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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. apparently she thinks theres a "cure" for being a whoopsie.....prayer...... The folks at the Guardian (no shit!) are getting very ariated about it... http://www.guardian.co.uk/politics/2010/ma...stroud-gay-cure http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/be...gay-prayer-cure
  2. Talking of myths it looks like you've swallowed that one. I'm not sure if theres been a boardroom meeting ever where,when a company has a huge new order on the table,or has a chance to move into a new market,to expand and develop, the chairman has turned round and said "but NI contributions are too high for the x amount of extra staff we'll have to employ,lets not bother eh?" Its a bare faced lie peddled by the business community in an attempt to gain favour with a potential new tory government. Signed by 60 business leaders from some of the countrys top boardrooms such as M&S, Glaxosmithkline, Sainsburys, Virgin, Next etc etc etc Oh and you beleive them as well? Well done mate They're about as trustworthy as the politicians they're attempting to manipulate and control.
  3. Talking of myths it looks like you've swallowed that one. I'm not sure if theres been a boardroom meeting ever where,when a company has a huge new order on the table,or has a chance to move into a new market,to expand and develop, the chairman has turned round and said "but NI contributions are too high for the x amount of extra staff we'll have to employ,lets not bother eh?" Its a bare faced lie peddled by the business community in an attempt to gain favour with a potential new tory government.
  4. Let Cameron have his 6 months of a hung parliament limbo-fest.....David Milliband is going to hand him his arse on a plate in the tv debates in October....and that other public school pillock Clegg
  5. Went to watch the mackems in a pub wearing dark glasses in broad daylight? ....if you wanted to watch football yesterday you could've caught a bus to Shepherds Bush in London and watched the fuckin real thing...oh well...horses for courses and all that
  6. They should try to go back to making decent episodes. hmmm...its not that I dislike the program,and to my knowlegde its not been screened here recently anyway, but they just seem to have a list of people they want to upset and they go out of their way to do it....isn't it all a little bit contrived?
  7. Where does this leave the makers of South Park now?.....will they move on to other obvious targets to offend (they seem to have a list) or will they get a visit from the FBI telling them to chill the fuck out with the piss taking?
  8. holidaying with Will Young again this year is he?.. Speaking of which can anybody clarify, is Xisco just n loan to Racing de Santander, or has he permanently left? from nufc.com: He's a fucking Jinxisco! He was also given a 5 year contract....fuckin hell, no wonder Ashleys spent 111 mill Ambrose is a reasonable shout, because despite Routledge looking good when hes got the space to play, he's too easily knocked off the ball, even in divi 2.I really think this is why 3 or 4 premier league teams have taken a look and passed on him. Don't know if Ambrose would be any better mind..
  9. holidaying with Will Young again this year is he?.. Speaking of which can anybody clarify, is Xisco just n loan to Racing de Santander, or has he permanently left? from nufc.com:
  10. holidaying with Will Young again this year is he?..
  11. Well it depends on how you look at it.....Ashley, and this is the only good thing I can say about him, hasnt borrowed a penny that he has put into NUFC. Maybe the fact that he's had to put £111 million into the club should raise the blinkers from some folks eyes....we may have had a couple of FA cup final appearances and and half a dozen great results in the group stages of the champions league to look back fondly upon, but what has been the real price of that to the club?...maybe we were heading for the second division all along, maybe there was always going to be a huge financial reckoning at the club at some point. If the Halls hadnt forced Shep's hand while he was lying in hospital where would we be now?...I'm not saying for a minute Ashley has been good for the club, but a £111 mill "loan"?....I know little of the financial world, but what the fuck has been going on? Is that the bill just to run the club in the last 3 years or was that to take care of the mess it was in when Shep departed? or both? does it include transfer fees paid out? or do the figures not give a strict breakdown of what its gone on?
  12. Anyone know Steve Wraith? There was a ruck in the stand to our left just after they had a goal disallowed and someone said it was him who was thrown down about half a dozen rows heed first by a grey haired West London nutter.....I'll qualify this by saying the lad who said it was him is a well known and renowned bulls knacka so I'm not saying this is accurate...
  13. FUCKIN LIAR hope that helps makes folks minds up
  14. I think there is a slug and lettuce around there. theres a walkabout and some other chain thing I seem to remember...thing is they're all run by people whod rather stick a fork in their eye than sell you a pint before 12 on a sunday....oh and they might lose their job as well but that seems a small price to pay
  15. well...I was trying to avoid that this season like
  16. Anyone know anywhere in or around Shepherds Bush that might be up for some "early" action on Sunday morning?......we used to know a place in Tottenham that was open to that sort of thing just by Northumberland Park Station and duly arrived there last season at 11ish on the Sunday we played at WHL....only to find theyd knocked the fuckin thing down
  17. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down whatever. Point is the PM has been, as said in the article, caught out and shown the difference between his private and public face, which is very different it would appear. He's an old CND flag waving idealistic idiotic buffoon And Cameron is an upper class out of touch wanker. so politicians are leading the country on?....hardly big news, but if you want to lap up senationalist bollocks that the media are wanking themselves into a frenzy about then go ahead. and how many elections have you voted in ? What relevance this has is lost on me but I was 18 in 1987 so go figure. And I've voted in every general election since then. Regardless of my personal opinions of politicians in general its important to vote, too many of our forefathers died trying to get it for us or defending it. Todays politicians do little credit to their memory. So you've never had a tricky situation at work and then called the other person a twat once their back has been turned?...thats what hes basically done. Can't see the fuss about it myself but politicians act like fuckin bairns trying to point score off each other trying to get our votes at election time and ignore us the rest of the time. No big deal. Thats what they do. to answer you then. I don't read "sensationalist" newspapers, neither do I read idealistic garbage by polo neck wearing sandal wearing plonkers like in the Guardian. I agree that we should all vote, which I've posted somewhere last week or so. My point is that Brown has been caught out , but it doesn't mean Cameron is any more electable. They are both idiots. Is it my imagination or did Cameron whine on and on about the need for these leadership debates on tv?....I bet he fuckin regrets that now, he's been so piss poor in them he's letting Clegg and the weirdie beardies in through the back door. I'm sorry, but all he had to do was convince the British public that he would be a lot less worse than Broon and he cant even do that, in the middle of the worst recession since the 30s and when a volcano has grounded every aircraft in Europe whilst the present government did nowt for a week. He's fuckin useless you know.....good luck to everyone if him and his Eton bumchums get in
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down whatever. Point is the PM has been, as said in the article, caught out and shown the difference between his private and public face, which is very different it would appear. He's an old CND flag waving idealistic idiotic buffoon And Cameron is an upper class out of touch wanker. so politicians are leading the country on?....hardly big news, but if you want to lap up senationalist bollocks that the media are wanking themselves into a frenzy about then go ahead. and how many elections have you voted in ? What relevance this has is lost on me but I was 18 in 1987 so go figure. And I've voted in every general election since then. Regardless of my personal opinions of politicians in general its important to vote, too many of our forefathers died trying to get it for us or defending it. Todays politicians do little credit to their memory. So you've never had a tricky situation at work and then called the other person a twat once their back has been turned?...thats what hes basically done. Can't see the fuss about it myself but politicians act like fuckin bairns trying to point score off each other trying to get our votes at election time and ignore us the rest of the time. No big deal. Thats what they do.
  19. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down whatever. Point is the PM has been, as said in the article, caught out and shown the difference between his private and public face, which is very different it would appear. He's an old CND flag waving idealistic idiotic buffoon And Cameron is an upper class out of touch wanker. so politicians are leading the country on?....hardly big news, but if you want to lap up senationalist bollocks that the media are wanking themselves into a frenzy about then go ahead.
  20. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/politic...010/8649012.stm She shouldn't be such a bigot then should she. fuckin hell.....I'm no Tory but you are talking left wing looney shite man. Nothing she said is bigoted and having concerns about immigration isn't bigoted either. Get your head out of your arse. the dictionary definition of a bigot is someone with no appreciation of the opinions of others......pretty much all of us then from the PM down
  21. Just heard it on the radio....she spewed out every Mail/Express scaremongdering headline in the last 10 years. No wonder he was frustrated, and it's the sort of comment anyone whos just had a tricky encounter with someone in the workplace would make when it was over and the other person was seemingly out of earshot. It does show Broon's complete contempt for the electorate though, but as a politician he's hardly alone in that
  22. Didnt Iran fund,arm and generally control one of the nutter Shia factions that contributed to the full on civil war in Iraq a few years back?...and didnt they kidnap 5 Brtitsh contractors from somewhere in Iraq and murder 4 of them?....don't know if that makes them fit for invasion like but I think the Yanks went into Iraq last time with less provocation
  23. IF its a true story then this is the line that matters. This suggest a substantial operator rather than a JFK / Oleary personality. There is no way Ashley is going to get rid of LLambias because of Ewerks comments and also because he trusts him to run things for him. The have however, rightly, identified a huge gap at the club and if they find a good operator I welcome this move. I also think Hughton would welcome it. Ashley and Llambias have been doing the role so far so Im sure Hughton would welcome a proper football man to fight his battles upstairs. Well yeah, but name somewhere in this country where that has actually worked? The latest one is Billy Davies at Forest....he's a fuckin dick,granted, but he has to report to David Pleat. He wanted to bring players in in March to make a final push for the top 2 places but just eneded up in a slanging match with Pleat and other board members. Whatever my own personal feelings towards him are, he's got proven ability as a football manager.Why won't Pleat back him up, being a fellow "football man" as you put it? The bottom line is we are back in the big league, big fees, big (er) stars, bigger agents, bigger wages etc. Ashley will not want Hughton to take all that on and knows himself and Llambias cant. Hughton also comes across as the type who would rather be out there coaching than negogiating with Agents. As Alex mentioned other clubs have good CEO's that handle this. He wont sack Llambias so the next best option is too appoint a new CEO but call him a director of football. Im really excited about the summer months. ok fair one, but why does it have to be a football man as that would just undermine Hughton before he's even finished his list of players he wants? Appoint a deal maker,a good negotiater and someone who can close by all means, but dont send a "we dont trust you"message to Hughton before he even starts the job.
  24. IF its a true story then this is the line that matters. This suggest a substantial operator rather than a JFK / Oleary personality. There is no way Ashley is going to get rid of LLambias because of Ewerks comments and also because he trusts him to run things for him. The have however, rightly, identified a huge gap at the club and if they find a good operator I welcome this move. I also think Hughton would welcome it. Ashley and Llambias have been doing the role so far so Im sure Hughton would welcome a proper football man to fight his battles upstairs. Well yeah, but name somewhere in this country where that has actually worked? The latest one is Billy Davies at Forest....he's a fuckin dick,granted, but he has to report to David Pleat. He wanted to bring players in in March to make a final push for the top 2 places but just eneded up in a slanging match with Pleat and other board members. Whatever my own personal feelings towards him are, he's got proven ability as a football manager.Why won't Pleat back him up, being a fellow "football man" as you put it?
  25. To me it's irrelvent what the title is, as long as theres someone at the club responsible for going out and negotiating transfer deals once players required are identified, and is good at it. Did lambchop allow Given to go to Man City last January and told the richest club in world football it was ok to pay in installments? That alone should've got him the sack. If Ashley needs him there as some sort of "security blanket" then put him in charge of toilet rolls or paper clips in the office.
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