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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Didnt the Premier League go very "4 3 3/4 5 1" after Greece won the Euros in 2004?
  2. Is that another way of saying the industrial base in Western Europe is virtually redundant now after a near 40 year illness due to the far east being able to do things cheaper? Thousands of communites have lost their reasons to exist in that time, for an example most of us just need to look out of the window. The tories are complete cunts, but it looks like they're just putting the country out of its misery and unless you work in Asda or Tescos (are these two the only companies that make a profit?) you're frankly fucked. I think I'm going to go to Canada....who are the Newcastle United of the ice hockey league?
  3. So is it 1 30pm or 4pm?... nufc.com says 4....polis will be chauffed as nuts....do you think Raooooul will be found by then?
  4. Thankfully I work for one of the biggest construction firms in Europe. Never got anywhere near receivership but the CEO was given the Spanish Archer as a result. As for how we lost it.... combinbation of shite document control and a colossal fuck up in the estimating dept. I've suffered with that...I refused to ket 20 odd sparks start work one day because the drawings issued hadnt been approved...that part of the job was up and down 4 times after that. They never learn Anyway, why in the name of fuck cant this country afford to renew crumbling 20th century schools so our kids can be educated in the right enviroment?...because thats what the coalition are basically saying. Don't know if Labour wouldve cut back that much...it was truly one of their flagship policies they could point to that had benefitted people...pity Gordon had left it off the balance sheet....
  5. Trust me, my friend that is definitely not the case. We did a PFI project in the Midlands a couple of years back and lost £50m on it. PFI does NOT guarantee profit. The smart money in PFI work is in the FM contracts that are awarded concurrently with the build job. well yeah its the FM and operational side of it I was on about...thats what PFI is all about...unless you fuck up big time in the construction side of it obviously When I worked for a major electrical/mechanical contractor we lost 750k on a data centre but becauase the facilities side of the business had the maintainance contract for the same client (apparently the planets biggest merchant bankers ) worth 84million over however many years it was quietly brushed under the table.....fuck knows how you explaned a a 50 mill loss?..I take it receivership was mentioned?..how the fuck did you survive that?
  6. Isnt the bottom line in PFI just the private sector holding taxpayers to ransome?....would the large building firms have been comitted to building new schools and hospitals if they had only signed conventional contracts which didnt virtually gurantee their profits?
  7. Nasty Cowardly bastard needs a trickle of his own medicine iyam. I reckon he'll get what's coming to him like, once one of their own what shot I cant see it ending any other way than him being turned into Swiss cheese when they eventually catch up with him. Despite it all, whatever they do will be fucking humane - should leave him with a face-full of lead shot just like he's done to the police fella. The gun squad might have a meeting and decide to try to just "wing" him....that way they can beat him to within an inch of his life then see him go through what is apparently his worse nightmare..a return to Durham nick
  8. In the sense that his land and titles are taken away, then yes. Seeing that prick pontificate about the envirnonment whilst going everywhere in a turbo charged jag or helicopter, and not letting Poundbury residents have solar panels on their homes is very annoying. He can stick his over priced organic carrots up his arse. I would abolish the Lords, and replace it with an elected second chamber too. They can keep the fancy houses, as it will eventually ruin them all, and The National Trust or English Heritage will run them anyway. The latter being largely funded by the state anyway. I don't know anyone in Dorset who likes Charlie's personal council estate. My ex did...she runs the farm shop there. And she was keen on moving there too. And she'd met him at least 3 times, and she said he was "inspiring"....you'd get on well with her His lands and titles were nicked from those who had nicked them from others...what do you suggest?..nationalise the Isle of Skye, The Eden Centre and Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch? I suggest we give them all nice detatched houses, help them train for a proper job, and then treat them like normal people. The big palaces and castles can be handed over to the state, and the lands can be given to local councils for them to either sell off or whatever. As for your ex, was she the kind of silly person who wanted to move there because it had royal connections, and felt the need to gain 'status'? The one good thing he did do was the Prince's Trust, which has done some good charity work. Ad giving Prince William the bald gene. No she's big in "local produce providers" and shared his passion for all things organic.....it wasn't that she was impressed by him as such, she just shared his drippy hippy beleifs. And its all personal choice...you dont have to move to Poundbury or buy his Duchy original sausages...he's mainly harmless as far as I can see, just a daft old git. There used to be hundreds of thousands of forelock tugging yokels working on estates all over the country and very happy they were too. The ones that are left seem that way as well....its not really much different to working for anyone else...be polite to the big boss etc...I'd draw the line at using "your grace" or whatever they expect to be termed mind, cheeky bastards still think its the fuckin middle ages in that regard What night is your local communist party meeting then?
  9. In the sense that his land and titles are taken away, then yes. Seeing that prick pontificate about the envirnonment whilst going everywhere in a turbo charged jag or helicopter, and not letting Poundbury residents have solar panels on their homes is very annoying. He can stick his over priced organic carrots up his arse. I would abolish the Lords, and replace it with an elected second chamber too. They can keep the fancy houses, as it will eventually ruin them all, and The National Trust or English Heritage will run them anyway. The latter being largely funded by the state anyway. I don't know anyone in Dorset who likes Charlie's personal council estate. My ex did...she runs the farm shop there. And she was keen on moving there too. And she'd met him at least 3 times, and she said he was "inspiring"....you'd get on well with her His lands and titles were nicked from those who had nicked them from others...what do you suggest?..nationalise the Isle of Skye, The Eden Centre and Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch?
  10. "By theft and murder they stole the land, now everywhere the walls spring up at their command". I'd confiscate all land owned by families for more than 3 generations. Of course I'd also confiscate all church land as well. Who are you like?...Henry VIII's ghost? And you're not having my Nans cottage either
  11. was the roid rager a Labour man then or just pissed off that he didnt get a vote?
  12. Would you abolish the aristocracy in general Billy?.....Poundbury is on Duchy of Cornwall land, and he's the Duke of Cornwall...and Prince of Wales, and Lord of the Isles...if you're not a monarchist and a Celt in the UK I imagine you're pretty hacked off with him I live a 20 min drive from Dorch/Poundbury and it certainly divides opinion...but at the end of the day its his land and he can do what he wants with it...unless you're suggesting some sort of 21st century peasants revolt down here?
  13. Thats the bottom line for me....but say we had a referendum and voted to be a republic, who the fuck would you vote for to be president? Theres not a senior politician alive who I'd vote for, even if it was a mainly ceremonial posistion as in Ireland etc...And its the main reason the last time the Aussies had a vote on this they voted to keep the Queen as head of state..the thought of a politician as the eminent citizen in the country was too appalling even for them, although this could change in the next 20 years as the last of the "£10 poms" die off. So who would you vote for?...businessman e.g. Richard Branson? sportsman e'g. Steve Redgrave? celeb e.g. Steven Fry? This lot are regularly touted but none of them float my boat really....
  14. The Horseshoe or Auctioneers are both in the City Center if your looking more local to the ground head down Paisley Road West to either The District Bar or The Grapes. The only pub I advise you to steer clear from is The Stadium Bar this pub is opposite the Ibrox underground the reason I ask you to steer clear of here is because its a Celtic slophouse which is sadly full of bears on matchdays due to its location being so good . I had a pre match drink in there around 1987ish....I was warned not to go to the top end of the bar as the Chelsea Headhunters were in with their chums from the Rangers ICF....the afternoon was rounded off nicely when I was offered some sort of literature to buy which gloryfied the deeds of a loyalist paramilitary group, for whom they also sent a plate round so we could offer more susbstantial financial support. Nice. A lot more recently I've been in the Horseshoe, its a great bar with many original Victorian fixtures and fittings...if you like your pubs traditional its a musr see as theres very few of its kind left in the whole of the UK.
  15. Yeah but that would imply that the lower league academies should be brimming with young English talent, which they quite plainly aren't. The talent by and large doesn't exist for any of a number of reasons mentioned, and theyve all conspired to make the next generation of young players very few in number.
  16. Gazza, by a very short head from Pedro.... Then dozens of others,all the usual suspects named above, but these two are the best two players this country produced in my lifetime and they were ours
  17. I think Wenger is/was right when he said that the talent pool in this country is very small in the first place. This may well have something to do with the iudicrous scene painted by Papa Lazaru in his post. But then again Harry Redknapp said that he doesn't think that a lot of young English players really "want" it enough,especially when compared with young lads from Africa. So it may well be something to do with English society too;the communities which produced the Charltons,Norman Hunter, Gazza, Waddle etc etc now pretty much exist to a large extent on state hand outs;lifes necessities handed to people on a plate. No wonder there was no lads from the North East in the England squad. Thats certainly not the whole story but its partly true. Look at the players the industrial belt of Scotland used to turn out and look at how many top class ones have come through in the last 20 years. Once the notion that hard graft=reward is removed and is largely replaced with a benefits system then it looks like the game is up for those who may have at one time been desperate to escape a poor-ish upbringing by making the best of their talents and striving to be a professional footballer, or indeed a boxer. I think our club culture is too strong to support a succesful national side and the type of football we are taught as kids is a poor start as well if we want to be big on the international stage where posession of the ball is paramount. I also think we should stop beating oursleves up about it every 4 years or so because its highly unlikely to change now, regardless of whose system we try to imitate,if we get to that stage at all.
  18. I thought that last season about the yellow strip after the universal revulsion expressed on here and other places...then I got to the pub down the road from The Hawthorns last August and there were a dozen folk including a fetchingly chavvy family group all decked out in lemon and..err...pale ish lemon. This will sell very well indeed for Puma, and by the looks of the fuckin thing for very little initial outlay by them too
  19. Can't see the FA appointing 'arry as he's been charged with tax evasion and is up in court sometime this year. As mentioned Woy is Merseyside bound which leaves Big Sam and Gary Megson. Even the FA aren't thats desperate....are they? Capello will cling on for the Euro's campaign....how the players will feel about that is unknown, but could we see a centre back of certain London club "retiring from international football"? Can't beleive how badly Capello got nearly everything wrong this summer...but SBR lost 3 out of 3 at Euro 88 but clung on to producewhat is still England's best side since 66. I think due to lack of serious options Capello will get another chance too.
  20. No I understand, he's not your cup of camomile tea as a festival closing act....he went down very well though. I actually mainly agree with you, but Eavis has to cater for the majority as I've tried to describe them above, and by Sunday night most people would appear to want,as you say, an "easy listen" Dont know how old you are but he was a major league artist in the 70s and 80s before he was sort of put in his place by Michael Jackson...if you're under 30 I can usderstand completely that you wouldnt feel he'd be quite right.
  21. I know he's quality, I just don't think of him as a "Festival" artist. I just think of him as easy listening, rather than anything that would end the event on a high. He was perfect for the majority of those who attend the festival nowadays....Orbital were on The Other Stage at the same time and they had Doctor Who to close their set...would you have preferred that? Some other recent Sunday headliners: 2009 Neil Young 2008 The Verve 2007 The Who 2005 Basement Jaxx (replaced Kylie) 2004 Muse 2003 Radiohead 2002 Rod Stewart 2000 David Bowie no real rhyme or reason to it...the Pyramid Stage had Willie Nelson on Friday and Ray Davies earlier on Sunday....Saturday they had fuckin Sahkira!..its generally a far more unusual mix than the far more eclectic/cooler Other Stage.
  22. The reaction was pretty flat, Muse got a far better atmosphere going by the looks of things. I understand why they want massive stars on the main stages to open or close the event, but Gorillaz latest album doesn't have the singalongadancealonga classics. I guess U2 would have been a little more barnstorming, but Stevie Wonder isn't really what I would expect to close a festival like Glastonbury. Have you been before?....I realise there are some tongue in cheek remarks on here but they do indicate some sort of perceived vision of what a Glasto crowd is like and what they want to watch...I got back this morning and I can say that the crowd is vastly different from what it was when I used to regularly go "over the fence back" back in the nineties. Eavis has changed it so the charities benefit more by keeping the fence climbers out. Fair play to him, its his gig and he can do what he wants with it. The nagging threat of violence has almost completly disappeaered because those who caused it aren't welcome or have been priced out (more than likely both) So for the 2010 crowd (mostly studes,professional types, weekend caners and the odd group who would probably fit all those descriptions) Stevie Wonder was perfect, if a bit on the sickly side for me like. This lot however were mind blowing on Friday night and showed Albarn and his collection of weird guests how its done: I do miss all the Bristol rastas and their sound systems though...
  23. Thinking about flying to Santiago De Compostella from Stansted with Ryanair then getting a bus or train into La Coruna which is about 40 mins away.....flight is less than 150 quid at the moment.
  24. Is a cheeky tenner on Uruguay to win the whole thing @19/1 a canny investment looking at their part of the draw or a complete waste of time? In fact 19/1 is fuckin shite...but am still tempted...
  25. Thing is Ghana is part of the commenwealth.......do they all speak French like Cameroon and the Ivory Coast or is it just where Desaily folks took him as a bairn?...its a very Franch name
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