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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Please rise for the Irish National Anthem! The last time the country erupted like this was in 81 and this was No 1 in the charts for a month that summer...just as it was all kicking off. I guess with the death of the "Celtic Tiger" its appropriate too. I largely agree that this is opportunistic fuckin wankers playing up because some other fuckers seem to have got away with something on Saturday night, but the economic similarities with the 80s are quite strong....only it took Thatcher 2 years to really inflame the innner cities, Cameron (returning home from holiday tonight according to the bbc news) seems to have done the trick in just over 12 months...way to go Davey
  2. The reserves have twatted the smogs 8-2 today....Sammy Am and Airey with 2 each http://www.nufc.co.uk/page/Home
  3. No, but it looks like he may have been to Eindhoven to check on a left back called Eric Pieters...apparently Pardew checked him out personally yesterday v Alkmaar...this according to today's Daily Mirror. 22 years old and 10 caps for Holland, you'd imagine he could play a bit...good age/resale potential to keep jabba the hut and lambchop happy...
  4. The season we finished fourth (01/02) was our biggest chance. Fergie said he thought we wouldve won it too if Bellamy hadnt got injured in March..."If theyd kept Bellamy fit, the crowd may wel have pushed them over the line"...the next season we finished 3rd but didnt play anywhere near as well, especially away from home. Beating Leeds and Arsenal away from home the same week in December 2001 and being top at xmas was special. Never reached those heights the next season. I think Bellamy might have been referring in a round about way to the "Wolves walk out" in May 04, just after we'd come back from Marseille with our tales between our legs. Not our finest hour tbh, Sir Bobby certainly felt that was a nail in his coffin at NUFC. He felt Shepherd interpretated that as Sir Bob losing support from among the fans. I think it was just massive disappointment tbh.
  5. Chavvie is a romany word for young man...mostly used in the south of England. As with a lot of gypsy words (gadgie is its northern equivalent) it has become commonplace in everyday language. Theres a Sham 69 song in which Jimmy Pursey utters "alright chavvie?!" in the intro....it may well be "we're going down the pub" but the audio on my laptop is fucked so I cant check it out but you can claerly hear it ...song written in the late 70s
  6. Another Gaul?...zut alors, mondieu, new away strip white with thin blue hoops and a string of onions around the neck, topped off with a fuckin beret?... Tom and others have got it right, on the face of it not a bad signing as such, but more than likely just more mediocrity designed to just about keep us in the division, if we're lucky
  7. Durham on talkshite last night saying manu have sold all 27k tkts for sunday but citeh can't get rid of all theirs...reckon wed sell 27k for a friendly v the tramps at wembley?....
  8. I saw him at Southampton when they played manu in the cup last season and remember thinking no wonder he cant get in the manu side as that day a divi 3 left back knew too much for him. But he is quick and as has been said maybe with a run of games he'd do a job...
  9. Have you seen Bartons latest tweet? Fuck's he on about? He wants to retire and build a new national train network? bridge builder Sinking ship?....
  10. Just read with interest that Jlloyd Samuel has been released by Bolton.....sounds an ideal left back for us..... useless, won't cost a penny (apart from comparitively cheap wages) and unlikely to rock the boat....he's now moved to odds on in my book, ahead of Iain Harte...
  11. Business genius?.... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment...-sidelines.html
  12. If its the match I'm thinking about from around then the lad had a yellow and green away shirt on and I thought it just said "sack the board"....but the 20 years since then may have dulled the memory a bit....there was one game back then where all us young uns in the corner were singing something along the lines of "sit down if you hate McKeag/the board etc" and promptly all got down on our backsides for a good few minutes...the older types stood near us however refused to join in our protest...."get fuckin up and support the team" one of them nearest to us said...now I'm probably around their age now I'm not sure if I'd tell someone to stop a protest at a game, but I can completly understand why the bloke said it. I'll be at the Arsenal game as well, hoping for the best but fearing the worst
  13. If he hadnt wangled a way out of the club a year early I think its highly unlikely he wouldve started v Arsenal and reading that I think Ryder may have been party to this information...I thought it might be Vuckic taking his place but but it could just have easily been Gosling. Btw That fucker Adrian Durham on Talksport was quoting the Chron verbatum this afternoon......no wonder people talk shite about NUFC if all they have to go on is listening to that fuckin clown.
  14. Hmmm....Emre implicated in match fixing in Turkey http://nothingbutnewcastle.com/2011/08/blo...stle-derby-hero
  15. Is the bigger point he made not that Barton wasnt offered a contract and he wanted to stay?.... Barton was offered a contract at Christmas and turned it down. True-ish. Talks had stalled. Then there were to be no more talks. The contract that was offered in December/January was withdrawn in May and he was going to be allowed to leave at the end of his present contract. No compromise solution offered. No "final offer"talks , just nothing. So when he started abusing the club via twitter he was angling for a convenient move this season rather than next. But the withdrawl of the contract offer sent him a message dont you think? Of course Barton being Barton he couldnt keep his mouth shut, more by his own and McKay's devious design if you ask me. I'm certainly not a huge Barton fan, for varoious reasons. But he's the sort of player we needed to keep just to keep treading water. I was thinking that he wouldnt start the season in the first team v Arsenal anyway..I think 2 goals in pre season wouldve seen Vuckic starting in place of him. But that wouldve been just another slap in the face for him, another nail in his coffin, another message saying "NOT WANTED". Before he started (fuckin stupidly if he truly wanted to stay) slating the club via twitter he'd got that message loud and clear. So if you ask me he and his agent engineered this but only after being forced into by a club who are showing, yet again, they know the price of everything but the value of nothing. I know these things get lost in the haze of anger.....but the chain of events were as follows iirc. 3 year contract offered --- declined by Barton Barton then slags board off on twitter and at talk ins around march / april. NUFC in May then decide no contract will be offered Barton takes to twitter again Relatively quiet summer when we all hoped he had his head down and would again perform next season and possible then get a contract. Leeds: Told not taking free kicks and corners leeds to words with Pardew, rant at other players followed by rant on twitter. Club tell him he can leave. Fantastic season last year and they probably should have given him the 4 year deal he was demanding back in January. But understandable at the time given his first few years here that they might have thought 3 years a reasonable offer. Best player imo last year and a real shame its come to this but no employer is going to let an employee slag them off for the next year. Sad times at NUFC. Tell you what CT, why dont you try to be a bit more cloyingly patronising in your replies?! Am not sure when Barton opened his twitter account but it would be interesting to see when he did start abusing the club.. I thought he didnt start doing it till the door had been slammed shut in his face in May?....
  16. anyone up for this v Fiorentina?.. http://www.facebook.com/home.php?ref=hpski...250813844938381
  17. And who do you expect to arrive young man?
  18. You're in for the mother of all broadband fuckings once Leazes sees all that!
  19. First home game of the season @ half five with everyone pissed out of their minds after being in the pub since midday? Who'd have thought it? Most protesters will of course have in their possesion a match/season ticket
  20. Is the bigger point he made not that Barton wasnt offered a contract and he wanted to stay?.... Barton was offered a contract at Christmas and turned it down. True-ish. Talks had stalled. Then there were to be no more talks. The contract that was offered in December/January was withdrawn in May and he was going to be allowed to leave at the end of his present contract. No compromise solution offered. No "final offer"talks , just nothing. So when he started abusing the club via twitter he was angling for a convenient move this season rather than next. But the withdrawl of the contract offer sent him a message dont you think? Of course Barton being Barton he couldnt keep his mouth shut, more by his own and McKay's devious design if you ask me. I'm certainly not a huge Barton fan, for varoious reasons. But he's the sort of player we needed to keep just to keep treading water. I was thinking that he wouldnt start the season in the first team v Arsenal anyway..I think 2 goals in pre season wouldve seen Vuckic starting in place of him. But that wouldve been just another slap in the face for him, another nail in his coffin, another message saying "NOT WANTED". Before he started (fuckin stupidly if he truly wanted to stay) slating the club via twitter he'd got that message loud and clear. So if you ask me he and his agent engineered this but only after being forced into by a club who are showing, yet again, they know the price of everything but the value of nothing.
  21. Is the bigger point he made not that Barton wasnt offered a contract and he wanted to stay?....if we're taking WM at his word? He also said he was willing to take a paycut. And wasnt that all public knowlegde around xmas last year?....did the tweets start after he knew he was being forced out by any chance?.... I've no doubt Barton was angling for a move in this window and I said so yesterday. But the club wanted rid of him, simple as that. You could say that Barton owed the fans something due to his incarceration etc but its difficult to stay somewhere when you employers have made it plain you're not required. Enrique next. Fucks sakes
  22. What was that about? Did you know he insists on the rest of the commentary team referring to him as Sir? These are his mates ffs. Does Botham think this is still the fuckin middle ages? I liked him walking the alps with elephants but why do the likes of him think the rest of us should tug the forelock to him?
  23. PaddockLad


    I agree. Some brothers are total mugs though. Look at the Krays. Clever. But seriously Steve the same people who manipulated us into two world wars are now manipulating the old religious dogmas and lies and fanning the flames of hatred cause they is worried, cause the shit is hitting the fan and they need us to think about little things and look for enemies amongst ourselves and forget about them and the broken promises and the broken lives across vast continents of pain and inequality. Don't fall for it. There are those in the muslim community and those in the far right who as history has repeatdly shown us are tools - tools of the old enemy: the elite - the elite who never got voted in and answer to no-one and contunue to plunder the world. THEY are the enemy. Always.
  24. The Prestige....irritatingly twisty turny and barely followable shite if you ask me, only marginally saved by the incomparable Johansson pouting her way through it in her underwear
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