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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. They're finished. Joe is writing/directing movies and Adam does a show on his own that's not as good. so they got a sort of "lifetime acheivement" sympathy award?....fucks sakes You wouldn't have liked any of the other nominees either... GOLD: Adam and Joe - 6 Music SILVER: Mark Steel's In Town - Radio 4 BRONZE: Bleak Expectations - Radio 4 NOMINEE: Down The Line - Credit Crunch Special - Radio 4 NOMINEE: News Quiz - Radio 4 I like Mark Steel....heard a couple of his "in town's" and have a couple of his books,his autobiography is funny as fuck.....he's an ex member of the Socialist Worker's Party and came through comedy clubs in the 80s...he may appeal to students from back then but he's never done humour specifically aimed at students whereas Adam and Joe have made a career out of being undergraduates as far as I can see. The others I've never heard but Sandy Toksvig was great on No.73 in the 80s
  2. They're finished. Joe is writing/directing movies and Adam does a show on his own that's not as good. so they got a sort of "lifetime acheivement" sympathy award?....fucks sakes
  3. Best Comedy Adam and Joe (BBC 6 Music) I've nothing against students in general but their humour sometimes leaves me a bit meh....can't beleive this pair of infantile cunts are winning awards for it...thier show is crap and they've got to be pushing their mid 40s...this award will just encourage them
  4. theres a disproportionally large amount of football journos from the east end according to a chapter in this book...the chapter is written by one of them...somebody Dillon? They do get a huge amount of good press...makes you fuckin sick when you see how the fans treated Glenn Roeder when we beat them. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Forgive-Our-Press-...9184&sr=8-1
  5. Mark Hughes was in the crowd at Southampton on Saturday apparently, Pardew's geting the push for not making the playoffs from a 10 point disadvantage to everyother team in the league. My mates old man works at the stadium and says the new chairman is the worst person he's met in his life.....among other deeply unpopular moves theyve put a parking meter in the staff car park Bilic will need like the money and will be a good cheap option......can see the dildo sellers going down the same road as Ashley in the levels of shiteness.
  6. Came from George Osbourne, didn't it?? Absolutely desperate and given the short time since Brown announced that Labour were entering formal discussions with the Lib Dems, it makes the Tories look as weak as piss IMO. Whoever advised them (no-one I'm guessing) on blurting that one out needs their head examined. They're panicking like fuck!!! and they want to run the country? trouble is, lab/lib is still pretty much untenable due to the amount of seats they'll have i.e. not enough for an overall majority....they wont get a bill for voting reform through, and that will bring them down when they try to. its a fuckin mess and won't do us any good in the long run
  7. We dont want Hreidasson from pompey....relegated with 4 clubs, at least 2 of which have almost gone tits up......is he just unlucky, or a complete fuckin johna?
  8. He'll be gone before supper time On the face of it thats logical, but Clegg will want concessions on PR which the tories won't have......so it'll be a minority government, Nodrog will hang around for a couple of years to guard the recovery, then fuck off and write the most ill natured poliitcal memoir ever
  9. Avi Buffalo http://www.myspace.com/avibuffalo
  10. fucks sakes.....well, am off to Benidorm tomorrow on a stag do till Monday so I'll miss the worst of the smug fuckers braying all over the country....only the 5 years to go after that
  11. How many do they need for an overall majority? must be close to that?
  12. "oh allriiiight!" and I hope Blunketts guide dog savages a tory
  13. Why the fuck is this happening in 2010? I first voted in the 80s and I can't remember it happening before. If it's a hugely increased turnout is it down to the leader's tv debates? Is it that theres a huge amount of people want to get out there and give Broon a severe kicking in the ballots? Fuckin weird...but I rememeber when Bush jnr first got in there was uproar when police prevented voters from getting near the polling stations where his opponenet was expected to do well...it'sll be interesting to see where the queues were told to go home
  14. I've just been running through putting him out of his misery with the parting shot "and thats from the Milburn family" he's beyond a cunt,cunts are useful....I dont have words strong enough. I'm not really into hating people I've never met or am unlikely to meet but I'll make an exception in his case.
  15. thats a very common thing among those who hate immigration...they turn themselves into immigrants
  16. Half my family are Citeh fans...the old dear's side, from variously Levenshulme,Gorton, Ardwick Green (just by the Appollo) and Heywood....proper Mancs, down to earth and dry as fuck. Can't think of a better set of fans who have suffered over the years,bit like us,but having to live in the constant shadow of manu,poor sods. For them I hope they give spurs a thorough twatting tonight
  17. dear me "fishing"..... Get a life son. I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I. You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other. oh dear. They hate us not the other way round. You're brainwashed too. I also doubt that you would tell a 6'6" BNP supporter he was a "racist" for objecting to British citizens being blown up on Britains Streets by so called "British people". Whatever. If you beleive that about me thats ok, I'm unlikely to convince you otherwise...but it does rather imply that you're just the other side of the same coin And you're right, I'd run a mile from a confrontation with a bnp member....but I'm not the one calling them cunts on here. For starters, I'm not calling them all cunts, just the anti-Britain ones, and there is more than you think. Learn a lesson Paddock Lad, silence doesn't mean they agree or disagree with anything, it only means silence. And they may lie to you too, so believe nothing. Well I havent said anything like that old son...I've said my mate is trying to take positive steps within his community to stop the radiclisation of the young....rather than stay silent, as you state. And I also acknowledged that fear and predjudice is rife within his community...that'll be the silence then won't it? And you certainly seem to be implying that all British moslems hold the same anti British sentiments here: You can try to give me lessons if you want, but try not to twist what I've said. Makes you out to be a bit of a dullard on the quiet the last bit wasn't directed at you so you didn't have to respond. However, you shouldn't let the "minority" as you call them hide behind this "British born muslim" bollocks. Simple fact is there are more than you think and their loyalties lie elsewhere, there is no living in harmony and neighbourhood love and acceptance of each other with these fuckers, they want you to be like them, and they want the country to be run as they see fit. Now...again, in 3 posts I haven't used that word... I understand what you're getting at and in lots of ways its a fair point. I object to being termed "brainwashed" or being considered naiive because I happen to have experiance of the other side of the coin though. Do you live somewhere that has been altered radically by a huge wave of moslem immigration into the area?
  18. dear me "fishing"..... Get a life son. I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I. You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other. oh dear. They hate us not the other way round. You're brainwashed too. I also doubt that you would tell a 6'6" BNP supporter he was a "racist" for objecting to British citizens being blown up on Britains Streets by so called "British people". Whatever. If you beleive that about me thats ok, I'm unlikely to convince you otherwise...but it does rather imply that you're just the other side of the same coin And you're right, I'd run a mile from a confrontation with a bnp member....but I'm not the one calling them cunts on here. For starters, I'm not calling them all cunts, just the anti-Britain ones, and there is more than you think. Learn a lesson Paddock Lad, silence doesn't mean they agree or disagree with anything, it only means silence. And they may lie to you too, so believe nothing. Well I havent said anything like that old son...I've said my mate is trying to take positive steps within his community to stop the radiclisation of the young....rather than stay silent, as you state. And I also acknowledged that fear and predjudice is rife within his community...that'll be the silence then won't it? And you certainly seem to be implying that all British moslems hold the same anti British sentiments here: You can try to give me lessons if you want, but try not to twist what I've said. Makes you out to be a bit of a dullard on the quiet
  19. dear me "fishing"..... Get a life son. I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I. You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other. Clearly using this as an excuse to wear a Burkah by passing himself off as a ninja, sounds a right arsehole tbh. you'll have to try harder than that mate
  20. dear me "fishing"..... Get a life son. I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I. You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other. oh dear. They hate us not the other way round. You're brainwashed too. I also doubt that you would tell a 6'6" BNP supporter he was a "racist" for objecting to British citizens being blown up on Britains Streets by so called "British people". Whatever. If you beleive that about me thats ok, I'm unlikely to convince you otherwise...but it does rather imply that you're just the other side of the same coin And you're right, I'd run a mile from a confrontation with a bnp member....but I'm not the one calling them cunts on here.
  21. dear me "fishing"..... Get a life son. I like that...telling someone in an internet chat room you're posting in to "get a life" I doubt if you'd put one of my closest friends into to the same bracket as the nutters,extreamists and adjitators you hate so much to his face, despite his folks being from Bangladesh, as he's 6ft 4 and a 4th dan black belt in karate. So why the fuck would you do it behind his back? he helps in a police scheme in his community to prevent radicalisation of the young men and women in it. Its hard going, prejudice and fear are rife, but he beleives he's doing good work. So do I. You make good points sometimes but you ruin it by using ridiculous generalisations about things you may know one side of but fuck all of the other.
  22. PAYE 40%, NI 9%, Student Loan 9% = 58%. Then there's Council Tax, VAT, Petrol Tax, TV license, Road Tax, employer contributions (paid on my behalf) etc.... I agree things have improved in the last 10 years and I would vote for Labour again if they hadn't racked up £850 Billion in debt and sold off the gold. They are too reactive for my liking, they should have regulated the bank and forced them to lend. I doubt you'll find any first time buyers voting Labour. ahh...they key issue in the election for me Tell me how you think the main parties could go about that, and then tell me what you think the banks will go and tell them what to do Labour's only saving grace is handing control of intersest rates over to the BoE....in the last recession they were 15%, and in this one we don't have an interest rate to speak of in any way...unless youve got a fixed rate mortgage. And if any Tory apologists want to tell me how differently theyd have run the economy since 97 I'd be intersted in hearing their views from the secure ward
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