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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. I used to quite like them the band that is. Duran Duran. Talk Talk. The The. Which is why I put it there!!! Was Jonny Marr in THe The? naa.....the the was basically a lad called Matt Johnson.....he/they were fuckin class......don't know what happened to him but hearing this this morning has brought a tear to my heavily hungover eye It was Matt Johnson surrounded by session musicians one of which was Johnny Marr on one album, think it was one of the later ones. Great band alright especially the albums soul mining and infected. you're right........I'd forgotten all about the the till this morning.....Johnson was a genius...he predicted the first gulf war in a song but I can't for the life of me remember what it was now....
  2. I used to quite like them the band that is. Duran Duran. Talk Talk. The The. Which is why I put it there!!! Was Jonny Marr in THe The? naa.....the the was basically a lad called Matt Johnson.....he/they were fuckin class......don't know what happened to him but hearing this this morning has brought a tear to my heavily hungover eye
  3. Seeing as Micky Quinn signed in July 1989 can you please get your carer to administer your next dose please? Could have sworn it was him. Whoever it was he was very tall, a bit fat and had a moustache. Ring a bell with anyone? You've got the wrong year.....we were in division one in 87 and Hull haven't played in the top league until this season (unless it was a cup game?).Apart from that your powers of recollection are marvellous.
  4. If mediocre is having the best home defence in the league, reaching a cup final, being unbeaten (apart from the Webb massacre on saturday) against the top 4, vying for a european place despite having our worst start to a league season then ill take that. All day long. Getting to a cup final means approximately fuck all if you get beat. We have been runners up in the F.A cup 7 times and I don't think we got anything for it... Arsenal fans moan they haven't won anything for 3 or 4 seasons.......Spurs fans think getting to a cup final and being better than the worst NUFC team in 20 years is something to be proud of.....must be hard being a Spurs fan, always in Arsenal's shadow
  5. Seeing as Micky Quinn signed in July 1989 can you please get your carer to administer your next dose please?
  6. My mates old man works at St Mary's as stadium maintenance manager. After Saturday's home game he reckons thats it for the Saints......theoretically no more income till August for a club in administration and living from hand to mouth as we speak now means this is the end of Southampton F.C. Am no financial expert so don't know how accurate this is but it doesn't look good.
  7. Who are you then mate, Everett True? What you say may well be true (Mother Love Bone, Green River and Soundgarden etc all started well before 91/92) but if you asked your average Mag in 89 what "Grunge" was he wouldn't have a clue. He may well on the other hand have gone to the match on a Saturday and spent the rest of the night dancing in a field off his tits on cheap speed or bad e's. Of course you'd be right as everyone who ever went to a match in 89 had to a least start the night with a tab of e! And yet I think there maybe a few that disagree with you. But you take comfort in that Asprilla agrees with you. Probably not, but they were far more likely to going to raves than dressing like a lumberjack and listening to punk rock performed badly by American heavy metal fans. I'm sure there are, we were a very broad church back then : Please don't try to drag me into the various factional in-fighting on this messageboard. It is highly amusing, but there again I need to get out more as well
  8. Who are you then mate, Everett True? What you say may well be true (Mother Love Bone, Green River and Soundgarden etc all started well before 91/92) but if you asked your average Mag in 89 what "Grunge" was he wouldn't have a clue. He may well on the other hand have gone to the match on a Saturday and spent the rest of the night dancing in a field off his tits on cheap speed or bad e's.
  9. You may be bettern putting on a rave in a field somewhere......Grunge didn't rear it's ugly head for a good 2-3 years later, by which time we were nearly in division 3
  10. Anyone seen this lass wandering around town? The Sun are claiming she's a "Geordie" but that could mean shes from anywhere between Scarbrough and Dunbar http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showb...icle2390275.ece
  11. A Brummie was fishing on a canal when his mate out for a walk saw him and stopped for a chat: "Alroiit skip ave yer caught anythin?" "Yerr...a whale, but I threw it back" "A whale?....keep going and you might get the rest of the bike" My thanks to the British Museum/Barry Cryer for the loan of that one For me its Yorkies....think Fred Trueman on Indoor League
  12. Ah yes - only the UK is affected so isn't it's its obvious the root cause is the FSA. How exactly would the BofE prevented this Danny? By doing what they are doing now after the horse has bolted. Stress testing, scrutinising bank risk profiles and exposures. I don't blame the FSA, they didn't have the expertise required to scrutinise the banks and their instruments in detail. The BOE didn't have the expertise either - the root cause of this goes back to Thatcher and Reagan - the market knows best philosophy compounded by later slackness and encouragement of consumer greed. If 5 or 10 years ago Labour had announced large scale regulation of the city and a huge clampdown on irresponsible lending via credit cards and mortgages what do you think the reaction would have been? It would have ranged from mild "Old labour stifling growth" jibes to outright rebellion and would certainly have lost them the last election. If Cameron or Duncan Smith had won on that basis do you think there would have been more chance of the Tories preventing the crunch or Newcastle winning a trophy? There is a massive difference between the stimulating effect of deregulation introduced by the tories and the free for all credit fest we saw under labour. or, in other words "Give them an inch and they'll take a mile" And no one, Bank of England or FSA could've stopped them once the ball was rolling. Tories keeping their mates happy by taking a sledgehammer to financial regulation in the 80's have a lot to answer for......"Greed is good,greed works, greed is right" was supposed to be a satire, not a lifestyle for chinless twats in red braces.But they were too thick to realise.
  13. Or could it be said that because the financial institutions had grown so powerful since de-regulation that they would've cheerfully held any government in the world to ransome in this way because of the nature of the global marketplace?
  14. Isn't he the one of the two sacked by the Daily Mirror instead of that half wit Piers Morgan (Editor at the time) for insider trading?....was he jailed for it as well? or has he been up to no good since then? hardly a good source.
  15. Isn't that one of the major reasons for the way those institutions who have had to bailed out recently behaved? "give us de-regulation, so we can behave in a financially reckless way or we, and our taxes (such as they are) will go abroad" De-regulation, the CoL's "Big Bang" etc, was all brought in under the Tories to keep their mates happy. By the time Labour came in stricter regulation in a global financial marketplace was virtually impossible for any Government. Yet Brown gets it in the neck for this. He's got plenty wrong, but it strikes me that there isn't a lot he could do on this. Horse,stable door and bolted springs to mind. Absolute rubbish, it was Labours decision to move control of the banking industry to the FSA from the BOA that allowed this to happen. So the "BOA" (I take it you mean the Bank of England?) would've told HBOS not to get into bed with the American sub prime lenders? or Northern Rock not to lend 125% mortgages?
  16. Isn't that one of the major reasons for the way those institutions who have had to bailed out recently behaved? "give us de-regulation, so we can behave in a financially reckless way or we, and our taxes (such as they are) will go abroad" De-regulation, the CoL's "Big Bang" etc, was all brought in under the Tories to keep their mates happy. By the time Labour came in stricter regulation in a global financial marketplace was virtually impossible for any Government. Yet Brown gets it in the neck for this. He's got plenty wrong, but it strikes me that there isn't a lot he could do on this. Horse,stable door and bolted springs to mind.
  17. Well if it was the same people who were getting hit at 40% before, then is it not anyone on around 35-40k p.a.? Am not sure about that, am far from up to date with these things, but the figure may well be not as high as you think. You'd need to earn £150,000 to be affected by this new rate. My heart bleeds. Has the earnings for 40% not changed then?
  18. Well if it was the same people who were getting hit at 40% before, then is it not anyone on around 35-40k p.a.? Am not sure about that, am far from up to date with these things, but the figure may well be not as high as you think.
  19. I think it's fair enough to be honest like. Season ticket holders should take precedence over "stay aways". In 1991/1992, we were staring relegation in the face, and I barely missed a game home or away, but that's in that past, and so is your away record if you dont have a season card. Ahh but PaddockLad hasnt said hes not getting one, hes merely cancelled the 3 years deal, which I think is fair enough. Indeed, but I wouldn't want to stand in the way of young Mr Steven having a dig, it appears to be what he's here for And I'd also suggest to the cheeky young scamp that seeing as I had 120+ points to lose, I have attended more games than I have missed over the years And the points have now this morning miraculously re-appeared, as WubbleUC hinted that they would.
  20. I sent a letter and the sixty quid they wanted back a few weeks ago.....just logged on to the box office and my ahem "loyalty" points for away tickets have gone form 120+ to zero Anyone else noticed this? Or have all points been set to zero? It strikes me that whether I get a season ticket or not next season (and I may well do, the two year commitment was proving a bit of a millstone) then they're really just shooting themselves in the foot.Because by scratching the loyalty points I've built up over the years they're basically stopping me from getting away tickets on my ST number next season.......... so they can just fuck right off and I'll go and watch Berwick on a Saturday afternoon next season They'll need all the support they can get next season regardless of what division we're in so what is the point of pissing fans off like this?...if they have like..
  21. Had it a few times over the years before/after games at Spurs......they do seem to enjoy laughing in people's faces. Maybe it's being in the shadow of Arsenal all these years.One lad claimed we got 4k for a league cup tie around 92, which may have an element of truth, but then he launched into a dull "big club" rant, which his mates told us to ignore as he was having treatment for depression...........I expect that was the Arsenal thing again The pub we were in has now been flattened.....we discovered this at roughly 1030 yesterday morning when we were in dire need of an early pint.......does Danny know what happened to "The Park", next to Northumberland Park Station?....
  22. Said it elsewhere....Shearer's making a point. I'm starting to think he wants to go down too. Make his job a bit easier in his first full season. He's going out of his way to say its till May 24th only.....do you really think he could stomach working for Ashley much longer?....unless he knows something we don't?.......
  23. I basically wasted 20 mins of my life berating a complete fuckin cockmonkey in a pub yesterday afternoon, I found myself repeating much of what you have said here Mr Fish....when I had finished pulling him up for his completely cliched media influenced view of NUFC I asked the fuckin halfwit who he "supported"....yeah, you guessed it, fuckin spurs
  24. The ironic thing about relegation is that if we do what the Mackems did and get rid of all our high earners and then get back up on a shoestring as they did in 2005 with McCarthy, Ashley would be in a great position in terms of low costs. Hypothetical I know but it could turn out better than 3 years of finishing 17th under Kinnear. I see what you mean, but for me Ashley came in with the intention of selling us for a fat profit within 12 months. He still would if he coud break even. I don't hold out much hope for the future under the fucker if we go down. Appointing Shearer was the last throw of the dice for football's biggest gambler. He had to do something to try to hang on to his cash, and Shearer was his only real option.Relegation means a whole new ball game, and with the subsequent loss of income, Ashley could conceivably give up completely.
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