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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Lucky more like Therefore by implication, the team has been lucky to get the results. Which is patently bollocks. Hardly, the guy's said we're going to walk the league with the squad we have, the squad is obviously too thin without luck having a hand in not getting injuries - it's got bugger all to do with how the first team has performed. Therefore the guy's been lucky that the first team haven't really had injuries, if they had it's doubtful we'd have got the same results during this start to the season and it's even more doubtful that they'd continue any further in to the season. It's easy to say that with our 'first team' we'd win the league, but with our 'squad' it's a different matter altogether. ... which isn't bollocks. Thats easy for you to say.....wtf are you going on about? whats " got bugger all to do with how the first team has performed"? Do you mean what the lad has actually said would happen?....he said we'd piss it, we have so far and thats wihout Shola in the last game, Guthrie for a couple of games etc....I do happen to agree the squad is probably too thin to sustain it, but no one else has said from the outset it would be this comparatively easy in this divison with the players we have at the club, so some credit is due surely? But if you mean the results we've had are nothing to do with how we've played (which is how I'm reading what you've posted) then maybe you need a lie down mate
  2. Been out a few years now and the tv streaming service has been switched off but its still the only phone on the UK market with a DAB radio on it....£16.50 0n ebay
  3. True enough, I think it's vital if we have any chance of winning it that Rooney, Rio and Gerrard are fit, if any one of them is missing I think we'd give a good account but definitely fall short. Reading Ant's comments, and yours it's always struck me, despite Britain's murderous past in Ireland, a large portion of the Irish people don't actually hate England when it comes to football, certainly no where near as much as the Scottish, maybe it's better education I don't know. Parky, Agbonlahor is one of the worst capped players in England's history, we have no alternative to Heskey if we want a strong cunt to win balls in the air, I think Carlton Cole's recent performances justify a squad position. Aggy can play on the right or in the center mind. I like the idea of bringing him on when Lennon is knackered. Just don't see CC as international class. I was thinking on the bog this morning that if we had a Drogba upront we'd be unstoppable. Thats the thing about big Emile...Drogba is the player Heskey could and should have been......but in the system Capello is playing Heskey does his job and creates space for Rooney to play in. It works, and he's found the key to playing Gerrard and Lampard plaing together i.e. Gareth Barry. And the players are shit scared of being dropped, no more "caps for the boys", unless you're Beckham. This is a very good England team with the right man leading them. If they win the World Cup it will be a great team. But they're going to need a bit of luck for that I like how he uses beckham though, put in some quality after one of the quicker lads lennon/walcott etc has worn down the fullback Yeah one ball Becks played when he came on was brilliant...sort of scooped it up and bent it round for Rooney...and I think he's definetly on the plane for SA...I don't think he'd be anywhere near the squad if he wasn't. I think Wes Brown should go as well, and could well start at right back....their goal last night came because Johnson allowed the cross to come in too easily. And he's a better player in the middle than Upson for me.
  4. True enough, I think it's vital if we have any chance of winning it that Rooney, Rio and Gerrard are fit, if any one of them is missing I think we'd give a good account but definitely fall short. Reading Ant's comments, and yours it's always struck me, despite Britain's murderous past in Ireland, a large portion of the Irish people don't actually hate England when it comes to football, certainly no where near as much as the Scottish, maybe it's better education I don't know. Parky, Agbonlahor is one of the worst capped players in England's history, we have no alternative to Heskey if we want a strong cunt to win balls in the air, I think Carlton Cole's recent performances justify a squad position. Aggy can play on the right or in the center mind. I like the idea of bringing him on when Lennon is knackered. Just don't see CC as international class. I was thinking on the bog this morning that if we had a Drogba upront we'd be unstoppable. Thats the thing about big Emile...Drogba is the player Heskey could and should have been......but in the system Capello is playing Heskey does his job and creates space for Rooney to play in. It works, and he's found the key to playing Gerrard and Lampard plaing together i.e. Gareth Barry. And the players are shit scared of being dropped, no more "caps for the boys", unless you're Beckham. This is a very good England team with the right man leading them. If they win the World Cup it will be a great team. But they're going to need a bit of luck for that
  5. PaddockLad

    82cm Rat

    trying to pull myself up on to a wall at a farm once and one that looked as if it could have been saddled and made to carry young children around ran across my fingers...I fuckin crapped myself and fell the 6 feet or so to the deck, badly spraining my ankle....fuckin hideous creatures
  6. Its strange you say that, at 43 I am the youngest of 7 so there was all sorts of music being played and lying around the house from my older brothers and sisters but I cant really remember any Beatles stuff. You're not one of them then. Imo, to appreciate a musical revolution you have to have not heard any music that came after it or is a derivative style before listening to it. The only way to fulfil that criteria is either to have spent your life listening to music pre-1962 and then at the age of 17/18 listen to the Beatles for the first time. Impossible if you have a radio or TV. When my dad (a professional musician) talks about listening to The Beatles for the first time, he talks about the first moment he heard it and the difference to anything he had heard before. His love for them comes from this moment, one which you can not re-create for later generations. I was old enough to see punk supposedly revolutionalise music but it was all exaggerated despite the enthusiasm of the fans - punk was supposed to kill disco/dance music but the 70s ended ruled by garbage like the Bee Gees and Michael Jackson - just like now the charts are still dominated by populist shite. Music to me is always divided between stuff that "proper" music fans - people who take it seriously - like and stuff bought by and listened to by more casual listeners who are often influenced just by the notion of popularity. I've always considered The Beatles to be on the latter side of the divide. Not really....John Savage's critique of punk rock "Englands Dreaming" basically says punk rock came out in a significant way as a reaction to the overblown prog rock/heavy metal excesses of the 1970s....why have three artics full of gear for ELP's mid 70s stage show or Led Zep travelling in seperate private jets when all you need is 3 chords an amp and some enthusiasm i.e. the much quoted "do it yourself" ethos of early punk....which is ironically where the Beatles pretty much started in the clubs of Hamburg, but after Shea Stadium they decided they didnt really want to go to where the likes of Led Zep ended up and they became a studio band as mentioned above. This suited all except George Harrison, who was later quoted bemoaning the chance to compare his skills against the likes of Jeff Beck or Tom Petty, and quite possibly paved the way for the frankly awful Travelling Wilburys
  7. Weeelll....it could be argued that The Kinks "invented" heavy metal with their track "Girl I want to be with you (all of the time)"......the use of choppy guitar chords which are left hanging in the air...this hadn't really been done before, and that particular sound went on to influence the up and coming heavy blues gutarists of the West Midlands around that time (Tommy Iommi of Black Sabbath,Ritchie Blackmore of Deep Purple etc) and also ex public schoolboy Jimmy Page (Led Zeppelin) who collectively it could be said laid down the basic style for every heavy metal cock/poodle rocker thats ever donned a pair of spandex leggings
  8. You mean he doesn't actually show that much support for the team?.....who'd have thought it?
  9. I'm going to the match, but I'm only going for a pint with you if you can guarantee Stevie's attendance
  10. possibly...Costa Rica at the moment....Honduras top, but its very tight. The top 4 teams qualify for the FIFA World Cup™. The 5th placed team enters a home-and-away playoff with the 4th placed team from North,Central America & Caribbean. http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/preliminaries...ings/index.html Honduras 7 4 1 2 14 7 13 USA 7 4 1 2 13 9 13 Mexico 7 4 0 3 11 9 12 Costa Rica 7 4 0 3 9 12 12 El Salvador 7 1 2 4 7 10 5 Trinidad and Tobago 7 1 2 4 8 15 5 http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/preliminaries...ings/index.html
  11. on the bench Argentina: Andujar; Zanetti, Dominguez, Otamendi, Heinze; Maxi, Mascherano, Veron, Datolo; Messi, Tevez. Subs: Carrizo, Papa, Gago, Milito, Schiavi, Coloccini, Aguero. Brazil: Julio Cesar; Maicon, Lucio, Luisao, Andre Santos; Silva, Felipe Melo; Elano, Kaka; Robinho, Luis Fabiano. Subs: Victor, Dani Alves, Miranda, Lucas, Ramires, Julio Baptista, Adriano. Referee: Julian Oscar Ruiz Acosta (Colombia) Maxi,Veron,Heinze...no wonder the argies are struggling....Messi might miss out on a world cup finals....bit of the George Best scenario about this campaign for him...let down by poor team mates.....and a very poor choice of manager...
  12. 2 scoring passes/assists v Palace, the first for Nolan was worthy of any league in the world (obviously a good run by Nolan too) suggests he'll be effective at this level. And whats the point of moving when Maradonna has said he's not bothered what league him and Colo are playing in?....not forgetting his premier league wages etc..
  13. Exactly. NUFC.com did a piece the other week showing all the quotes from players who went on to leave. They were along the lines of: "NO WAY AM I EVER LEAVING NEWCASTLE, MAN. THIS IS MY HOME. NO WAY, MAAAN, NO WAY." And, it's only my opinion, but I think Enrique is woeful. He was shocking in the Premier League and can barely cope at this level, though I will admit that he has had one or two flashes of competence this season. He just can't pass a ball or pick up a man. Sorry like but Enrique has been very good so far this season and rarely does anyone get past him - as well as the excellent cover he provides for his centre backs (like last night - were you there?) Apart from Leicester's right winger about 3 times in the first 10 mins last night....so much so that fuckin Geremi of all players had to be moved on to that flank to help Enrique out....he's done ok but is exposed by anyone with the barest hint of pace...has been from the moment he stepped foot in the club. He's not likely to be up agaisnt pace like that every week so he'll probably do ok. He's still the only left back at the club
  14. I've got a t shirt with it on...got it from here: http://www.goalhanger.com/ as you can see, it appears apple's lawyers have been in touch
  15. He was 4th official at the semi final on the Saturday before ours at Cardiff in 2005............I think my mates daughter tore any hair he had out that night
  16. Yeah, still wouldn't take him back though. I would. In this division he's lethal. When did he sign permanently for Cardiff?...was it around the time Shearer handed Ashley his blueprint for this season?....you can be sure Chopra was on his list I reckon... Looking forward to going to Wales in a few weeks...one of the games of the season for me
  17. I thought he left Celtic because despite having in many ways a better record than the likes of Martin O'Neil, he was never truly accepted by the support as being "one of them", and with Rangers winning the title last season it provided a convenient point at which to go. He strikes me as a realist, so I doubt he thought he was going to get a job at one of Europe's top sides, but who knows?.....deluded?
  18. Gordon Strachan is ideal for NUFC in our current situation, he's got recent good experiance and if backed properly and given time he could be a success, but thats not going to happen, regardless of who is running the club after next week. So Hughton it is then.......... him being the least worst option
  19. Well there was Kenny Wharton... This is a whole different ballgame.....Ashley didnt look at the books, crapped himself when he realised the state shep had left us in and has been basically floundering ever since. He's only interested in getting his money back, and if it means selling the tea lady and the ball boys then so be it. He doesnt want to plan for the future, he wants his cash and will leave us up a certain creek without a certain rowing implement when he finally gets enough to cover his costs/losses. Cunt
  20. Is anyone honestly surprised? I thought hed go when Smith was made captain for the WBA game......and as mentioned don't expect him to be the last one.....whoever is manager will get a load of loanees in and blood last years reserve team, exactly what Norwich and Southampton did last season...and look where they are now. The argies and spaniards are bound to go, leaving Smith,Nolan,Barton,Geremi and R Taylor.....we may keep Smith and R Taylor..Geremi at a push....
  21. Exactly, and you get people saying "people like Stevie have made us a national joke". I would counter that by saying people like Paddock Lad, have made us in to a meek, jesters hat wearing, SKY generated support of total new age mugs. Who gives a fuck what people nationally think about us, we never used to care before the SKY razmataz attracted people like him. What I put about Sheffield Wednesday is what I believe, next time I'll be more sensitive to the feelings of our opponents seeing as though a bit of banter it unnecessary? Tossers. There hasn't been many Paddocks to inhabit at SJP since the Sky takeover of English football Stevie....3/10 must try harder old son There was two Paddocks until 2000, were you not aware of that? In fact that game against Arsenal in May 2000, the East Stand Paddock was still there, they set the Milburn paddock as it is now in 1996 irc. With regards to the obsession of not upsetting opposition fans, you see you're at one end of the spectrum, being embarrassed by me, and I'm at the other being embarassed by people like you. There's not enough rivalry in football, and it's been eaten away over the last 15 years, but it comes to something when you can't write something negative about a club without being criticised by your own fans. Well its a public forum, if you don't want stick there are a couple options... You can say what you like about me but for someone as belligerent as yourself you do seem strangely sensitive when someone has a different point of view. I'm not emabrrased by you in the slightest either, its a free country. But when its on here we all have the right to reply. And Macain want a word with you...they want all their chips back
  22. Exactly, and you get people saying "people like Stevie have made us a national joke". I would counter that by saying people like Paddock Lad, have made us in to a meek, jesters hat wearing, SKY generated support of total new age mugs. Who gives a fuck what people nationally think about us, we never used to care before the SKY razmataz attracted people like him. What I put about Sheffield Wednesday is what I believe, next time I'll be more sensitive to the feelings of our opponents seeing as though a bit of banter it unnecessary? Tossers. There hasn't been many Paddocks to inhabit at SJP since the Sky takeover of English football Stevie....3/10 must try harder old son
  23. Sadly Stevie, it's threads like yours which feed the belief that we're arrogant and out of touch. You've made us all look like a bunch of twats, hope you're fucking proud. Have a word with yourself man for fuck sake. 32 going on 62 you like. The bit highlighted makes you come across as if you're 12, but tragically I fear you're much older Craig's right, its the likes of you that have made the rest of us a national joke, never mind the antics of Ashley & co. Well done. The likes of me kept this club going, when people used the excuse of a boycot to stay away in the early 90s, and history is repeating itself again, I'm still there are you? You patronising cunt. Paddock Lad. Says it all. Think we're gonna need a bigger boat for you Stevie And I'm not getting into a "I'm a bigger fan than you" contest with anyone, least of all your good self.... Adrian Durham was trying to get calls from Newcastle fans this afternoon on talkshite using the 37k crowd as a wind up..."Newcastle fans pack SJP every week don't they?...where've they all gone?" Where do you think he gets ammo like this from? Whether you accept its the case or are bothered by it in any way, you can be sure its from the likes of you. Fair enough, you're a proud man,but can you not just accept that our crowds have gone up and down over the years in proportion to how we're actually performing on the pitch, and in that respect we're much the same as any other club really?...the difference is we've got a slightly bigger hardcore than most at the heart of the club, and thats about it.
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