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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. not very well i shouldnt think


    they havent bought anyone, have they? if they sell lescott they will be left short at the back for the first few months of the season.



    strange question


    really?....heres another one....did you lot enjoy singing "cheer up Kevin Keegan" at the cup final this year? :lol:

  2. I would rather have Hughton than O'Leary.


    Wouldnt work with the players who may still be here after Aug 31st.......he commands little respect at the moment I imagine so giving him a years contract won't make much difference. And if any new players come in and see the players at the club not really giving a fuck what he says then they'll behave in the same manner. He's a number 2 in my book.


    O'Leary is Kinnear with a run in the champions league the best part of a decade ago under his belt. Better than nowt but no by much.


    Can you see anyone fucking about under Gordon Strachan though?....... :lol:

  3. No one wants to buy a club for 100mill that could be worth less than half that in a years time.....thats what you get for naming your asking price in the national media...for a gambler I'd say Ashley would be a fuckin joke at the poker table.


    Still think he's pushing those who want to leave into a corner so they slap transfer requests in and he doesnt have to pay up their contracts.


    Stand by for a repeat of last season,only without the draw at manu.





  4. Just reading Des Lynams. Theres not a page goes by where he doesnt tell us about a fit lass he fucked or how any tv show he did turned shit after he left, or was shit cos they didnt ask him to be in it in the first place. What a fucking tard!


    Also Micky Quinns, wasnt impressed at how he glossed over the fact he let his kids go without so he could gamble on the horses. He tells it like its some sort of amusing anecdote :lol:


    He seems to gloss over that he was an absent father, only concerned with booze,betting and other women, but obviously it doesn't state that his bairns went without because of this. Or you may have another source for this? (tabloid kiss and tell?) What did they go without? their old man being around almost certainly, but anything else?...


    Its been a while since I read it but iirc he talked about how in the days before superstar wages he spent every last penny on the horses whilst his missus was struggling to pay the bills or put food on the table

    I've re-read it recenty and it doesn't say that his bairns or his missus went without, although I suppose it's an easy thing to dedeuce from the lifestyle of a compulsive gambler. He did once clear his bank account after training one morning,then flew down to Heathrow and caught a cab to Epsom races where he met Mick Channon, who was trainer of the first horse that Quinny owned. Mick put the whole lot on the nose and it lost by "the shortest of short heads" and he bitterly regretted not doing it each way. He had to borrow 20 quid to get a cab back to Heathrow from a friendly Geordie he met at the races as he put everything he had on the horse. Christ knows how he explained that to his missus :jesuswept:

  5. I'm pretty sure they were singing "There's only one Bobby Robson" at one point. Seemed to get a polite round of applause.


    They were indeed...I heard it clearly on test match special driving home from work on Friday...Jonathan Agnew wondered why the crowd were applauding. I'm sure he was concetrating on what was happening on the pitch and it's usually a pretty stupid thing to pigeonhole people but I did think "what a stupid thing to say you middle class fuckin prick" :jesuswept:

  6. Just reading Des Lynams. Theres not a page goes by where he doesnt tell us about a fit lass he fucked or how any tv show he did turned shit after he left, or was shit cos they didnt ask him to be in it in the first place. What a fucking tard!


    Also Micky Quinns, wasnt impressed at how he glossed over the fact he let his kids go without so he could gamble on the horses. He tells it like its some sort of amusing anecdote :lol:


    He seems to gloss over that he was an absent father, only concerned with booze,betting and other women, but obviously it doesn't state that his bairns went without because of this. Or you may have another source for this? (tabloid kiss and tell?) What did they go without? their old man being around almost certainly, but anything else?...

  7. Some lines from Sir Bob's autobiogrphy "Farewell but Not Goodbye"


    On some of the players he's managed ( and discovered by himself in some cases):

    Strikers-boy I've seen some good ones. Think of Shearer at his best,Romario at his best, Ronaldo at his best,van Nistlerooy,Gary Lineker,Paul Mariner at Ipswich-just don't ask me to pick my all time number one.


    To this list ,as he says himself in the book you can add the early development of Luis Figo at Sporting Lisbon and his immense regard for his skipper at Barcelaona,their present coach Josep Guardiola.Whilst Genaral Manager at Barcelona he told his replacement as coach Louis van Gaal to forget about signing Steve Macmanaman as Sir Bob felt he didn't scored enough goals and he should instead sign Rivaldo from Olimpiacos. He also gave the likes of Peter Beardsley,Stuart Pearce,Paul Gascoigne,Chris Waddle and John Barnes their first England caps.


    It's also interesting to note that he felt that Kevin Beattie at Ipswich Town was the finest English player he'd seen since the great Duncan Edwards of "Busby Babes" fame...and Sir Bob would know, having played in the same England team as Edwards. It is truly incredible the length of time Sir Bob's career in Football spanned, about a third of the period of time that professional football has existed in this country.




    On his appointment as Newcastle United manager in 1999:


    I had always been a Newcastle supporter.It was my club.My dad,my brother Ron and I were first in the queue at the ground for home games. When, as Newcastle manager,I looked across the banks of faces at St James' Park, I saw my dad.Every fan out there was my dad.All the time I'd been abroad-throughout all my time in football, in fact-there was only one result I looked for"How have Newcastle got on?" I would ask at teatime on every Saturday of my Life"


    In his first match in charge at St James' Park we played Sheffield Wednesday:


    Let me start by saying that Newcastle scored their biggest win since Len Shackleton hit six on his debut in a 13-0 win over Newport County back in 1946.I saw that game-it seems incerdible, but I did.I was there with my father. I would have been thirteen years of age. Now here I was presiding over an 8-0 win,in which Alan Shearer, the Jackie Milburn or Hughie Gallacher of his generation, scored five"



    In the final lines of the book,Sir Bob describes his being granted the Freedom of the City of Newcastle upon Tyne on the 2nd of March 2002, an honour he says that makes him feel even prouder than his well deserved knighthood the same year:


    In the days that followed,a number of councillors wrote to me to say they had never seen so much emotion in a ceremony of that kind.Perhaps it was because I talked about my father,and how he went down the pit white and came up black in an area where those two colours symbolise a city's love of football, a love that burns within me and will never fade



    RIP Sir Bob.



  8. Real mediocrity and worse now awaits, until we find another board who want success like the last one did.


    You're almost certainly right in saying that, but for me it's the wrong reason.


    Because of the 2007 credit crunch and the subsequent world recession (which was the precise point the club was sold to Ashley) the level of debt and player wages we've been carrying for the last few years means we would've almost certainly seen a financial meltdown at the club whether the Halls (did they see the shit approaching the fan and get out sharpish?...I'd say yes, and subsequently forced the ill at the time Shepherds hand when Ashley came calling) and Shepherd had sold the club or not. All our relative success over the Shepherd years was acheived entirely on borrowed money, as Ashley, fool that he is, has subsequently discovered.


    I don't know if you'd rather suffer the ignomy of the club going tits up (if no buyer comes in thats where we're heading, Barclays will pull the plug on the overdraft currently financing the running of the club before you can say "Spanish brothel") for the sake of the few games in the champions league and a couple of FA cup final appearances, but that is what you seem to be suggesting? Correct me if i'm wrong in this assumption, but again with the benefit of hindsight, there may have been another way to build the club up after KK's first period as manager.


    I've enjoyed the last 18 years as much as anyone, never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see us play in the San Siro or the Nou Camp, but the price of that ticket may well be very high indeed.


    Ashley has been an utter disaster for the club but for me it may well have happened anyway.The likes of Villa,Spurs,Everton and even bloody Fulham seem to be riding out the financial crisis in a pretty astute manner, but we've crashed and burned. Don't know if this is because we're just a sympton of all that is wrong in modern top level football or Shepherd really is the bullshitting buffoon he comes across as. I suppose time will tell.

  9. You keep thinking it couldn't get any worse and it always does. Could we put a kitty in to hire someone to shoot that fat cunt? I know its only a friendly, but c'mon!


    If you are referring to Ashley as the fat cunt I would suggest you direct your anger elsewhere on this occasion. The fat cunt had nothing to do with this atrocious result. It had everything to do with the players on the field and gawd knows there were enough of them out there, and the jokers who put them out there who obviously still don't have a clue as how to field a winning line up when your only absentees are Bassong, Ameobe & Rtaylor and you're playing a League 1 team. Nolan as centre-forward? gimme a fucking break.


    I thought you said Shepherd [you know the bloke along with Hall who gave us one of the best teams in the country for the best part of 15 years] was the fat cunt ?


    Yesterday is down to the players, but if the players aren't good enough and there is no positive leadership and direction in the club, that is not the fault of the players. Sometimes I wonder if you really are as old as you say you are or just had your head in the sand for decades pre-1992, and I know the answer too.


    It is going to get worse if the club is not sold.


    lets not be silly now


    fucking hell, and here's me thinking regular european football makes you one of the best teams in the country.


    well im sorry to piss on your parade, but it doesn't. you can get into europe by finishing half way down the league, or lower.


    a lucky cup run


    fair play league





    you can go and count the number of top 6 league positions, and you can compare the amount of top 6 league positons for decades previous to 1992, and the 2 years since Ashley bought the club whenever you like.


    Take your time.


    With the huge benefit of hindsight, was it all worth the sort of debt Shepherd put us in and which Ashley hasn't been able to or hasn't been willing to handle?


    Half a dozen games in the champions league and a couple of FA cup final appearances isn't really justifiable when you look at the outlay on players and wages that has put us in the posistion we find ourselves in today.



    Well, if you prefer to compete with the Charltons of this world by not trying to compete with the trophy winners [ a shameful stance anyway considering we are one of the biggest supported clubs in the country] then you have your wish because this is what Mike Ashley has returned us to, precisely what we were for decades pre-1992


    Thats not really what I'm trying to say.


    Possibly if we'd have been managed and run by more competent individuals the huge debt may have been rewarded with real success? e.g. Shepherd letting Souness loose with 40mill a year after sacking Sir Bob.


    Chelsea were in huge debt before Abramovic bought them but had won 2 FA cups and a cup winners cup during the time Shepherd was chairman at SJP.

  10. You keep thinking it couldn't get any worse and it always does. Could we put a kitty in to hire someone to shoot that fat cunt? I know its only a friendly, but c'mon!


    If you are referring to Ashley as the fat cunt I would suggest you direct your anger elsewhere on this occasion. The fat cunt had nothing to do with this atrocious result. It had everything to do with the players on the field and gawd knows there were enough of them out there, and the jokers who put them out there who obviously still don't have a clue as how to field a winning line up when your only absentees are Bassong, Ameobe & Rtaylor and you're playing a League 1 team. Nolan as centre-forward? gimme a fucking break.


    I thought you said Shepherd [you know the bloke along with Hall who gave us one of the best teams in the country for the best part of 15 years] was the fat cunt ?


    Yesterday is down to the players, but if the players aren't good enough and there is no positive leadership and direction in the club, that is not the fault of the players. Sometimes I wonder if you really are as old as you say you are or just had your head in the sand for decades pre-1992, and I know the answer too.


    It is going to get worse if the club is not sold.


    lets not be silly now


    fucking hell, and here's me thinking regular european football makes you one of the best teams in the country.


    well im sorry to piss on your parade, but it doesn't. you can get into europe by finishing half way down the league, or lower.


    a lucky cup run


    fair play league





    you can go and count the number of top 6 league positions, and you can compare the amount of top 6 league positons for decades previous to 1992, and the 2 years since Ashley bought the club whenever you like.


    Take your time.


    With the huge benefit of hindsight, was it all worth the sort of debt Shepherd put us in and which Ashley hasn't been able to or hasn't been willing to handle?


    Half a dozen games in the champions league and a couple of FA cup final appearances isn't really justifiable when you look at the outlay on players and wages that has put us in the posistion we find ourselves in today.

  11. Every week that goes by is costing Ashley £2m approx so it can't go on forever, but whether common sense replaces stubborness and ego remains to be seen.


    Thing is its not costing Ashley, its costing the club, its being added to the overdraft and sometime soon the bank is going to come knocking. As things stand there is no light at then end of the tunnel, if we continue on forking out that kind of figure every week then the overdraft must be increasing currently by at least £1.8m per week (totally guessed figure but I cant see us making enough sales of that yellow shirt and everything else to give us our cut of more than 200k per week).


    So that means that in the last 9 weeks since the season ended we've added another 16m to the overdraft, yes the season ticket sales will have gone a long way towards it but watching nearly 2m going out each week with no sign of anything coming in and Barclays will pull the plug themselves.


    This is the bottom line.....Ashley's not putting another penny into the club, and we're on borrowed time with the bank.....I think buyers may be waiting for Barclays to pull the plug and come in when we are in receivership/administration or whatever the fuck out status will be then....debts get wiped out but we lose 12 points.....but Ashley will have fucked off to run up some more gambling debts somewhere else, the fat cunt :lol:

  12. Today, much against my better judgement and only in an effort to preserve my loyalty points, I purchased 2 season tickets (there are two of us in this sorry situation) for the Leazes Corner level 7, section C.


    I'm wondering if anyone would like to go halfers on the ticket/s? with the added advantage of both of us ST holders living "darn sarf" and aren't really planning on travelling to too many home games.......so you will basically have the ticket/s for 80%-90% of the home games, and as we are both in the away season ticket scheme there may well be one or two away days availiable (these wouldnt be included in the ST price as they are charged to us per match)


    The season ticket price is £390, so you could get to nearly all home games next season for £185.


    if anyone is interested please send me a PM



  13. Great piccies Craig <_<


    I'm pretty sure I was at all those games (yes I'm really that old :omgwank: ) apart from the Swindon game in the cup......got fuckin locked out! :wub:


    Wasn't Lou Macari investigated for betting against his own team in that game which was part of the reason why they got demoted in 1990 after winning the play offs v the tramps? :angry:


    The Charlton game was I remember when I knew we'd get relegated the last time.....awful performence, we were so bored stood in the Scoreboard we started setting fire to discarded copies of the Chronicle.....Alan Oliver was a fuckin bullshitter in those days too :ph34r:

  14. The club are forcing the players into a corner....another 10 days of no action on the sale of the club and transfer requests will be flopping on to the sjp mat quicker than you can say "don't care if my contract isn't paid up up" which is ironically more than likely just what the club want.

  15. Is that the same Kelmsley whose own investments have gone tits up? Surely a man worth taking advice from.....:icon_lol:


    thats the same cunt who,when a member of their board, advised spurs to have a d.o.f. as well......they sorted that fuckin mess out last December by appointing a manager with proven ability and giving him 20 odd million to spend in January. What did we do......? :D

  16. WKL gleefully dancing on the grave before it's even been filled in:




    Louise Taylor guardian.co.uk, Friday 17 July 2009 13.17 BST



    Newcastle United are doing nothing to reduce their £65m annual wage bill and have taken the extraordinary step of placing an embargo on any transfers until the managerless Championship club is sold.


    Considering that sources close to on-going efforts to sell Newcastle have indicated that Mike Ashley, the owner, may not find a buyer this summer, this represents a high-risk strategy. Even if Ashley does succeed in this ambition, the most optimistic estimates gauge a takeover to be around a month away – in other words perilously close to the closure of the summer transfer window.


    "There will be no players coming or going until the takeover has been completed," said a senior Newcastle source. "There will not be a firesale and it is up to the new owners and manager to decide who comes and who goes.


    "The transfer market does not really get going until August and Newcastle will not be doing any business until a buyer has been found. It is all on hold."


    Alex Black, the agent of Alan Smith, who is coveted by Blackburn Rovers, has already experienced this policy in action. "Newcastle United have put a sort of embargo on players moving in or out of the club until the situation is resolved in terms of ownership," explained Black. "So what can you do until that is sorted out? It is in Newcastle's hands."


    Up to seven senior players are threatening to challenge this embargo by sumbitting written transfer requests early next week if Alan Shearer has not been installed as Newcastle's manager.


    Shearer remains "completely in the dark" about events at St James' Park and is deeply concerned that Newcastle are missing out on opportunities to both offload players unsuited to the rigours of the Championship and recruit those possessing the pace and toughness required during the impending


    "unnamed source" blah blah blah......but is Ashley trying to force the players into a corner to try and get them to hand transfer requests in so he doesn't have to pay their contracts up? :D

  17. So why is that happening? Are "the best fans in the world" boycotting Mike Ashley? or is it a case of the geordie nation being a fickle bunch like most football fans.

    Danny B Lite :D


    what happened to that fucker?...did he get banned in the end?

  18. Just spoke to the ever helpful box office...... :D


    this is on nufc.com today:


    Tickets: West Brom (a) members sale now, £23.


    according to the b.o. thats bollocks.


    There is no memebership scheme in place for this season......yet....


    Applications from season ticket holders are invited up till August 1st, then any remaining will go on public sale.


    With one thing and another, I'm not sure about renewing my season ticket, but I have enough loyalty points have been invited to apply for an "away season ticket" last season and this seaon.So I sent the away ST application off but not the home one, as the wording of the application made no mention whether you had to have a home season ticket or not,it basically said it was done on loyalty points accrued,of which I have over 100. I saw the ticket informtion on nufc.com and logged in to see if I'd got my ticket for West Brom set aside. Seeing no evidence of this I phoned the box office.


    They've just told me I need to have a home ST if I want to take advantage of the "away ticket offer", which they say isn't an "away season ticket" and isn't described as such. Which is frankly bollocks, it was described as such in the literature.The bottom line in all this is you're almost certainly going to have to have a ST to get a ticket for West Brom, which is pretty much the same as last season I suppose, but with nufc.com saying theres a members sale on at the moment and the club saying there isn't a memebership scheme anyway, I can see there being a lot of confusion about this.


    The other thing is if you have any loyalty points at all and you don't take a ST this year then you start next season with zero. Cunts.



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