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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Darren Bent's old dear abused at Wigan http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...loss-Wigan.html
  2. I wonder what they were arguing about? http://www.popcrunch.com/tiger-woods-rache...el-affair-pics/ looks like Erin has beaten the crap out of him (hence the "inconsistent injuries") for whats been in the press about him this week and the car crash thing may or may not be an elaborate cover up story.....
  3. Avram Grant is director of football.....but doesnt have a work permit to work as manager,according to the bbc......is Mike Ashley running Pompey as well?
  4. For all the Marlene and Guthrie doom sayers....have a look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wb5bqkpMJ4A Harewood is crucially involved twice in the build up to the goal,and Guthrie puts a great cross in. Without those two bits of good play theres no goal and it's nowts each at FT. Also Nolan was guilty of giving the ball directly to a Preston player at least 3 times in the centre of the park last night...good job Preston are ultimately wank and couldnt captilise on it. Maybe we're being hard on Harewood in particular?...is there just a bit of the Shola about him?
  5. Promotion is pointless unless Ashley sells the club, and that begs the question why, seeing as there are no takers at a reported 80mill with good odds on promotion being acheived this season,would anyone pay well over the 100mill the fat bastard will undoubtedly ask for next summer should we have something to celebrate in May? The correct time to buy NUFC is NOW, before the window opens in January and before we are if/when etc promoted. I'm not holding my breath on that one though
  6. Wonder if Titus will get Wigan's player of the year this time around?
  7. Went to see this lot on Thursday night....Mark E Smith looks like hes 70 odd and recovering from stroke or something...but as usual the band he's put together sounds fuckin brilliant.. ps.....how do you embed the youtube videos on to here?...cheers, from an IT moron
  8. Just had a pint with His missus is captain of Iceland's womens football team and used to work in a fish factory....he reckons that makes her more famous then him in Iceland
  9. Good point I think we would have been in the final at least. Fucking Celtic got there! That toon side would've ripped them a new arsehole, Larsson or not. I think in hindsight we were very unlucky, the only game we were shit in the second group phase was Barcelona at home. Fucking Bramble. Of those games mentioned the only two I wasn't at was the 2-1 win at Roker, and Hillsborough as I wasn't born, personally I would put other games in there too. Leeds 4-3 being a definite contender. People always remember O'Briens goal in the 2-1 win, which was great of course, (I personally had a hand in it by putting Tim Carter off as he was lining up his wall, Liam owes me a pint!), but I'd love to see O'Briens equaliser down there the season before that, again. He lobbed Tony Norman from just outside the box and it was a fucking peach. Saw it once on Tyne-Tees on the monday after the game and it looked as mental in the Roker end on the box as it was on the day. The Roker end seemed more 'packed' that day as I think they'd given us fewer tickets than normal. when it went in the Toon fans just surged forward rather than jumped up and down. (From memory, anyway!). After the match a brick threw by some mackems down one of the side streets missed my mate by inches but hit some other oldish bloke instead. That may well have been due to virtually the only decent mackem I've ever met....some lad called Barry, who sauntered up to a group of us,quite plainly ticketless, Mags and told us to go to turnstile 11 and tell the bloke that "Barry had sent you", hand over a tenner, and we'd get in.And we were far from the only ones. Cheers Barry As someone mentioned, Leeds 4-3 was great too, as was a week later when we won in London for the first time in 4 years or so and in beating Arsenal we were top of the league at Christmas. I'd also add beating Leeds 5-2 with Quinny getting 4 on his debut...went out that night and pulled a bird with the biggest set I'd ever seen....and I'm yet to see bigger 20 years later
  10. Sad to say but promotion under Ashley is virtually worthless. We'll come straight back down again when he tries to strengthen the squad with some white fivers, half an ounce of shag and a four pack of stella
  11. http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/news/Newca...icle214005.html
  12. there aren't any. Ebbsfleet are non league and have a "comittee" of thousands of voters who decide everything AFC Wimbledon were sset up by a few very rich fans of Wimbledon FC who own and run the club themselves. Barecelona are a worldwide institution and the symbol of the old independant state of Catalunya who elect a president every few years who can count on massive financial backing from world renowned bodies eg UNICEF. What NUST are proposing hasnt been done before with a club our size in this country.
  13. Just got this cheery email from the club......fuck off Mike you colossal tit
  14. How will a board to run the club and attract income be chosen?...one man one,one vote a la Ebbsfleet or an election like Barcelona to choose a "President", who would then choose his own board members?
  15. I think it may be, for want of a better word, a "trap". Does he, for some unknowable reason, want a massive crowd reaction on Saturday to this crock of shite? I can't think of a better way to virtually guarantee one. It's the thin end of the wedge we're dealing with. Passive acceptance isn't an option. What message would that send to Ashley?
  16. it'll mean we wont be playing at a football ground, we'll be playing at a fuckin email address for pykey clothes.
  17. thats the bottom line as far as I can see....Ashley crapped it mainly when he found out how much debt shep had run up.....we hadn't been living within our means for years,but had done fairly well when shep tried to reign it in a bit under Sir Bob (the summer we signed only Lee Bowyer on a fee) but then went fuckin mental letting Souness spend stupid money.There was probabaly always going to be a financial reckoning around now for NUFC, but that still doesnt excuse Ashley from being a complete cunt
  18. Is there a link for it?.....she's filth. I cant see the fascination with her sister when Danny looks as if she could shag you to death without breaking sweat. She finished Jaques Villeneuve's racing career...he couldnt get out of his bed in the mornings after she'd finished with him, the dirty cow! In saying that, Kylie was getting it from legendary pervert Michael Hutchence....she dumped Donovan for him. What is it with that pair?
  19. ? He was a Schalke fan... Just an off hand, slightly irrelevant comment about the consequences if we didn't win the war! Give it a rest and talk about gardening! Grow your own! It's a misconception though. The Nazis only used Schalke for propaganda reasons because of their success (which was just down to having the best players) and their status a working man's club. There was a brilliant response to this myth when it was published in the Times about a year ago: Now for Hitler and gardening... http://chi-simonk.blogspot.com/2007/10/hit...-gardening.html Good article that Imagine some Brit politician trying to bask in some football team prominence. It just wouldn't happen. Not even Tony Blair..... You're joking, right? That is a good article. Funny too, difficult to believe it was written by a German. I didn't know that 'Allo 'Allo was popular over there either. Aye...how would they have translated this lad? An Englishman speaking bad Fench, translated into German? sorry...just an excuse to put Officer Crabtree on the board.....he's a much underrated classic British comedy character...or maybe I'm just a sad twat for liking allo allo?
  20. hot on Andy's heels, we have Alan Oliver, giving a masterful display of sucking up to any despot who will grant the desperate attention seeking twat an audience, always willing to write utter shit in the name of journalism to keep the regime of a complete cunt looking good in the eyes of the outside world. He'd have done well in the old USSR.. http://www.people.co.uk/sport/football/tm_...-name_page.html
  21. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/sport/andy...unn-column.html On the face of it this is a pretty good article imho, but wasn't Andy Dunn a sort of "propagndist-in-chief" for Ashley little more than a year ago? Does your fuckin brass neck set those x ray machines at airports off Andy you two faced twat?
  22. Its the old Celtic New Years Eve tonight...All Hallows Eve as it used to be called after it was chrtianised, All Saints Day tomorrow.....Samhain as the Celts used to call it.... http://www.livingmyths.com/Celticyear.htm
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