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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. August 2008, extracts taken from Carra: My Autobiography:


    • "I was never in love with playing for England in the first place."


    • "Sitting on the England coach as it prepared to drive us away from the World Cup in Germany, I received a text message. 'Fcuk it! It's only England'. I'd just missed a penalty in the quarter-final shoot-out against Portugal. Representing your country is the ultimate honour, especially in the World Cup. Not to me."


    • "I would rather miss for England than LFC."


    • "I wasn't giving up my football career or my ambitions. Only England."


    • "The Liver Bird mauled the Three Lions in the fight for my loyalties."


    • "Whenever I returned home from disappointing England experiences, one unshakeable, overriding thought pushed itself to the forefront of my mind, no matter how much the rest of the nation mourned. 'At least it wasn't Liverpool,' I'd repeat to myself, over and over."




    Him and his old man used to be "Mr Everton and son" when he was a bairn.....when did they win the cup winner's cup? 85ish? His old man took him out of school to go to the away leg of the semi and the final in Rotterdam.


    Now the old man is a season ticket holder at Unfilled and they both hate blusenoses with a passion. Heads turned much? :icon_lol:


    I think it's odds on that he's on the plane like, cover for Johnson. England have a ok first XI but outside that its a laugh.

  2. Back on to Argentina, the ommision of both Zanetti and Cambiasso reinfirces my theory that Maradona is either a comedy genius or a nutcase.

    Incredible. Honestly I think he's their second best player.


    Has he dropped the two most senior players in the dressing room?.....are they pulling him up on his err "tactics"? :icon_lol:

  3. So David Miliband is standing for leadership. I hope his parents have a note excusing him from any upcoming exams and time off from school.


    This coalition may just work. The Lib Dems could act as a brake on the Tories' desires to shit on the poor and get bummed by the rich. Nick Clegg is also dealing with constitutional reforms, so we may get some action in that area too (though that is probably used by Cameron as a distraction so Nick doesn't pose a challenge).


    not that his age has anything to do with anything but


    year older than cameron


    same age as blair when he took office


    The thing that got me this morning is getting up and reading that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is two years younger than me :icon_lol:

  4. What these stupid cunts forget is that this country became 'Great' Britain on the back of the industrial wealth of the north, once that wealth was created it was invested on the markets in London and the vehicles for its creation were left to rot.


    Basically there are two parts to human biology, psychology and sociolgy. There is the self-regarding, self-preserving gene and the advanced sharing and social gene. The latter has evolved as cohesive groups do better than non-collaborative ones.


    The power struggle is between those who dont see the need for cohesion and those who see it as an end in itself. The country is socially divided and with too many people prepared to live on benefits because a certain Prime Minster declared the end of society in the 80s. Work is a social activity not a private one. If you tell people they are on their own and they have nothing to start with and they dont see where any opporunities are, in two generations you are left with ingrained social problems. The seeds of the problems that article talks about where sown in the 80s, not in the last decade.


    I dont really follow the first bit because I'm an uneducated and unemployed manual labourer :(


    But if you mean Thatcher's cuts to the nationlised industries which the country (especially the north of Britain) had formerly relied upon in the early 80's were the start of globalistion, then I'd completely agree with you.


    Go to any former major industrial area nowadays and see what happens to society when a community's reason for existing is taken away.


    We, and the lives of our loved ones, all seem to be expendable at the altar of increased profits, but look what that attitude has sown.

  5. Stopped drinking 4ish on Sunday just before we left for Alicante airport after arriving at about 1030pm on Friday night...got in at 0530 the following morning, drank from 1 ish Saturday afternoon till about 3-30am Sunday morning.....my question is should I have had a solid dump since then and seeing as I havent does it mean I have contracted dysantry? :(

  6. 13 years of hurt...... Never stop believin....


    It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming.........


    Get the fuck in!


    by default :(


    do you just hope its going to be better with Cameron in no.10 or do you actually think he will do a better job than Broon?

  7. Best Comedy Adam and Joe (BBC 6 Music)


    I've nothing against students in general but their humour sometimes leaves me a bit meh....can't beleive this pair of infantile cunts are winning awards for it...thier show is crap and they've got to be pushing their mid 40s...this award will just encourage them :(



    They're finished.


    Joe is writing/directing movies and Adam does a show on his own that's not as good.


    so they got a sort of "lifetime acheivement" sympathy award?....fucks sakes <_<


    You wouldn't have liked any of the other nominees either...


    GOLD: Adam and Joe - 6 Music

    SILVER: Mark Steel's In Town - Radio 4

    BRONZE: Bleak Expectations - Radio 4

    NOMINEE: Down The Line - Credit Crunch Special - Radio 4

    NOMINEE: News Quiz - Radio 4


    I like Mark Steel....heard a couple of his "in town's" and have a couple of his books,his autobiography is funny as fuck.....he's an ex member of the Socialist Worker's Party and came through comedy clubs in the 80s...he may appeal to students from back then but he's never done humour specifically aimed at students whereas Adam and Joe have made a career out of being undergraduates as far as I can see.


    The others I've never heard but Sandy Toksvig was great on No.73 in the 80s :(

  8. Best Comedy Adam and Joe (BBC 6 Music)


    I've nothing against students in general but their humour sometimes leaves me a bit meh....can't beleive this pair of infantile cunts are winning awards for it...thier show is crap and they've got to be pushing their mid 40s...this award will just encourage them :(



    They're finished.


    Joe is writing/directing movies and Adam does a show on his own that's not as good.


    so they got a sort of "lifetime acheivement" sympathy award?....fucks sakes :(

  9. Best Comedy Adam and Joe (BBC 6 Music)


    I've nothing against students in general but their humour sometimes leaves me a bit meh....can't beleive this pair of infantile cunts are winning awards for it...thier show is crap and they've got to be pushing their mid 40s...this award will just encourage them :(

  10. What a disgusting and despicable pair those two cunts of chairmen are - Zola may not have been a good manager but the constant undermining and inflammatory statements they directed at somebody who appears to be a decent person aswell as a footballing legend was nothing short of disgraceful.

    I would assume the light treatment they received from the media despite the constant shite they spoke and comedy coats they wore was something to do with the geography of the club.


    theres a disproportionally large amount of football journos from the east end according to a chapter in this book...the chapter is written by one of them...somebody Dillon? They do get a huge amount of good press...makes you fuckin sick when you see how the fans treated Glenn Roeder when we beat them.



  11. Mark Hughes was in the crowd at Southampton on Saturday apparently, Pardew's geting the push for not making the playoffs from a 10 point disadvantage to everyother team in the league. My mates old man works at the stadium and says the new chairman is the worst person he's met in his life.....among other deeply unpopular moves theyve put a parking meter in the staff car park :(


    Bilic will need like the money and will be a good cheap option......can see the dildo sellers going down the same road as Ashley in the levels of shiteness.

  12. Tories have made a "final offer" of a referendum on AV apparently. Desperation from cocknocker Cameron, as he tries to come to terms with the prospect that he's perhaps not about to move house after all - GORDZUMPED!


    Came from George Osbourne, didn't it??


    Absolutely desperate and given the short time since Brown announced that Labour were entering formal discussions with the Lib Dems, it makes the Tories look as weak as piss IMO.


    Whoever advised them (no-one I'm guessing) on blurting that one out needs their head examined. They're panicking like fuck!!! :(


    and they want to run the country?


    trouble is, lab/lib is still pretty much untenable due to the amount of seats they'll have i.e. not enough for an overall majority....they wont get a bill for voting reform through, and that will bring them down when they try to.


    its a fuckin mess and won't do us any good in the long run

  13. Brown only just beat Michael Foot.





    He'll be gone before supper time :)


    On the face of it thats logical, but Clegg will want concessions on PR which the tories won't have......so it'll be a minority government, Nodrog will hang around for a couple of years to guard the recovery, then fuck off and write the most ill natured poliitcal memoir ever :(

  14. 326 seats for a majority


    fucks sakes.....well, am off to Benidorm tomorrow on a stag do till Monday so I'll miss the worst of the smug fuckers braying all over the country....only the 5 years to go after that :(

  15. Interesting interviews on ITV about the voters being turned away.


    1 woman :

    Went before work - queue massive. Didn't have time

    Came back at 18:30 queue huge again

    Came back again at 21:20 and police turned away as there wasnt enough time.




    Why the fuck is this happening in 2010?


    I first voted in the 80s and I can't remember it happening before.


    If it's a hugely increased turnout is it down to the leader's tv debates?


    Is it that theres a huge amount of people want to get out there and give Broon a severe kicking in the ballots?


    Fuckin weird...but I rememeber when Bush jnr first got in there was uproar when police prevented voters from getting near the polling stations where his opponenet was expected to do well...it'sll be interesting to see where the queues were told to go home :(

  16. What a cunt Rod Liddle is.


    I've just been running through putting him out of his misery with the parting shot "and thats from the Milburn family" :(


    he's beyond a cunt,cunts are useful....I dont have words strong enough. I'm not really into hating people I've never met or am unlikely to meet but I'll make an exception in his case.

  17. A propos of nothing, I've just noticed that the UKIP candidate in Chelsea and Fulham lives in France. :(


    thats a very common thing among those who hate immigration...they turn themselves into immigrants :(

  18. Half my family are Citeh fans...the old dear's side, from variously Levenshulme,Gorton, Ardwick Green (just by the Appollo) and Heywood....proper Mancs, down to earth and dry as fuck. Can't think of a better set of fans who have suffered over the years,bit like us,but having to live in the constant shadow of manu,poor sods. For them I hope they give spurs a thorough twatting tonight :(

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