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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Not Channon but all the rest mentioned (bar Varadi ) were there....but sadly (and I have to say I thought Cassidy was still with us ) none were playing for us at the time...Davey Mac was at Tulsa Roughnecks but must have joined after the WC http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_FIFA_Wor..._squads#England
  2. Ok...this is a piece of piss with google, but it may make one or two think.... Name the NUFC players who played at the 82 world cup in Spain?....
  3. Aye ticket landed on the mat at the weekend....forgot to see how much it was I think someone said they were being redeuced to 40 quid....?
  4. I wonder if, to borrow a phrase from Pulp Fiction, "pride is fucking" with Pardew?....has he suddenly grown a pair?...if he has he's most likely,sooner or later, out of a job whether he wishes to stay or not. If we get his usual covering up for a pair of unprincipled wankers then I guess he's quite happy with being a patsy for them. I remember on his appointment him sitting there at the presser completly on his own. Silly fuckin twat. If he does walk, and tbh theres nothing to indicate that he's about to bar the bookies odds, who would be desperate enough to work for Micky n Tricky now?.....
  5. Who was that mate?....he wasnt a mackem was he?.... Nah, a bloke called Hughie Milbourne. He's dead now like. He was a great bloke. Proper piss-heed which probably did for him in the end. Burradon lad but moved to Cramlington. reason I asked was I was working with a mackem pipefitter who'd lived in Grangemouth in the 70s and had a young Alan Wells training with him. Maurice was his name, knew Bobby Charlton's old man too who used to train Jackie Milburn for the summer sprints....I think some old players used to run at Powderhall under pseudonyms though...Kevin Beattie springs to mind with that for some reason... Theres been a good school from Crammy over the years iirc. My sisters ex ran Powderhall in 87 and was home fovourite, fellah called Keith Douglas from Jedburgh. He was up against a lad called William Snoddy from the US though, who wouldve apparently went to Moscow in 1980 if the yanks hadnt boycotted it. Snoddy was off scratch and pissed it.
  6. Who was that mate?....he wasnt a mackem was he?....
  7. Is there any chance that Bolt is using performance enhancers? A lot of his Jamaican teamates have been done for it in the last few years. That 100m at Seoul that was mentioned earlier was the most bent race in history.....every one of the atheletes was a drugs cheat, caught either before or after the race, in Lewis's case decades after when the huge cover up that protected him was exposed. The village I lived in before moving down south has it's own "professional games" in the summer, we've produced some Powderhall champions over the years, and I'd much rather watch that sort of thing than top class international athletics nowadays. It's who has the best chemists who wins. Ask Dwain Chambers. He knew he'd never beat the Yanks clean. To be fair that was a few years back, but the times Bolt is running.....can't see him being clean tbh.
  8. All anyone has to do if they want to see a big-ish premier league club ran on "business lines" then just look at Spurs under Alan Sugar in the 90s. Made a tiny profit most years, shite for the turnover though. Stayed mid table fuckin wank all the way through our KK years when we finsihed second twice and had a 20k+ waiting list for season tickets. Spurs crowds fell in the 90s though, when almost every other club's went through the roof.....now its Spurs with the waiting list and us haemorraging support, and some of those who do go have been set against each other by those in charge of the club at the first two home games this season so that is likely to continue if you ask me. We're going to be fucked by the sort of poverty of ambition being displayed by Ashley and co, all we can do is either wait for him to sell (unlikely with all his free advetising at SJP) or force him out. Fuck knows how to do that though, for many of the reasons listed in this and other threads. Mags don't seem to have much heart for it nowadays though....different times now from 89-92. Maybe the club doesnt matter as much to as many anymore?...tbh I'm pretty apathetic about the whole thing myself. Enjoy awaydays far more than going to SJP nowadays. And, sad to say, I'm not completley unhappy with that situation.
  9. She can sing alright, but KSA is mostly right,its simple easy listening for simple easy going folks.Thing is that stuff is massively popular. If you ask me though, the queen of heartfelt soulful "just been dumped" music which pisses over Adele, Winehouse and anything else in that sort of genre for the next 4 decades, then its definetly Dusty Springfiled. She was brilliant. And if you want a (male) side order to go with that try any of Marc Almond's solo stuff, great "torch" songs. Adele has also just sent half the single mothers in south east Dorset into despair by cancelling tomorrow nights gig in Bournemouth http://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/9231...due_to_illness/ When was the Jonathan Ross show recorded?...maybe Wednesday last week?....did she seem a bit croaky on that?
  10. So the public image of the club that viewers on TV will see the most is a (free) advert for the owner's retail outlets. A new low?....I'm struggling to think how things could get worse, but falling crowds (10k missing v Fulham, they dont bring more than a bus full but its still a oncern) and pitting fans against each other in the south east corner may just be a prelude to relegation. That would be worse than the last time the err "businessman" lost a fortune by shoving us down the trap door last time.
  11. "make more empty headed guesses"
  12. I'm not revelling in anything this evening but where exactly do you get this fuckin bollocks from? It's not a brand its supposed to be a football team. Fuck knows how we'll get on, it could be great, but it most likely will be slightly above poor, as per fuckin usual. What you're describing is something that we could have been if even half of the 35 mill had been spent, not next to fuck all of it.
  13. I'd say it was the opposite mate? God squadders have the fish as it was an early Christian way of identifying each other. ( they drew it in the sand, bit like the Mason's handshake. ) My reading of the above is that he's saying he's a Darwinist. Edit: Mind, if he's driving round in a Kaka with that on, it kind of argues against Darwin. Of course you're right....he's trying to distance himself from the creationists? Still, didnt know he was a god botherer....nowt wrong with that as such, but why advertise it?.... and there's very little christian about him taking advantage of a legal mess and nicking my car parking space as well, the smarmy two faced twat Aye, grown man in his early 30s. went out and bought not just a brand new Ka, but the err "sports" version, like some sort of racey district nurse
  14. Just been outside to my car.....noticed that my complete cunt of a neighbour now has one of these proudly stuck to the arse end of his Ka: I take it that it's some sort of fundamentalist christian/creationist fuckin bollocks? I shouldve known he was a religious fuckin loon, am just annoyed with myself that its taken this to make it obvious
  15. Familiar ring to that line.... Tried our best value for money hard when people know you've 35m to spend etcetc three words describe our hunt for a striker Eight Months, Pathetic We got one. Sell Carroll 35mill Bring in Ba for nothing. 7 points from 9 to open the season....oh and a brace from Leon at the weekend....remember his hatrick in January?.... Jobs a good 'un says Del boy and tricky Micky
  16. If Crouch goes to the mackems anyone any idea who have Spurs lined up to replace him?.......
  17. I remember his brother....played for QPR, got a few caps under Graham Taylor..... anyone seen my coat?;-)
  18. From this time l;ast season, we've lost 4 first choice players and not adequetly replaced even one of them. The football fucktard's fucktard Paul Merson has tipped us for the drop and if that gurning gibbon* can see whats going on then I imagine if we're on the other end of a loss this afternoon there may be a few chants of "wheres the money gone?" ringing round SJP later on *apologies to all sane,rational,intelligent and non gurning gibbons reading this thread.
  19. Certainly looks that way atm. Joey manipulated this situation but only when the door was shut in his face. I remember him saying last season that he'd sign a new deal if Nolan did. I think theyve both tried to keep the fans onside but at the end of the day they both left for more money than they wouldve got if theyd stayed and sucked it up, and both gone to (smaller) clubs they'll never feel the same way about as they seemingly do about us. More non local ex players eulogise about the support at NUFC than at any other club I can think of. Mick Quinn almost had an on air row with Adrian Durham once when he questioned Quinn's claim that we were "a special club" They don't fuckin understand, Quinny and countless others who have done well for us do, but in this day and age money talks and loyalty walks. We're the only truly loyal ones.
  20. Stoke's europa league group: Group E: Dynamo Kiev Besiktas Stoke Maccabi Tel-Aviv Are Kiev the only ones to have been officialy in Europe for more than 50 years? .....either way its a minimum 4 hour flight to all of them...cant see the "naughty 40" rampaging across any of those cities...would be an education for them mind....Jewish Tel Aviv, secular muslim Istanbul and ex communist Ukraine....nice mix...fuckin expensive though.
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