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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. Surely once the initial investment is used up to buy the club and clear the debts there would be enough income through ticket sales, merchandising, corporate sales and tv licensing to keep things ticking over? How do the other clubs mentioned who do it manage things?


    there aren't any.


    Ebbsfleet are non league and have a "comittee" of thousands of voters who decide everything


    AFC Wimbledon were sset up by a few very rich fans of Wimbledon FC who own and run the club themselves.


    Barecelona are a worldwide institution and the symbol of the old independant state of Catalunya who elect a president every few years who can count on massive financial backing from world renowned bodies eg UNICEF.


    What NUST are proposing hasnt been done before with a club our size in this country.

  2. I think it may be, for want of a better word, a "trap".


    Does he, for some unknowable reason, want a massive crowd reaction on Saturday to this crock of shite? I can't think of a better way to virtually guarantee one.


    It's the thin end of the wedge we're dealing with. Passive acceptance isn't an option. What message would that send to Ashley?

  3. It was the Halls and Shepherds who got us into this mess in the first place. :D


    thats the bottom line as far as I can see....Ashley crapped it mainly when he found out how much debt shep had run up.....we hadn't been living within our means for years,but had done fairly well when shep tried to reign it in a bit under Sir Bob (the summer we signed only Lee Bowyer on a fee) but then went fuckin mental letting Souness spend stupid money.There was probabaly always going to be a financial reckoning around now for NUFC, but that still doesnt excuse Ashley from being a complete cunt :rolleyes:

  4. Is there a link for it?.....she's filth. I cant see the fascination with her sister when Danny looks as if she could shag you to death without breaking sweat. She finished Jaques Villeneuve's racing career...he couldnt get out of his bed in the mornings after she'd finished with him, the dirty cow!


    In saying that, Kylie was getting it from legendary pervert Michael Hutchence....she dumped Donovan for him. What is it with that pair? :D

  5. If Hitler had his way Schalke 04 would be winning everything! :rolleyes:




    He was a Schalke fan...


    Just an off hand, slightly irrelevant comment about the consequences if we didn't win the war!


    Give it a rest and talk about gardening!


    Grow your own! :icon_lol:

    It's a misconception though. The Nazis only used Schalke for propaganda reasons because of their success (which was just down to having the best players) and their status a working man's club.


    There was a brilliant response to this myth when it was published in the Times about a year ago:


    Dear Editor,


    Your article on 'The 50 worst famous football fans' on November 26 made interesting reading. Until then we didn't know Adolf Hitler had a soft spot for Schalke 04 let alone was a fan of our club.


    We were very curious to find out what made the well respected Times claim this as a fact. So we checked and double-checked whether the club board between 1933 and 1945 had named a stand the "Führer Stand", for example, and we watched every episode of 'Allo 'Allo in a bid to find a clue. Nothing.


    In fact, it turned out he must have been an armchair supporter because he never bothered to turn up at any of our games, even if it was a championship final right on his door step at the Olympic Stadium in Berlin. Perhaps he was too occupied with his genocidal policies, or… maybe he wasn't a football fan after all.


    This is at least what a scientific study commissioned by the club revealed in 2004. The authors analysed the theory that the fact that Schalke won six national championships during the Third Reich was down to the special support of the Nazis. The result was quite clear: the theory is total rubbish. At best, the Nazis tried to bask in the sun of the great popularity of a team that had ranked among the best in the land since 1927.


    Hitler himself never did so for two reasons. First, the physiognomy of footballers with their bow legs and knock-knees wasn't exactly his idea of a superior German race. Second, he did go to a football match once during the Olympic Games in 1936, but Germany lost 2-0 to Norway. Bugger!


    To conclude Hitler was a fan of Schalke 04 because they won most of the titles during his regime must make Margaret Thatcher a Liverpool fan. Funnily enough she didn't make the list.


    Best regards

    Gerd Voss

    Head of Media & PR

    Schalke 04


    Now for Hitler and gardening...




    Good article that <_< Imagine some Brit politician trying to bask in some football team prominence. It just wouldn't happen. Not even Tony Blair.....


    You're joking, right?


    That is a good article. Funny too, difficult to believe it was written by a German. I didn't know that 'Allo 'Allo was popular over there either. :D


    Aye...how would they have translated this lad?



    An Englishman speaking bad Fench, translated into German? :icon_lol:


    sorry...just an excuse to put Officer Crabtree on the board.....he's a much underrated classic British comedy character...or maybe I'm just a sad twat for liking allo allo? B)

  6. hot on Andy's heels, we have Alan Oliver, giving a masterful display of sucking up to any despot who will grant the desperate attention seeking twat an audience, always willing to write utter shit in the name of journalism to keep the regime of a complete cunt looking good in the eyes of the outside world. He'd have done well in the old USSR..


    1 November 2009


    Alan Oliver

    Mike Ashley will plough back every penny he receives from the St James' Park naming rights to fire Newcastle United back into the Premier League.


    The Newcastle owner once again came under fire from the Toon Army this week after announcing that their famous stadium was set to be re-named.


    But a source close to Ashley has told People Sport that the rights will not be flogged off on the cheap.





    The Ashley camp have also assured Newcastle fans that he is fully committed to taking the club back into the top flight at the first time of asking.



    And now the owners - dubbed the Cockney Mafia by sceptical Toon fans - have promised that:



    Potential sponsors will have to fork out £6MILLION a season to take over naming rights of the ground.



    Manager Chris Hughton will be given EVERY PENNY of that cash to strengthen his squad.



    None of the club's young talent, such as striker Nile Ranger (pictured) - who was watched by Manchester City talent spotter Brian Marwood during Newcastle's defeat of Doncaster last week - will be sold off.



    The Tynesiders are in a better financial state than half of the Premier League clubs.



    The Toon source said: "Mike recognises what the name St James' Park means to the Newcastle fans and he understands why there is some anger.



    "But all he is asking is for the fans to sit back and take a realistic look at the situation.



    "It is costing him £3m a month out of his own pocket to run Newcastle and he is trying to look at other ways of raising revenue - the St James' Park name is one of his few valuable assets.



    "But he is not going to flog the name of the stadium to the first bidder.



    "He is looking for a significant figure for the stadium naming rights and if he gets it, all the money will go to help Chris Hughton strengthen the team."



    Ashley has been criticised for a lack of investment since he bought Newcastle in May 2007 and has clawed back £60m in the transfer market.



    But earlier this week, the club released a statement saying that Ashley was set to plough £20m into the club.



    People Sport revealed last Sunday that Ashley has decided to keep Newcastle United after no-one met his £100m asking price, while on October 4 we told you that caretaker boss Hughton was set to be given the Toon job on a permanent basis.






    The Ashley source added: "Mike has to run the club as a business and at the moment it is probably in a better state than 50 per cent of teams in the Premier League.



    "Yes, Mike has made mistakes, none more so than the appointment of Dennis Wise as director of football, but what has not been a mistake is the way the club is now reaping the rewards of unearthing young talent.



    "Mike is absolutely delighted at the way the likes of Ranger and Andy Carroll have come through."



    But Ashley hasn't ruled out a sale of the club in the future.



    The Ashley source added: "If someone with real financial clout came in, like Sheikh Mansour did at Manchester City, then Mike would sell it overnight.



    "He accepts that the Newcastle fans are never going to love him, not until he gets the club back into the Premier League.



    "But he just wants the fans to love their team and he has been thrilled by the way they have done this season."






    IF you venture to Johannesburg for next summer's World Cup and find yourself in rugby-loving company, do not make reference to Coca-Cola Park - the venue for five group games, one second-round match and a quarter-final.


    Physical violence is likely to ensue.



    The spiritual home of South African rugby, which staged its first Test match in 1928 against the All Blacks, became a branded venue in 2008 when it sold a name spoken reverentially around the world to the soft drinks company.



    For thirty million quid.



    But try finding a soul in South Africa who refers to Johnannesburg's hallowed stadium as Coca- Cola Park.



    If you do, he's an administrator, a foreigner, or a Coke executive.



    Journalists, fans and players still go to Ellis Park.



    It is a defining symbol of a city.



    Just as St James' Park is.



    And as long as it remains Newcastle's mountainous landmark, St James' Park will always be St James' Park regardless of whether or not Mike Ashley finds a business warped enough to believe that attaching their name to the ground - and, consequently, to a completely discredited owner - will bring them anything other than negative publicity.



    But it's the notion, an ill- conceived whim that reads like something scrawled on the back of a beer-mat, that rankles.



    After a grotesque two years of ownership - featuring the hiring and constructive firing of Kevin Keegan, the employment of Dennis Wise and the incompetence that froze out Alan Shearer, to name but a handful of disasters - this is simply another breathtaking show of disrespect towards the supporters. It's not insensitive, it's an insult. An insult to a set of fans who, for all their inflated self-importance, remain wonderfully loyal.



    Yet that loyalty is a double agent.



    A credit to the local population, a comfort to Ashley.



    The dedication of supporters is something that rarely ceases to amaze.



    I was at Molineux to see Portsmouth record their first win of the season. Their following was simply fantastic. But they are following a club that is a disgrace - a club once crackling with traditional values now being shuttled between shadowy foreign figures in a web of financial intrigue.



    After the Sulamain Al-Fahim farce, it seems new owner Ali Al-Faraj hasn't got enough cash.



    So, according to chief executive Peter Storrie, a loan is being provided by Israeli businessmen Balram Chainrai and Levi Kushnir - men who once had links with Arcadi Gaydamak, the father of former owner Sacha and now on the run in Russia after a French court found him guilty of arms trafficking.



    Pompey Chimes? Pompey Crimes, more like it.



    Will the new owner and his lenders have enough money to stave off another firesale in January? My guess is no.



    Will the debts to Arsenal and Chelsea be met? My guess is no.



    Will the faceless wheeler- dealers who engineer these takeovers and murky refinancing packages get their millions? My guess is yes.



    And still they expect the fans to turn up, to buy a programme, a pie, a pint, another replica shirt.



    When Newcastle ground out a victory against Doncaster Rovers last weekend, over 44,000 fans were inside St James' Park.



    So what if, to a man, they despise Mike Ashley? Think he cares?



    You're buying his programmes, his pies, his pints, his shirts.



    I know football is in the blood, in the heart. It's a passion for the team, whoever the owner. It's loyalty. It's habit. It's a community. It's a sense of belonging. It's tradition, it's history.



    But in Portsmouth and Newcastle, it's ripping you off, taking you for a mug.



    People who can ill-afford them already have season tickets. No one would expect them to waste a few hundred pounds on a point of principle.



    But for all the uproar on internet forums and radio phone-ins, for all the rebellious chants, there is only one surefire way of getting through to the likes of Ashley.



    Don't give him a penny of your hard-earned money.



    There may be someone out there daft enough to fork out millions to rename St James' Park Stadium.



    There's no one out there daft enough to rename Half Empty Stadium.




    On the face of it this is a pretty good article imho, but wasn't Andy Dunn a sort of "propagndist-in-chief" for Ashley little more than a year ago?


    Does your fuckin brass neck set those x ray machines at airports off Andy you two faced twat?

  8. Creep



    Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : )

    Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : )


    ok...if you want a sensible question from someone of roughly your own age, what do you think the effect on the football club in general and on Ashley in particular of a widespread crowd boycott (say crowds down to say around 20k,roughly the mid eighties average attendance) for the rest of this season and for all of next season?


    He'd be gone like a fucking shot :nah:


    Where would the club be if the fat bastard brass necks it till 2011 on those sort of attendances though?...that is just as likely an outcome of a boycott as him doing one...he's desperate to get his money back, as the last 48 hours have shown.

  9. Creep



    Oooh stop it now ...youre scaring me : )

    Did your mum give you some help in writing that response ? : )


    ok...if you want a sensible question from someone of roughly your own age, what do you think the effect on the football club in general and on Ashley in particular of a widespread crowd boycott (say crowds down to say around 20k,roughly the mid eighties average attendance) for the rest of this season and for all of next season?

  10. We can't deport anybody on grounds of race as we are subserviant to EU laws and human rights charters.


    I do think it should be easy to show him up but I don't think it will happen.


    His media training seems to have paid off as he's not as prone to foot-in-mouth gaffs as he used to be. If the Beeb really wanted to stitch him up they should've invited Mark Collet or one of Griffin's other minions on instead because they're not as savvy. They're bound to say something awful.


    Or invite him on for 15mins head to head with Paxman on Newsnight. He'd rip Griffin to shreds. To me thats what the BBC shouldve done, but I doubt Griffin would've accepted the invitation,giving the BBC to say "we asked him on but he declined" etc. I really can't see any of the panel on tonights programme laying a glove on him to be honest. Or have Steven Fry or David Baddiel on the panel.Basically someone very clever who isnt constrained by party lines and may well have a bit of an axe to grind with the fucker.


    Apparently when Jean Marie Le Pen appeared on the French equivalent the French National Front's share of the vote went up by a huge amount, culminating in that cunt almost being elected president. Thats not going to happen in this country obviously, but there are enough knuckle draggers out there willing to agree with most or all of what Griffin says to let his appearance on the state broadcaster's prime debating forum to in some twisted way legitimise their own prejudices and bitterness about how the country is being run which may well end up in a cross in the BNP box the next time theres an election here.

  11. Keegan if you're reading the proper people of Newcastle upon Tyne love you, when you're reading WUM's, idiots, and rentboy posts etc... have a look at location, if it doesn't say Newcastle take no notice. When you made your debut in 1982 there was 36,000 from the area to watch you, but such was your success as our manager, it created a monster and a national fanbase of hangers on, don't ever lose sight of who the true fans are, and the true fans will respect you till the day you die.



    You mean the improper ones hate him?! :lol:


    who decides who is proper and improper?


    its all a bit confusing for me :(

  12. Beat ourselves again where I thought we looked comfortable with them all game. We're going to get ran at headless chicken stylee everytime we go away and it's just about weathering the storm and saving our eneergy for the 2nd half where Forest were obviously fucked. What is more worrying is that I don't see many goals between Harewood, Square heed Carroll, and Ranger.


    I kept SKY on after the game had finished and was dissapointed they didn't show Forest being awarded their cup.


    aye we'll see how many of them are there and how much noise they make v Barnsley on Tuesday....."one nil to the famous club".....I'd put money on them having sang that one when they were in divi 3 as well :lol:


    Having said that, it was a cracking atmosphere, the best I've heard this season by a mile, real cup tie stuff.


    We're a bit one dimensional, for all our pressure in the 2nd half they pretty much knew what to expect and dealt with it well. It seems that if we take the lead in games we're ok and opponenents fold pretty easily, but Davies had Forest wound up right from the start and we struggled to cope in the first half. If they're not really challenging in January we could do worse than a cheeky bid for Moussi who ran the show in midfield and had Smith chasing shadows for an hour before he faded a bit. Thats if Ashley has fucked off by then.


    Anyone see the ruck on the bridge after the game?...doubt if it was organised, just some young uns in stone island jumpers kicking off after a bit of chanting and name calling....silly fuckers there was filth everywhere :(

  13. St James' Park may be enormous, but it ain't half ugly. Obviously, half the ground is bigger than the other, and what's with the awful grey seats? Why not black and white? Still, I enjoyed all the anti-Mike Ashley chants. To which we responded with: "There's only one Mike Ashley..." They didn't find that funny, either!







    See where the GWR fm bit is ?? Well, for years and years and years, those seats never existed. If you see old footage of Ashton Gate you'll see that there was this fucking ugly brick wall with virtually fuck all in front of it but it had the seats behind. Ugly shithole. Less ugly now, but still fucking ugly.


    I think I heard them twice the whole game.


    the last time i was there (Jim Smith was manager,it pissed down and we got beat one nowt) was the last time I was assaulted at at football match....the away end (behind the right hand goal) was an open terrace and we got fuckin saoked, then jumped by a bunch of yokels who came bombing down a hill in a park near the ground...they had a serious mob in those days but I imagine it was their bairns who started the trouble yesterday.... :ninja:

  14. Don't know about being "the best" but I've hugely enjoyed this lot's music.......


    Angus Young

    Bob Mould

    Johnny Marr

    John Squire

    Mick Jones

    Richard Thompson

    Jimi Hendrix

    Adrian Smith

    Gary Moore

    Rory Gallagher

    Bernard Sumner

    Kurt Cobain

    J Mascis

    Paul Weller (The Jam only! :icon_lol: )

    Noel Gallagher

    Ray Davies

    George Harrison



    to be honest theres dozens.... :D

  15. Not going to say anything new and nothing of substance, so what's the point?


    He's pointed out that the tories got the call about how to handle the economic disaster wrong; the only political party in the world to call it wrong i.e. to do nothing.


    (New)Labour are really down in the dumps, but I suggested to mrs hips last night that it might be worth a £20 punt on them winning the next election.



    Is he suggesting every country that gave trillions to the banks got it spot on?


    He's told us that not ONE saver in UK lost a single penny of their savings.

    And at the small price of £25k of debt for every man, woman and child in the country. GREAT.


    And how would you have felt this time last year when you rolled up to a random cashpoint and found you couldnt get near your wages as the global finanacial system had run out of money? Brown and Darling grasped the nettle and saved the world from the fuck wittery of the way the major banks had been doing things since de regulation started under the tories the best part of 30 years ago. Good on them I say.


    A lot of us sleepwalked into this, and a lot of us are partly to blame as we saw our houses nicely quadruple in price etc. Some warned we were in for a reckoning, but we largely ignored them and chose to look on in glee in the estate agents windows and get ourselves into huge debt by borrowing against the artificially huge amount our houses were worth. Selling mortgages to those that banks thirty years ago wouldnt have touched with a bargepole, self certification of mortgage applications etc, a lot of us swallowed the whole lot as being normal and having no side effects, and a lot of us naiively thought it could go on forever,or just chose not to think about it too much. And if anyone can show me how any government on earth could have introduced stricter regulation for the markets once Maggie and Reagan had set the ball rolling then I'd be interested in hearing what they have to say. No government could have reigned in those who played fast and loose with our/their cash, it would've been so completely against the free market principles that the system was built upon that the banks would've staged a military fuckin coup if any major government had seriously tried to get them to act with a bit of restraint.


    It's true, taxes will go up to pay for this dogs dinner. It's also true at the end of world war 2 that as a nation we owed more.....how many booms and busts have we seen since then?...t'is the way of capitalism, and thats the only game in town I'm afraid.


    And sadly it will mean the end of Brown, who for all his huge faults is just about as good a PM that we can hope for/are going to be able to get as we enter the second decade of the 21st century.


    fuckin depressing isn't it? :lol:

  16. Theres a bust of Sir Bob in the foyer of the player's entrance (the old milburn entrance).......hes still keeping a wary eye on all who come and go at the club.....


    Joe Harvey should be recognised in some way pubicly at the ground.....it shows the Westwood, Seymour and Mckeag regimes in an even worse light than what they are seen at the moment....they mustve made millions on the back of what Joe did for the club...it was never spent on players or the ground....until we sold Pedro that is :)

  17. I never thought Stevie would be one to have it in for the working class man.


    He'll be sitting in the Platinum Club next.....if he doesn't already with the rest of his corporate chums.



    And a message for young Steven....I've been part of the supervisory team on various multi million pound projects for the likes of Spie Matthew Hall and Lorne Stewart, I've seen the corporate management end of this game close up and It's really not for me....too much politics, too many people stabbing each other in the back, too many bullshitting brown noses all sucking the bossses knob....does it sound familiar to you? :)


    You're actually spot on in a way....I have the right experiance and know how to be a site engineer at least at my age but I for one can earn a very good wage and come home and switch off in a way that management types never can. Many I know suffer badly from stress, a common complaint as you well know as you were whingeing on about it in a thread a few weeks back. Lack of ambition?...absoloutely, but at least I avoid having to deal with such charming corporate types such as yourself.

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