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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. 5 live saying that a complaint has been made to the police and they're investigating. If he's charged and found guilty he should be sacked. If any employee racially abused someone from another company at a meeting am pretty sure that is what would happen at most if not all companies nowadays. Cappello fought tooth and nail to get him back as England captain too. Bobby Moore must be turning in his grave this morning.
  2. Wiki on Jerome Anderson: At Blackburn Rovers Anderson advised Venkateshwara Hatcheries on their takeover of the club in November 2010 and then continued to exert considerable influence.[9] After the Blackburn manager Sam Allardyce was sacked in December 2010, Blackburn were forced to deny that the dispute had been based on the club's transfer policy being set by the Kentaro sports agency, with whom Anderson's SEM were associated.[4] "Kentaro are our main consultants but Sam had the final call," Venky's chairwoman Anuradha Desai said.[4] The new manager at Blackburn was Steve Kean, who had been first-team coach under Allardyce. Kean was represented by Anderson[12], who also introduced Kean's new assistant, the former Arsenal player, John Jensen, to the club.[13] When John Williams left Blackburn Rovers in February 2011 after 14 years as chairman, Anuradha Desai explained that the departure was in part due to the fact that he had "struggled to accept Jerome's role at the club".[14] In March 2011, when it was announced that Anderson's 21-year-old footballer son, Myles, had signed a precontract agreement with Blackburn, sources close to the agent insisted he had no day-to-day involvement at the club.[15] The Manchester United manager Sir Alex Ferguson was highly critical of Anderson's involvement at Blackburn Rovers, saying: "You’ve got that issue at Blackburn of an agent involved and deciding the future of the club, Jerome Anderson, he couldn’t pick his nose. It’s baffling and it’s a serious threat to how clubs get run and how they conduct themselves.”[16] Fergie nails it. Fuckin shocking state of affairs and hardly Jack Walker's "vision" for his club.
  3. Will Jack Wilshire play in the Euros then go straight into the Olympic competition?....Gary Cahill springs to mind with that too....Joe Hart as well..Kieron Gibbs possibly? the first game is on the 25th of July and the final of the Euros is on the 1st of July. Is Shane Ferguson's no show for the last Northern Ireland squad connected somehow to London 2012?....decent squad player? Beckham and Giggs definetly want to play apparently. Ramsay and Bale will upset the Welsh FA when they make themselves available, but I really can't see that stopping them. Can't see any Scots being picked so they'll likely get an over 23...could be anyone with that...Darren Fletcher?...maybe him being Scotland captain will stop him.
  4. Didn't realise that with the fancy new board here on TT that we'd also be apparently sharing bandwidth with the BNP website.....difficult to tell whats a genuinely held view and whats a wind up on the internet but looking at this thread the phrase 'oh dear' springs to mind.
  5. If we suddenly turned into an incerdible trophy winning outfit playing the football of the gods I'd still dislike the fat fucker.....if we got even a modicum of success he'd want us to kiss his arse too. "See what I have done for you peasants?!" Pardews comments give a flavour of what his lackeys would be putting out into the media. He's never had a coherent plan for the club, and he was just groping around in the dark as usual when he hit upon the Pardew/Carr "dreamteam". I've said it before, Graham Carr is the most important person on the football side at the club atm, including the players. Without his input we'd have struggled to stay up last season....imagine Guthrie getting the same game time as Tiote?... But as somebody has said recently I love the club a lot more than I hate Ashley so I tolerate him as much as he does us. And this season has been great so far, I've really enjoyed it.The players obviously like and respect Pardew, so fair play to him in particular. But Ashley is incapable od making two decent decisons in a row, so am awaiting a big comedown...possibly around the end of January?.......
  6. off the top of my head.... 1. Michael O'Neil 3. Man Utd, he got 2 that day. 5. Anth Lormor....or David Roche?... 7. Lee Clark and.....errr.....one of question 5?... 9. Luton Town pretty cluless about the rest tbh..
  7. He appears to be highly innovative and influential and his company is a huge success due to him, but there were computers and personal music players before he started his career. His development of one of the first pcs is obviously a huge thing, but I think possibly hearing a radio signal for the first time or seeing primative tv images may have been more of a mind fuck for the public in general than going from sinclair spectrums and sony walkmans to Mac's and ipods. My grandfather was born in the late 1800s and was unlucky enough to have seen service at the Battle of Ypres. He told my mother around the time I was born that he had also seen the first car in Scotland, it belonged to a local laird and he worked on the that particular estate as a gamekeeper. The year I was born he saw the first man on the moon and told my old dear that he couldnt beleive what he had seen in his lifetime. I do think that his generation was witness to changes in everyday life and scientific acheivement that just couldnt be imagined when he was a boy and far more than we've seen. Thats not to say that Jobs wasnt a techno and business genius, but what he acheived was pretty small beer compared to the changes of the late 19th and 20th centuries iyam. Still, a sad passing, rip.
  8. Dead at 67 after suffering from cancer Influenced loads of axe gods...Jimmy Paige, Johnny Marr...and er Paul Simon http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/m...es-aged-67.html
  9. They weren't cleared of all charges and 3 year sentences for lesser charges still stood. The judge said 'acquitted of A,B,C,D' Probably the eyeties protecting themselves from massive compo claims by leaving charges standing. She was also told she must pay Patrick Lumumba the £18 000 he was awarded at the original trial after he was ultimately released without charge during the original investigation after Knox had falsely accused him of being involved. http://duncangibbins.co.uk/news/amanda-kno...ation-set-free/ Rudy Guede was convicted of being an accomplice to the murder...which does rather beg the question an accomplice to who?....Meredith Kercher's body had 47 different stab wounds from two different weapons. He's up there with Jack the Ripper if he did all that on his own. http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/top-stories/2...15875-23466103/ Theres loads of qustions left unanswered in this. The conviction was obviously unsafe, but the appeal verdict isnt very satisfsctory either due to all these issues that arise from a flat "not guilty" verdict. Dont know if its unique, but the Scottish legal system has 3 possible verdicts at a muder trail...guilty, not guilty and "not proven"....which, as far as I can make out means "you're as guilty as shit but theres no eveidence to prove it" I think I'd go with that. The offences stay "live", and if other evidence coming to light defendants are re-tried.
  10. Anyone want some "out of window" transfer gossip?..no?...tough! We're apparently after Scott Brown from Celtic for next season, mostly because (you'll never guess) he may well be available on a free transfer as he's stalling on a contract at Celtic. A Celtic fan at work told me this today. That was before I heard on the radio that hes out injured for the next 10 weeks. So with a troublesome recent injury likely to be on his CV by then end of the season as well then I think its pretty much a done deal On paper its makes some sort of sense....he's undeniably moderately talented, scores goals, at 26 should be approaching his peak etc...but he is posistionally awful on a football pitch and according to my mate a defensive liability. If it happens remember where you heard it first
  11. I'll see your Beckenbauer and raise you Sir Bobby Charlton....well before my time but has got to be in the top 10. Certainly if you're talking about the sixties you're talking top 3 alongside "der Kaiser" and Best. For me I didnt think I'd ever see a player as good as Gazza...until I saw Zidane, who was better,chiefly because of what he acheived in the game. Bergkamp is up there too, the dirty cloggie bastard lots others as already mentioned too, I used to love watching the late 80s Holland side, Gullit, Rikjaard, Van Basten etc.
  12. Still 1 in prison for it, so it's not as if they have no idea who did the deed. If they are innocent - which appears to be the case, then it's obviously fantastic that they've been freed. Can't imagine their emotions. Still got to deal with the aforementioned appeal of the appeal as it were so it's not over for them yet. Her and her boyfriend told a pack of lies and as I said changed their stories countless times....looks like the dna evidence was flawed, perhaps a fuck up in collecting it on the police's side, perhaps they got lucky and didnt leave a trace, perhaps someone got paid off. But this pair were present when she was murdered, they turned up in the morning saying they hadn't been there...wtf were they trying to hide? There isn't a shred of evidence that proves that claim. Didnt it come out in the original trial?... You said it yourself, the DNA evidence was flawed and the judge ruled it inadmissable. This lass shared the flat with her so there was bound to be DNA of hers in there yet there was none in the room where she died. Yeah fair one, but what did they have to hide in the first place?. If they had nothing to hide why did they change their stories? Something doesnt add up in this. I'm not a massive conspiracy theorist or anything like that but I think this is "one that got away" from the authorities.
  13. Still 1 in prison for it, so it's not as if they have no idea who did the deed. If they are innocent - which appears to be the case, then it's obviously fantastic that they've been freed. Can't imagine their emotions. Still got to deal with the aforementioned appeal of the appeal as it were so it's not over for them yet. Her and her boyfriend told a pack of lies and as I said changed their stories countless times....looks like the dna evidence was flawed, perhaps a fuck up in collecting it on the police's side, perhaps they got lucky and didnt leave a trace, perhaps someone got paid off. But this pair were present when she was murdered, they turned up in the morning saying they hadn't been there...wtf were they trying to hide? There isn't a shred of evidence that proves that claim. Didnt it come out in the original trial?...
  14. Still 1 in prison for it, so it's not as if they have no idea who did the deed. If they are innocent - which appears to be the case, then it's obviously fantastic that they've been freed. Can't imagine their emotions. Still got to deal with the aforementioned appeal of the appeal as it were so it's not over for them yet. Her and her boyfriend told a pack of lies and as I said changed their stories countless times....looks like the dna evidence was flawed, perhaps a fuck up in collecting it on the police's side, perhaps they got lucky and didnt leave a trace, perhaps someone got paid off. But this pair were present when she was murdered, they turned up in the morning saying they hadn't been there...wtf were they trying to hide?
  15. Fuckin awful that like. Feel sorry for Meredith Kercher's family.
  16. Guilty as shit if you ask me....her and the boyfriend were there when the unfortunate girl was murdered, she changed her story at least 3 times before the original trial. Fuckin shocking it even got to appeal.
  17. Palermo is like that too...the city is built where the mountains meet the sea.....not the greatest pic but you get the idea
  18. It was far from boring at work this morning when a Mag mentioned, within earshot of the most typically bitter mackem that I've had the misfortune to come across, that we may qualify for european football next season...the top of his head nearly came off The Mag wasn't serious, he just got the reaction he was looking for As for this news, is this Niall's way of getting out of sacking his own managerial appointment?....
  19. When Ba went off the ball stopped sticking up front. We lost possesion too easily after that. He didnt look injured or that tired tbh. And doing a bit of 'back to the goal' work isnt lovenkrands strong suit either. If the ball had stuck up top a bit more then we perhaps wouldnt have had to defend successive waves of Wolves attacks. Good point about crosses from our right. Bale will more than likely crucify Simpson a fortnight today.
  20. Not for me. Being charitable id say hes not suitable for the game as played in England. He bottled 4 50/50 challenges yesterday. I'd had a few so I asked the woman in her 50s next to me her opinion and she strongly agreed in terms not suitable on a family forum such as this :-D He looks a poor footballer as well iyam. Fergie has form for taking very average players with great pace and trying to make something of them. Lee Sharpe flickered briefly before injuries and nightclubs took their toll but at the moment Obertan looks more in the David Bellion mould.
  21. You're coveniantly ignoring the pen Wolves shouldve had and the apparently good goal they had chalked off. If we're as open v Spurs they'll more than likely rip us a new one. Not that i'm not chuffed as nuts with results. Today was great. But chill the fuck oot man. We're at best a work in progress.
  22. Aye, most mags seemed to gather in the Walkabout in the town centre last season, they shut it just after 2pm though...there isnt that many pubs as far as I can remember so think we'll head for there. I'll keep an eye out for a moody looking team of middle aged reformed hooligans, all dressed in "WE LOVE FRED" t shirts
  23. Excuse my 'all things IT' ignorance but will all things on this box of tricks work in the uk?...will that need to be clarified by an early adopter? And can you just order one from American Amazon?....
  24. Given his location, you'd think the driver is likely to be a smog, but he could just as easily be a mag or a mackem out for a bit of revenge....;-)
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