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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. His minute by minute derby day review is canny - http://www.nufcthreatlevel.com/ Very good that....That lads on Twitter?...still not tempted to sign on to it, theres all the slavering window lickers on here that I can handle I think
  2. My mackem tormentor in chief from last week has just shame-faced admitted that they are indeed still nowt more than lower midtable shite despite the millions spent this summer...he also said that theyve only won 2 from the last 19 games! Doubtfires out of a job in two games if this continues...dont know if the stat is right or not or who they play next, the inbred cunt wasnt hanging about for a wider debate :-D
  3. Nowts really changed despite saturdays good result and a draw last weekend....some very perceptive character on here said after Best's hatrick v west ham last season that we may all regret him doing so well in that game which was funnily enough in the january transfer window... ps...according to Simon Bird Pardew was at the PSV game yesterday...at least he's getting a good look at Pieters before he signs for a club who offers a million more than we do.
  4. 23 is also the number of Shola Amoebi - coincidence? I think not. That is indeed a sign that Shola is all seeing and omnipitant.....a new god for the 21st century...we should exhalt him pity he tried to header that chance in the first half yesterday, the great usless long legged shiteheap
  5. Great scenes at the end yesterday, all the players and coaching staff came out to celebrate on the pitch with the fans. All the players threw their shirts into the crowd, which is a bit corny but who can blame them?..wins like that may be the summit of the likes of Shola and Ryan Taylor's careers. Didn't see Harper with the rest of the squad on the pitch, but I could be wrong. He may have been feeling a bit left out, poor fucker. They twatted us first half really but with 11 players on the pitch when it shouldve been 10. Webb got all the big decisons wrong yesterday. Cattatwatt and Bardsley shouldve been straight reds. From todays Observer: 23: the number of clean sheets Sunderland have failed to keep in their last 23 meetings with Newcastle in all competitions 14: Sunderland have won just one of their last 14 premier league games against their derby rivals 10: The big-spending black cats have signed 10 players this summer for a total of £30 million while Newcastle have recruited five for the sum of £7.5 million.
  6. Yeah wasn't that around the same time as Phil Thompson told the world and his wife it was "a done deal"? Fuckin gutted he left, but the only loyalty in football comes from the fans. Its incredibly rare nowadays for any show of loyalty from players; the rewards for moving are huge and greedy parasitic agents earn thier money from players moving on. I wouldnt bare too many grudges about him tbh, he's admitted that he basically left for a more ambitious club and who can argue with that? Expecting loyalty from gifted indivduals who have a short time scale to have a worthwhile and fulfulling career is a bit pointless tbh.
  7. Sat in little chef on the gateshead/ boldon road (big boned taxi driver just pulled up outside, looking a bit smug ) fuckin bricking it. Tkts arrived eventually now I just want the fuckin game to start as I'm not handling anything very well at the moment as the bloke in the trap next to me has just found out...think my colon is damaged beyond repair
  8. True, but Hearts squad probably cost the same amount as one of Van der Vaarts boots. You get what you pay for, or in Hearts case what you can afford.....
  9. Fuck me what a completely unexpected surprise
  10. Anyone whos actually going have you got your tkts yet?...mines havent turned up yet...
  11. If we're going to have a left back for what is arguably the most important game of the season on Saturday he'll need to be signed today, in time for training tomorrow...don't think i'll be holding my breath mind....
  12. I think the vast majority of managers have the final say in who comes in....they may get stopped by little or no budget, or by spending all of their remaining budget, but they are responsiible for results so (in most cases) its only fair theyve chosen the players to get the results...the exceptions to this if you ask me are whoever is in at Chelsea, Keane at Blackburn and Pardew. Outgoings are quite often different.....sometimes a club accepts a fee for a player to meet some other financial commitment at the club and then tells the player he's free to speak to the prospective buyer, or the player just wants to leave after being tapped up...often that decison is taken completely out of the managers hands. But you'd expect the former to be a rare occurance at a club of NUFC's size, not to happen twice (at the moment) in a calender year (Carroll, Nolan). Whichever way you dress it up, Pardew is going to be judged on players others have brought to the club, have his best players sold without his input and has also been mislead about his budget for this season and the control he has been allowed to have over it......not a great deal really is it?
  13. There's not an accent in Britain which has been more influenced by ethnic minorities than Mancunian. Mancs didn't speak like they do now 50 years ago, it is entrenched in black culture, and it's not called Gunchester as a result for nothing, same as Nottingham which has very similar demographics. You talk shite man. Half my family are from working class inner city Manchester and and my cousin's kids talk with the same Lancastrian accent as their grandparents do. Your trouible is you speak in sweeping generalisations in a "well a bloke down the pub told me...." way and dress it up as fact. Where the fuck did you get this pile of bollocks from?
  14. Sir Hugh Ord, head of the Cheif Police Officers Association and former Cheif Constable of the RUC was on 5live earlier explaining that water cannon was for large groups of static rioters who refuse to disperse, and only in Northern Ireland. Baton rounds are only to be used when life is in mortal danger, he said usually when blast bombs and live fire are used in a disturbance, again only for those lucky peeps in N.I. He then said policing tonight will be firm and robust and "English"?! But it looks like they're continuing their now apparently nationwide tactic of letting the fuckers get on with it while they look on. As someone said last night, this is fuckin strange to say the least...
  15. Doesnt mention my favourite historical affray, the Peasant's Revolt 1381....the fuckin King (Richard II) murdered the leader Wat Tyler with his own hands!.....thats the way to teach these fuckers a lesson...get Prince Harry to strafe them with his Apache-mounted 30mm canon
  16. we've all seen for ourselves that the white folk have been involved too. Can't blame kay Burley for pulling him up on it. And he's far too little to be called big jim anyway It's the thought process I'm criticising. It's not about race in the orthodox sense but that a man can't report a factual event without being called a racist. People are thinking with very closed minds and it's a trend that you see constantly these days. People literally won't allow themselves to think without labelling something ''racist'' or ''offensive to'' etc etc. The thing is its just lazy to blame it on ethnic minorities....where were all the rampaging gangs of negroes when the locals went mad for a couple of nights on the Meadowell 20 years ago?... Blackbird Leys in Oxford went up at the same time and it (at the time) was overwhelmingly white British too. When riots occur,its those on the lowest rung of society's ladder who are usually involved, it just so happens that in most large cities the world over those people are almost always an ethnic minority. I'll let others put forward ideas for why that may be the case
  17. Wonder if England v Holland will be called off as well. Surely must be. Policing will have to be deployed elsewhere. At this rate there will be 3000 cockney refugees creating a shanty town on the Town Moor on Saturday night
  18. The IRA cottoned on to that in the early 90s after 20 years of random killing and hey presto by 94 we had the Good Friday Agreement. As you say The City doesnt have what these fuckers want....phones, sportswear etc etc...carpets...?
  19. Mind, Sky News earlier did keep saying that Lewisham is due east of Hackney, bless 'em. Turns out they're not London-centric at all, they're just posh-London-centric. shush man....they really dont want the world to know what is due east of Hackney....even Usain Bolt might be having second thoughts about visiting the area next year
  20. ooooh you big brave boy you utter cunt now fuck off hmmm....becoming bolder....think theres a village missing an idiot tonight.... Bolder??? are you watching different news to me you stupid cunt? Please tell me you've been drinking tennants super since you got up?.... Honestly can you not see what i am seeing on the news?? yeah I can and seeing as every rioter I've seen has had a scarf round their faces and a hoodie pulled up over their heads its been pretty fuckin difficult to see the colour of their skin...are you watching in some sort of super duper HD? Anyway Cams just landed so I guess we'll never know
  21. Are the Met issued with baton rounds/plastic bullets?...they dont have water canon apparently.. Some prick in a suit has just said he didnt want to see the army on the streets of London...man up ffs, when Churhcill was home secretary he sent a fuckin battleship up the Mersey to break a strike in Liverpool
  22. ooooh you big brave boy you utter cunt now fuck off hmmm....becoming bolder....think theres a village missing an idiot tonight.... Bolder??? are you watching different news to me you stupid cunt? Please tell me you've been drinking tennants super since you got up?....
  23. ooooh you big brave boy you utter cunt now fuck off hmmm....becoming bolder....think theres a village missing an idiot tonight....
  24. Please rise for the Irish National Anthem! The last time the country erupted like this was in 81 and this was No 1 in the charts for a month that summer...just as it was all kicking off. I guess with the death of the "Celtic Tiger" its appropriate too. I largely agree that this is opportunistic fuckin wankers playing up because some other fuckers seem to have got away with something on Saturday night, but the economic similarities with the 80s are quite strong....only it took Thatcher 2 years to really go to inflame the innner cities, Cameron (returning home from holiday tonight according to the bbc news) seems to have done the trick in just over 12 months...way to go Davey It's a father ted reference, but i guess it does apply these days Ted asks everyone to rise for the anthem and they play ghost town Not seen that one, Father Ted was class. Dont think your plods wouldve fared any better than the Met tbh.....these fuckers set fire to to a car whilst being pummled by the water cannonn
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