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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. This is the straw that broke the camels back for me......as of 4th April we will live in a Murdoch free household. I got home from work and told them to come and take their dish away....apparently I've got to do it myself but at least I won't be giving them any more of my hard earned from that date.


    We could very well be promoted on the (former) weekend of the Plymouth game. The longest trip possible in English football. Why not televise the Ipswich match the following weekend where we wil (more than likely)l have a full house and quite possibly a great atmosphere for the nation to see....do sky want us going up in front of the fewest of our own fans as possible in a town so far away its virtually got a fuckin French post code? :icon_lol:

  2. RIP - wrong leader at the wrong time but I still think he was a great man.


    As appeasers and loony lefties go, I suppose he was



    I think not:

    On the recommendation of Aneurin Bevan, Foot was soon hired by Lord Beaverbrook to work as a writer on his Evening Standard. (Bevan is supposed to have told Beaverbrook on the phone: "I've got a young bloody knight-errant here. They sacked his boss, so he resigned. Have a look at him.") At the outbreak of the Second World War, Foot volunteered for military service, but was rejected due to his chronic asthma. In 1940, under the pen-name "Cato" he and two other Beaverbrook journalists (Frank Owen, editor of the Standard, and Peter Howard of the Daily Express) published Guilty Men, a Left Book Club book attacking the appeasement policy of the Chamberlain government that became a run-away best-seller. Beaverbrook made Foot editor of the Evening Standard in 1942 at the age of 28. During the war Foot made a speech that was later featured during The World at War TV series of the early 1970s. Foot was speaking in defence of the Daily Mirror, which had criticised the conduct of the war by the Churchill Government. He mocked the notion that the Government would make no more territorial demands of other newspapers if they allowed the Mirror to be censored. Foot left the Standard in 1945 to join the Daily Herald as a columnist. The Daily Herald was jointly owned by the TUC and Odhams Press, and was effectively an official Labour Party paper. He rejoined Tribune as editor from 1948 to 1952, and was again the paper's editor from 1955 to 1960. Throughout his political career he railed against the increasing corporate domination of the press, entertaining a special loathing for Rupert Murdoch.




    He was also a founder member of CND, if thats what Toonpack is on about. He wanted a world without nuclear weapons, a bit naiive perhaps, but he had principles and was prepared to stick to them for better or worse. Can anybody tell me what David Cameron's principles are?.... :icon_lol:


    Mid 30's outspoken against re-armament, war breaks out, oooh that Hitler was a cunt all along and me gaffer's just become head of aircraft production !!


    The consumate politician, and that's not a good thing


    And as for CND, thought they were stupid cunts at the time, nothing since has changed my mind. Once the genie's out the bottle you can't get it back in. At the time the USSR would have walked all over western europe given a sniff of a chance, nuclear weapons stopped that. That said Foot's politics probably would have got him the governer-ship of the USSRUK


    Thats said about him, but as far as I'm aware what you could say about all socialists in the thirties is that their general policy was for all of Europe to disarm, which is a bit different to appeasement.


    Can't really find much evidence that pinpoints him specifically as a Nazi appeaser, as opposed to Lord Rothermere over at the Daily Mail, the treacherous fucker, who genuinely did support apeasement as it would make things easier for his friend Hitler, to whom he was writing letters in 1939 congratulating him on his annexeation of Sudenteland.


    Foot may well have been misguided, yes, but never a traitor...and all journalists are bought and paid for, it goes with the territory...if Cameron does get in in a few weeks time you'll see this in full effect when one of Murdoch's finest becomes media advisor to H.M's Government of Great Britain and Northern Ireland....fuck me that thoughts really depressed me... ;)

  3. RIP - wrong leader at the wrong time but I still think he was a great man.


    As appeasers and loony lefties go, I suppose he was



    I think not:

    On the recommendation of Aneurin Bevan, Foot was soon hired by Lord Beaverbrook to work as a writer on his Evening Standard. (Bevan is supposed to have told Beaverbrook on the phone: "I've got a young bloody knight-errant here. They sacked his boss, so he resigned. Have a look at him.") At the outbreak of the Second World War, Foot volunteered for military service, but was rejected due to his chronic asthma. In 1940, under the pen-name "Cato" he and two other Beaverbrook journalists (Frank Owen, editor of the Standard, and Peter Howard of the Daily Express) published Guilty Men, a Left Book Club book attacking the appeasement policy of the Chamberlain government that became a run-away best-seller. Beaverbrook made Foot editor of the Evening Standard in 1942 at the age of 28. During the war Foot made a speech that was later featured during The World at War TV series of the early 1970s. Foot was speaking in defence of the Daily Mirror, which had criticised the conduct of the war by the Churchill Government. He mocked the notion that the Government would make no more territorial demands of other newspapers if they allowed the Mirror to be censored. Foot left the Standard in 1945 to join the Daily Herald as a columnist. The Daily Herald was jointly owned by the TUC and Odhams Press, and was effectively an official Labour Party paper. He rejoined Tribune as editor from 1948 to 1952, and was again the paper's editor from 1955 to 1960. Throughout his political career he railed against the increasing corporate domination of the press, entertaining a special loathing for Rupert Murdoch.




    He was also a founder member of CND, if thats what Toonpack is on about. He wanted a world without nuclear weapons, a bit naiive perhaps, but he had principles and was prepared to stick to them for better or worse. Can anybody tell me what David Cameron's principles are?.... :icon_lol:

  4. Another one from that era, beating Leeds 5-2 on the first day of the season in 1989 when they were big favourites to go up.


    Micky Quinn scored four on his debut and Mcghee got the other one. They scored a shit-load together that season.

    What a great game that was, that was the first game I was allowed to go to the game on my own with my mates and no cunts dad there. Sunny day, Leeds fans giving it the biggun, fantastic. McGhee never scored that game, Kevin Gallagher got one down the Leazes, tricked everyone in to thinking he was going far corner and put it in near side. Am sure McGhee never scored for about 20 games, then he seemed to score every week.


    That Bradford game when he got the injury time winner, Quinn missed a pen in the first half, it was higher over the bar than Waddle's against the k.. erm against Germany. Was a horrible game, and me mate left to get a pizza in the last min and missed it :D


    John ;)

    Ye knew what a meant, fuckin John, you knew for a fact I meant fuckin John. I can see his face now legs skinnier than my arms, he also scored a very nervous open goal against Leicester in the game you mentioned to make it 3-4. I don't like Kevin Gallacher (it isn't Gallagher anyway), never has anything nice to say about the toon, and in my book if you've played for Newcastle even for a few seasons, and don't walk away fan for life, am sorry like but you're a cunt.


    I'd imagine there might be a few players from the late 80s/early 90s that might not have many fond memories....Mark Stimson springs to mind. Fuck me he (rightly) got some stick. Depends on the player I suppose.

  5. Leicester at home in 1990. Roy Aitken's debut and we were losing 4-2 with about 12 minutes left. Ended up winning 5-4 with the last kick of the game - truly magical stuff.

    That's what I was going to say.


    And me....so I'll say 4-0 v Luton in 88...Michael O'Neil hatrick, Kenny Wharton sitting on the ball and Steve Foster, the heed banded old tosser, trying to throttle him at the end of the game...class :D


    edit:...the funniest thing about the Leicester game is two thirds of the home support walking out at 2-4 with 20 mins left ;)

  6. And almost as if it was planned...:


    Hughton Thanks Ashley for Cash


    (Sorry if already been posted in some form)


    "planning".......... :):)


    according to wankers like Renton and Baggio a few years ago, this was the key to a golden future the likes of which Fat Fred and the Halls had never delivered


    You could not make it up if you tried.




    Talking bollocks and comparing me to Baggio now, nice one :lol:. All I said was it would have made sense to plan for Robson's replacement, rather than sack him 5 games into a season with the transfer window shut and no replacement, hence ending up with Souness.



    See, this is an area I have mentioned before, at the time, and was roundly condemned by clever dicks like you, but I was and still am correct, when you harped on about this "planning" business. The ONLY thing that matter is getting a manager who gets results ie knows what he is doing. Did you say the same thing when Gullit was replaced by Sir Bob a handful of games into the season ie "bad planning"


    You spout complete bollocks as usual Renton.



    i think renton's post is spot on tbh. don't sack a gem of a manager like robson when there isn't a better alternative.


    i think even as fat fred's biggest fan, you would admit that he got that one wrong. souness replacing sbr for me marked the beginning of our current plight. excacerbated by the fact that fat fred backed him to the hilt.


    hmmm.....well, I remember - at the time - the team being booed for finishing 5th in the league and a growing feeling that Sir Bob was starting to get things wrong and needed replaced. Still, I expect some people will try and deny this is true.


    His point is about timing and "planning", not the quality of the manager. MY point is about the quality of the manager, there is no "bad time" to get a quality manager.



    These are the memories I have of his last season. In particular he seemed to "forget" about being able to use substitutes and as such they were always in the last 10 minutes.


    Didnt only 5,000 or so stay for the lap of honour that year which really pissed SBR off.


    correct. Why do people disregard this. Were they not there or something, or just have a selective memory ?


    You're spot on about the fans...they influenced a weak and foolish man (in this case) who, seeing as he was drawing a 6 figure sum from the club every season in a salary may have been expected to see a bigger picture.... For me Shep thought he knew more about football than Sir Bob on this issue which is patent bollocks. Why not back the man who had delivered for him in the previous two seasons? Why not back the man and be stronger than the rabble? Theres a significant minority of Arsenal fans who want rid of Wenger...do you think the Arsenal board are going to be weak enough to sack him?


    Shep shot the goose who'd been laying golden eggs for him....and in doing so he laid the foundations for his own downfall at the club....but it has to be said Sir Bob was dreadfully let down by the fans as well.


    the continued insistence that such decisions were/are made completely by people with less than 30% of shares totally on their own, ruins observations like this.


    Fact is, at the time, the majority were starting to think Sir Bob needed replacing. If we think so, why not the people in the boardroom too ? The bit in bold is speculative nonsense, just the sort of usual "any stick will do" comment.


    Sir Bob was let down by the fans too. Those 5000 who booed the players, totally sickened me, it was absolutely shameful.


    OK..if you want to put it that way the fans influenced two weak and foolish men beause in Sir Bob's book he laid the blame fair and square at Dougie H and Shep....and for most of his time at the club he thought Shep acted unilaterally anyway:


    Shep: "I'll put it to the board Bob"


    SBR : "you ARE the board Fred"


    So thats Sir Bobs version.....he went on to say that he never had a sit down meeting at any point in his time as manager at the club with Dougie H ...why do you think that was?

  7. And almost as if it was planned...:


    Hughton Thanks Ashley for Cash


    (Sorry if already been posted in some form)


    "planning".......... :):)


    according to wankers like Renton and Baggio a few years ago, this was the key to a golden future the likes of which Fat Fred and the Halls had never delivered


    You could not make it up if you tried.




    Talking bollocks and comparing me to Baggio now, nice one :lol:. All I said was it would have made sense to plan for Robson's replacement, rather than sack him 5 games into a season with the transfer window shut and no replacement, hence ending up with Souness.



    See, this is an area I have mentioned before, at the time, and was roundly condemned by clever dicks like you, but I was and still am correct, when you harped on about this "planning" business. The ONLY thing that matter is getting a manager who gets results ie knows what he is doing. Did you say the same thing when Gullit was replaced by Sir Bob a handful of games into the season ie "bad planning"


    You spout complete bollocks as usual Renton.



    i think renton's post is spot on tbh. don't sack a gem of a manager like robson when there isn't a better alternative.


    i think even as fat fred's biggest fan, you would admit that he got that one wrong. souness replacing sbr for me marked the beginning of our current plight. excacerbated by the fact that fat fred backed him to the hilt.


    hmmm.....well, I remember - at the time - the team being booed for finishing 5th in the league and a growing feeling that Sir Bob was starting to get things wrong and needed replaced. Still, I expect some people will try and deny this is true.


    His point is about timing and "planning", not the quality of the manager. MY point is about the quality of the manager, there is no "bad time" to get a quality manager.



    These are the memories I have of his last season. In particular he seemed to "forget" about being able to use substitutes and as such they were always in the last 10 minutes.


    Didnt only 5,000 or so stay for the lap of honour that year which really pissed SBR off.


    correct. Why do people disregard this. Were they not there or something, or just have a selective memory ?


    You're spot on about the fans...they influenced a weak and foolish man (in this case) who, seeing as he was drawing a 6 figure sum from the club every season in a salary may have been expected to see a bigger picture....For me Shep thought he knew more about football than Sir Bob on this issue which is patent bollocks. Why not back the man who had delivered for him in the previous two seasons? Why not back the man and be stronger than the rabble? Theres a significant minority of Arsenal fans who want rid of Wenger...do you think the Arsenal board are going to be weak enough to sack him?


    Shep shot the goose who'd been laying golden eggs for him....and in doing so he laid the foundations for his own downfall at the club....but it has to be said Sir Bob was dreadfully let down by the fans as well.

  8. 2-1 to inter


    I love the italian games when one of their players scores, the roar is just unlike anything in english football


    when we played there it was like a bomb going off when they scored.....and it went on for about a minute...for atmosphere its the best game I've been to...shame about having to dodge bottles of piss like :)


    Cech stretchered off....theyve just said it may be his cruciate...season over.


    EDIT:.....West Brom 2 Reading ! in the cup...come on you baggies :lol:

  9. It's this 'have to go into debt to achieve things' which baffles me.



    Are we ultimately a mid-table club, and should we act accordingly????


    no mate, we aren't a mid table club. We are one of the biggest clubs in the country. Clubs that are above us that should not be, are there [now] either because they are better run or have a sugar daddy.


    I don't think you are on of the idealogical numpties I've just mentioned by the way.


    Now I've no real interest in doing the club down but we've been in the top division for 47 out of 65 years since the end of WWII and our average league posistion for those years is 11th.


    In the Premier League years it is 7th.




    this doesnt take into account the top divison changing the amount of clubs in it fairly regularly since the early 80s


    This is what people get at when they say that we're not a "big club"...we dont really have the league posistions historically to back it up, but you're spot on with definition of the difference between size (which leads as you say to great potential) and success.I'm aware you can use statistics to prove anything, but to many peoples minds we are a mid table club and thats not taking into account the 18 seasons of second tier football since 1945. I'm not that bothered when tosspots in the pub say "urr your not a big club"...I just say "yeah we're a nothing club from a northern backwater watched by two men and a dog"..that shuts the fuckers up because they know its not true, but when it comes to league posistions over the years they may have a slight point....we can point to league finishes in the premier league that the likes of Spurs and Villa would kill for but I think I may have swapped them for some the post war silverware they have won...theres a domestic double and a European Cup in amongst that lot..the fuckin twats :)


    Debt free "relative" success is easy...all we have to do if find the new David Moyes.....but the scouse mackems only averaged 17k when they won the FA cup in 1984...we got 27k in the divison below that season..our crowds historically stand up against anyones,but acheivements are somewhat lacking :lol:

  10. One of the lads at work has an interesting theory about their marriage - reckons it was a 'marriage of convenience' to help Cheryl lose the racist tag after she chinned that lass...


    Plausible I guess?


    And to help him lose the 'fond of mobile phones up the jacksy' tag in the process? It seems too easy, but you wouldn't rule it out. Then again, they're both dense enough to have believed they were in love and all.


    theyve just said on the radio that theres no pre nup....shes entitled to half of what he earned in the past 5 years.....kerching! :)


    if she does nail him for every penny he's got it may put paid to your theory...but I like to think that its true...fits in with the times in which we live perfectly ;)


    As if they fucking know... :(


    you could be right.......but I feel its unlikely.....remember...the internet knows everything ;)



  11. Sad thing is, Pompey fans still worship him and he couldn't give a fuck about them - what was his comment when he joined Spurs? My last chance to manage a big club - talk about a kick in the teeth.


    And people think we were blinkered when it came to Keegan....


    I worked in Pompey in a shipyard for 6 months up until xmas and its seriously 50/50.....he dumped them twice, the first time because of Mandaric wanting to bring in a director of football, the poisition he was appointed to when he first went to the club. Then he went to Saints, never a good move regardless of the outcome in some fans' eyes...Milking the betting market when he went back, then deserting them again when bad times looked likely....in return for an FA cup win?


    Why would Mort talk to him if he wasnt going to offer him the job?...I just think he didnt fancy the commute,and could probably work out for himself that ashley was a bit of a twat......but in saying that its a 6 hour round trip from Poole to north east London and back.


    I think he was offered the job and I also think we dodged a bullet....Spurs fans must be fuckin bricking it :(

  12. One of the lads at work has an interesting theory about their marriage - reckons it was a 'marriage of convenience' to help Cheryl lose the racist tag after she chinned that lass...


    Plausible I guess?


    And to help him lose the 'fond of mobile phones up the jacksy' tag in the process? It seems too easy, but you wouldn't rule it out. Then again, they're both dense enough to have believed they were in love and all.


    theyve just said on the radio that theres no pre nup....shes entitled to half of what he earned in the past 5 years.....kerching! :(


    if she does nail him for every penny he's got it may put paid to your theory...but I like to think that its true...fits in with the times in which we live perfectly :)

  13. And throw into the mix what if Arry had said yes.........


    Bournemouth,West Ham,Pompey and Southampton.....he's managed them all, and they're all,or have been very recently, financially ruined....he's a fuckin jinx at best, and just happens, along with Sasha Gaydamak, to own significant amounts of land surrounding Fratton Park.....who'd have thought it? :(

  14. last 10 years 3rd place points totals:


    08/09 Sheff Utd 80

    07/08 Hull 75

    06/07 Derby 84

    05/06 Watford 81

    04/05 Ipswich 85

    03/04 Sunderland 79

    02/03 Sheff Utd 80

    01/02 Wolves 86

    00/01 Bolton 87

    99/00 Ipswich 87

  15. That is what I mean when I say the Allardyce appointment was a deliberate change of direction. I can't attack them for showing ambition for the football club, you just can't do that, it's what you want directors to do, you want the team to succeed on the pitch. I won't disagree that they made mistakes, starting with the appointment of Souness but I think the right manager knowing what he was doing would have swiftly put the club back on the right road again.


    Again, if that was their intentions on his appointment then it does make sense in a lot of ways, but for me the jury is out on that..are you suggesting that Allardyce was cheaper and could be manipulated into putting up with less funds than Souness or Sir Bob were granted as part of some sort of cost cutting measure?

  16. I'd like to hear Leazes' opinion about where we'd be now if the Halls and Shepherd hadnt sold up and were still in charge at NUFC. I'm certainly not suggesting we'd be worse off..or better for that matter. But he's obviously a fan so it would be interesting to hear.


    in the premiership.


    hmm..not the height of ambition that is it?.....and as you're fond of saying, the Halls and Shepherd had bags of the stuff, ambition....Not champions league then?...or even top half?.....am surprised you've set your sights so low, you being generally ambitious for the fortunes of NUFC like....


    haha, nice reply. You know what I meant though .......


    I think the appointment of Allardyce was an admission that a new change of direction was needed, but we would never have sold players such as Given, Milner, Zoggy etc unless of course the manager decided he didn't want them. Remember Allardyce was, at the time, THE English manager ready for the big jobs. And as soon as Ashley took over the club, he was complaining about not getting backing, day to day support etc, all things which are necessary to the good running of a football club.


    I think Shep got it wrong with appointing Allardyce. I don't think the vast majority of the match going public at SJP were going to put up with the stone age football he was serving up regardless of results, and lets face it they weren't great either.


    Given,Milner,and Zoggy were all in Allardyce's sides, and all in Keegan's/JFK's too....we were on a downward trajectory whether they were at the club or not and regardless of who was the club owner. If you're suggesting that Shep wouldnt have sold them to balance the books or because of pressures caused by the credit crunch then I suggest you read Sir Bob's book....Shep had no qualms about getting involved in decisons managers alone should be making, or selling for financial reasons, whether it was for either a positive or negative reason.


    As far as I remember Sam also had a go at the players when things didnt go well (he did this at Blackburn as well last season, but you'll note he takes a lot of credit himself when things go well,him being "a top man in his field" after all), as well as support from above etc, which incidentally didnt stop him from joining Ashley and Chris Mort down the Bigg Market on the piss at least once.


    What do you think Shep's spending wouldve been like if he was still here, bearing in mind a. the credit crunch/recession and b. the last set of books he was responsible for had us making a huge financial loss with a wage bill out of all proportion to the ability of the team and it's posistion in the league?


    I am not sure I agree that people wouldn't have put up with Allardyces brand of football. For starters, they are putting up with it now, because it is winning. They also put up with the long ball game when we won the Fairs Cup in 1969, and those players quite rightly are now legends, all of them, and they are all smashing blokes too. If you are winning, you don't care what style you play.


    I didn't think they got it wrong, at the time, when they appointed Allardyce. We will never know if his methods would not have worked in the long run. I was most definitely in favour of new medical techniques, scouting networks, training methods etc because they were his methods and you appoint the manager and his way of doing things.


    As I said, the appointment of Allardyce was a new direction because they ie the Halls and Shepherd, realised it was needed, both financially and from a structural angle. I don't have a problem with that at all, at least they recognised it was needed for the good of the club and hopefully to bring success to the club on the pitch. Unlike Mike Ashley who's idea of success appears to be making a profit like a high street business, meaning we will never achieve success on the pitch in terms of league success, and if we are lucky we will think reaching the later rounds of the FA or League Cup as a good season again, which is a disgrace.


    I don't disagree with much of what you say, but I don't understand why you don't seem to be able to accept there are two sides to the Hall/Sheprd era...what about that last set of books?...what would Shep have done to cut costs?, assuming you and he accept tat was needed?

  17. I'd like to hear Leazes' opinion about where we'd be now if the Halls and Shepherd hadnt sold up and were still in charge at NUFC. I'm certainly not suggesting we'd be worse off..or better for that matter. But he's obviously a fan so it would be interesting to hear.


    in the premiership.


    hmm..not the height of ambition that is it?.....and as you're fond of saying, the Halls and Shepherd had bags of the stuff, ambition....Not champions league then?...or even top half?.....am surprised you've set your sights so low, you being generally ambitious for the fortunes of NUFC like....


    haha, nice reply. You know what I meant though .......


    I think the appointment of Allardyce was an admission that a new change of direction was needed, but we would never have sold players such as Given, Milner, Zoggy etc unless of course the manager decided he didn't want them. Remember Allardyce was, at the time, THE English manager ready for the big jobs. And as soon as Ashley took over the club, he was complaining about not getting backing, day to day support etc, all things which are necessary to the good running of a football club.


    I think Shep got it wrong with appointing Allardyce. I don't think the vast majority of the match going public at SJP were going to put up with the stone age football he was serving up regardless of results, and lets face it they weren't great either.


    Given,Milner,and Zoggy were all in Allardyce's sides, and all in Keegan's/JFK's too....we were on a downward trajectory whether they were at the club or not and regardless of who was the club owner. If you're suggesting that Shep wouldnt have sold them to balance the books or because of pressures caused by the credit crunch then I suggest you read Sir Bob's book....Shep had no qualms about getting involved in decisons managers alone should be making, or selling for financial reasons, whether it was for either a positive or negative reason.


    As far as I remember Sam also had a go at the players when things didnt go well (he did this at Blackburn as well last season, but you'll note he takes a lot of credit himself when things go well,him being "a top man in his field" after all), as well as support from above etc, which incidentally didnt stop him from joining Ashley and Chris Mort down the Bigg Market on the piss at least once.


    What do you think Shep's spending wouldve been like if he was still here, bearing in mind a. the credit crunch/recession and b. the last set of books he was responsible for had us making a huge financial loss with a wage bill out of all proportion to the ability of the team and it's posistion in the league?

  18. I'd like to hear Leazes' opinion about where we'd be now if the Halls and Shepherd hadnt sold up and were still in charge at NUFC. I'm certainly not suggesting we'd be worse off..or better for that matter. But he's obviously a fan so it would be interesting to hear.


    in the premiership.


    hmm..not the height of ambition that is it?.....and as you're fond of saying, the Halls and Shepherd had bags of the stuff, ambition....Not champions league then?...or even top half?.....am surprised you've set your sights so low, you being generally ambitious for the fortunes of NUFC like....

  19. cheers nyff



    so let's see now


    4-1 v coventry


    3-0 v preston


    that was 2 piss easy home games wasnt it and yet the pessimistic tools on here gave me pelters for saying it - let's face it, there are too many clueless numpties on here - there are probably some who still think WBA and Forest will finish in the top 2 ffs :(


    How many points do you think are needed for promotion?


    14 games left, 6 at home including Forest next month but more importantly 8 away, the trickiest of which look Boro and possibly an improving Reading, which is our game in hand on Forest.We've got 63 points and there are 18 points up for grabs at home....dare we hope for 14? which takes us to 77....how many do we need to pick up away from home?....

  20. I'd like to hear Leazes' opinion about where we'd be now if the Halls and Shepherd hadnt sold up and were still in charge at NUFC. I'm certainly not suggesting we'd be worse off..or better for that matter. But he's obviously a fan so it would be interesting to hear.

  21. Clearly angling for a Stevie Night.


    This is what I'd be hoping for too......if theres one getting organised I'm definetly up for it as I want to see him call me a "cunt" to my face :icon_lol:


    Thats the thing about him in regards to this thread.....he cant possibly spek to people like he did on here in real life...if he does I imagine he'd be turn up in a similar state to Steven Hawking ;)

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