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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. 3 out of the first choice back 4 out last night, and Guti looked very much as if he was missing his amigo Jose like a lost lover. I'll tell you one thing about the last 3 or 4 games, the games have largely passed Nolan and Guthrie by. There seems to be lots of play in front of them in the centre of the park, but they rarely get tight on their opposite numbers and make it awkward for them. And this was just as obvious to me v Cardiff on Friday as it was last night and at Leicester. They seem only interested in playing when they have the ball given to them and want to do nothing about winning the ball for themselves. I quite like Guthrie but he isn't the greatest in terms of his engine. He's better than Nolan in that regard though. Guthrie flatters to deceive at the moment. Neither him nor Nolan had any interest in closing Savage down last night and made the cunt look like some sort of shite gay Welsh fuckin Andrea Pirlo Because we can't get very much going in the middle, we're forced wide, and when Guti is off his game as he was last night (he looked like he might still be carrying a bit of a knock) it largely peters out. Routledge looked sharp again though last night, but often gets knocked off the ball due to him being a bit too small and lightweight. The Derby left back was however given lenient treatment by the ref and his linesmen, who may have well let Savage ref the whole game on his own.
  2. 3 out of the first choice back 4 out last night, and Guti looked very much as if he was missing his amigo Jose like a lost lover. I'll tell you one thing about the last 3 or 4 games, the games have largely passed Nolan and Guthrie by. There seems to be lots of play in front of them in the centre of the park, but they rarely get tight on their opposite numbers and make it awkward for them. And this was just as obvious to me v Cardiff on Friday as it was last night and at Leicester. They seem only interested in playing when they have the ball given to them and want to do nothing about winning the ball for themselves.
  3. Think Stevie nails this one http://tvnz.co.nz/othersports-news/world-w...er-bowl-3348334 I get the impression it was bigger with folks in this country when it was on channel 4 in the 80s My ex was one of them....Dallas Cowboys fan.She was dead keen like, knew all the rules, had her mates tape the games she didnt see becasue she didnt have sky. She went to the first Wembley game a couple of years ago. She said it was full of folk just like her. Then the cowboys quarterback got jailed for illegal dogfights. Imagine what the Daily Mail wouldve said if John Terry had been doing that.....
  4. To be fair, heres Forest's fixtures this month: 29 06.02.2010 Sheffield Wednesday home 30 09.02.2010 Coventry City away 31 13.02.2010 Doncaster Rovers away 32 16.02.2010 Sheffield United home 33 20.02.2010 Middlesbrough home 34 27.02.2010 Leicester City away WBA: 28 03.02.2010 Blackpool away 29 06.02.2010 Plymouth Argyle away 30 09.02.2010 Scunthorpe United home 13.02.2010 Reading away FA cup. 31 16.02.2010 Cardiff City away 32 21.02.2010 Bristol City away 33 27.02.2010 Derby County home WBA have 7 too, and coincidetally its against Reading, which is where our extra game has come from, pospotned from last month. So it looks like Forest may be the "winners" in all this
  5. Aye fair play to CH, he must've looked ahead and presented Ashley and Lambchop with the fixture list and then told them to think how piss poor we'd been over xmas and January...because going on previous experiance with th pair of cunts I can't see that either of them has much in the way of forward planning skills.
  6. NUFC February fixtures 05-Feb Cardiff (H) Tue 09-Feb Derby (a) Sat 13-Feb 12.45pm Sky Swansea (a) Wed 17-Feb Coventry (h) Sat 20-Feb Preston (h): Tue 23-Feb 8pm Reading (a) Sat 27-Feb Watford (a) Sat Thats 7 games in 22 days...thats nearly a game every 3 days Is this usual for this division? Obviously theres 46 games to get through but ffs...thats fuckin ridculous in the shortest month of the season? No wonder Hughton signed 5 players in January....I think if we're still at the top when Barnsley turn up on 6th March we'll know a lot more about our promotion prospects.
  7. As far as the image of the side is concerned the captain is important. Captains often reflect the nature of a society, take Maradona, wonderfully creative but ultimately a glutonous, corrupt, cheating, choatic life cunt, and you could use all the words to describe Argentina and Argentines. Aye, but he won the World Cup. You reckon anyone in England would really sacrifice that in favour of a more societally representative captain? No. My point is its important for your captain to convey a positive message, Beckham was always an icon, but it went to another level when he was made captain and he was a good ambassador, he even helped us win the Olympics. Look at Bobby Moore "gawd rest 'is soww", a brilliant man by all accounts, family bloke had a good life and battled bravely with cancer. You didn't hear about him being a tit like Jimmy Greaves etc... People look up to captains whether you like it or not. Bryan Robson another fantastic example. yeh look at the cunt...left his first wife for an air hostess he met on an England trip the only difference between then and now is back then you could often find half the sports journos on Fleet Street out on the piss with the England team......look at how the media treat the England players nowadays
  8. PaddockLad


    I've had this with you before...its not They are both (that is the Geordie and the Lowlands Scots dialects, because thats what they are,dialects) from the Anglian root of what is now called called Old English. The oldest existing poem in Old English is by a bard called Aneirin, where he describes a raid form old Northumbria down to Catterick. You can see what remains of it it in the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, where it was written 1400 years ago.
  9. Sting, wasn't it? Might have been a nephew.....his old man had a milkround in Wallsend
  10. Bill Hicks or Dennis O'Leary? what happened to O'Leary?....drink or drugs?
  11. "Russians are cunts" unknown author
  12. re arranged for 23rd Feb isnt it? They had more of a mob in the Elm Park days but watch that "Firkin" bar next to the station....seen the odd off in there
  13. Did Dennis Wise sign all of them? They're all too old for the U 18s anyway. If they don't step up to the plate in the next 12 months they'll be released. Spear isn't too old for the under 18's, he's only a first year scholar iirc. Vuckic is still only 17 as well so can play at that level but is currently injured. Spear didn't play last night but may well be injured or his cat might of died or something... Does anyone know what the word is on the U18s?...do they stand a good chance of winning it? I think we have a better chance than in resent years due to who is left in it. Liverpool, Villa and Chelsea would be the three strongest teams left in it imo but if Liverpool beat Watford they play Chelsea in the next round. We play the winner of Hull V Palace in the next round and the game will be at St. James' Park the week after next so if you can get yourself along. I'd love to mate but I live on the south coast now. Due to one thing and another tomorrow night is going to cost me 150 quid for a flight up north Do you watch the young uns regular like?
  14. Did Dennis Wise sign all of them? They're all too old for the U 18s anyway. If they don't step up to the plate in the next 12 months they'll be released. Spear isn't too old for the under 18's, he's only a first year scholar iirc. Vuckic is still only 17 as well so can play at that level but is currently injured. Spear didn't play last night but may well be injured or his cat might of died or something... Does anyone know what the word is on the U18s?...do they stand a good chance of winning it?
  15. Too right....here's their Metro Centre....cost me a fuckin fortune this place
  16. Did Dennis Wise sign all of them? They're all too old for the U 18s anyway. If they don't step up to the plate in the next 12 months they'll be released.
  17. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100203/cl...2240137_1954580 http://nufc.com/2009-10html/reserve_apps_prem.html The only names I recognise are Alnwick (Bens brother?) Inman and Tavernier, who have all played in the reserves. This is an under 18 team which I think means they are in the first year of their first professional contract. So this is last years academy players.Which means that Dennis Wiae may have recruited some of them Good result,but we'll see how things go...who do they have in the next round?
  18. Arsenal a few years back? It pissed down, Titus made his usaul fuckin howler live in front of the nation and Bernard scored a cracker in a pretty good performance which we lost 3-2.
  19. http://www.nufc.co.uk/articles/20100203/ea...2240137_1954386
  20. Cannibals.....all of them...... http://www.irishtimes.com/newspaper/breaki.../breaking46.htm http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/worldnews/...needed-eat.html http://news.softpedia.com/news/Two-Russian...er-109566.shtml http://eeuropeanhistory.suite101.com/artic...he_soviet_union
  21. Quite possibly all true, but I wasn't aware that Afghanistan was part of either the Soviet Union or in it's sphere of influence at any time between the end of WW2 and 1979 when the tanks rolled into Kabul. And that is a gig thats still being played out today as we speak with hundreds of UK service men and women no longer with us because of it. Geroge Bush financed,trained and armed Bin Laden in the 80s and we're paying the price for that particular foreign policy fuck up to this day. A pox on the USA and Soviet Union
  22. Yeah but he knew she had before he got with her....same as that Danielle Lloyd....Spurs used to use her for wet whether training to keep them "sharp in the box" from what I hear....she's with Jamie O'Hara now
  23. Does anyone really want that though? As a football fan it should be all about the football, winning things, pride in your club, not merely ensuring the balance sheet works ahead of the team sheet. Manageable debt with a successful team is the only way to get on in this game. No club will ever amount to anything if it doesnt spend money. If we dont go up this season then I honestly believe this football club is destined to sink into obscurity and god knows what after that. Without the big money of the Premiership then we'll not have anything next season. We've had parachute payments and the sale of players this year while still retaining Premiership level attendances. Next Championship season would be a whole different ball game. No I agree with you, but our actions in the transfer window haven't really made promotion almost guaranteed as it could've done if we'd have recruited for August 2010 and not May 2010 only. But this is the road he's taking us down and for me theres little anyone, including NUST, can do about it. Can they apply enough pressure on him to sell up if he thinks that once we're fully coming out of the recession he may get more money for the club than NUST can ever hope to raise, excellent though their intentions and actions have been so far.
  24. The reason you've softened is that there are some signs of green shoots and whatever we think of MA he's one shrewd fuck, he's certainly turned our finances around and next year he'll go into profit. Job done. His few redeeming features for me have only come to light when you compare our situation to that of Liverpool, Man Utd and Pompey....he bought us with his own cash, didnt borrow a penny and he, for good or bad, attends games regularly and is a recognisable public face of the club week in, week out. I think some of us may be eating a huge slice of irony pie if he's still owner in 2 years time. Pity we'll be, at best, a solvent yo yo club with no real direction but looking at Pompey maybe we're better with the devil we know. For the events of last season though he's still a fuckin useless cunt
  25. Williamson looked solid-ish but slow even in this divison. He'll never be a premier league defender as long as he's got a hole in his arse
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