people who run it/exploit it are all bastards who don't care about the people who attend the matches - much like I'm starting to warm to the idea of relegation just to spite Ashley, I really hope football in general goes tits up.


    I'm almost in agreement with that sentement, but we lost over 30 odd million in the last financial year on crowds thatLiverpool, Everton,Villa,Spurs etc would kill for. Christ knows what the true financial posistion of the club is, but if we go down there must be a possibility that if Ashley is putting his own cash into the day to day running of the club then he will just cut his losses and pull the plug and leave us in real financial trouble. Anyone up for FC Newcastle United 2009 in fuck knows what league? 95% of me is horrified by that thought, but 5% of me thinks that you're right :D


    But I agree, football has completely eaten itself, and we've had our noses in the trough as much as anyone.Have a read of the piece from the Guardian in the Hillsborough thread to see what I mean.

  7. From today's Guardian:

    Out of the ashes of Hillsborough, modern football was bornTwenty years ago, 96 fans lost their lives at a match between Liverpool and Nottingham Forest. It was a day that changed British football forever

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    Owen Gibson The Guardian, Monday 13 April 2009 Article history

    The tragedy signalled an end to terracing, fences and barriers at grounds. Photograph: PA Photos/PA Archive/PA Photos


    That English football was transformed for ever by the events of 15 April 1989 is beyond dispute. Whether all the changes that followed were for the better continues to be debated over post-match pints up and down the country, but there remains a firm consensus that the final report of Lord Justice Taylor, published in response to the Hillsborough disaster in January 1990, belatedly dragged the sport into the modern age.


    It drew an overdue line under a century during which supporters had often been crammed into crumbling, unsafe grounds behind fences topped with spikes. As has been repeatedly noted since, the tragedy was that it took the deaths of 96 men, women and children to bring it about. Some go so far as to say that Taylor saved English football from both itself and from a Tory government that had come to see it as an embarrassing nuisance. The Premier League and the ensuing revolution would not have been possible without it.


    There were in fact two Taylor reports. The first, the interim report, dealt directly with the tragedy and largely laid the blame on the police and the stadium. It was his second and final report that effectively acted as a blueprint for the future, dealing with issues from stadium safety to hooliganism and Margaret Thatcher's controversial ID card scheme, which he effectively curtailed.


    "What was extremely positive about Taylor was that he identified and strongly criticised the appalling way the football industry had treated spectators until then," says Malcolm Clarke, chair of the Football Supporters Federation.


    "We'd been killing football fans for a century, the bodies stacking up every decade," adds Professor Rogan Taylor, head of the Football Research Group at Liverpool University, in reference to earlier disasters at Ibrox, Valley Parade and elsewhere.


    That changed with Taylor's report, with all teams in the top two divisions required to convert to all-seat stadiums and given £31m a year of public money to do so through the levy on the pools that was channelled into the Football Trust. For a sport that jealously guards its independence, it is worth noting that it was an influx of public money and a government review that forced the game to upgrade its antiquated infrastructure.


    "The game died and was reborn. Some people might not like the new creature that it has become," says Professor Taylor. "[but] Taylor wrote a future for the game at a time when the government was seeking to consign it to the same dustbin as the miners and anything else that smelled of the smoke–stack industries and flat–capped working classes."


    Even those who queried the report's insistence on all-seat stadiums, insisting that a safe standing solution could have been found and suspecting that clubs used it as an excuse to raise prices, acknowledge Lord Taylor did football a huge ­service. Hooliganism was drastically reduced, with CCTV and seating making the prospect of large-scale disorder inside grounds recede into history.


    Transport a fan from 25 years ago into one of today's Premier League grounds and they would be astonished that you could take your seat five minutes before the game, enjoy a clear view for the duration and get out of the ground without the prospect of injury. They would also be astonished at the cost of entry. In his report, Lord Taylor cautioned that fans should not be priced out and suggested a fair ticket price of around £6. Adjusted for inflation, that would be around £14 or £15 today. Instead, £40 and up is the norm.


    Clubs stopped treating supporters as "terrace fodder" and started treating them as consumers – for good or ill. Last week's Manchester United accounts, which revealed annual turnover had soared to £256m, stated that one of its four main mission statements is to "treat supporters as customers".


    It is tempting to view Hillsborough as a definitive turning point, but the seeds of the Premier League revolution were arguably sown at Heysel four years earlier, with the subsequent European ban leading the big clubs to start considering a breakaway. And it would have been stillborn without the Football Association's backing – which had nothing to do with Hillsborough and everything to do with football's internecine internal politics.


    Gazza's tears, Nessun Dorma and the adoption of football shirts as leisure wear played a part, as did the growing middle class respectability for which Nick Hornby's Fever Pitch became convenient shorthand. And if Rupert Murdoch had not been inspired to bet the farm on Premier League football to rescue his then ailing satellite television business, things would have been very different.


    One of the remarkable things about the transformation was how quickly it happened. It was not long before the first wave of foreign imports were marrying flashes of genius with the traditional passion of the English game to create a formula that would prove popular around the world. The latest wave of overseas owners, globalisation and the Champions League have raised the stakes, and the rewards, still higher. But without Taylor's report and the enforced uplift in standards it precipitated, it is unlikely the story would have evolved in anything like the same way.


    The changes have not all been positive. "The make-up of crowds has changed," warns Clarke. "People on low incomes and young supporters find themselves priced out. The big danger for the football industry is that the average age of people going to a Premier League game has been steadily increasing."


    Many children of the Sky era have grown up experiencing football on television and video consoles and now pack into pubs, he argues, standing with a pint and their mates in front of a big screen in the way their fathers once stood on the terraces.


    Kenny Dalglish, the Liverpool manager at the time of the Hillsborough disaster, made a similar point in his auto­biography, published in 1996. "One legacy of Hills­borough is that the game has become less accessible to the working classes. The prices are too heavy, particularly for a family wanting to go. All clubs must have their commercial side, but there has to be a place for ordinary supporters," he wrote. "With smaller capacities, no one standing and a wealthier audience, grounds have become quieter."


    The money that poured into English football has largely gone on players' wages. "The industry is characterised by amazing debt levels," says Clarke. "History will not judge lightly the people who squandered that money. Premier League clubs failed to appreciate that if you want a strong apex to a pyramid, you need a strong base."


    But while there is much criticism of football's "prune juice" economics, without those wages the best players in the world would not be attracted to our shores. Without them, the Premier League would not be the huge global attraction it undoubtedly is and would not bring in ­billions in rights fees.


    The Premier League points to figures that show stadiums are largely full, that football is proving resilient in a recession and that, while there may be fewer younger faces as a proportion of the crowd, there are more of them in absolute terms because overall crowds are bigger.


    Football is more pervasive than ever before. Other sports look on with envy at the saturation coverage it enjoys and it continues to inspire devotion in new generations of fans – whether they experience the game live or through their TV.


    The money flooding in from Sky and season-ticket sales has made English clubs the strongest in Europe and made the Premier League itself envied around the world as a model for other countries and other sports. And in recent years, there are signs some clubs have started to think more strategically about the make-up of their crowds and their long-term future.


    In 1990, Taylor wrote: "Boardroom struggles for power, wheeler-dealing in the buying and selling of shares, and indeed of whole clubs, sometimes suggest that those involved are more interested in the personal financial benefits or social status of being a director than of directing the club in the interests of its supporter customers."


    It would be interesting to know what the late Lord Taylor would have made of the latest wave of takeovers and the boardroom battles at Liverpool and elsewhere.


    Football, by its nature, is a short-term business – owners, managers, players and fans rarely look much beyond the next match, the next round of the cup, the next season. As the English game pauses this week to remember the human cost on the anniversary of its worst tragedy, it might be a moment for football to look to its past for lessons in constructing its future.



  8. Just visit the East Coast bawan man, you're wasting your time anywhere else. Everything west of Pennsylvania could sink into the ocean tomorrow and I wouldn't bat an eye.


    Start at NYC (forget Boston, it's a shithole) and work your way down to Florida.


    I spent a month doing that in 1993. :D



    Amtrak do zone railcards which are good value. Mine lasted the month and I could get on any Amtrak train in the eastern third of America.


    Started in New York and stopped at Washington DC, Savannah Georgia and Miami. I stayed in youth hostels which were cheap and everywhere. Sometimes they were in pretty dodgy areas though... :D


    I did that the following year and eneded up in hostels in Harlem (terrifying local vagrants) New Orleans (heard gunfire every day for a week, first burst was as we were getting our bags out of the taxi when we first arrived! :unsure: ) and Anaheim (cab driver who couldnt speak a word of English crashed his cab on the way to the hostel after running a red light, nearly killed us) And most of the septics thought English was my second language.....fuckin cheeky twats :nufc:


    Having said all that.................to me, its a great place, full of interesting things in a way that huge,dull dustbowl Austrailia just can't measure up to. The people I came across were overwhelming great as well with just one or two exceptions :nufc:

  9. Despite our lowly current league position, we STILL mean more to Danny than his own club. We just MATTER as a club and this is why he posts here.


    We are passionate, exciting. We set the heart racing, fire the imagination.



    We are the Rolling Stones. Spurs are the Shadows.

    We are Jimi Hendrix, loud and colourful. Spurs are Kenny G, whiney and pointless.

    We are Oasis, swaggering and unpredictable. Spurs are Travis, safe and insipid.

    We are Amy Winehouse. Spurs are Lisa Scott Lee.




    Carry on posting Danny, we understand why our club has got into your heart. It has that effect. People can't ignore us, it's just not possible. I'm sure somewhere in cyberspace there's a forum for Spurs fans, but what would be the point of posting there? What would there be to SAY?! :D



    :nufc: :nufc:


    Bad as the scouse. We're so special! Look at us, we care more.


    No you don't you are no different to any other club. Lack of trophies aside.

    You'd love to believe that :nufc: .... but in your heart you know that nobody will ever really care either way about Tottenham Hotspur. They just aren't interesting like us. Arsenal have the slick flowing football, Chelsea have the glamour and the money, West Ham have tradition and are the lifeblood of working class football in the capital. Millwall have the hooligans, Fulham have Mohammed Al Fayed. And then there's your lot. Another club in London. Nobody hates you because you just don't matter. :D


    I know it's tough Danny Boy, but we're HERE for you. Your continued posting is acknowledgement of the fact that it's just really not possible to say anything about your club. Never mind son. We're a broad church. Enjoy the atmosphere and the passion. We take you into our fold. :nufc:




    Let me see, we have the first domestic double in the modern game, A trophy in every decade, a tradition that makes West Ham look like a Monday night five aside team, a fan base that has never averaged under 20K despite being relegated in 77 (only us and Man Utd can say that), a European trophy in my life time.


    What we DON'T do however is go round saying how "special" our club is, despite only having an ability to lurch from disaster to disaster differentiating us from the likes of Boro...


    Glory hunting cockney twat :unsure:

  10. Well Monday night will prove what kind of manager Shearer is.


    IMHO Shearer cost us 2 points on Saturday by playing that clown... Will he be stubborn and play him again in a weeks time?


    Was Shola playing in midfield then? We have a world class goalscorer who thrives on good service in the right areas for him to use his great finishing to best effect and if he's received 3 decent passes into space in the penalty area all season I'd be fuckin amazed. Its the midfield that seen us in the bottom 3, our strikers,Shola apart, are more than good enough for a UEFA cup spot. Shearer saved the day in a way after changing it with the right players at the right time and also Stoke sat back more than they had been doing in the last 20 mins.


    If our strikers had the chances Stoke had we'd have won 3 or 4 nil, as they should have.

  11. I am a big fan of Shearer but I was scratching my head yesterday with both the team the selection and that of shambles and, once again, he did fuck all. Even losing faye and failing to jump with him for their goal. We watch game after game and he contributes next to nothing. He is big, but not a threat physically as he's one of the softest big men I've ever seen, and he wins nothing of any importance in the air. No pace and a powder puff shot.


    Is his selection just a fucking piss take at our expense?



    He is that fat footed bloke everyone takes the piss out of in 5 a side.

    Even though Shearer says he's shit hot in training?


    Every manager we've had has said the same...Souness said three mornings out of four he was "unplayable" in training.


    He must've been close to an England call up around the time we were playing in the champions league....he was banging them in at the Likes of Leverkusen and Liverpool, and the under 21s, and all Erikkson was picking in the England squad at the time was Heskey, Owen and Darius fuckin Vassel! :D At the time, he was definetly playing better than Vassel.


    But he hasn't kicked on, as mentioned above he's gone backwards. I watched him amble on to the pitch for the second half at Stoke on Saturday, a minute or so behind his teamates. He looked completely uninterested, just like he was out for a stroll in the sun. Someone pointed this out and everyone stood around us saw it and the more charitable among them just laughed and put their heads in their hands. The others...well...look at the first post on this thread.

  12. Danny, you seem surprised that this sort of thing is going on?


    I am surprised he hasnt stepped down after what has happened.We will take a long time to recover from this Labour government.


    Really?......."never apologise, never resign" being the mantra of the modern political classes in the 21st century.....


    This is piss poor playground stuff played out over an otherwise dull (news wise) bank holiday weekend. The tories smell blood over something these un-elected pricks (the government advisers) spend most of their time doing ie finding ways to snipe at the opposistion.Don't for a minute think that the tories dont employ their own spinners to do the same job. McBride works in number 10, but is Brown really going to see every email the fool sends?


    Blair and that fuckin tosspot Campbell never apologised for the Iraq war or the death of Dr Scott so to expect an apology and a resignation from the Prime Minister for a bit of name calling that he knew nothing about is like asking for the death sentence for dropping litter.


    Politicians and thier un-elected lackeys in this country are almost all to a man/woman self serving careerist fuckers with more interest in feathering their own nests than serving those who elect them.They're not alone in this,but they are better behaved and less corruptthan most,even in Europe......Silvio Burlisconi or Gordon Brown anyone? :D

  13. Town was absolutely empty tonight yet scum taxi drivers deemed it was time and half tonight being good Friday.


    Tell me Mamood, how is good friday, putting you out of your way from a usual Friday?


    Look me is the eyes and tell me how your 6 miles dive constituted a £30 price tag you thieving cunt.


    Seeing as you're plainly concerned as to the religious significance of Good Friday on the population of London in general, I do find it a bit galling that you were out on the fuckin lash and needing a 30 quid taxi home on one of the most religiously significant days in the christian calender. See you at Matins next Sunday before the match?.....hmmm...thought not...... :lol:


    Ha ha, Good Friday doesn't really affect me either. I dont use it an excuse to rip people off.


    You work in the City of London?......is the concept of irony lost on you lot? :lol:

  14. Town was absolutely empty tonight yet scum taxi drivers deemed it was time and half tonight being good Friday.


    Tell me Mamood, how is good friday, putting you out of your way from a usual Friday?


    Look me is the eyes and tell me how your 6 miles dive constituted a £30 price tag you thieving cunt.


    Seeing as you're plainly concerned as to the religious significance of Good Friday on the population of London in general, I do find it a bit galling that you were out on the fuckin lash and needing a 30 quid taxi home on one of the most religiously significant days in the christian calender. See you at Matins next Sunday before the match?.....hmmm...thought not...... :lol:

  15. Absolutely, I'm just saying that Jade Goody got the stick for something that wasn't her problem. I think she grabbed an opportunity to live a better life and I don't really understand why people resent her for that.


    She was a fat racist charver though, famous for basically being a....thick fat racist charver.


    To reward the youth of today with stardom, jewels and more money than they could have made in a lifetime if they were doing what they are capable of is the problem with this country now.


    What message does it give?


    Either stick in at school, get a job and work hard all of your life or,


    leave school with fuck all, go on a reality programme (where the only reason they selected you was because you were so pig shit thick) get ya minge out, say some stupid stuff to show just how thick you actually are then appear in OK magazine. Call a Bollywood star names because you think you're better than her and become reviled by the general world but its ok because at some stage you'll die and suddenly they'll think you're a saint.


    If you want to blame anyone for your pretty valid points then blame the media who gave her the platform to perform on.


    She was a product of her piss poor enviroment, which a lot of people are being brought up in, judging by the amount of people who appear to identify with her. The media were catering to these people,plainly not yourself.


    She wasn't a fat racist charver, she was a thick, daft lass who was a product of the Britain we've all contributed to in 2009. She saw a chance to make a better life for herself by just being herself and not worrying about what others thought,until her hard nosed upbringing reared its head and she spoke to someone in a way that she had been spoken to many times herself, coupled with the inflated ego that all the exposure in the media was bound to cause in someone of limited intelligence with large numbers a parasites around her making themselves huge amounts of cash on the back of her making a show of herself. I doubt if its the worst thing thats happened to the Indian girl either.


    Is that what you dont like?....the mirror she holds up via the media so we can all see the way less fortunate among us live, and the way they have to degrade themselves in public to make a better life for themselves?

  16. They were a pretty good band (though being a Sabbath fan I thought their use of Iommi riffs was apparent) who imo have become over-rated due to James Dean syndrome - I still don't think they would have become as huge as people say if he hadn't died.


    I also think killing yourself when you have a family should be factored in to the Godhood status.


    I dunno Nirvana were if anything on the slide in that context (as the band in fact wanted) by the time he topped himself. :lol:



    Cobain himself might have moved into a different type fame with his death, but that's no different to so many others that died in similar circumstances.


    As far as family and suicide go, I can't imagine Courtney Love helped. :lol:


    Reckon you're right....I think the Heart Shaped Box ablum was written as a goodbye note to the music industry, certainly from Cobain and Novoselic....."Penny Royal Tea" etc, a lot of it is nowhere near as poppy and accessible as "Nevermind", which was reflected in the sales of the later album.


    I saw them at Calton Studios in Edinburgh in 92, around the time MTV had pushed "Smells Like Teen Spirit" to the top of the charts. The venue held no more than 400, but there was also that many outside, some trying to push into the gig, security was going mental. It mustve been like that during "Beatlemania" I remember thinking. He could write a canny tune, and his voice will appeal to tortured teens down the decades.

  17. Also on this day, a mere 6 years ago, from NUFC.com:


    2003 Newcastle were third in the Premiership, six points behind Arsenal and Manchester United but having played a game fewer than them both. We had 61 points from 31 matches while the mackems were bottom with 19 points from 32 games.




  18. Fucking bastards!



    Thought the twat was dead, this thread has put a right dampener on my Sunday I can tell you :lol:


    I personally can't argue with much of this particular column, the Valerenga thing when Shearer went straight to the press after being rested was definetly a nail in Sir Bob's coffin at SJP. In Sir Bobs book he says he was also trying to bring Emile Mpenza in at the time, and was blocked by Shepherd,who with Souness spent 25 mill on Owen and Luque and completely indulged Shearer to limp on and break Milburns record two season later,which is a nail in the coffin thats about to be lowered into the fizzy pop league.


    Morgan has also said in his hugely well informed column this season that Wenger should be sacked (he proffesses to be an Arsenal fan) and that Liverpool blew the league when B enitez had a "rant" at Fergie in a press conference. He knows next to fuck all about football but is a smooth talking gobshite who comes across well on camera, and as mentioned above doesn't take himself too seriously. British Soldiers and his ex employers at Trinity Mirror may not be so charitable.

  19. British owner, British Manager, Hutton, King, Dawson, Woodgate, Bale, Lennon, Huddlestone, Jenas, O'Hara, Bent, Defoe.


    You're such a dick.


    Says the lad arguing against asians and women on another clubs message board :lol:


    I'm not anti asian or anti women. I just feel that when a women goes to football she is denying a man a seat but I suppose that doesn't apply in the case of Newcastle.


    Alf Garnett was supposed to be a satire on knuckle draggers who come out with crap like this, and that was 40 odd years ago. Ask Warren Mitchell who played him, he's a Spurs fan,and has said it many times. He'd be dead proud of you for that little gem.

  20. My old man took me and my brother to Poole Town v Southampton in the very early in 1980 because he said he wanted us to see Kevin Keegan play before he retired from playing, impressing on us what a great player he was.....later that year we moved north, and KK followed 18 months later and we saw the great man every other week :razz:


    We lived near Berwick so I was at Shielfield a lot as a youngster too


    And I lived on Easter Road in Edinburgh too so it was Hibs when I wasn't watching the Toon trying to keep out of divi 3 in the early 90s......You could watch the CCS (Hibs casuals) ambush groups of away fans from our second floor flat, which was often more entertaining than the football.....until they started using petrol bombs and CS gas.....bit naughty that like :lol:

  21. I cant see us going into admnistration as being in major debt isnt really the club's main problem....losing 30 million in the last financial year and the wage bill of a top 4 club are the main problems though....maybe Ashley thinks administration and certain relelgation is a good way of cutting costs and trimming the wage bill...fat cunt <_<

  22. Is it really dull to say I don't really hate any individual player as such? :huh: With many of them its just jealousy, apart from anyone who's played for the mackems....Ball,Kay,Gabba,Gates,Owers,Armstrong,Phillips,MaCann,Quinn...that list is fuckin endless really :huh:


    I wasn't keen on watching the Wimbledon team of the mid/late 80s, and sure enough, any of them still hanging around in the game/the media are without doubt complete fuckin wankers...Basset,Gould,Fash,Sanchez.....fuckin Wise :angry:

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