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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. in the premiership. hmm..not the height of ambition that is it?.....and as you're fond of saying, the Halls and Shepherd had bags of the stuff, ambition....Not champions league then?...or even top half?.....am surprised you've set your sights so low, you being generally ambitious for the fortunes of NUFC like.... haha, nice reply. You know what I meant though ....... I think the appointment of Allardyce was an admission that a new change of direction was needed, but we would never have sold players such as Given, Milner, Zoggy etc unless of course the manager decided he didn't want them. Remember Allardyce was, at the time, THE English manager ready for the big jobs. And as soon as Ashley took over the club, he was complaining about not getting backing, day to day support etc, all things which are necessary to the good running of a football club. I think Shep got it wrong with appointing Allardyce. I don't think the vast majority of the match going public at SJP were going to put up with the stone age football he was serving up regardless of results, and lets face it they weren't great either. Given,Milner,and Zoggy were all in Allardyce's sides, and all in Keegan's/JFK's too....we were on a downward trajectory whether they were at the club or not and regardless of who was the club owner. If you're suggesting that Shep wouldnt have sold them to balance the books or because of pressures caused by the credit crunch then I suggest you read Sir Bob's book....Shep had no qualms about getting involved in decisons managers alone should be making, or selling for financial reasons, whether it was for either a positive or negative reason. As far as I remember Sam also had a go at the players when things didnt go well (he did this at Blackburn as well last season, but you'll note he takes a lot of credit himself when things go well,him being "a top man in his field" after all), as well as support from above etc, which incidentally didnt stop him from joining Ashley and Chris Mort down the Bigg Market on the piss at least once. What do you think Shep's spending wouldve been like if he was still here, bearing in mind a. the credit crunch/recession and b. the last set of books he was responsible for had us making a huge financial loss with a wage bill out of all proportion to the ability of the team and it's posistion in the league? I am not sure I agree that people wouldn't have put up with Allardyces brand of football. For starters, they are putting up with it now, because it is winning. They also put up with the long ball game when we won the Fairs Cup in 1969, and those players quite rightly are now legends, all of them, and they are all smashing blokes too. If you are winning, you don't care what style you play. I didn't think they got it wrong, at the time, when they appointed Allardyce. We will never know if his methods would not have worked in the long run. I was most definitely in favour of new medical techniques, scouting networks, training methods etc because they were his methods and you appoint the manager and his way of doing things. As I said, the appointment of Allardyce was a new direction because they ie the Halls and Shepherd, realised it was needed, both financially and from a structural angle. I don't have a problem with that at all, at least they recognised it was needed for the good of the club and hopefully to bring success to the club on the pitch. Unlike Mike Ashley who's idea of success appears to be making a profit like a high street business, meaning we will never achieve success on the pitch in terms of league success, and if we are lucky we will think reaching the later rounds of the FA or League Cup as a good season again, which is a disgrace. I don't disagree with much of what you say, but I don't understand why you don't seem to be able to accept there are two sides to the Hall/Sheprd era...what about that last set of books?...what would Shep have done to cut costs?, assuming you and he accept tat was needed?
  2. in the premiership. hmm..not the height of ambition that is it?.....and as you're fond of saying, the Halls and Shepherd had bags of the stuff, ambition....Not champions league then?...or even top half?.....am surprised you've set your sights so low, you being generally ambitious for the fortunes of NUFC like.... haha, nice reply. You know what I meant though ....... I think the appointment of Allardyce was an admission that a new change of direction was needed, but we would never have sold players such as Given, Milner, Zoggy etc unless of course the manager decided he didn't want them. Remember Allardyce was, at the time, THE English manager ready for the big jobs. And as soon as Ashley took over the club, he was complaining about not getting backing, day to day support etc, all things which are necessary to the good running of a football club. I think Shep got it wrong with appointing Allardyce. I don't think the vast majority of the match going public at SJP were going to put up with the stone age football he was serving up regardless of results, and lets face it they weren't great either. Given,Milner,and Zoggy were all in Allardyce's sides, and all in Keegan's/JFK's too....we were on a downward trajectory whether they were at the club or not and regardless of who was the club owner. If you're suggesting that Shep wouldnt have sold them to balance the books or because of pressures caused by the credit crunch then I suggest you read Sir Bob's book....Shep had no qualms about getting involved in decisons managers alone should be making, or selling for financial reasons, whether it was for either a positive or negative reason. As far as I remember Sam also had a go at the players when things didnt go well (he did this at Blackburn as well last season, but you'll note he takes a lot of credit himself when things go well,him being "a top man in his field" after all), as well as support from above etc, which incidentally didnt stop him from joining Ashley and Chris Mort down the Bigg Market on the piss at least once. What do you think Shep's spending wouldve been like if he was still here, bearing in mind a. the credit crunch/recession and b. the last set of books he was responsible for had us making a huge financial loss with a wage bill out of all proportion to the ability of the team and it's posistion in the league?
  3. in the premiership. hmm..not the height of ambition that is it?.....and as you're fond of saying, the Halls and Shepherd had bags of the stuff, ambition....Not champions league then?...or even top half?.....am surprised you've set your sights so low, you being generally ambitious for the fortunes of NUFC like....
  4. so let's see now 4-1 v coventry 3-0 v preston that was 2 piss easy home games wasnt it and yet the pessimistic tools on here gave me pelters for saying it - let's face it, there are too many clueless numpties on here - there are probably some who still think WBA and Forest will finish in the top 2 ffs How many points do you think are needed for promotion? 14 games left, 6 at home including Forest next month but more importantly 8 away, the trickiest of which look Boro and possibly an improving Reading, which is our game in hand on Forest.We've got 63 points and there are 18 points up for grabs at home....dare we hope for 14? which takes us to 77....how many do we need to pick up away from home?....
  5. I'd like to hear Leazes' opinion about where we'd be now if the Halls and Shepherd hadnt sold up and were still in charge at NUFC. I'm certainly not suggesting we'd be worse off..or better for that matter. But he's obviously a fan so it would be interesting to hear.
  6. Allan Green has just said we'd struggle in the Premier League....and who can argue with that fat gobshite bastard?
  7. That nufc radio gadge who banned Kevin must post on here because the stream went off about 15mins ago for me heres another one: http://www.ustream.tv/channel/nufc-commentary Clinton Morrison has just scored for Coventry, the fake paddy cunt
  8. This is what I'd be hoping for too......if theres one getting organised I'm definetly up for it as I want to see him call me a "cunt" to my face Thats the thing about him in regards to this thread.....he cant possibly spek to people like he did on here in real life...if he does I imagine he'd be turn up in a similar state to Steven Hawking
  9. But is that a desire for a particular outcome or is it a desire for the actual format? How would you feel if Liverpool finished 7th but won the play off thus qualifying them for the CL when 3 teams who finished above them don't....? It's not often I agree with Collymore but he was ranting about it on Talksport this evening. His basic argument was what was the point in having a league if come the end of it, you have a lottery to see who finishes where. He also said that the Champions League should be for the League Champions and them alone claiming that Arsenal and Liverpool have developed squads in order for them to finish in the top 4 rather than aiming necessarily for the title. What Toonpack said earlier in the thread is spot on - divide the money up equally and there's no need for any of this carry on. The NFL in the US have it spot on....equal share for all and the worst clubs get the best kids. They don't have relegation though, but that would make the league a true test of managerial skill iof teams were on a lot more of an equal footing..strange that the country who virtually invented global capitlism should be so "socialist" when it comes to sport. Also the "Superbowl" is just the "Superbowl", not the "Superbowl in association with eon, or doritos, or pepsi etc etc".... They sell everything else, but the name of the main title is sacred...not like the FA cup... I don't think that's true. The worst team gets 1st pick but better teams trade off older players for the prospects and that's why the new franchise teams don't suddenly challenge for the title the following year. Draft picks benefit the top tier who trade out their "Teddy Sheringham"s for "Wayne Rooney"s and the middle tier who trade out Kevin Phillips for Gabriel Agbonlahor but the meek shall never inherit a God damn thing. The Americans have got a shit sport. That's all Yeah there are ways around the best laid plans.But the Superbowl last month shows what can be acheived....New Orleans have never done fuck all historically, but there time in the cycle has come eventually. I cant see that happening in this country too often in the future, but you alwways stand a chance in the NFL. The game itself isnt great, but the leagues works a lot better than our current shambles..... And didnt Carolina and Tenessee get to the Superbowl within a few years of their franchaise starting?...were Baltimore an expansion team as well?...they won it..and there hasnt been a promoted side in over 30 years who have won the league the next season in England so its not really common here either, however much money theyve thrown at it, us being the chief culprits with that.
  10. But is that a desire for a particular outcome or is it a desire for the actual format? How would you feel if Liverpool finished 7th but won the play off thus qualifying them for the CL when 3 teams who finished above them don't....? It's not often I agree with Collymore but he was ranting about it on Talksport this evening. His basic argument was what was the point in having a league if come the end of it, you have a lottery to see who finishes where. He also said that the Champions League should be for the League Champions and them alone claiming that Arsenal and Liverpool have developed squads in order for them to finish in the top 4 rather than aiming necessarily for the title. What Toonpack said earlier in the thread is spot on - divide the money up equally and there's no need for any of this carry on. The NFL in the US have it spot on....equal share for all and the worst clubs get the best kids. They don't have relegation though, but that would make the league a true test of managerial skill iof teams were on a lot more of an equal footing..strange that the country who virtually invented global capitlism should be so "socialist" when it comes to sport. Also the "Superbowl" is just the "Superbowl", not the "Superbowl in association with eon, or doritos, or pepsi etc etc".... They sell everything else, but the name of the main title is sacred...not like the FA cup...
  11. PaddockLad


    All I know about poker is Victoria Coren is one of the best looking women ever to have drawn breath
  12. If anyone can lay their hands on any Watford tickets let me know...I could use 3....cheers
  13. Can't stop Peter Beardsley, watch his feet they'll drive you crazy, dribble, dribble dribble, dribble boom boom boom let me hear you say wey aye wey ayeee.......
  14. I really can't get into the Smiths. I've tried a few times because I like 'How soon is now' and some of Marr's guitar work is canny. Problem is, I cant get past Morrisey. how soon is now william it was really nothing this charming man heaven knows i'm miserable now panic there is a light that never goes out the boy with the thorn in his side ....all classics imo but yeah, if you're not a fan of mozza's wailings, they're probably a non-starter I was a huge fan until he took ill last year....he can't be arsed to re schedule the gigs he had to cancel, like the one in Bournemouth I had 2 forty quid tickets for, the fuckin fat cunt but yeah all of the above are exceptional
  15. and Rugby game to following, traffic might be quite bad. We kick off at 1245, the rugby kicks off at 1400. Anyone from Swansea going to the rugby will be on opposite carriageway of the motorway travelling to Cardiff (30 odd miles away) probably before our buses get across the Severn Bridge. I'd imagine that 99.5% of Scotland fans will have travelled the day before. I'm driving and I don't think there's any need for concern about the traffic, but Swansea may be a bit gutted that the league and the 6 nations will have ensured that they may well lose some paying customers to the rugby. The thing is any compromise would've been even worse for our lot...Friday night or Sunday?....no thanks.
  16. Just listened to the new Massive Attack album Heligoland on spotify (have they increased the amount of adverts on there? ) and its pretty good....the best since Protection on first listen. Theres a remix track at the end that I heard on the radio on Tuesday night driving back from the match....if anyone knows any of the Happy Monday's "Wrote for luck" remixes its in that sort of style and its fuckin brilliant
  17. PaddockLad


    Well you know what they say....."the first casualty of war is the truth"
  18. PaddockLad


    Come back when've caught up with everything son... how about a "STEVIE ON TRIAL" thread? Present the case against him, let him defend himeself and the rest of us can all vote on whether he stays or goes? Whatever you say Adolf Am I right in assuming whoever hosts this site has read some of Stevie's more "thoughtful" posts and told you to ban him....maybe more than once?
  19. PaddockLad


    Come back when've caught up with everything son... Thats the thing..these forums are a bit secretive and not very demorcratic......how about a "STEVIE ON TRIAL" thread? Present the case against him, let him defend himeself and the rest of us can all vote on whether he stays or goes? I can't see why he's banned on what you can gather from his posts...you can hear opinions like his in any workplace in Britain. I certainly didn't agree with a lot of them but I don't want people muzzled either. Rocky road to start going down if you ask me.......
  20. 3 out of the first choice back 4 out last night, and Guti looked very much as if he was missing his amigo Jose like a lost lover. I'll tell you one thing about the last 3 or 4 games, the games have largely passed Nolan and Guthrie by. There seems to be lots of play in front of them in the centre of the park, but they rarely get tight on their opposite numbers and make it awkward for them. And this was just as obvious to me v Cardiff on Friday as it was last night and at Leicester. They seem only interested in playing when they have the ball given to them and want to do nothing about winning the ball for themselves. I quite like Guthrie but he isn't the greatest in terms of his engine. He's better than Nolan in that regard though. Guthrie flatters to deceive at the moment. Neither him nor Nolan had any interest in closing Savage down last night and made the cunt look like some sort of shite gay Welsh fuckin Andrea Pirlo Because we can't get very much going in the middle, we're forced wide, and when Guti is off his game as he was last night (he looked like he might still be carrying a bit of a knock) it largely peters out. Routledge looked sharp again though last night, but often gets knocked off the ball due to him being a bit too small and lightweight. The Derby left back was however given lenient treatment by the ref and his linesmen, who may have well let Savage ref the whole game on his own. Tbf Guthrie's only played his 2nd game in a row in his proper decision. I didn't see the game last night though so can't really comment. Ideally I'd like to see him and Barton play CM for us though. True, but part of playing in his proper posistion is closing his opposite number down. Savage ran the show without anyone getting near him or putting him under pressure. So can we say he's been shite in his proper posistion? Becasue he didnt have a real hand in any of the goals we scored against Cardiff....who in midfield they played a teenage right back and Stephen MacPhail, who was playing his first game since recovering from cancer. That's fair comment but I think he needs a run in the side to judge him properly. And he played well against Cardiff. Didn't work hard enough for me against Cardiff, playing against lads were largely passengers.And you can't just pick and choose your games in this divison.A lot of the players we've got seem complacent, especially away from home. Not looking too good.
  21. 3 out of the first choice back 4 out last night, and Guti looked very much as if he was missing his amigo Jose like a lost lover. I'll tell you one thing about the last 3 or 4 games, the games have largely passed Nolan and Guthrie by. There seems to be lots of play in front of them in the centre of the park, but they rarely get tight on their opposite numbers and make it awkward for them. And this was just as obvious to me v Cardiff on Friday as it was last night and at Leicester. They seem only interested in playing when they have the ball given to them and want to do nothing about winning the ball for themselves. I quite like Guthrie but he isn't the greatest in terms of his engine. He's better than Nolan in that regard though. Guthrie flatters to deceive at the moment. Neither him nor Nolan had any interest in closing Savage down last night and made the cunt look like some sort of shite gay Welsh fuckin Andrea Pirlo Because we can't get very much going in the middle, we're forced wide, and when Guti is off his game as he was last night (he looked like he might still be carrying a bit of a knock) it largely peters out. Routledge looked sharp again though last night, but often gets knocked off the ball due to him being a bit too small and lightweight. The Derby left back was however given lenient treatment by the ref and his linesmen, who may have well let Savage ref the whole game on his own. Tbf Guthrie's only played his 2nd game in a row in his proper decision. I didn't see the game last night though so can't really comment. Ideally I'd like to see him and Barton play CM for us though. True, but part of playing in his proper posistion is closing his opposite number down. Savage ran the show without anyone getting near him or putting him under pressure. So can we say he's been shite in his proper posistion? Becasue he didnt have a real hand in any of the goals we scored against Cardiff....who in midfield they played a teenage right back and Stephen MacPhail, who was playing his first game since recovering from cancer.
  22. We were 12 points clear on xmas day, since then we've 10 points from a possible 24. Thats points to the play offs at best for me.Depends if Forest and WBA go on, and if Cardiff, Swansea or Leicester appear out of the pack. Derby were as good as any team I've seen outside of Forest and WBA and are 7 points behind 6th with all the players injured around xmas back now. Derby are this years Derby
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