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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. off to Spurs with Wilson Palacios coming the other way, so he'll be suspended for them in August instead http://www.metro.co.uk/sport/football/8626...cheik-tiote-bid
  2. Still the best player I've ever seen with my own eyes....I'd say Zidane was better from his peer group at the time, but you can keep the rest...That goal he got for Spurs at Luton where he took it between the centre halfs....you'd never see Bergkamp or Scholes even attempt that, its just sheer off the cuff brilliance.He had the "footballing imagination" to try things like that and the ability to make them work. Him and Sir Bobby changed football in this country forever in the summer of 1990. He was at AFC Bournemouth v Rochdale yesterday, signing autographs and getting his picture taken with fans. He's at a clinic down here and it looks like his problems are under control for the moment. Good luck Gazza
  3. 1979 Brighton & Hove Albion (h) 1-3 (0-3) Division Two 40pts, 10th Shoulder Horton, Ward, Ryan 28,434 While the Magpies were just playing out their season, Alan Mullery's Seagulls earned the points that ensured their promotion - although thoughts that they had won the league were later dispelled when Crystal Palace beat Burnley. Estimates of how many travelling fans made the trip vary, but given that over 18,000 fewer fans had seen our midweek victory over Bristol Rovers, it was a sizeable number. After a win achieved in weather conditions that varied between sun, rain and hail the victorious Albion side returned to the south coast that night on a specially chartered Brighton Belle Pullman train.
  4. At half time on 5live John Rawling said that Lionel Messi was named after Lionel Ritchie by his dad, a big fan of pop infused soul/funk ballads by all accounts
  5. nothing new under the sun is there?....
  6. I know I might sound ridiculous here, seeing that Liverpool have won 18 league titles, but they're not a massive club. I just don't see them as such. When I was growing up they were an unbelievably successful club, but they're no different to us in terms of infrastructure in many ways, when you look at the bricks and mortar, we have a much bigger local fanbase which has been proven loads of times. What I'm saying is he'll win fuck all at Liverpool. If he leaves he should go to a club who are absolutely massive because he's good enough. Man Utd, Milan, Bayern Munich or the big two in Spain, he really could play there, not some shitey Liverpool, Atletico Madrid, Roma type also ran. He might as weel stay here. Largely agree with all that,particularly the bit in bold, and I'd like to think if he does have a desire to play at a higher level in the near future he'll try and fix himself with a move to one of the real giants, not those scabby fuckers with apparent money to burn on unproven headbangers and cheats. Fuck knows though, he may take the most money on offer, many others have
  7. It begs the question who has the money or inclination to pay 15 million for an uncapped left back?..... Thompson has been would up by some parasite agent I imagine.. Bayern or back to Spain are more likely options, and for a lot less than 15 million...
  8. RIP Henry Same age as my old man, who was at Wembley to see him fight Clay...still got the other coffin dodger with us though Slight for a heavyweight, even then, and cut very easily. But the Daily Mail article nails it, no other boxer has been as popular and he's our only boxing knight...doubt if we'll have another one
  9. Its a bit like saying we should've been proud of the club the day we got relegated at Villa....in fact this bell end probably thinks relegation was a good idea
  10. Did somebody mention Ska?... First single I ever bought, 99p from Woolies, Jan 1980 And you can't not play this....no 1 in the UK for two months in the summer of 1982 when Thatcher's Britain went up in flames.... Going to see them in October
  11. AC is a young professional footballer who did what any sane human being would have done in his position, so he’ll probably get booed by our increasingly narcissistic away support. Carroll will get booed because thats what your average football supporter does, rightly or wrongly. To me thats down to us being a bit fickle, not having a sort of collective borderline personality disorder Mind "your support is fuckin shit" and "empty seats" are fuckin irritating
  12. He's got a point like, Martin Brittain, Peter Ramage, Calvin Zola, Paul Huntington and Matty Pattison would be worth a look too. David Edgar getting a game at Burnley? We go for this lot and we won't be paying over the odds, they would also love to play for us I reckon. You missed Ian Bogie On Saturday's showing it might be worth keeping an eye on David Vaughan of Blackpool....left footed midfielder and the man of the match at the weekend.Pretty much nullified Barton and linked up well with Adam,who was also good but only for an hour as he's a fat bastard. Welsh international and 28 though, which probably rules him out....his age like, not being Welsh, but they are a bit strange, look at Bellamy...
  13. Yeah...I dont think what came before is given enough credit when it comes to the squad he built. And the way some people are going on as if this football management lark is a piece of piss etc, just buy a load of players and it will be medals all round....its not really like that is it? He's been competing with the best manager in history and the richest club in history, whilst managing a stadium move. Name a club side with as many world class players who stayed together at the top of the pile for a decade. Theres probably some good arguments to be made for various Liverpool and Man Utd sides but I think the break up at Arsenal was more sudden for various reasons and has therefore taken more time to get it together again. And just why are Arsenal entitled to win anything anyway?....just because they're Arsenal? Before the nineties they maybe averaged a trophy a decade? Why the fuss over six years? Is it all the medias fault? The SKY generation being brainwashed into thinking this big 4 shit is timeless? Personally can't stand the club and a lot of their players and I ultimitely put it down to Wenger, still think he's a canny manager, just a moaning twat and it rubs off on his poor put upon babies. Well thats the single bigget reason theres as much fuss, the sense of entitlement summed up in "Arsenal havent won anything for x seasons" Its utter shite. They won nowt between 54 and 71 and nowt between 71 and 79, then another near decade till George Graham got them going. And its the media that first said it. In the same way you can trace the national shit kicking weve taken in the last few years from the same twats to Gary Lineker mentioning wed won fuck all for 4 decades before a cup tie on the BBC a few years back.Thats when the gun was loaded against us if you ask me.Almost all "perceived wisdom", or cliched bollocks if you will, comes from biased twats in the media with an agenda or going out of their way to be controversial in an attempt to increase ratings or circulation. But once its out there theres no getting it back in the bottle. As for Wenger, he's admitted he's to blame, and he is, the buck stops with the manager. But for fucks sakes lets look a bit more closer at what he's getting the balme for.
  14. Yeah...I dont think what came before is given enough credit when it comes to the squad he built. And the way some people are going on as if this football management lark is a piece of piss etc, just buy a load of players and it will be medals all round....its not really like that is it? He's been competing with the best manager in history and the richest club in history, whilst managing a stadium move. Name a club side with as many world class players who stayed together at the top of the pile for a decade. Theres probably some good arguments to be made for various Liverpool and Man Utd sides but I think the break up at Arsenal was more sudden for various reasons and has therefore taken more time to get it together again. And just why are Arsenal entitled to win anything anyway?....just because they're Arsenal?
  15. That basically covers most of it in a nutshell. He needs to move away from young good looking skinny boys who bottle it when the chips are down. I think the keeper he has now [name escapes me], whatever his name is, the new guy and not the clown of the last year or two, is a good keeper, the best he has had for a while. His midfield with Fabregas and Wilshire, with Nasri playing off the strikers, is top class. He needs a centre half like Vidic [as has been mentioned], and a striker like Carroll ? both of whom will dish out the physical stuff, and take it, but are ruthless, to go higher. I'm not that impressed with Chamahk but Van Persie is one of the best strikers in the premiership. He's far from a joke, basically people say these sort of things when they are jealous, like people said about us when we were playing in the Champions League etc. They would give their teeth to be in such a sorry state, just like all of us now would give our teeth to be in such a sorry state as Arsenal with a manager like that having done what they have done. Five years without a trophy but playing in the Champions League including reaching the Final......poor dears Whats happened is someone in the media a little while ago said "Arsenal havent won anything for x amount of years"...and then many like sheep have repeated it. Its frankly bollocks. His acheivements earlier in his time should have earned him the right to have a period of transistion of however long he fuckin likes from the undefeated team and the upheaval and financial constraints of the stadium move. To keep them in the top 4 over those years is acheivement enough when you consider that the unbeaten side regularly had half a dozen in my book undisputedly world class players who it was always going to be virtuallly impossible to replace instantly: Ashley Cole Sol Campbell Robert Pires Patrick Viera Dennis Bergkamp Thierry Henry Theres not many top class international sides, including world cup winning sides, that have had that many world class players all together, most of them at the peak of their careers, at the same time. Where were Arsenal likely to go after a team like that? So he's had a few fallow years where it hasnt quite clicked, ho hum.He's been competing against (a revitalised after a lean spell themelves) Ferguson's Man Utd and are cash rich Chelsea in those years. Those who are calling him either a joke or for his head need some perspective. The Arsenal fans among them have had a sense of entitlement imposed upon them by the media. Fuckin idiots if you ask me.
  16. I think theres a secret bunker at SJP full of paid Ashley-phile chimps, churning out pro Ashley drivel in the hope of changing public perception of him. This is just the start
  17. So you don't equate the most tangible measure of success with actual success then? Ok He's a strange one isnt he? He does make a point of sorts though....some on here will have no doubt been at our 3 Wembley appearances in 3 years at the end of the 90s. I lost count of the amount of Arsenal, Manu and Chelsea fans wandering around London in failrly morose bunches acting as if was just another game. The worst were the Arsenal fans in 98. Theyd just won the double for fucks sakes. There was trouble on the tubes with some of our lot actually "bullying" gooners into actually acting as if the game and trophy had meant something to them. And as for this bollock-brained "won nothing for 5 years" crap.....what a bunch of fuckin wankers
  18. What a fuckin strap on Owen is.....mercenary and utterly souless. Compare and contrast his attitiude with a comparative journeyman who despite a start in life probably almost all of us can't really imagine has remained apparently humble and down to earth. And above all grateful for a few minutes now and then in a black and white shirt. Give me 34 year old Shefki Kuqi running on to the pitch today in the 87th minute like a fuckin 18 year old over that selfish little prick any day.
  19. Sounds good Doc....the nearest game to me today is either London or Torquay
  20. What happened to Good Friday football?.... The last GF game I remember is twatting Everton 6 nowt or something like that when Sir Bob was manager....have we or anyone else played GF since then? And Easter Monday....I seem to recall our relagtion being all but confirmed in 89 on EM at home to Sheffield Wednesday after a rally in the previous month where it looked like we might stay up. A young David Hirst scored for them. Did the premier league just knock it on the head?...if so why?...its always been the business end of the season so if they or the clubs roll out fixture congestion as an excuse then thats frankly bollocks. Going to football today would be better than gardening or decorating the hall-FACT!
  21. The poppy burner got a £50 fine. I'm about as far from a Daily Mail mouth foamer that you can get but the difference in sentancing is fuckin shocking.
  22. Is there trouble in the manu ranks again?....is it one of their lot who has been stuffing that Welsh bird from big brother and has an injunction against her at the moment?....and did the same player not even make the squad on Saturday v citeh?....
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