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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. Calm down there Mr Chompy :(


    dear me


    "fishing"..... :(


    Get a life son.


    I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" :icon_lol:


    I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I.


    You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other.


    oh dear.


    They hate us not the other way round. You're brainwashed too.


    I also doubt that you would tell a 6'6" BNP supporter he was a "racist" for objecting to British citizens being blown up on Britains Streets by so called "British people".




    If you beleive that about me thats ok, I'm unlikely to convince you otherwise...but it does rather imply that you're just the other side of the same coin :(


    And you're right, I'd run a mile from a confrontation with a bnp member....but I'm not the one calling them cunts on here.


    For starters, I'm not calling them all cunts, just the anti-Britain ones, and there is more than you think.


    Learn a lesson Paddock Lad, silence doesn't mean they agree or disagree with anything, it only means silence. And they may lie to you too, so believe nothing.


    Well I havent said anything like that old son...I've said my mate is trying to take positive steps within his community to stop the radiclisation of the young....rather than stay silent, as you state. And I also acknowledged that fear and predjudice is rife within his community...that'll be the silence then won't it?


    And you certainly seem to be implying that all British moslems hold the same anti British sentiments here:


    "British born muslims" are the shitbags abusing their own troops in Wootton Basset. "British born muslims" are the shitbags burning British flags in demonstrations against Britain. "British born muslims" are the cowardly fucks bombing innocent civilians going about their daily life on the streets of Britain. A "British born muslim" is the wanker who did what he did to that war memorial for Britains dead.


    Don't talk to me about "British born muslims" you stupid fuck.


    You can try to give me lessons if you want, but try not to twist what I've said. Makes you out to be a bit of a dullard on the quiet :icon_lol:


    the last bit wasn't directed at you so you didn't have to respond. However, you shouldn't let the "minority" as you call them hide behind this "British born muslim" bollocks. Simple fact is there are more than you think and their loyalties lie elsewhere, there is no living in harmony and neighbourhood love and acceptance of each other with these fuckers, they want you to be like them, and they want the country to be run as they see fit.


    Now...again, in 3 posts I haven't used that word... :icon_lol:


    I understand what you're getting at and in lots of ways its a fair point. I object to being termed "brainwashed" or being considered naiive because I happen to have experiance of the other side of the coin though.


    Do you live somewhere that has been altered radically by a huge wave of moslem immigration into the area?

  2. Calm down there Mr Chompy :(


    dear me


    "fishing"..... :(


    Get a life son.


    I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" :icon_lol:


    I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I.


    You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other.


    oh dear.


    They hate us not the other way round. You're brainwashed too.


    I also doubt that you would tell a 6'6" BNP supporter he was a "racist" for objecting to British citizens being blown up on Britains Streets by so called "British people".




    If you beleive that about me thats ok, I'm unlikely to convince you otherwise...but it does rather imply that you're just the other side of the same coin :(


    And you're right, I'd run a mile from a confrontation with a bnp member....but I'm not the one calling them cunts on here.


    For starters, I'm not calling them all cunts, just the anti-Britain ones, and there is more than you think.


    Learn a lesson Paddock Lad, silence doesn't mean they agree or disagree with anything, it only means silence. And they may lie to you too, so believe nothing.


    Well I havent said anything like that old son...I've said my mate is trying to take positive steps within his community to stop the radiclisation of the young....rather than stay silent, as you state. And I also acknowledged that fear and predjudice is rife within his community...that'll be the silence then won't it?


    And you certainly seem to be implying that all British moslems hold the same anti British sentiments here:


    "British born muslims" are the shitbags abusing their own troops in Wootton Basset. "British born muslims" are the shitbags burning British flags in demonstrations against Britain. "British born muslims" are the cowardly fucks bombing innocent civilians going about their daily life on the streets of Britain. A "British born muslim" is the wanker who did what he did to that war memorial for Britains dead.


    Don't talk to me about "British born muslims" you stupid fuck.


    You can try to give me lessons if you want, but try not to twist what I've said. Makes you out to be a bit of a dullard on the quiet :icon_lol:

  3. Calm down there Mr Chompy :(


    dear me


    "fishing"..... :(


    Get a life son.


    I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" :icon_lol:


    I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I.


    You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other.


    Clearly using this as an excuse to wear a Burkah by passing himself off as a ninja, sounds a right arsehole tbh.


    you'll have to try harder than that mate :(

  4. Calm down there Mr Chompy :(


    dear me


    "fishing"..... :(


    Get a life son.


    I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" :icon_lol:


    I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I.


    You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other.


    oh dear.


    They hate us not the other way round. You're brainwashed too.


    I also doubt that you would tell a 6'6" BNP supporter he was a "racist" for objecting to British citizens being blown up on Britains Streets by so called "British people".




    If you beleive that about me thats ok, I'm unlikely to convince you otherwise...but it does rather imply that you're just the other side of the same coin :(


    And you're right, I'd run a mile from a confrontation with a bnp member....but I'm not the one calling them cunts on here.

  5. Calm down there Mr Chompy :(


    dear me


    "fishing"..... :(


    Get a life son.


    I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" :(


    I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I.


    You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other.

  6. I'm intrigued that you pay more than 70% tax on your 12 hour a day earnings Phil, perhaps you can enlighten us how that is the case? For the record, I happen to fall into one of the demographics which has benifitted least from Labour over the last decade. But I accept this, because I recognise I am fortunate to be where I am, and yes, unlike you, I can feel empathy towards the poorer sections of the community. I'm happy to accept that taxation should be progressive - if you are hit by it, you're doing alright in any case.



    PAYE 40%, NI 9%, Student Loan 9% = 58%.


    Then there's Council Tax, VAT, Petrol Tax, TV license, Road Tax, employer contributions (paid on my behalf) etc....



    I agree things have improved in the last 10 years and I would vote for Labour again if they hadn't racked up £850 Billion in debt and sold off the gold. They are too reactive for my liking, they should have regulated the bank and forced them to lend. I doubt you'll find any first time buyers voting Labour.


    ahh...they key issue in the election for me


    Tell me how you think the main parties could go about that, and then tell me what you think the banks will go and tell them what to do :o


    Labour's only saving grace is handing control of intersest rates over to the BoE....in the last recession they were 15%, and in this one we don't have an interest rate to speak of in any way...unless youve got a fixed rate mortgage.


    And if any Tory apologists want to tell me how differently theyd have run the economy since 97 I'd be intersted in hearing their views from the secure ward :unsure:

  7. The Torys can only effect the public sector jobs, which will have no effect on the private sector. They have said they want to force the banks to lend to small businesses, which will create jobs. There are thousands of entrepreneurs waiting to create jobs.


    Whereas Labour have said they are going to raise National Insurance, a direct tax that will cost businesses and anyone earning over £20k. Sheer madness - businesses are struggling and more taxes will slow down hiring.


    Talking of myths it looks like you've swallowed that one.


    I'm not sure if theres been a boardroom meeting ever where,when a company has a huge new order on the table,or has a chance to move into a new market,to expand and develop, the chairman has turned round and said "but NI contributions are too high for the x amount of extra staff we'll have to employ,lets not bother eh?"


    Its a bare faced lie peddled by the business community in an attempt to gain favour with a potential new tory government.




    As businessmen we know that stopping the national insurance rise will protect jobs and support the recovery.


    Signed by 60 business leaders from some of the countrys top boardrooms such as M&S, Glaxosmithkline, Sainsburys, Virgin, Next etc etc etc :unsure:


    Oh and you beleive them as well? Well done mate :o


    They're about as trustworthy as the politicians they're attempting to manipulate and control.

  8. The Torys can only effect the public sector jobs, which will have no effect on the private sector. They have said they want to force the banks to lend to small businesses, which will create jobs. There are thousands of entrepreneurs waiting to create jobs.


    Whereas Labour have said they are going to raise National Insurance, a direct tax that will cost businesses and anyone earning over £20k. Sheer madness - businesses are struggling and more taxes will slow down hiring.


    Talking of myths it looks like you've swallowed that one.


    I'm not sure if theres been a boardroom meeting ever where,when a company has a huge new order on the table,or has a chance to move into a new market,to expand and develop, the chairman has turned round and said "but NI contributions are too high for the x amount of extra staff we'll have to employ,lets not bother eh?"


    Its a bare faced lie peddled by the business community in an attempt to gain favour with a potential new tory government.

  9. Let Cameron have his 6 months of a hung parliament limbo-fest.....David Milliband is going to hand him his arse on a plate in the tv debates in October....and that other public school pillock Clegg :o

  10. Went to watch the mackems in a pub wearing dark glasses in broad daylight? :unsure: ....if you wanted to watch football yesterday you could've caught a bus to Shepherds Bush in London and watched the fuckin real thing...oh well...horses for courses and all that :o

  11. Where does this leave the makers of South Park now?

    They should try to go back to making decent episodes.


    hmmm...its not that I dislike the program,and to my knowlegde its not been screened here recently anyway, but they just seem to have a list of people they want to upset and they go out of their way to do it....isn't it all a little bit contrived?

  12. Can't imagine he would cost much which is the way we will end up going anyway and would be good cover for a few positions.


    holidaying with Will Young again this year is he?..

    Speaking of which can anybody clarify, is Xisco just n loan to Racing de Santander, or has he permanently left?


    from nufc.com:


    Asked recently about our forgotten man, Francisco Jimenez Tejada aka Xisco (pictured above) Chris Hughton commented:


    “He’s a player we were prepared to let go a year ago I don’t see too much has changed since then.


    "We’ve spoken to him during the season and we’d have to speak to him at the end of the season, see how he’s enjoyed his spell there whether he still wants to remain in Spain, but I don’t see too much having changed there.”


    Xisco arrived at SJP in August 2008 in what was claimed to be a £5.7m transfer from Deportivo La Coruna (rising to £7m in unspecified trigger payments). He signed a five year deal with United, taking him through to 2013.


    His most recent appearance for Newcastle (his ninth) came as a 58th minute replacement for Andy Carroll in the 1-0 home win over Sheffield Wednesday last August.


    That was his second sub outing of the season following a 13 minute run out the previous weekend at SJP against Reading. Xisco then sat on the bench at Crystal Palace before completing his loan switch to Racing Santander.


    He turns 24 in June and could still see that anniversary coincide with relegation for Racing. With four games to play, they sit four points and three places above the drop zone - with two games against fellow relegation-haunted sides, beginning with a trip to Tenerife on Saturday.


    The former Spanish U21 international has netted five goals (three in the Copa Del Rey), and appeared off the bench in the last two games since returning from injury.

    He's a fucking Jinxisco!


    He was also given a 5 year contract....fuckin hell, no wonder Ashleys spent 111 mill :o


    Ambrose is a reasonable shout, because despite Routledge looking good when hes got the space to play, he's too easily knocked off the ball, even in divi 2.I really think this is why 3 or 4 premier league teams have taken a look and passed on him. Don't know if Ambrose would be any better mind..

  13. Can't imagine he would cost much which is the way we will end up going anyway and would be good cover for a few positions.


    holidaying with Will Young again this year is he?..

    Speaking of which can anybody clarify, is Xisco just n loan to Racing de Santander, or has he permanently left?


    from nufc.com:


    Asked recently about our forgotten man, Francisco Jimenez Tejada aka Xisco (pictured above) Chris Hughton commented:


    “He’s a player we were prepared to let go a year ago I don’t see too much has changed since then.


    "We’ve spoken to him during the season and we’d have to speak to him at the end of the season, see how he’s enjoyed his spell there whether he still wants to remain in Spain, but I don’t see too much having changed there.”


    Xisco arrived at SJP in August 2008 in what was claimed to be a £5.7m transfer from Deportivo La Coruna (rising to £7m in unspecified trigger payments). He signed a five year deal with United, taking him through to 2013.


    His most recent appearance for Newcastle (his ninth) came as a 58th minute replacement for Andy Carroll in the 1-0 home win over Sheffield Wednesday last August.


    That was his second sub outing of the season following a 13 minute run out the previous weekend at SJP against Reading. Xisco then sat on the bench at Crystal Palace before completing his loan switch to Racing Santander.


    He turns 24 in June and could still see that anniversary coincide with relegation for Racing. With four games to play, they sit four points and three places above the drop zone - with two games against fellow relegation-haunted sides, beginning with a trip to Tenerife on Saturday.


    The former Spanish U21 international has netted five goals (three in the Copa Del Rey), and appeared off the bench in the last two games since returning from injury.

  14. Can't imagine he would cost much which is the way we will end up going anyway and would be good cover for a few positions.


    holidaying with Will Young again this year is he?..

  15. I think regardless of whether the debt will be there if the club is sold or how/ when it has to be repaid we can finally put to bed this ridiculous belief that we are a more financially sound business than we were pre-Ashley.


    Well it depends on how you look at it.....Ashley, and this is the only good thing I can say about him, hasnt borrowed a penny that he has put into NUFC.


    Maybe the fact that he's had to put £111 million into the club should raise the blinkers from some folks eyes....we may have had a couple of FA cup final appearances and and half a dozen great results in the group stages of the champions league to look back fondly upon, but what has been the real price of that to the club?...maybe we were heading for the second division all along, maybe there was always going to be a huge financial reckoning at the club at some point.


    If the Halls hadnt forced Shep's hand while he was lying in hospital where would we be now?...I'm not saying for a minute Ashley has been good for the club, but a £111 mill "loan"?....I know little of the financial world, but what the fuck has been going on? Is that the bill just to run the club in the last 3 years or was that to take care of the mess it was in when Shep departed? or both? does it include transfer fees paid out? or do the figures not give a strict breakdown of what its gone on?

  16. Anyone know Steve Wraith?


    There was a ruck in the stand to our left just after they had a goal disallowed and someone said it was him who was thrown down about half a dozen rows heed first by a grey haired West London nutter.....I'll qualify this by saying the lad who said it was him is a well known and renowned bulls knacka so I'm not saying this is accurate... :o

  17. A contract between the Conservative Party and you


    Name: David Cameron

    Address: Conservatives, 30 Millbank, London SW1P 4DP


    We go into the general election on 6 May with trust in politics and politicians at an all-time low. And I can understand why: the years of broken promises, the expenses scandal, the feeling that politicians have become too remote from the people – they’ve all taken their toll.


    That’s why I’m making this contract with you.


    For too long, you’ve been lied to by politicians saying they can sort out all your problems. But it doesn’t work like that. Real change is not just about what the government does. Real change only comes when we understand that we are all in this together; that we all have a responsibility to help make our country better. This contract sets out my side of the bargain: the things I want to do to change Britain. But it also makes clear that I cannot do it on my own. We will only get our economy moving, mend our broken society and reform our rotten political system if we all get involved, take responsibility, and work together.


    So this is our contract with you. I want you to read it and – if we win the election – use it to hold us to account. If we don’t deliver our side of the bargain, vote us out in five years’ time.


    We will change politics




    Our political system needs to change. Politicians must be made more accountable, and we must take power away from Westminster and put it in the hands of people – individuals, families and neighbourhoods.


    If you elect a Conservative government on 6 May, we will:


    Give you the right to sack your MP, so you don’t have to wait for an election to get rid of politicians who are guilty of misconduct.

    Cut the number of MPs by ten per cent, and cut the subsidies and perks for politicians.

    Cut ministers’ pay by five per cent, and freeze it for five years.

    Give local communities the power to take charge of the local planning system and vote on excessive council tax rises.

    Make government transparent, publishing every item of government spending over £25,000, all government contracts, and all local council spending over £500.


    We will change the economy


    Gordon Brown’s economic incompetence has doubled the national debt, given us record youth unemployment, and widened the gap between rich and poor.

    Unemployment is still rising, and this year we will spend more on debt interest than on schools. We need to get our economy moving.


    If you elect a Conservative government on 6 May, we will:


    Cut wasteful government spending so we can stop Labour’s jobs tax, which would kill the recovery.

    Act now on the national debt, so we can keep mortgage rates lower for longer.

    Reduce emissions and build a greener economy, with thousands of new jobs in green industries and advanced manufacturing.

    Get Britain working by giving unemployed people support to get work, creating 400,000 new apprenticeships and training places over two years, and cutting benefits for those who refuse work.

    Control immigration, reducing it to the levels of the 1990s – meaning tens of thousands a year, instead of the hundreds of thousands a year under Labour.


    We will change society


    We face big social problems in this country: family breakdown, educational failure, crime and deep poverty. Labour's big government has failed; we will help build a Big Society where everyone plays their part in mending our broken society.


    If you elect a Conservative government on 6 May, we will:


    Increase spending on health every year, while cutting waste in the NHS, so that more goes to nurses and doctors on the frontline, and make sure you get access to the cancer drugs you need.

    Support families, by giving married couples and civil partners a tax break, giving more people the right to request flexible working and helping young families with extra Sure Start health visitors.

    Raise standards in schools, by giving teachers the power to restore discipline and by giving parents, charities and voluntary groups the power to start new smaller schools.

    Increase the basic state pension, by relinking it to earnings, and protect the winter fuel allowance, free TV licences, free bus travel and other key benefits for older people.

    Fight back against crime, cut paperwork to get police officers on the street, and make sure criminals serve the sentence given to them in court.

    Create National Citizen Service for every 16 year old, to help bring the country together.







    hope that helps makes folks minds up :razz:

  18. Anyone know anywhere in or around Shepherds Bush that might be up for some "early" action on Sunday morning?......we used to know a place in Tottenham that was open to that sort of thing just by Northumberland Park Station and duly arrived there last season at 11ish on the Sunday we played at WHL....only to find theyd knocked the fuckin thing down :D


    I think there is a slug and lettuce around there. :D



    theres a walkabout and some other chain thing I seem to remember...thing is they're all run by people whod rather stick a fork in their eye than sell you a pint before 12 on a sunday....oh and they might lose their job as well but that seems a small price to pay :razz:

  19. Anyone know anywhere in or around Shepherds Bush that might be up for some "early" action on Sunday morning?......we used to know a place in Tottenham that was open to that sort of thing just by Northumberland Park Station and duly arrived there last season at 11ish on the Sunday we played at WHL....only to find theyd knocked the fuckin thing down :razz:

  20. Mrs Duffy, a widow, said: "I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet but if that's what he said I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed."




    She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she.


    fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse.


    the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down :razz:


    whatever. Point is the PM has been, as said in the article, caught out and shown the difference between his private and public face, which is very different it would appear.


    He's an old CND flag waving idealistic idiotic buffoon


    And Cameron is an upper class out of touch wanker.


    so politicians are leading the country on?....hardly big news, but if you want to lap up senationalist bollocks that the media are wanking themselves into a frenzy about then go ahead.


    and how many elections have you voted in ?


    What relevance this has is lost on me but I was 18 in 1987 so go figure. And I've voted in every general election since then. Regardless of my personal opinions of politicians in general its important to vote, too many of our forefathers died trying to get it for us or defending it. Todays politicians do little credit to their memory.


    So you've never had a tricky situation at work and then called the other person a twat once their back has been turned?...thats what hes basically done. Can't see the fuss about it myself but politicians act like fuckin bairns trying to point score off each other trying to get our votes at election time and ignore us the rest of the time. No big deal. Thats what they do.


    to answer you then. I don't read "sensationalist" newspapers, neither do I read idealistic garbage by polo neck wearing sandal wearing plonkers like in the Guardian.


    I agree that we should all vote, which I've posted somewhere last week or so.


    My point is that Brown has been caught out , but it doesn't mean Cameron is any more electable. They are both idiots.

    Is it my imagination or did Cameron whine on and on about the need for these leadership debates on tv?....I bet he fuckin regrets that now, he's been so piss poor in them he's letting Clegg and the weirdie beardies in through the back door.


    I'm sorry, but all he had to do was convince the British public that he would be a lot less worse than Broon and he cant even do that, in the middle of the worst recession since the 30s and when a volcano has grounded every aircraft in Europe whilst the present government did nowt for a week.


    He's fuckin useless you know.....good luck to everyone if him and his Eton bumchums get in

  21. Mrs Duffy, a widow, said: "I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet but if that's what he said I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed."




    She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she.


    fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse.


    the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down :razz:


    whatever. Point is the PM has been, as said in the article, caught out and shown the difference between his private and public face, which is very different it would appear.


    He's an old CND flag waving idealistic idiotic buffoon


    And Cameron is an upper class out of touch wanker.


    so politicians are leading the country on?....hardly big news, but if you want to lap up senationalist bollocks that the media are wanking themselves into a frenzy about then go ahead.


    and how many elections have you voted in ?


    What relevance this has is lost on me but I was 18 in 1987 so go figure. And I've voted in every general election since then. Regardless of my personal opinions of politicians in general its important to vote, too many of our forefathers died trying to get it for us or defending it. Todays politicians do little credit to their memory.


    So you've never had a tricky situation at work and then called the other person a twat once their back has been turned?...thats what hes basically done. Can't see the fuss about it myself but politicians act like fuckin bairns trying to point score off each other trying to get our votes at election time and ignore us the rest of the time. No big deal. Thats what they do.

  22. Mrs Duffy, a widow, said: "I haven't had a chance to listen to it yet but if that's what he said I'm very upset. I'm very annoyed."




    She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she.


    fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse.


    the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down :razz:


    whatever. Point is the PM has been, as said in the article, caught out and shown the difference between his private and public face, which is very different it would appear.


    He's an old CND flag waving idealistic idiotic buffoon


    And Cameron is an upper class out of touch wanker.


    so politicians are leading the country on?....hardly big news, but if you want to lap up senationalist bollocks that the media are wanking themselves into a frenzy about then go ahead.

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