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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Think the article is overstating the case a bit tbh. If I go half a mile down the road on Sunday to watch the Manu v Arsenal game theres a fair chance I'll see Darren Anderton enjoying a bottle of bud in his local*...it used to be my local too until they started letting the likes of that cunt in When KK played for Southampton he lived in the same area. According to an old work collegue he used to go to a spit-and-sawdust boozer in Bournemouth called The Strouden where he was alledgely lancing the wife of one of the regulars. My mate reckons there was a bit of a row between the two one day (KK was in there with Alan Ball) which really kicked off when KK shouted across the bar "yeah your missus isnt a bad shag once you get passed the used bit!" * Its not all top quality international footballers in there....Herman Hereidsson uses it too
  2. aye its a good read....what Quinny and his Pompey teamates got up to was like the worst piss head sunday league team...they went to Jersey on a pre season tour and within 3 hours of getting there the authoroties were approaching the manager Alan Ball, sat having a quiet meal in a restaraunt, saying that they wanted the team to leave island that night!
  3. Quinny was class, gave his all too...played on one leg at Wolves when Kevin Scott got the winner, smashed his knee against a post completely knacking his season (and eventually his Newcastle career) at Pompey...but for me he wasnt in the same class as a finisher as Andy Cole during his time here. Forget his Man Utd troubles with Cantona and all his subsequent success there, at Newcastle he was phenomonal...55 goals in 70 games. If Keegan and Hall transformed the club, then Andy Cole was responsible on the pitch for putting their ambitions into effect more than any other player iyam.And in turn he's chiefly reponsible how we ourselves began to perceive the club and in turn how the rest of the country did. Can't think of another player we could have conceiveably attracted in 1993 who couldve acheived the same.
  4. Joey could always publicly apologise to ashley for abusing 'our beloved leader' if he really wanted to stay....dont think i'll hold my breath on that one mind ;-)
  5. Blatantly playing to the crowd ie us. Theres no way hes having medical as a free transfer and not signing.
  6. Now Deano So I hear....did you pozzies hatch this cunning plan in an attempt to fool the rest of us into thinking theres dozens of you?
  7. he's now Deano mate Is he?! I shouldve guessed really......he's consistent, I'll give him that
  8. Tiote's Nutz hasnt been on in a while.....was it a flounce?
  9. Welcome Weldy, couldnt agree more
  10. Pen to the guineas....Vermalen booked, fuck me the Gooners sausage roll keeper has saved it!
  11. One each in Udine.....Van Persie just eqialised di Natale's opener, half and hour left...
  12. Nice gaff, but I'd imagine theres a ma-hoosive hatstand hidden somewhere
  13. Exactly. Could be argued that the team spirit is one of the things holding the club together at the moment. Removing another major part of it can only cause problems. How many leaders do we have on that pitch now? Taylor? Shola? Coloccini? You think Barton is part of what creates the good team spirit? Someone who's moaning in and around training as well on on twitter. Cant do any good for team spirit in my opinion. Let him go and lets see Marveaux and Jonas on the wings. Anyone else you wouldnt mind getting rid of while we're at it?.....especially for nowt if you can swing it?......
  14. The thing about Barton is he really does give it the "great fans" shite all the time...it is naiive to think he was going to stay after being given a "get of jail free card" by the fools at the top but he said in May when he had the rug pulled from underneath him in the negotiations that he'd stay to the end of his contract. Things have changed, but he fuckin engineered it himself if you ask me by attacking the club on twitter.Barton and his agent knew that was going to end with the club getting rid of him. He and Mckay probably thought someone would come in with a 2 or 3 mill bid for the last year of his contract. But the "businessmen" have let a transfer fee slip through their hands and given him the perfect oppurtunity to stay onside with the fans. I just don't buy it tbh. He wanted out this summer, not next after saying in public the opposite. In some ways I can't blame him at all, but its down to the player himself and his agent. Bottom line is he is needed here this season. He's highly unlikely to be replaced because we have two free transfers and a youth team graduate who may be able to fill his boots but all three have question marks about their fitness. It may all work out fine, one of Gosling, Merveux or Vukic may be step up and do brilliantly. But its just another massive gamble yet again by Ashley. And he's lost out on a transfer fee because he's been fuckin played for a fool (no surpise there) by Barton and Mckay iyam.
  15. Because Willie Mckay is a cunt....and another thing I bet Barton wouldnt buy a copy of the Sun but doesnt mind getting into bed with its more respectable younger sister Sky tv. For someone who wants to portray a thoughtful, intelligent image he's not exactly shy about this is he? He could stay, see out his last year but the utter stupidity at the top of the club has given him the right to claim 'they dont want me' which is true. Its also true that if he wanted to do well by the only people in this country who defend him in any way then he could still stay. But I guess he's been a professional footballer too long to start thinking of supporters now...
  16. I think he goes to The Gorbals for his hols but he's not technically Scottish. Worrying that we're linked with him today by the way. Yeah I saw that too...sounds like his agent is casting via the tabloids to see if anyone takes the bait.... Just one cornetto Give it to me His dad was in ice cream His names _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I got locked out of the Swindon game, was fuckin gutted for weeks after...
  17. Ex mackem oxygen theif Sulley Muntari? :-D
  18. Theyre away to Swansea at the weekend and then home to Chlesea.........is it too optimistic to suggest if they draw a blank in those two that he's fuckin toast? Just seen the goal...great header by Mackail Smith
  19. Aye, really going out on a limb there mate Theres only been 6 world cups, SA and the Aussies have won 2 each...SA have only competed in 4 due to aparthied so am going for them...the Afrikaaners have a winning mentality that NZ lack if you ask me. And the pressure NZ be under in the modern media age (87 was basically the stone age when it comes to coverage) in their own back yard will be huge and they'll bottle it (again!) iyam.
  20. My err "cousin"* Chris is playing in his 4th world cup for Scotland. Ner ner ner ner ner * Well, I say cousin....we have a mutual ancestor from sometime around 1900
  21. when are England due to meet France?...not in the group stages..... So you're saying England will get through this group?....theyre still woefully inconsistent, even the 3-times-beaten-in-the-warm-ups Ireland could beat them ona good day, despite half the Irish team drawing a pension nowadays
  22. Growing up...obviously these fuckers have never heard of Berwick Rangers... 43.89 miles SCP Hibernian Football Club EH7 5QG 0844 844 1875 44.69 miles SCP Heart Of Midlothian Football Club EH11 2NL 0871 663 1874 47.54 miles PR Newcastle United Football Club NE1 4ST 0844 372 1892 Nowadays its Afc Bournemouth.. its sadly 367 miles to SJP :-(
  23. Are you for real Dougie Bimson pmsl They also describe Sheffield as being the most passionate football city in the country. Well yeah I'd disagree with parts of what theyve written myself,but they did research their books by talking to those who were there at the time. And Eddie did run with the main Chelsea mob in the early 80s. You're basing your opinion on this on what youve found yourself about Arsenals support and thats all their books are, a fans view. And we all come at these things with different experiances,angles and predjudices. So I think what they say is as valid as anyone else, especially as neither me or you are likely to have first hand knowledge of the London hooligan scene back then.
  24. Couple of things I've read over the years regarding this...Dougie and Eddie Brimson's book 'Capital Punishment' states that although back in the 80s Arsenal certainly had a hooligan following, it comparatively very small compared with the likes of West Ham, Millwall,Chelsea and Spurs. Phil King's novel 'The Football Factory' says that what firm they did have was mostly black kids from Finsbury Park and Hackney. Thats the opinion of those writers obviously but it may give a flavour of the clubs following back then. Arsenal also had 3 cracking black players in the mid to late 80s in Paul Davis, David Rocastle and Michael Thomas. We had Tony Cunningham. Go figure ;-)
  25. Apparently AP was sat with EP's agent at the match. Im sure he was trying to do a deal. Sturridge on loan still looks possible. Pardew doesnt do the deals, he's the coach. Llambias does the deals and Ashley says yes or no to the money being spent. Pardew said this the other day, its in the "Pardew: Our transfer policy is NO different to Man Uniteds" thread. And being fair to Pardew that is pretty standard practice at a lot of clubs. Its also a refreshing change to see Pardew actually looking at a prospective signing instead of being told by Llambias "heres one that Graham has looked at, it'll be a good deal, he's on a free" But I still dont think we'll sign him. I still think we'll get Iain Harte (or similar) on loan at 4pm on the 31st of August If Sturridge wants first team football I think he is probably setting his sights a bit higher than us at the moment.
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