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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. I was hoping this wasn't going to be a death thread. Was a bizare mixture Frank Bruno and an educated Surrey aristocrat, but it was one of the sporting marriages of the 80's, a bit like Jimmy Hill and Terry Venables. Very sad loss to sport he was a truly brilliant commentator, very descriptive and used to commentate on TV events like a radio commentator. I remember when Tyson fought Bruno in 87 I stayed up with 2 of my mates 8 or 9 year old playing subbuteo waiting for the fight, and in the first round Bruno almost knocked Tyson out cue Harry "GO ON THERE FRANK!!!" :icon_lol: good old BBC impartiality. RIP


    The son of a wholesale fish merchant at Billingsgate Market,





    Quite sad, as the first post says all the great sports broadcasters those of a certain age with will have grown up seem to be popping off.....him and Frank were great together; theyve just said on 5live about when Bruno was in tears after he was beaten for the first time by Bonecrusher Smith and Harry handled him very sensitively.


    Is it churlish to say I actually preferred Reg Gutterigde on ITV? :icon_lol:

  2. FWIW I think Andy Carroll is the best in the air since Les.


    Probably right although Big Dunc was pretty decent with his head too... and not just on other people.


    Andy Carroll is basically a more mobile version of Duncan. I think he's a better player at 21 than Ferguson was at 21. Again, he didnt do a hellish lot yesterday (especially in the first half, but he wasnt alone in that) but he still scored. Some very nice touches in the second half, when he's on his game he's a joy to watch...at this level..... :lol:


    20 years since I was last at a game at Ashton Gate before yesterday, and that was the last time someone twatted me at a match....sadly, looks like things haven't changed much in Bristol...but in saying that watching 3 or 4 Bristolians scatter about 20 of our lot who were in no doubt "up for it" would've beenin parts funny and shaming, if two of our lads hadnt required hospital treatment, and also those of us who came to their aid received a slap from the returning city fans for their trouble...nice place Bristol :D

    I heard there was trouble, what exactly happened? Fuckin Welsh cunts. It's always these non event places, where people are trying and failing to make a name for themselves like Stoke, Burnley, Wolverhampton and Bristol.


    Looks like there was an off in the park beside the ground, which was seen off by the poilce, our lot came up out of the park and on to the pavement of a dual carraigeway beside it where we ran into them. Then some of their lot appeared and all these young uns basically legged it, apart from two who turned to have a go and got twatted. No real sympathy for them because they were all looking for a ruck, but its a bit emabarrassing because they got ran by no more than half a dozen of their lot. I dont think it was our lots "top lads"....if it was then theyre a fuckin bunch of bedwetters on that sorry show.

  3. FWIW I think Andy Carroll is the best in the air since Les.


    Probably right although Big Dunc was pretty decent with his head too... and not just on other people.


    Andy Carroll is basically a more mobile version of Duncan. I think he's a better player at 21 than Ferguson was at 21. Again, he didnt do a hellish lot yesterday (especially in the first half, but he wasnt alone in that) but he still scored. Some very nice touches in the second half, when he's on his game he's a joy to watch...at this level..... :lol:


    20 years since I was last at a game at Ashton Gate before yesterday, and that was the last time someone twatted me at a match....sadly, looks like things haven't changed much in Bristol...but in saying that watching 3 or 4 Bristolians scatter about 20 of our lot who were in no doubt "up for it" would've beenin parts funny and shaming, if two of our lads hadnt required hospital treatment, and also those of us who came to their aid received a slap from the returning city fans for their trouble...nice place Bristol :D

  4. Got a spare for Donny on Tuesday night.....can meet up at Bristol to hand it over, otherwise a mate will have it with him at the game and will be contactable before the match to arrange pick up.


    PM me if you fancy it :lol:

  5. Zvonimir Boban

    Luis Enrique

    Josep Guardiola

    The first two were held in very high regard by Sir Bob :D


    Boban however divides opinion, depending on what side you were on in the Balkan wars of the nineties....theres a school of thought he started them with this kick :lol:




    Political Football: Zvonimir Boban

    By Channel 4 News

    Updated on 19 December 2007

    .For his Political Football series, Simon Kuper asks: did Zvonimir Boban kick off the Balkans conflict?


    Here's a scene from 1999: the car park at Milanello, AC Milan's training complex, on a foggy autumn's day. Zvonimir Boban, dressed in an outfit worth about as much as a Tranmere Rovers player, is getting into his people carrier for his commute home through the Lombardian countryside. The great midfielder looks every inch the materialist modern footballer.


    He was, but he was also more than that. The Croatian nationalist may be the only footballer ever credited with kicking off a civil war. He was in at the beginning of the division of Yugoslavia in 1990. As we enter the last phase of that division, with Kosovo saying it will claim independence from Serbia within days, it's time to pick Boban for our political footballers' XI. He joins Neil Lennon, Diego Maradona and Walter Tull in midfield.


    Romantic nationalist

    Boban was born in the small Croatian town of Imotski, very near the Bosnian border, in the famously nationalist south of Croatia. He grew up in communist Yugoslavia, but as he reached adulthood the state was crumbling. With communism heading for the dustbin of history, many politicians turned to nationalism instead.




    On a videotape of the match between Dynamo Zagreb and Red Star Belgrade, Boban is heard muttering: 'Where is the police? Where is the bloody police?'Boban was a receptive customer, a romantic nationalist straight out of the nineteenth century, steeped in the Croat version of history. In fact he is an obsessive reader, who says he "grew up" on Chekhov and Dostoevsky, and before one Croatia-Italy game confessed to the Italian newspaper Gazzetta dello Sport that if the match were between Croatian and Italian literary classics instead of footballers, Italy would win hands down. "Dante, Petrach, Leopardi.... It wouldn't be a contest," he said.


    His chance to enter Croatian myth came in Zagreb on 13 May, 1990. Yugoslavia was then still uneasily holding its various nationalities together. Boban's team Dynamo Zagreb, from the capital of Croatia, were playing the Serb team Red Star Belgrade in a league match that degenerated into hooliganism.


    Then Boban spots a policeman beating up a Dynamo fan who has tripped. The player runs up and karate-kicks the policeman in the face (see video below).


    Visiting Serb fans began tearing down the stadium, while Yugoslav police stood and watched. To Croats, the scene seemed an allegory of how Serbs had been privileged and they themselves disadvantaged in Yugoslavia. On a videotape of that day, Boban, Dynamo's captain, paces the athletics track, steaming. He mutters, "Where is the police? Where is the bloody police?"


    A nation is born

    According to one serious Croatian historian, that kick was "the symbol of the uprising against the 70-year Serb domination in Yugoslavia." Many Croats feel that with that kick their nation was born. Erik Brouwer, a Dutch writer who has written beautifully on the match, notes that when the victim of the kick was dredged up in 2005, he turned out to be not a Serb at all, but a Bosnian Muslim. The man said he "totally understood" Boban's act.




    Soon after the kick Boban went off to the Serie A, but many Croat and Serb men of his age went to war. Football hooligans in particular volunteered for the armies of both sides. The psychopath Arkan, who had led Red Star's hooligans at the match in Zagreb, and became a brutal Serb paramilitary leader in the war, subsequently recalled: "After that game we immediately began to organize ourselves."



    Simon Kuper is in the process of nominating his Political Football First XI - 11 footballers whose lives have acquired a dimension outside the sport they play.


    But we want to know who you would include. It doesn't have to be an entire team (although that would be fascinating) - just a player for whom life has meant more than a mansion in Belgravia and a fleet of 4x4s.



    Myth kick

    Later a statue of a group of soldiers was erected in front of Dynamo's ground, with a text beneath them saying: "To the fans of this club, who started the war with Serbia at this ground on May 13, 1990."


    The claim is false. Politicians, not Boban, started the war. His kick - and the melee at the match - merely conveyed to many Yugoslav TV viewers that it was all up with their country, that the tensions between Serbia and Croatia would lead to war.


    Football hardly ever changes anything, but it can act as an allegory for a society. Still, in time to come people will no doubt believe the plaque's message. Zarko Puhovski, a philosophy professor who showed it to me in Zagreb, grumbled: "You don't need a century for this to become myth."




    Football hardly ever changes anything - but it can act as an allegory for a society.After the wars, Boban starred in a Croatian side that came third at the World Cup of 1998. It was a team dredged in romantic nationalist rhetoric. Its coach, Miroslav Blazevic, told me: "On every occasion before a match I speak to the players of Croatia's problems, the suffering of all our patriots. Because in football, motivation is very important."


    Boban bought it all. "Croatia is the reason I live," he declared in the documentary film The Last Yugoslavian Football Team. "I love my country as I love myself. I would die for Croatia." Of course he avoided doing so during the war, preferring Milanello instead.



  6. Hall can only harbour disappointment about events at Newcastle following Ashley’s arrival, although he insisted that the sportswear retailer’s instincts were correct. “Mike Ashley came in for the right reasons,” he said. “Newcastle gave him a brand name for his business abroad.


    Ah good thats ok then...thats why he bought us. I'd been wondering about that. If you're a fan of NUFC thats just what you want to hear :yes


    Caulkin gets it right about Hall....I'm a bit scizophrenic about him. I've no real problem with the money he made by selling the club but the cunt he sold it to proves he didnt give two fucks who it was. And now we have this pile of bollocks highlighted above. Words fuckin fail me.

  7. Leicester (A) 1991/92:







    You took a camera to that game? <_<


    Mental day, never seen anything like it since then.


    We were on the Berwick supporters club bus...got back to Gateshead and stopped for a kebab...there was some mackem gobbing off in the kebab shop so the (obviously sober) bus driver put the fuckers head through the shop window :yes

  8. I cancelled sky last week....I spoke to the call centre in Livingstone and they said they wanted 4 weeks notic, so my service gets switched off on April 4th, which was confirmed by letter yesterday. Sounds like somebody's "at it" with your insurance, and I did receive an email from sky themselves about extended warranty fake calls this week.


    pm your email and I'll forward on what sky sent me of you like.

  9. stand by me and Goonies.


    2 of the best films ever made.


    RIP Handsome Man. :)

    :icon_lol: ...he's not in either of those, you're president of his fan club obviously.... ;)





    Your thinking of Sean Austin (he was Samwise in lord of the rings and Mikey in the Goonies)

    I reckon she was thinking of Corey Feldman like ;)


    No it was just a bad joke that only my brother gets, but ho hum, he found it amusing anyway. :(


    Kind of lost on this board then really? :icon_lol:


    yeah, kind of, although he reads this board and found it funny.

    Even tried my joke out on the boyfriend last night and he just kind of looked at me and half smiled half nodded, so lesson learned. So, not to be deterred I tried it at work today, even with a full explaination of the joke and the background I couldn't even raise a pity chuckle. :icon_lol:


    No more jokes unless you lot are privvy to them. My apologies. ;)


    Talking of Corey Feldman aka mouth - didn't he have a major drug problem too?


    reckon you're right...look what it did to his eyes



  10. Gotta feel for the Palestinians, shat on and nobody cares or is willing to say anything against the Jews - Jew are like the world's scousers, they think the world owes them but basically they're a bunch of cunts ;)
    Really? From what I've seen it's always Israel is a monster, Israel is the biggest threat to world peace etc and the new channels seem biased towards that view. There's always two sides to these war debates. People should feel sorry for the Jews as well given the persecution they have had to put up with for centuries/milleniums.


    Erm.. I think a nation armed to the teeth bombing civilian districts with no air defense doesn't bear one iota of sympathy. It's barbaric and totally unwarranted and disproportionate. If America had any balls they would stop all aid to Israel immediately.


    the bombing might have been an over-reaction and i agree it was heavy handed but it was a reaction to relentelss rockets being fired into israel.


    Shall we examine civilian death counts on either sde?


    i'm aware of it, and i agree that israel's reaction was too heavy handed but there had to be a reaction. what's the alternative? ignore the rockets that are fired into your territory? it's israel's right as a soverign state to protext itself from terrorist attacks. i doubt many countries across the world would ignore it.


    Look at the maps mate.


    You think those rockets being fired aren't themselves a tiny proportional response to that travesty that's been ongoing for 65 years?


    EDIT: Also, "terrorist attacks" isn't the description, it's legitimate resistance.


    legitimacy is moot - depends on which side you're on.


    the jewish people have lived in israel/palestine/call it what you will since biblical times. to them it has always been their home, even before the war of 1948 and declaration of independence. from the israeli standpoint, it's tempting to question whether the last 65 years could have been avoided if the arab nations had accepted the UN plan for a palestinian and jewish state side by side. but israel as we now know it IS a democratic sovereign state and because of that has the right to defend its borders from attacks.


    from the arab pov, they have been displaced and are now fighting for their freedom against a much more powerful force. in their eyes, israel is the terrorist and their cause is legitimate.


    personally, i feel sorry for the innocent people caught up in it on both sides. it seems like the conflict is going to go on and on, despite large numbers on both sides who crave a peaceful resolution. it's the fundamentalists on both sides that are to blame. the brain-washed suicide bombers on the arb side and the far right in the israeli government plus the orthodox jews who refuse to withdraw from the settlements.


    but though israel's retaliation was heavy-handed , they had to do something. it seems excessive to us as outsiders but if you lived as an israeli with the threat of suicide bombers and rockets being fired into your homeland you would demand that something was done.


    That statement is patently untrue. The lands were inhabited my a mix of hitites, Palestinians (Philistines), Some Romans, Arabs of various backgrounds as well as Jews.


    "Nor can Israel’s right to the land be demonstrated by reference to the Balfour Declaration (1917), for Palestine belonged to its inhabitants, not to the British Foreign Minister. Freedom from British colonial rule was certainly more of a right of the Palestinians in 1917 than of the British citizens of America in 1776. Assuming the right of peoples to self-determination, Arab Palestine was not for the British to give to the Zionists. Finally, justice does not presuppose that if A oppresses B, then B may oppress C; thus, the genocidal policies against Jews by German Nazis would not justify Jewish Zionist punishment of Palestinian Arabs. Victims of the Holocaust have claims for compensation and territory against former supporters of Nazism, not against guiltless Palestinian peasants."


    of course it isn't. the jews have lived in israel since the birth of christ



    Historically of course there is a big questionmark against the land that has been given to make the Israeli state.

    The Jews in any significant numbers themselves never actually lived in that area and it is biblical hocum that has engendered this myth.

    The true Jewish homeland would have been more accurately sited in Egypt and there are traces in Iraq.

    The homeland of the Jews in the area we now know as Israel is pretty much made up.


    Ther original Jews were semetic tribes with a wide diaspora incorporating ancient Mesapotamia, parts of what is now Egypt, Iraq and Jordan.

    Their faith was pretty much 'mysticism' and they had trading links to Asia minor. They were often caravan bound and had strong trading and tribal traditons.

    They 'arrived' in Jerusalem 14thC B.C. (inhabted at the time by the Canannites, Hittities and Philistines)and were given a beating by the Philistines.


    Palestine is actually a Roman corruption of the word Phillistine iirc.






    If you come into this thread and start shooting your mouth off it might be wise to have some scant understanding of the topic first. ;)


    who lived in Judea then? ;)

  11. The British have been incredibly inventive and have contributed one hell of a lot to the world of Science and Technology, but to imply that this means the US somehow were reliant on us for these things is idiocy.


    Of the top of my head, the Americans have been responsible for the first manned flight, first mass production of the car and many other consumer goods, most modern military technology, development of the computer and internet, and development of the first fission and fusion nuclear bombs. Not to mention the small feat of landing a man on the moon. They are also responsible for the majority of science and medical publications, although we punch above our weight on that score too.


    All the rocket tech and nukes they got from Germans. The first road cars were also invented by Germans, Benz if I iirc..I thought Konrad Zuse (yes Renton not an american name ;) ) the GERMAN invented the first computer in 1936...


    Soooo, I'll give you consumer goods. :icon_lol:


    Is there really any point of the likes of you and tooner posting in this thread, it is beyond doubt you are both ridiculously knowledgeless... ;)





    ;).....because I don't have the seething hatred of americans that you do, I am clueless?......ok, whatever.


    "Seething hatred".. :)


    In the defence of America I will say that the PEOPLE often in times of trouble and need show a very big heart and genorosity." [Parky/]


    I merely present facts dear. Deal wiv it. Whatever.

    Let's put the wars aside a minute the criminal, fraudulent and destructive american banking system is single handedly fucking up the financial viability of 3/4 of the planet. It is the worlds biggest polluter bar none, it is the first worlds most undereducated country by a mile....IT IS A FUCKING BASKET CASE.


    I can only think some people in this thread are watching Top Gun round the clock.



    .....well maybe not seething but but you've got some issues with america.


    as I stated before i don't condone or side with american foreign policy or military actions, my point was only that the outcome of the second world war was due to the co-operation of ALL the allied countries and any attempt at detracting from or qualifying the contribution from any allied country does a dis-service and dishonor to the 100,000's of people from those countries who gave there lives.


    .....so whatEVAR.


    I can't remember are you Canadian?



    you cheeky fucking prick...... :icon_lol:


    I am.......and I will apologize for any undue amount of flag waving i've done recently, been caught up in the hoo-haw of canadian pride left-over from the olympics.



    Sidney Crosby broke my heart on 28 Feb 10. :(


    Helluva game though. Probably the best hockey game I've ever seen in my life (barring of course, the Miracle). Congrats on the gold- you deserved it (well, maybe not Broduer... :( !


    That was a good game of ice hockey?....first time I've tried to watch it on tv and I thought it was barely watchable...for me its basically too fast for a decent televised sport. Is this a common thing the uninitiated say or is it just a fuckin crap spectator sport anyway?


    ps I like Americans in general, when you go there they are much nicer and better people than the impression you get through the media/tv or those loud fuckers on bus tours with tartan trousers and 15 cameras round their necks :icon_lol:

  12. I do recall being very excited about him signing. I thought he was regularly excellent for Man City.


    It's fair to say I've been somewhat disappointed.


    the only thing that lived up to expectations was the off field crap. his performances and injuries make him one of he worse signings of recent years when you look at how much he cost and his wages. can't understand why so many still seem to think he'll come good. awful signing


    He should've been lynched after Anfield last season but hanging is too good for the cunt. I'm not usually too critical of some of the piss poor bunch we've had over the years but this fucker takes the biscuit. And to think some people think Bellamy is a horrible git....Barton makes him look like Kofi Annan :lol:


    If we could get rid we should. The players will need to stick together next season and he's not an ideal cnadidate to create harmony. He may stub a cigar out in someones eye. This prick will never change and I dont want to read another self pitying pile of bollocks saying that he will.

  13. I was dragged to see Soloman Kane last week......I dont think it'll be troubling the academy voters but the outside scenes were quite nicely shot (supposed to be the south west in the 17th century) and the special effects were very good. The script sadly would embarrass a 12 year old though. But not the worst 90 mins of my life...that was Wigan, boxing day 2008 :lol:


    Oh and Gareth from "The Office" turns up as a mad priest who tries to feed Soloman to some zombies he keeps under his ruined chapel :blush:

  14. We could well win the league/secure promotion at Reading. That might be the greatest week of my life, see the toon win the league on the 14th April, my first born is due on the 16th April...


    I really don't fancy our chances very much at Reading...they're on a great run, the form team of the division. And they're beating Villa 2-0 at HT in the cup :lol:




    Collectively Toontastic predictions are shit!


    aye...none of us are exactly mystic meg are we?...apart from accadacca :blush:


    Still dont fancy our chances of more than a point down there though.


    5 home games left.....can we be confident of 15 points from them?.....that would give us 87 points...another 3 from 7 away games for promotion?....actually that sounds pretty easy :jonas:

  15. We could well win the league/secure promotion at Reading. That might be the greatest week of my life, see the toon win the league on the 14th April, my first born is due on the 16th April...


    I really don't fancy our chances very much at Reading...they're on a great run, the form team of the division. And they're beating Villa 2-0 at HT in the cup :lol:

  16. If the Mail want to mention the 1930s why don't they talk about their support for Hitler and other Fascists?


    Fucking cunts.



    to what support do you refer?


    They praised Hitler's election and also had an infamous "Hooray for the blackshirts" headline in support of Moseley.


    Ive never seen or heard of that. do you have a link?


    Lord Rothermere owned the Daily Mail back then, and he along with the abdicated George V/ Duke of Windsor and that fuckin bandwagon jumping twat Oswald Mosely would've let the goosestepping cunts in before you could say "bratwurst und chips danke" :lol:




    and the "educated and intelligent" Micheal Foot supported CND, and the growth of Socialist Soviet Russia ?


    Can't really argue with that but Communism or Facism would've/will have never took off in this country because we tend to laugh at extreamists of whatever political persuasion. The vast majority of us think they're all idiots. But it has to be said that in the 30s facist ideas were in the minds of some very powerful people. There was the Soviet spies at Oxbrigde of course,Philby,MaClean.Blunt etc, but were they really in a posistion to do anything apart form pass secrets on and plot?....The Duke of Windsor visited Hitler straight after the abdication. We've a lot to be thankful to Mrs Simpson for.

  17. If the Mail want to mention the 1930s why don't they talk about their support for Hitler and other Fascists?


    Fucking cunts.



    to what support do you refer?


    They praised Hitler's election and also had an infamous "Hooray for the blackshirts" headline in support of Moseley.


    Ive never seen or heard of that. do you have a link?


    Lord Rothermere owned the Daily Mail back then, and he along with the abdicated George V/ Duke of Windsor and that fuckin bandwagon jumping twat Oswald Mosely would've let the goosestepping cunts in before you could say "bratwurst und chips danke" :lol:



  18. I didn't need to google that article to know Richard Littlejohn had written it....I've always thought "opinion writers" of whatever politcal hue are the most utterly fuckin useless receivers of a 6 figure salary that have ever drawn breath, and this article pretty much sums that up. A lot of it may be accurate, but RL's opinions, like Foot's during his time at the Evening Standard, are bought and paid for by the paper's proprietor. He has an agenda to push, and this annhilation of a man still warm on a slab is as classless as it is fuckin predictable. The dead cant sue, and the likes of this prick play on that fact.

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