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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : ) Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : ) ok...if you want a sensible question from someone of roughly your own age, what do you think the effect on the football club in general and on Ashley in particular of a widespread crowd boycott (say crowds down to say around 20k,roughly the mid eighties average attendance) for the rest of this season and for all of next season? He'd be gone like a fucking shot Where would the club be if the fat bastard brass necks it till 2011 on those sort of attendances though?...that is just as likely an outcome of a boycott as him doing one...he's desperate to get his money back, as the last 48 hours have shown.
  2. Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : ) Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : ) ok...if you want a sensible question from someone of roughly your own age, what do you think the effect on the football club in general and on Ashley in particular of a widespread crowd boycott (say crowds down to say around 20k,roughly the mid eighties average attendance) for the rest of this season and for all of next season?
  3. This is the final straw....hes had enough of being told to get out our club and wants to hurt us in possibly the worst possible way. Fuckin hell...he'll get lynched at the Peterborough game. what price it'll be the "sports direct" stadium@St James Park? what a cunt
  4. I do think it should be easy to show him up but I don't think it will happen. His media training seems to have paid off as he's not as prone to foot-in-mouth gaffs as he used to be. If the Beeb really wanted to stitch him up they should've invited Mark Collet or one of Griffin's other minions on instead because they're not as savvy. They're bound to say something awful. Or invite him on for 15mins head to head with Paxman on Newsnight. He'd rip Griffin to shreds. To me thats what the BBC shouldve done, but I doubt Griffin would've accepted the invitation,giving the BBC to say "we asked him on but he declined" etc. I really can't see any of the panel on tonights programme laying a glove on him to be honest. Or have Steven Fry or David Baddiel on the panel.Basically someone very clever who isnt constrained by party lines and may well have a bit of an axe to grind with the fucker. Apparently when Jean Marie Le Pen appeared on the French equivalent the French National Front's share of the vote went up by a huge amount, culminating in that cunt almost being elected president. Thats not going to happen in this country obviously, but there are enough knuckle draggers out there willing to agree with most or all of what Griffin says to let his appearance on the state broadcaster's prime debating forum to in some twisted way legitimise their own prejudices and bitterness about how the country is being run which may well end up in a cross in the BNP box the next time theres an election here.
  5. You mean the improper ones hate him?! who decides who is proper and improper? its all a bit confusing for me
  6. aye we'll see how many of them are there and how much noise they make v Barnsley on Tuesday....."one nil to the famous club".....I'd put money on them having sang that one when they were in divi 3 as well Having said that, it was a cracking atmosphere, the best I've heard this season by a mile, real cup tie stuff. We're a bit one dimensional, for all our pressure in the 2nd half they pretty much knew what to expect and dealt with it well. It seems that if we take the lead in games we're ok and opponenents fold pretty easily, but Davies had Forest wound up right from the start and we struggled to cope in the first half. If they're not really challenging in January we could do worse than a cheeky bid for Moussi who ran the show in midfield and had Smith chasing shadows for an hour before he faded a bit. Thats if Ashley has fucked off by then. Anyone see the ruck on the bridge after the game?...doubt if it was organised, just some young uns in stone island jumpers kicking off after a bit of chanting and name calling....silly fuckers there was filth everywhere
  7. We did this for "The Firm" a couple of weeks back.....it was fuckin rubbish. The original from the 80s is worth a look though...Gary Oldman,Jim MacDonald and Phil Mitchell all star!
  8. Lush... See where the GWR fm bit is ?? Well, for years and years and years, those seats never existed. If you see old footage of Ashton Gate you'll see that there was this fucking ugly brick wall with virtually fuck all in front of it but it had the seats behind. Ugly shithole. Less ugly now, but still fucking ugly. I think I heard them twice the whole game. the last time i was there (Jim Smith was manager,it pissed down and we got beat one nowt) was the last time I was assaulted at at football match....the away end (behind the right hand goal) was an open terrace and we got fuckin saoked, then jumped by a bunch of yokels who came bombing down a hill in a park near the ground...they had a serious mob in those days but I imagine it was their bairns who started the trouble yesterday....
  9. Don't know about being "the best" but I've hugely enjoyed this lot's music....... Angus Young Bob Mould Johnny Marr John Squire Mick Jones Richard Thompson Jimi Hendrix Adrian Smith Gary Moore Rory Gallagher Bernard Sumner Kurt Cobain J Mascis Paul Weller (The Jam only! ) Noel Gallagher Ray Davies George Harrison Prince to be honest theres dozens....
  10. He's pointed out that the tories got the call about how to handle the economic disaster wrong; the only political party in the world to call it wrong i.e. to do nothing. (New)Labour are really down in the dumps, but I suggested to mrs hips last night that it might be worth a £20 punt on them winning the next election. Is he suggesting every country that gave trillions to the banks got it spot on? He's told us that not ONE saver in UK lost a single penny of their savings. And at the small price of £25k of debt for every man, woman and child in the country. GREAT. And how would you have felt this time last year when you rolled up to a random cashpoint and found you couldnt get near your wages as the global finanacial system had run out of money? Brown and Darling grasped the nettle and saved the world from the fuck wittery of the way the major banks had been doing things since de regulation started under the tories the best part of 30 years ago. Good on them I say. A lot of us sleepwalked into this, and a lot of us are partly to blame as we saw our houses nicely quadruple in price etc. Some warned we were in for a reckoning, but we largely ignored them and chose to look on in glee in the estate agents windows and get ourselves into huge debt by borrowing against the artificially huge amount our houses were worth. Selling mortgages to those that banks thirty years ago wouldnt have touched with a bargepole, self certification of mortgage applications etc, a lot of us swallowed the whole lot as being normal and having no side effects, and a lot of us naiively thought it could go on forever,or just chose not to think about it too much. And if anyone can show me how any government on earth could have introduced stricter regulation for the markets once Maggie and Reagan had set the ball rolling then I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say. No government could have reigned in those who played fast and loose with our/their cash, it would've been so completely against the free market principles that the system was built upon that the banks would've staged a military fuckin coup if any major government had seriously tried to get them to act with a bit of restraint. It's true, taxes will go up to pay for this dogs dinner. It's also true at the end of world war 2 that as a nation we owed more.....how many booms and busts have we seen since then?...t'is the way of capitalism, and thats the only game in town I'm afraid. And sadly it will mean the end of Brown, who for all his huge faults is just about as good a PM that we can hope for/are going to be able to get as we enter the second decade of the 21st century. fuckin depressing isn't it?
  11. Theres a bust of Sir Bob in the foyer of the player's entrance (the old milburn entrance).......hes still keeping a wary eye on all who come and go at the club..... Joe Harvey should be recognised in some way pubicly at the ground.....it shows the Westwood, Seymour and Mckeag regimes in an even worse light than what they are seen at the moment....they mustve made millions on the back of what Joe did for the club...it was never spent on players or the ground....until we sold Pedro that is
  12. He'll be sitting in the Platinum Club next.....if he doesn't already with the rest of his corporate chums. And a message for young Steven....I've been part of the supervisory team on various multi million pound projects for the likes of Spie Matthew Hall and Lorne Stewart, I've seen the corporate management end of this game close up and It's really not for me....too much politics, too many people stabbing each other in the back, too many bullshitting brown noses all sucking the bossses knob....does it sound familiar to you? You're actually spot on in a way....I have the right experiance and know how to be a site engineer at least at my age but I for one can earn a very good wage and come home and switch off in a way that management types never can. Many I know suffer badly from stress, a common complaint as you well know as you were whingeing on about it in a thread a few weeks back. Lack of ambition?...absoloutely, but at least I avoid having to deal with such charming corporate types such as yourself.
  13. Nerve touched? Recruitment agencies are scum holes. Is that the sound of a nail being hit firmly on the head? to answer Mr Shinton's points... I'm not paid a salary as such, if I work through an agency I get an hourly rate, of which the agency takes a cut. No agency=more money money for myself. I'm 40 in a months time, am a fully qualified electrician and have been in this trade every day of my life since the day I left school. I am more than capable of cutting a deal with any given contractor who may be interested in offering me work. It is the contractors who have gone down this road of putting someone between themselves and tradesmen for a service they could easily do in house. I fully accept that it is easier for them to to contract out recruitment of staff but with the increased "casualisation" of such labour the contractors reap what they sow, with many left in the lurch at the end of jobs with people moving on to the next contract well before they may be laid off from where they are currently working. Solicitors, mechanics and plumbers offer services which the average man in the street generally isn't qualified to do or can only do to a certain extent before professional help is required. Anyone with a titter of wit can cut a deal with a prospective employer, we don't need someone posistioning themselves between us and them and taking a cut for no more than answering the phone all day, talking total bollocks and seemingly posting on here.
  14. This is what I sent to an agency who fucked me around last year...the first one was to the directors, the second one to the fucktard who was pissing me off when I'd been out of work for 2 months...just to say employment agencies, whilst being completely legal and indeed a multi billion pound "industry" are all without exception morally bankrupt paricsiticle cunts...why should any tosser in an office take a cut of my money for doing fuck all?
  15. . com are saying Pep Guardiola was there as well.....but no Mourihno apparently?....If anyone has a lot to thank Sir Bob for its surely him...he'd probably still be a PE teacher without coming into contact with Sir Bob?....am sure he had a good reason for not being there...maybe he wasn't asked?
  16. We're doing the old rope-a-dope. Let them throw everything at us for the first 20 mins, soak it up, then when they blow themselves out pick them off with our superior skill. Which is and has been a good tactic this season, but thats with Smudger clattering anything that moves.....sounds like theyre straight on to Colo and Taylor one each Ormerod
  17. Sounds like we're getting twatted.....would it be fair to say we may be missing Smith a bit tonight? Colo shouldve scored just then, cleared by a player on the line, apparently with his hand Butt misses a free header from the corner fuck.
  18. The strike has been called off today midday start in that boozer opposite the main entrance to the station with the hanging baskets outside
  19. Wasn't Khalid Sheikh Mohammed the man mainly behind it ? he was the on-site organiser but I was thinking of the demented Arsenal supporter locked in his cave somewhere................. I think conspiracy theories are generally a crock of shit...but I think he's been dead for years like.....there's been another audio broadcast by "him" this week but new no film footage of the fucker since before 9/11... They got him when they bombed the Tora Bora caves I reckon...or he succumbed to renal failure as he was seemingly on dialysis before he took the the mountains....but he's being kept "alive" for propaganda purposes so we can continue the "war on terror"
  20. Why? The whole idea of debate is that you state your position and then state your reason for having that position to give other people a chance to counter it. Yes and i think near enough every other person on here has agreed your point is a joke. I don't think you're quite understanding this. Answer this simple question: Why do you think it's a joke? because its a free country?....what are you going to do?....stand at the turnstiles at Blackpool and Ipswich shouting "you'd better fuckin sing mind ya bastaaads!"? I was there yeateday as well and we were about as vocal as usual at an away game....there are lull's in atmoasphere/singing at most games...especially last season...but overall we gave a good account of ourselves, as usual....mind I thought theyd be a bit more vocal...disappointed in that, and sometimes you need the opposing fans to be up for it as well.
  21. PaddockLad


    The porrigde mooth was wrong, and was probably trying to make some sort of fucked up nationalistic point. Try these for interesting stuff about the origins of how we speak today and local (mainly Nothumbrian) history, all by Alistair Moffat... http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_ss_0_12?u...ix=alistair+mof
  22. PaddockLad


    Yeah, and many of them are the root of words used in modern English, so we're using the same words, but just pronouncing them differently, whcih means it's essentially the same language but a different dialect.
  23. PaddockLad


    The thing is, a lot of those words are just the way we pronounce words that are in use in everyday English spoken all over the world....."wor" is just another way of saying "our" and comes from the same root word, which technically makes the way we speak a dialect rather than an individual, stand alone language, regardless of how far back some of the pronounciations go. We did indeed all speak Brythonic (early Welsh) all over the British Isles until waves of Saxon and Anglian immigration, raids form Pictish and Scottish (ie Irish) pirates and of course the Roman invasion pushed most of the speakers of the language westwards into the mountains of what is now Wales, where the language continues to thrive, which in itself is a minor miracle, having been under huge threat for two thousand years, and from the two greatest empires the world has ever seen. Cornish, Breton,Scots,Irish,Manx,Galloway and Deeside Gaelic are all either extinct or dying, but Welsh survives, which I quite like Near where my old man was brought up in the Cheviots there's a place called Pennymuir: http://www.streetmap.co.uk/map.srf?x=37550...searchp=ids.srf its a very historic place: http://www.discovertheborders.co.uk/places/136.html not least for the actual name itself, which has survived in its original brythonic form, unchanged since someone first named it two millenia ago: penn= "at the head" y= "of" muir= "the walls".....(of the roman camp) for further confirmation look at the map of Wales where you find it unchanged as wel in Penn y ghent etc.... Makes you think doesn't it Stevie?....we're all fuckin taffs!
  24. PaddockLad


    "Geordie" is a dialect, which makes use of lots of slang words, many of them Anglian in origin. "Scots", better known as either "lallans" or "lowlands scots" is allegedly a language (according to the porrigde mooths), but it is a in reality just a dialect, with, in the south east of Scotland, many similarities to "Geordie". The western version, as spoken by Robbie Burns, is quite different in some ways, being influenced more by the Gaelic spoken in Galloway until (comparatively) fairly recently.
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