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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. Manchester derby the biggest? ;)


    For me, and I take Stevie's points completley about Boca v River Plate (these things are entirely subjective), this is the daddy:



    This is where a decade of civil war in the Balkans started, Dinamo Zagreb v Red Star Belgrade...obviously a lot more to it than football; WW 1 starting in nearby Bosnia and all the history of the peoples of the Ottoman Empire being at each others throats.....Serbia's traditional support of Russia and Marshal Tito, leader of Yugoslavia from WW 2 till his death in the late 80s....the subsequent collapse of communist power in Eastern Europe in general and the old emeneties and hatreds re surfacing....which all led to this game in 1991. The Red Star Ultras basically became the warlord Arkan's paramilitary militia " The Tigers", similarlary the Dianmo's "BBB's" (Bad Blue Boys) went off to join the Croatian army. This game kicked it all off. Couldnt find any footage of the Dinamo players having it with the Belgrade riot police, but theres a legendary shot of one of them doing a flying kick into a fully armoured goon and flattening the fucker..Bosko Balaban?


    Don't know if you'd call this a "derby" (as I say very subjective) as such but there was a terrific rivalry between these clubs during the years of the Yugoslavian league and at it's culmination it kicked off a decade long civil war. Thats wat I call a derby ;)


    (If anyones interested, Simon Kuper's "Football Against The Enemy" gives a very good account of what happened)

  2. I think Ashley likes someone who owes him a favour, or is grateful for the job...see also JFK. Makes them easier to manipulate, or easier to "persuade" to see things his way, accept budgets etc.


    And there is this talk of a player's "comittee" (Smith,Nolan...anyone else?) Caulkin and Bird have both alluded to this, and Hughton is quoted as saying he likes to do the job with a "light touch" in the changing room.


    All of which suggests to me we've got a yes man who is largely cowed by the players he's supposed to be in charge of. As someone has said we're top in spite of not because of him. So how much better could we be if we had someone else in charge?...Shearer?.....Mark Hughes?....

  3. what is the back line going to look like with s taylor and enrique injured and r taylor suspended?






    i can't believe we'll win the title with that back 4


    Raylor isnt suspended for the rest of the season and simpson will be back soon too


    as for enrique, we have to wait and see


    Danny Fox from Celtic if you beleive that nutter who runs newcastle united blog.....is he any good?...premier league player?

  4. This is canny and the best named hotel in western europe ;) :




    If you want a bit of history, try a snoop around whats left of the jewish quarter in Amsterdam Sud. The Synangogue is stunning, and the Schouwburg Theatre will break your heart when they tell you that it was where they kept the jewish folk before they were put on the trains for Auschwitz.


    The red light area has loads of whores and cheap dope mind...its fuckin great ;)

  5. Money making scheme:


    Purchased one of these bad boys:




    got tons of vinyl, a lot of it on the rare-ish side, so thought I'd get ot all backed up on to a hardrive and flog the lot for ££££s ;)





    It is currently annhilating "headache" by Frank Black; the recording is beyond tinny with no depth whatsover and the stylus is just scratching the fuck out of my vinyl making the recording barely listenable B)


    I realise I've gone for the cheapest possible option, has anyone else given this a go and acheived good quality recordings?...if so what kit did you use? Cheers.....



    have you still got a turntable? (must have a headphones socket).


    1. get audacity off the net. its free so dont worry

    2. run a lead from your headphone socket to your pc mic input (small jackplug)

    3. run audacity. go into project and select 'new stereo track'

    4. start the record and press the record button in audacity.(make sure the input level is ok)

    5. do the same for side B


    you'll have to split the tracks manually but its a piece of piss to do. make sure you use the 'export as Mp3' option when saving the individual track.


    hope this helps


    edit: just remembered you'll also need to download something called the 'LAME mp3 encoder'. it explains how to do it on the audacity site. (iirc)


    Still got my Technics so all is good.......all I need is a lead.I'll give that a go thanks very much mate ;)

  6. Money making scheme:


    Purchased one of these bad boys:




    got tons of vinyl, a lot of it on the rare-ish side, so thought I'd get ot all backed up on to a hardrive and flog the lot for ££££s ;)





    It is currently annhilating "headache" by Frank Black; the recording is beyond tinny with no depth whatsover and the stylus is just scratching the fuck out of my vinyl making the recording barely listenable ;)


    I realise I've gone for the cheapest possible option, has anyone else given this a go and acheived good quality recordings?...if so what kit did you use? Cheers.....

  7. It could have been different for Routledge, who consulted former team-mate Jermaine Jenas before making the switch to Tyneside.



    Yeah.....so's this....


    Routledge only signed for QPR from Aston Villa in the summer, but he had become disillusioned by the upheaval at


    Loftus Road which has seen two managers – Jim Magilton and Paul Hart – both part company with the west London club this season.




    hope he's not come here expecting a quiet life :razz:

  8. Comedy 80s yuppie Simon Jordan you mean? Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke.



    Simon Jordan is an utter tit. Rent-a-quote, mong.


    According to the Palace fan at work he's lobbed £36m of his own money into the club during his ownership which is considered to be most of his own personal wealth. Tit he may be but you can't fault him from supporting the club - it's more than our owner has done.


    Lot of vitriol is aimed towards Noades by all accounts as he walked away with a nice tidy little sum when he too was staring administration in the face.

    I'll tell you now I hope he ends up in a Dulwich highrise on the dole. He is the definition of a cunt. This man burned a £50 note in someones face. Anyone who does that type of thing, no judge, no jury, death, straight to the death chambers. Without question and hesitation one of the biggest arseholes English football has ever known.


    Jamie McLen lit a cigar in Hign Pit club in Cramlington with a 20 pound note when he was playing for the reserves the ludicrous fuckin cunt :)


    Didn't Noades say that "black players cant defend" or some other such bollocks?

  9. Comedy 80s yuppie Simon Jordan you mean? Couldn't happen to a nicer bloke.



    Simon Jordan is an utter tit. Rent-a-quote, mong.


    According to the Palace fan at work he's lobbed £36m of his own money into the club during his ownership which is considered to be most of his own personal wealth. Tit he may be but you can't fault him from supporting the club - it's more than our owner has done.


    Lot of vitriol is aimed towards Noades by all accounts as he walked away with a nice tidy little sum when he too was staring administration in the face.


    I think Noades owns the ground too....he kept hold of it when he sold out to that other dick Goldberg who let Venables fleece them too. Poor fuckers.

  10. I saw Simon Jordan outside Valentinos in Puerto Banus last summer drinking with Alan Stubbs and Beppe from Eastenders.....someone went up to Beppe and said "you were fuckin brilliant in Emmerdale mate" :)


    Jordans another cockney twat whos ego demanded he become a nationally known figure by ruining a football club. Shame for the fans.

  11. To be fair, I was going to ask if Burns had done anything other than write? Was he political or anything? Just interesting he has a "day" and Shakespeare or Keats doesn't.

    Comparing Burns to Shakespeare is like comparing Stephen Caldwell to Bobby Moore.

    Difficult to compare a playwrite to a poet though shirley?


    Shakespeare can in some ways be viewed as a propagandist for the post reformation monarchy. Canny writer,no doubt about it, but as a man basically bought and paid for. MacBeth is a character assination of the last truly "Celtic" (and obviously Roman Catholic) king of Scotland, written to curry favour with Henry VIII's Protestant descendants.


    Burns lived in different and less turbulent times, but was his own man.His works were more observational, less contrived and without any real agenda. You may prefer Shakespere's works to Burns, fair play. But theres always for me been an unpleasant whiff of kissing the ruling elite's arse about Shakespere's stuff.


    I dont know Burn's work to argue but i'll take your word on that. Might not be wholly fair on the bard though/


    Shadowplay by Clare Asquith is a very scholarly account of the hidden political messages in Shakespeare's work. The church of England and the Queen were his political overlords, yet his work has many elements of catholic sympathy (if you buy her argument). These sympathies are coded into the text and Asquith argues that these codes, whilst a bit obscure to us, would have been much more obvious to those with sympathies on the losing side of the religious divide.


    Yeah....Shakesperes time was a strange one, the country was virtually a police state if you were a catholic, and its strongly rumoured that a lot of Shakesperes family were. I've not read the account you mention but I'm aware of his alleged religious sympathies, which makes his attitude to the crown and c of e a bit hyporcritical if you ask me.


    Hyopcritical? Or sensible? Marlowe was killed because of his beliefs.


    yeah...as I say for anyone with catholic sympathies it was an horrific time. But why suck from the royal teet if you had a completely different agenda? He couldve sat in Warwickshire and made gloves with his old man and took mass from a priest coming out of his priest hole once a week if he wanted to be true to himself.

  12. Sorry, PL I don't think I was saying Shakespeare was better or worse in his field than Burns. But it'd be hard to argue that Bob had more influence (and in so doing earn more reveration) than Bill.


    that's why I asked if he was political or earned this acclaim for something more than just writing well?


    I can tell you weren't mate but Stevie may have missed the point slightly :)


    Shakespere and Burns had a lot in common in that they both tell us a lot about the human condition but they did it in different ways. Burns wrote in the lowland Scots dialect, which has led to claims (which I'm not completely in disagreement with) that it was little more than doggrel by those a bit sniffy about the Scots in any case. Shakespere was a lot more formal, and with his sponsors being establisment institutions he was always a lot more likely to be celebrated than a Scots poet born only 14 years after the Stewart dynaties' last effort to rise up and put a catholic on the throne of Great Britain. History is written by the winners.


    Burns life coincided with American independance and the French Revolution so he lived in intersting times and sometimes (not explictly) refers to some of the themes of revolution eg mans liberty in the poem "a mans a man for a' that" which was an inspiration to later liberal and labour movements. But he is more famous for romantic songs and ballads and long form colloquial verse such as "Tam o Shanter".

  13. To be fair, I was going to ask if Burns had done anything other than write? Was he political or anything? Just interesting he has a "day" and Shakespeare or Keats doesn't.

    Comparing Burns to Shakespeare is like comparing Stephen Caldwell to Bobby Moore.

    Difficult to compare a playwrite to a poet though shirley?


    Shakespeare can in some ways be viewed as a propagandist for the post reformation monarchy. Canny writer,no doubt about it, but as a man basically bought and paid for. MacBeth is a character assination of the last truly "Celtic" (and obviously Roman Catholic) king of Scotland, written to curry favour with Henry VIII's Protestant descendants.


    Burns lived in different and less turbulent times, but was his own man.His works were more observational, less contrived and without any real agenda. You may prefer Shakespere's works to Burns, fair play. But theres always for me been an unpleasant whiff of kissing the ruling elite's arse about Shakespere's stuff.


    I dont know Burn's work to argue but i'll take your word on that. Might not be wholly fair on the bard though/


    Shadowplay by Clare Asquith is a very scholarly account of the hidden political messages in Shakespeare's work. The church of England and the Queen were his political overlords, yet his work has many elements of catholic sympathy (if you buy her argument). These sympathies are coded into the text and Asquith argues that these codes, whilst a bit obscure to us, would have been much more obvious to those with sympathies on the losing side of the religious divide.


    Yeah....Shakesperes time was a strange one, the country was virtually a police state if you were a catholic, and its strongly rumoured that a lot of Shakesperes family were. I've not read the account you mention but I'm aware of his alleged religious sympathies, which makes his attitude to the crown and c of e a bit hyporcritical if you ask me.

  14. To be fair, I was going to ask if Burns had done anything other than write? Was he political or anything? Just interesting he has a "day" and Shakespeare or Keats doesn't.

    Comparing Burns to Shakespeare is like comparing Stephen Caldwell to Bobby Moore.

    Difficult to compare a playwrite to a poet though shirley?


    Shakespeare can in some ways be viewed as a propagandist for the post reformation monarchy. Canny writer,no doubt about it, but as a man basically bought and paid for. MacBeth is a character assination of the last truly "Celtic" (and obviously Roman Catholic) king of Scotland, written to curry favour with Henry VIII's Protestant descendants.


    Burns lived in different and less turbulent times, but was his own man.His works were more observational, less contrived and without any real agenda. You may prefer Shakespere's works to Burns, fair play. But theres always for me been an unpleasant whiff of kissing the ruling elite's arse about Shakespere's stuff.

    :) You think Shakespeare was exclusively a playwright? Dear me. I had an argument with this new kid at work that educational standards are worse now and exams easier than they were. Surely this is a demonstration?


    Well ok yeah...chiefly a playwrite?.....I presume you're referring to his sonnets etc. Are you a big fan of them? :razz:


    And if you're going to have a go at my education then you're obviously an expert on schooling standards of the 1970s and 80s. Who'd have thought that? :D

  15. To be fair, I was going to ask if Burns had done anything other than write? Was he political or anything? Just interesting he has a "day" and Shakespeare or Keats doesn't.

    Comparing Burns to Shakespeare is like comparing Stephen Caldwell to Bobby Moore.

    Difficult to compare a playwrite to a poet though shirley?


    Shakespeare can in some ways be viewed as a propagandist for the post reformation monarchy. Canny writer,no doubt about it, but as a man basically bought and paid for. MacBeth is a character assination of the last truly "Celtic" (and obviously Roman Catholic) king of Scotland, written to curry favour with Henry VIII's Protestant descendants.


    Burns lived in different and less turbulent times, but was his own man.His works were more observational, less contrived and without any real agenda. You may prefer Shakespere's works to Burns, fair play. But theres always for me been an unpleasant whiff of kissing the ruling elite's arse about Shakespere's stuff.

  16. I'm not denying theres nothing in what you say.




    We're all agreed then :razz:


    that shouldve been "something" :D


    Shep financed his men to the hilt, but they were mostly the wrong appointments. Chucking money like that at the wrong men has put us in divi 2 as far as I can see. Ashley is unutterably fuckin useless, but he didnt do due diligence where two or three other people did and walked away. There was always going to be a financial reckoning for Sheps years at NUFC, its just that Ashley was so impatient he didnt see it coming.



    Dalglish and Gullit were top candidates at the time mate, Dalglish had won as much as if not more than Alex Ferguson and Gullit had won the FA Cup and left a team in the 2nd phase of the Champions League and top 4 of the premiership


    Well thats fair enough, but strangely thats what Shepherd said in his own defence: "no one complained when I appointed them"


    In other words, its all down to us, the fans, to rubber stamp his appointments?...is that what he was suggesting?


    I think he should've taken responsibility for his poor appointments himself. But as usual, and along with everyone else in the known fuckin universe, it appears he blames us.

  17. I'm not denying theres nothing in what you say.




    We're all agreed then :razz:


    that shouldve been "something" :D


    Shep financed his men to the hilt, but they were mostly the wrong appointments. Chucking money like that at the wrong men has put us in divi 2 as far as I can see. Ashley is unutterably fuckin useless, but he didnt do due diligence where two or three other people did and walked away. There was always going to be a financial reckoning for Sheps years at NUFC, its just that Ashley was so impatient he didnt see it coming.

  18. there are plenty more shite owners, the vast majority of clubs are owned by shite owners which is why anybody who has even a half decent capability about them, especially when trying to tap a club with the potential that we have, piss all over the rest and qualify for europe regularly over a period of 15 years.


    Rose tinted specs.


    No-one was complaining about anything in '96 or '97 when we were qualifying for the champions league and hadn't dropped out of the top 6 since promotion. But in Shepherd's ten years in charge we averaged tenth place with one of the highest wage bills in the league that was constantly growing. There was only 2 top 4 finishes in that decade and 6 bottom half finishes.


    Aye, all that debt wasn't much in return for a couple of FA cup final twattings and half a dozen games in the champions league. Good times undoubtedly compared with now, but for the outlay it should've been so much better. Sir Bob fell into Sheps lap and we should be greatful for that, but when you look at Sheps other appointments he's as bad as any other proprieter the clubs had. What would a Wenger or an O'Neil have acheived with the loot Shep gave to Souness in 2005?.... :)



    failure to give credit where it is due for getting Bobby Robson..........I've seen this before though


    If you check the record books, we had the 5th highest average league placing, only 4 teams qualified for europe more and instead of blaming the board/chairman for losing 2 FA Cup Finals why not blame the players for poor performance and the managers for tactics, team selection and preparation. It is bollocks to lay the blame for those things at the foot of the board when they financed and backed their managers to put together teams good enough to win trophies because after that it then becomes the responsibility of the manager and players.


    Sorry like, but you are just another person who's dislike of a personality is clouding your whole judgement and common sense.


    To be fair to Shep, he did go for Robson after KK left. But Sir Bob, gent that he was, wouldnt break his contract with Barca. Thing is Sir Bob was out of work and looking at retirement when he got the call second time round. It wasnt going to be that difficult to talk an NUFC fanatic to take charge of his boyhood club. He fell into Sheps lap. No real skill or vision needed for that one to be honest.


    Who appointed the manager who couldnt get Didi Hamman to face coming out for the second half v Man Utd at Wembley in 99? who appointed the manager who thought it would be a good idea to get into a power struggle with Alan Shearer, the man who truly was in power at the club...and who let Shearer become so powerful within the club in the first place?


    And thats just Gullit.


    I'm not denying theres nothing in what you say. But to say Shepherd=good/everyone else=bad misses the point that it could and shouldve been so much better for the money he borrowed to finance his ambitions. In that regard he failed.And that debt is the major cause of where we are now. Was it all worth it? Looking at it as a "financial outlay for success on the pitch" equation then no, not in my book anyway.

  19. I wasn't too keen on Harewood, but what a fucking joke this transfer window is turning out to be - once again. A few days left, with a mounting injury list and suspensions and once again we're watching other clubs strengthen their squads while we do nothing.


    Aye...I see the young black lad from Manu is off to Preston on loan...Wellford?


    What about bringing Kanu in till the end of the season? Pompey will love to get him off the wage bill and he'll give defenders in this divison nightmares. We're so predictable and really need something a bit different. Whether Ashley would pay his wages is another thing mind :)

    The young white kid Macheda still up for grabs though.


    Wellbeck....I knew Wellford wasnt his name.


    Fergie wont lend every striker theyve got though?....can't think that they're pinning a lot of hope of Berbatov and Owen to win the title for them.

  20. That requires to be plugged into a cig lighter................I dont have one nor do I have a mains feed close by.


    Sounds like you need a car battery and a seperate charger then mate. The easiest thing to do maybe is install a 13amp socket in your basement though.

  21. I wasn't too keen on Harewood, but what a fucking joke this transfer window is turning out to be - once again. A few days left, with a mounting injury list and suspensions and once again we're watching other clubs strengthen their squads while we do nothing.


    Aye...I see the young black lad from Manu is off to Preston on loan...Wellford?


    What about bringing Kanu in till the end of the season? Pompey will love to get him off the wage bill and he'll give defenders in this divison nightmares. We're so predictable and really need something a bit different. Whether Ashley would pay his wages is another thing mind :)

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