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Posts posted by PaddockLad

  1. Sorry, maybe I'm not making myself clear, I get that he's quality, but he's not.. energetic enough or singalong enough in my opinion. The line ups you've mentioned all strike me as more likely to get the crowd going more than Stevie Wonder.


    No I understand, he's not your cup of camomile tea as a festival closing act....he went down very well though. I actually mainly agree with you, but Eavis has to cater for the majority as I've tried to describe them above, and by Sunday night most people would appear to want,as you say, an "easy listen" :D


    Dont know how old you are but he was a major league artist in the 70s and 80s before he was sort of put in his place by Michael Jackson...if you're under 30 I can usderstand completely that you wouldnt feel he'd be quite right.

  2. Stevie Wonder was perfect, if a bit on the sickly side for me like.


    I know he's quality, I just don't think of him as a "Festival" artist. I just think of him as easy listening, rather than anything that would end the event on a high.


    He was perfect for the majority of those who attend the festival nowadays....Orbital were on The Other Stage at the same time and they had Doctor Who to close their set...would you have preferred that? :D


    Some other recent Sunday headliners:


    2009 Neil Young

    2008 The Verve

    2007 The Who

    2005 Basement Jaxx (replaced Kylie)

    2004 Muse

    2003 Radiohead

    2002 Rod Stewart

    2000 David Bowie


    no real rhyme or reason to it...the Pyramid Stage had Willie Nelson on Friday and Ray Davies earlier on Sunday....Saturday they had fuckin Sahkira!..its generally a far more unusual mix than the far more eclectic/cooler Other Stage.

  3. Watched loads of good bands on the red button over the weekend, would still rather have been there.

    If you look at the reaction to Gorrliaz on friday and compare to the Scissor Sisters on saturday it shows what the main stage crowd is like, they want anthems and singalongs. Fair enough.


    Can think of worse ways to spend my weekend listening to bands like The National, LCD Soundsystem, Avi Buffalo, The XX, Wild Beasts etc. Great dance music scene there too.


    The reaction was pretty flat, Muse got a far better atmosphere going by the looks of things. I understand why they want massive stars on the main stages to open or close the event, but Gorillaz latest album doesn't have the singalongadancealonga classics. I guess U2 would have been a little more barnstorming, but Stevie Wonder isn't really what I would expect to close a festival like Glastonbury.


    Have you been before?....I realise there are some tongue in cheek remarks on here but they do indicate some sort of perceived vision of what a Glasto crowd is like and what they want to watch...I got back this morning and I can say that the crowd is vastly different from what it was when I used to regularly go "over the fence back" back in the nineties. Eavis has changed it so the charities benefit more by keeping the fence climbers out. Fair play to him, its his gig and he can do what he wants with it. The nagging threat of violence has almost completly disappeaered because those who caused it aren't welcome or have been priced out (more than likely both) So for the 2010 crowd (mostly studes,professional types, weekend caners and the odd group who would probably fit all those descriptions) Stevie Wonder was perfect, if a bit on the sickly side for me like.


    This lot however were mind blowing on Friday night and showed Albarn and his collection of weird guests how its done:



    I do miss all the Bristol rastas and their sound systems though... :D

  4. Is a cheeky tenner on Uruguay to win the whole thing @19/1 a canny investment looking at their part of the draw or a complete waste of time? ;)


    In fact 19/1 is fuckin shite...but am still tempted...

  5. If Desailly is such a proud, patriotic Ghanan why did he play for France? He's what's known in some schools as...


    Thing is Ghana is part of the commenwealth.......do they all speak French like Cameroon and the Ivory Coast or is it just where Desaily folks took him as a bairn?...its a very Franch name ;)

  6. Someones just phoned to tell me Milner and Defoe are starting tomorrow......I think I might just stay at work tbh and not bother seeing as England appear to be not bothering too... :dancing:


    Capello's auntie ?


    I think its all over the red top's websites so it looks like the don has caved in and told them the team today and theyve all phoned their agents/families who in turn have told the press...Slovenia will put 11 behind the ball, it's another nowts each for me..I hope no ones been gloating about France :jester:

  7. Are there any Liberal Democrat voters on here? If so I would like to hear what they think of the party and Clegg after this budget.


    I voted for the cunts but I always have done, (Sort of in the family,Nan was a good friend of David Steele)


    Osborne has made Thatcher look like a benevolent defender of the poorest members of society this afternoon...I hope Clegg and the rest of the bandwagon jumpers can look the grass roots in the face at the next party conference.. :)



    What a load of drivel :jester:


    Wheres your vitriol for the fuckers who got us into this mess. :dancing:


    Labour fucked up big time, but they improved a lot of things in this country and what they did in comparison with certain bankers was fuckin childs play....no city fuck up= little or no current recession in my book. Then no need for Brown to be blamed for everything from the 10p tax rate to the crucifiction of christ and perhaps we'd still have a government that for the most part (and despite their many and glaring faults) actually wanted to make life better for ordinary people.This lot don't and never will.

  8. Are there any Liberal Democrat voters on here? If so I would like to hear what they think of the party and Clegg after this budget.


    I voted for the cunts but I always have done, (Sort of in the family,Nan was a good friend of David Steele)


    Osborne has made Thatcher look like a benevolent defender of the poorest members of society this afternoon...I hope Clegg and the rest of the bandwagon jumpers can look the grass roots in the face at the next party conference.. :jester:

  9. Not sure there's much chance of him being dropped before or after the WC.


    Sounds like Terry was out on his own with his comments.


    "he has made a big mistake"


    I think I know what that means.....maybe I'm wrong.Its unlikely he'll be dropped for Wednesday but if Cappello somehow hangs on to his job I cant see him figuring in any more squads...and any subsequent manager will maybe think twice about making him captain again..

  10. Was out in the car earlier and was listening to Robbie Savage summarising on 5 live, complaining about the Italians cheating,diving,general gamesmanship and bad sportsmanship....I'm not much of a "Daily "Mailer" but at that precise moment I could've tied my tv license to a brick and hurled it through the bbc's fuckin window closely followed by a petrol bomb :icon_lol:


    Anyone else severely pissed off with the coverage in general from all channels?



  11. Is it just me or has the world cup really got good as of late?


    How many have you watched Kev? Cause they never start to simmer till the second week.



    Judging by the England game last night and this dreadful dull affair between Holland and Japan I would say no.


    Its been a shocking world cup so far, the worst I can remember


    In my opinion its the same with football in general - whether its World Cup, Newcastle or the Premier League generally, far too many games are boring and dull. Its such a shame because a great game of football beats anything but I reckon only one in 20 games I watch would be described as a good or great game and thats far too small a percentage.


    Football as a sport does not realise its potential in my opinion, just imagine if 75% of games were exciting and full of attacking football. I honestly think the time has come for FIFA to experiment with incentives to increase attacking football and that should involve some of sort of reward in the form of bonus points for scoring goals.


    What do other people think?


    Youve got it the wrong way round mate....75% of games are dull as fuck at whatever standard of football you watch, and it has ever been thus. No need to mess with the way the game is played, its the "world game"...even the yanks are now cottoning on. If you want maufactured excitment and high scoring then its basketball for you. The game is fine as it is and a lot batter than it was at league level than it was 20-30 years ago due to most pitches being very good all through the season. Have a look at some of the mudheaps that hosted top division football in the 60s and 70s on youtube...difficult to play decent football on that.

  12. Not sure why the other Villa winger isn't there.


    Adam Johnson was worth a gamble for me. I dont see the point in taking SWP and Lennon. Both identical players.


    Yeah he should have come instead of having SWP AND Lennon. Although I think Lennon has been one of the better players.


    Lampard has been INVISIBLE.


    Well at least Lampard did something so we can make a judgement on his performance last night...he was as piss poor as the rest of them....he really did do his famous disappearing act v USA though. He never seems to truly "want it"...none of them do...theyve all been fuckin corrupted by being multi millionaires at 21 and have lost the hunger you need to acheive at this level.


    It's not as if the Argentinians/Brasillians/whoever actually wins the wold cup weren't millionaires at a young age too


    Thats correct to a point, any young lad playing in one of Europes top leagues is going to be a very wealthy individual, but I seriously doubt if any of the cracking young German players playing in the Bundesliga that we've seen play in SA earn anywhere near what Lennon, Walcott or Adam Johnson will be on.


    Thats the other thing....once the dregs of the alleged "golden generation" have fucked off to count their money who is actually coming up to replace them?.....

  13. Not sure why the other Villa winger isn't there.


    Adam Johnson was worth a gamble for me. I dont see the point in taking SWP and Lennon. Both identical players.


    Yeah he should have come instead of having SWP AND Lennon. Although I think Lennon has been one of the better players.


    Lampard has been INVISIBLE.


    Well at least Lampard did something so we can make a judgement on his performance last night...he was as piss poor as the rest of them....he really did do his famous disappearing act v USA though. He never seems to truly "want it"...none of them do...theyve all been fuckin corrupted by being multi millionaires at 21 and have lost the hunger you need to acheive at this level.

  14. Are we a the same stage in this compeition as we were in 86 when wed played 2 piss poor draws in the first two group games?........SBR bit the bulet and played Pedro up front with Linekar and we mullered Poland 3 nowt...and a player as unassuming as Steve Hodge had a lot to do with it as well....over to you Fabster... :icon_lol:

  15. I love how it's now Capellos fault England are playing crap, literally successful everywhere he went but his fault hes not getting them to play.


    Team doesn't gel well hasn't done for ages and lampard and Gerard together has never worked but they /have/ to play together,

    Well that's patently nonsense given their performances in the qualifiers.


    Using Aston Villa's reserve striker is asking for criticism. He has always had the option to put Gerrard off Rooney and or use Joe Cole, a proven world cup player.


    The reality is that our two biggest hopes of doing well in this competition are not providing us with what we believe they can do. Rooney and Capello are falling massively short.


    Joe Cole hasnt kicked a ball in the competition yet folks...isnt postman pat on 6 million a year or something?..... :angry:


    tournament football is strange...not many countries are that good at it and one of the greatest club managers is quite plainly struggling :icon_lol:

  16. fwiw, if there's a few in the house contributing to the bill, I'd say HD is worth it as well.


    how many tvs are in your house fish?


    we've got Virgin tv + in the main living room downstairs, another box on the same subscription would cost a fortune


    £5 quid a month for the extra box mate on the Virgin XL package....just had the main box installed today :icon_lol:

  17. Just opened a phone account with Ladbrokes....I was being driven home from work and fancied a flutter on the favourite Canford Cliffs in the St James Palace Stakes at Ascot.......so I placed £5 each way on Dick Turpin for my first bet which qualified me for 5 x free £5 bets or one big £25 one....so I slapped the whole £25 on Canford Cliffs...which won @9/4 with Dick Turpin coming second @7/1 :)

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