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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. Yeah Id say Jade Goody was ridiculous, not Michael Jackson.


    Goody was a media invention, on the other hand Jacko invented the pop video, some legendary work. First black artist to get rotation on daytime MTV iirc.


    He invented the excessively expensive pop video to prop up a mediocre song maybe. What does 'rotation on daytime MTV ' mean, is that a significant achievement? And what work do you regard as legendary?


    Well, its been said this morning that him and Quincy Jones pulled together R & B,pop and Rock music in a way that had never been done before. I think that is pretty unarguable. Whether you liked it of course is entirely subjective. In a way he did a sort of reverse Elvis...he was (then) a black man using elements of popular music which were at the time seen as traditionally the preserve of white audiences and mixed them with what he was brought up with (R & B/Motown) to produce in the eighties two of the (and in fact the) biggest selling albums of all time.


    That was a huge acheivement for someone who had been up till then mostly performing in the hugely ghettoised black music industry.Motown, the home of the Jackson 5, was very successful,but mainly sold to only black kids. MTV was starting up at the time and he and his record company could see the value of huge flashy videos to promote his music to a huge new audience in what could be termed "middle America". In this, him and Quincy Jones changed the face of popular music.


    Excellent post.


    It was also a time when MTV was quite keen to keep black and 'white' music apart in the schedules. "Bad" stopped all that shit in its tracks.


    True. In a way he was a revolutionary artist. Pity about the way he went in his later years, but he means a lot to absoloutely millions of people who were brought up with his music.


    Of course he was revolutionary that is without doubt and at a time there was a lot of things holding black music back. As I said earlier an artist can only hope to release 2/3 great works in their time and Thriller and Bad were that. IMO two of the greatest pop albums ever made.


    I actually prefer Off the Wall, I think Thriller is let down by too much involvement with McCartney, the scouse cunt :lol: . Bad left me a bit cold too, but there were a cople of belting tracks on that. I think I was more interested in getting off my tits at the time it came out, yes I'm that old :(

  2. Yeah Id say Jade Goody was ridiculous, not Michael Jackson.


    Goody was a media invention, on the other hand Jacko invented the pop video, some legendary work. First black artist to get rotation on daytime MTV iirc.


    He invented the excessively expensive pop video to prop up a mediocre song maybe. What does 'rotation on daytime MTV ' mean, is that a significant achievement? And what work do you regard as legendary?


    Well, its been said this morning that him and Quincy Jones pulled together R & B,pop and Rock music in a way that had never been done before. I think that is pretty unarguable. Whether you liked it of course is entirely subjective. In a way he did a sort of reverse Elvis...he was (then) a black man using elements of popular music which were at the time seen as traditionally the preserve of white audiences and mixed them with what he was brought up with (R & B/Motown) to produce in the eighties two of the (and in fact the) biggest selling albums of all time.


    That was a huge acheivement for someone who had been up till then mostly performing in the hugely ghettoised black music industry.Motown, the home of the Jackson 5, was very successful,but mainly sold to only black kids. MTV was starting up at the time and he and his record company could see the value of huge flashy videos to promote his music to a huge new audience in what could be termed "middle America". In this, him and Quincy Jones changed the face of popular music.


    Excellent post.


    It was also a time when MTV was quite keen to keep black and 'white' music apart in the schedules. "Bad" stopped all that shit in its tracks.


    True. In a way he was a revolutionary artist. Pity about the way he went in his later years, but he means a lot to absoloutely millions of people who were brought up with his music.

  3. Yeah Id say Jade Goody was ridiculous, not Michael Jackson.


    Goody was a media invention, on the other hand Jacko invented the pop video, some legendary work. First black artist to get rotation on daytime MTV iirc.


    He invented the excessively expensive pop video to prop up a mediocre song maybe. What does 'rotation on daytime MTV ' mean, is that a significant achievement? And what work do you regard as legendary?


    Well, its been said this morning that him and Quincy Jones pulled together R & B,pop and Rock music in a way that had never been done before. I think that is pretty unarguable. Whether you liked it of course is entirely subjective. In a way he did a sort of reverse Elvis...he was (then) a black man using elements of popular music which were at the time seen as traditionally the preserve of white audiences and mixed them with what he was brought up with (R & B/Motown) to produce in the eighties two of the (and in fact the) biggest selling albums of all time.


    That was a huge acheivement for someone who had been up till then mostly performing in the hugely ghettoised black music industry.Motown, the home of the Jackson 5, was very successful,but mainly sold to only black kids. MTV was starting up at the time and he and his record company could see the value of huge flashy videos to promote his music to a huge new audience in what could be termed "middle America". In this, him and Quincy Jones changed the face of popular music.

  4. That's about the most predictable opinion EVER :rolleyes:


    Aye well if the yanks can beat Spain like....I suppose that mockney pillock might turn out a decent film, but form is against him....Lock Stock was only saved by Dexter Fletcher from being as big a pile of horse shit as anything else he's done :)

  5. Thing is though. Mike Ashley sells shirts. He has made his business on selling shirts. He has had dealings and bought out companies that sell shirts. Ergo, Mike Ashley knows what does and does not sell in the world of "shirts".


    So, taking this into account, I'd think :


    What the fuck?? :rolleyes:


    Now we see why the twat is loosing money left right and centre. Either that or this is his parting shot after the stick he has taken :aye:


    A mate has just said something interesting.......we'll not be able to use this shirt v Sheff Wed and West Brom.....does this mean they'll be another fuckin strip coming out?! As you say, Ashley knows the shirt game, the money grabbing cunt :)

  6. Utrecht's right next to Amsterdam. :)


    And the mackems are in the Amsterdam tourno that weekend. :aye:


    However, on a downside, it's the same day as the SBR charity match. :wank:

    Think I'd rather stay in Rotterdam...... bound to be loads of bother like. Utrecht are the worst mob in Holland apparently, and no doubt those Feyenoord twats who showed up at Alkmaar will likely pay a visit as well.....can't be arsed with all that shite, always looking over your shoulder :rolleyes:

  7. Well at least he replied. I think the tone of the article weren't all that bad. Remember he lives in another world and all that.


    I didnt have any problem with the tone or the sentiment of the article. What I questioned was the logistics of it. I'd love to know where he thinks we read the article as any kind of anti-NUFC writing.


    The original aarticle's tone is okay as you say - it's his responses to legitimate criticism of it that grates.


    I wonder who we could pass it to?


    Simon Bird......he'll email to every football journo in Britain :scratchchin:

  8. Paul Allen has been linked with a takeover at Southampton for years...he keeps a yahct at nearby Hamble apparently.....it's never happened,despite them being up for sale for most of the last 6 months, and neither will this. That bloke who runs nufcblog needs to take more water with it :scratchchin:

  9. Here's the only boozer on the Observer list within 30 miles of me.......full of CAMRA bores in Arran jumpers and hippies with halitosis attempting to be err "rustic" :scratchchin:



    Why it makes the grade

    The Isle of Purbeck's Square and Compass perches high on a hill above the dramatic Seacombe Cliff. The pub takes its name from the tradition of local quarrying, and its front garden, which gives quenching views of the English Channel, offers the weary a choice of old wood benches and, more recently, stone-carved affairs.


    Signature fare

    A range of superb ales (around £2.80 a pint) are served from two hatches in the wall. Or try the landlord's home-brewed cider (also £2.80), made from locally sourced apples. Food is simple, but sustaining, and revolves around pasties and pies.


    We love the landlord because …

    He has struck a perfect blend of tradition and modernity, the unspoiled decor complemented by regular world music events. Visit between 27 July and 7 August for the stone-carving festival and work your own piece of Purbeck stone to the sound of alfresco music.


    Meet the locals

    A lively mix of local artisan types and in-the-know pilgrims.


    Pub trivia

    The third room is a museum, containing Jurassic fossils and other coastal curiosities. Also Camra's cider pub of the year.


    • Open Mon-Fri 12-3pm, 6-11pm, Sat-Sun 12-11pm – Food served all day – Swanage, BH19 3LF – 01929 439229, squareandcompasspub.co.uk


    If anyone's visisting Poole/Bournemouth/East Dorset this summer you'll find this is the best boozer in the area....unusually for a CAMRA award winning pub, it's a cracker :razz:



  10. "I love England and Newcastle is a nice city to live in."



    "In Spain it is not like this! But I was together with [Fabricio] Coloccini and Jonas [Gutierrez] and life in the city was good. Beautiful people, always friendly."



    "I am sad for everyone because Newcastle fans are amazing. I remember my first game when I came. It was: 'Wow, what a team, what fans.'"



    It's always like this......how many current or past players have turned round and said "the fans are all cunts and the city's a shithole"? <_<


    Can we blame them for the media's perception of us as "great fans,passionate"etc etc that seems to grate on the fans of seemingly every other club in the known universe?

  11. Got mine, they dont give you much time to renew. Want money by the 1st July, I'm moving so need money for deposit/rent etc thats gonna be around £800 in total at least and then a further £494 for my Season Ticket! Gonna have to try and get some money sorted somehow! At the moment there is noway i'll have a casual £494 lying around for a season ticket!


    I wonder how our prices compare to other prices in the championship


    I wouldnt worry too much about that mate......if you leave it till the middle of August I'd imagine you'd be almost certain to get the same seat, business will be slow till the club is sold and a manager is appointed....if it is sold like B)


    Living down south now so it appears that I'll get mine Monday.......any news about whether they're doing an away season ticket again this year?

  12. If Ashley is confident about selling the club in the next month, the last thing he'd do is appoint a manager who the buyers may well not want.To me Shearer is a good appointment only if Ashley fails to get a buyer,which means we're in limbo till he's whored us around the world's billionaires for a good while longer yet. It seems he wants to royally shaft us right up to the bitter end.

  13. If Ashley did sell to whatever consortium or individual, would there be such a great need to appoint Shearer?......in some ways,Shearer only works in the context of Ashley staying on as owner e.g. unifying the fans behind the club instead of half of us wanting fatty's head on a spike and saying so loudly at home games etc....is there a better candidate for manager out there if Ashley gets a quick sale? :lol:

  14. On for another 30 mins - Ginola, Beresford & Rob Lee reminiscing over Newcastle of the past


    Quite depressing really, but worth a watch ;)


    Fuck...I thought we'd been bought by Jimmy Nail and Sting :D

  15. Quite fancy a set of wireless speakers for my laptop........but I am to techy stuff what Mike Ashley is to successful football club ownership so am looking for a bit of advice.......I've found these but not a lot else.....am I correct in saying that I'll need a bluetooth facility on my laptop to make them work?......a bluetooth facility that I haven't got..... :D




    Any other suggestions would be greatfully received.............thanks a lot in advance.....;)

  16. Shepherd to return ??

    Fucking hell I hope not.


    Shepherd bled black and white though, that is the thing.

    don't be fucking stupid man. Freddy and his cohorts got us into over 100m of debt in the first place. whilst ashley is a complete prat freddy fucked us over and walked away with several million in the bank.


    How exactly did he fuck us over? The 1996 and the 2003 teams were the best weve had since the 1950s. We genuinely challenged for the title and played in the champions league. Yeah we were in debt, Man United are currently in £800million debt. Theres not a club in the top half of the table that isnt in debt. he attracted big players and stumped up the cash when it was needed for the likes of Sir Les, Asprilla, Shearer, Robert, Owen, Ginola. Yeah he wasnt perfect but hes got one thing that MA has never had. He genuinely wants the club to be successful, he didnt treat us as a cash cow. Sure, he made plenty money, but you dont hoy the sort of money about like he did if you are trying to take the club for all its worth like our current owner.


    Id have him back in a heartbeat


    This is the bottom line for me.....Ashley's main problem has been when he suddenly realised that he himself had to write the cheques to pay for the Shepherd years. To me thats the crux of the situation. Manu are 800million in debt but have millions of fans all over the world paying the bills for a title winning machine. We have a city of no more than 500k people and Freddy tried to compete with Manu on a financially completely lop sided playing field. I really don't think a couple of FA cup final appearnces and half a dozen champions league games are worth the well over 100mill debt that they cost, and that is all down to Shepherd.


    I'm pleased for you that you appear to think we should compete at the levels of Bolton, Charlton and not the trophy winning clubs.


    Ashley should be good for you. Enjoy your time with him running the club.


    Well thats not really what I'm saying......I'm saying that Shepherds time at the club was very poor value for money for the money he entrusted to his largely bad managerial appointments. And I'm not defending Ashley, he's plainly been a disaster and has by his own admission made astonishingly poor decisions, but he wanted his own man in to control spending. Asking Dennis Wise to do it was a fuckin joke, but he felt he needed control costs because of the mountain of debt Shepherd had run up.



    so you think expanding the stadium should not have been done ?


    With the benefit of hindsight no. I wasnt that bothered one way or the other when it was done, but I do remember Shepherd saying at the time that the payments for the loan arrangement to pay for it were taken from season ticket sales before that income could be used from anything else, ringfenced if you like. He denied at the time that this was anything like the road which Leeds were going down i.e. financing player purchases on the basis of champions league money every season but it sounds suspiciously similar to me. As long as we were getting 50k+ things were going to be ok, but thats not going to happen next season. In a way he mortgaged our future financial stability in a similar way to what Ridsdale did. They imploded almost straight away, we've had to wait for the cockney mafia to turn up, but the effect may be much the same.

  17. Shepherd to return ??

    Fucking hell I hope not.


    Shepherd bled black and white though, that is the thing.

    don't be fucking stupid man. Freddy and his cohorts got us into over 100m of debt in the first place. whilst ashley is a complete prat freddy fucked us over and walked away with several million in the bank.


    How exactly did he fuck us over? The 1996 and the 2003 teams were the best weve had since the 1950s. We genuinely challenged for the title and played in the champions league. Yeah we were in debt, Man United are currently in £800million debt. Theres not a club in the top half of the table that isnt in debt. he attracted big players and stumped up the cash when it was needed for the likes of Sir Les, Asprilla, Shearer, Robert, Owen, Ginola. Yeah he wasnt perfect but hes got one thing that MA has never had. He genuinely wants the club to be successful, he didnt treat us as a cash cow. Sure, he made plenty money, but you dont hoy the sort of money about like he did if you are trying to take the club for all its worth like our current owner.


    Id have him back in a heartbeat


    This is the bottom line for me.....Ashley's main problem has been when he suddenly realised that he himself had to write the cheques to pay for the Shepherd years. To me thats the crux of the situation. Manu are 800million in debt but have millions of fans all over the world paying the bills for a title winning machine. We have a city of no more than 500k people and Freddy tried to compete with Manu on a financially completely lop sided playing field. I really don't think a couple of FA cup final appearnces and half a dozen champions league games are worth the well over 100mill debt that they cost, and that is all down to Shepherd.


    I'm pleased for you that you appear to think we should compete at the levels of Bolton, Charlton and not the trophy winning clubs.


    Ashley should be good for you. Enjoy your time with him running the club.


    Well thats not really what I'm saying......I'm saying that Shepherds time at the club was very poor value for money for the money he entrusted to his largely bad managerial appointments. And I'm not defending Ashley, he's plainly been a disaster and has by his own admission made astonishingly poor decisions, but he wanted his own man in to control spending. Asking Dennis Wise to do it was a fuckin joke, but he felt he needed control costs because of the mountain of debt Shepherd had run up.

  18. Shepherd to return ??

    Fucking hell I hope not.


    Shepherd bled black and white though, that is the thing.

    don't be fucking stupid man. Freddy and his cohorts got us into over 100m of debt in the first place. whilst ashley is a complete prat freddy fucked us over and walked away with several million in the bank.


    How exactly did he fuck us over? The 1996 and the 2003 teams were the best weve had since the 1950s. We genuinely challenged for the title and played in the champions league. Yeah we were in debt, Man United are currently in £800million debt. Theres not a club in the top half of the table that isnt in debt. he attracted big players and stumped up the cash when it was needed for the likes of Sir Les, Asprilla, Shearer, Robert, Owen, Ginola. Yeah he wasnt perfect but hes got one thing that MA has never had. He genuinely wants the club to be successful, he didnt treat us as a cash cow. Sure, he made plenty money, but you dont hoy the sort of money about like he did if you are trying to take the club for all its worth like our current owner.


    Id have him back in a heartbeat


    This is the bottom line for me.....Ashley's main problem has been when he suddenly realised that he himself had to write the cheques to pay for the Shepherd years. To me thats the crux of the situation. Manu are 800million in debt but have millions of fans all over the world paying the bills for a title winning machine. We have a city of no more than 500k people and Freddy tried to compete with Manu on a financially completely lop sided playing field. I really don't think a couple of FA cup final appearnces and half a dozen champions league games are worth the well over 100mill debt that they cost, and that is all down to Shepherd.

  19. The one piece of comfort we can all take from this sorry episode, is that idiots CAN become billionaires.


    Only Newcastle United could be taken over by the worlds only billionaire who appears to have been the luckiest fucker on the planet, up until the point he got "King Kev" printed on the back of his XXL shirt.....but it does prove the old adage that a fool and his money are easily parted.


    Man City have been taken over twice by some very dodgy individuals in the time Ashley has been at NUFC, Liverpool and Manu have been lumbered with debt that makes ours look like chicken feed by their new owners, West Hams owner is bankrupt, Everton have less money than anyone yet finished fifth in the league.....you couldnt make this shit up, we're not a football club, we're a fuckin basket case :lol:

  20. My best mates dad took a car load from our village near Berwick in 1981 to see the cup game v Exeter........me and and his son were hooked, the others less so. We drew one each, but were beaten in the replay at the other SJP...we were in divi two then as well....not a lot fuckin changes does it? :lol: Me and my mate are now ST holders but he sadly lost his dad a couple of years back.


    RIP Bob Pringle B.E.M


    oh im from berwick, where do you live exactly ?


    rip btw


    I live in Poole in Dorset now but I'm from Morebattle which is near Coldstream.....am a "porridge mooth" :D

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