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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. I think Manchester is a shithole myself, the city centre is quite modern but it's got fuck all character, nothing like Newcastle in my view, but you have some of the nicest places in Britain within 15 miles like Alderley Edge, just live there ffs. Rather live in Brazil tbh. Surely Tevez was living somewhere out in Cheshire anyway?....and who'd want Fergie, Robbie Savage and Alan Green as neigbours anyway?....i'd rather live in rural Northumberland. Knocks spots off anything Cheshire has to offer. Alderly Edge used to be an averagely pretty, if fairly sleepy, large-ish village until the manc/scouse 'stockbrokers' started moving in, followed by the footballers. Now they say its full of hideous noveau riche wankers. Perhaps Carlos thought they were bell ends too.
  2. Got 2 very good mates who are Everton fans and theyd back up what Andy is saying. Slow and crap before his injury may well mean slower and crapper now. We got him because of a technicality in his contract allowed him to move for nowt, which is what most attractive part of the deal for us. Mike and Dekka do like a free. Looks like this one hasnt worked though.
  3. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...l#ixzz1ZBduqcxt
  4. 'You're only as good as your last game' spings to mind here. Wigan, Hull and Blackpool have all appeared in the top 4 at this stage of the season recently. Far too early to judge wether we've moved forward or backwards or stayed the same,which is the most likely outcome of this summers comings and goings. I understand Chez's post and his posistion completly but i'd ask him would he feel able to brush off all the lies,deceit and chronic bullshit that comes with the Ashley regime if he'd,for instance, been moved from L7 this summer? Its easy to have a balanced overview if you dont feel your constantly being shafted by the club. I'm in the south east corner and to say the match day atmosphere has been unpleasant this season would be putting it mildly. All caused by Ashley's decision to do away with the singing section. I cant truly appreciate Cabaye and HBA at home games because of the animosity towards those from L7 and the subsequent reaction from the L7ers themselves. Its fuckin horrible. This isnt a dig at Chez or anyone else. Am not giving it the 'supafan' bollocks and understand that all our personal circumstances are different. Indeed from what I can gather from on here Chez's career is a lot more worthy and laudable than most,certainly mine. But I would say its easy to be slightly benevolent towards our owner if his decisions weren't smacking you in the face everytime you turn up for a game.
  5. Nobody saw him play at least 3 games for his country at the world cup a month be fore he signed then? ;-)
  6. Tinker Taylor on Saturday.....it was ok, wasnt sure what it was trying to be though...I'd assumed it was a cold war "thriller", but I wasnt particularly "thrilled", or gripped etc...but some of the performances are great, Oldman is class but Colin Firth steals it for me, he's the best around atm. I'd wait for the DVD Fish if I were you, no special effects that are better on a 30ft screen etc.
  7. Err, thats a no... Stoke 4 Newcastle United 0 Harper Simpson Jose Enrique Williamson Coloccini Campbell Barton Tiote Nolan Ameobi Lovenkrands http://www.nufc.com/html/2010-11html/2011-03-19stoke-a.html
  8. radio said Ferguson was hobbling at the end, we had made all 3 changes by then...think that was it. Ben Arfa did an hour, Merveux 120 mins...
  9. Are there highlights on the box tonight? I can't see any listed.... tommorow, bbc 1 about 2320 I seem to be thinking...saw a trailer for it...maybe.... edit: or it could be itv 1
  10. We won our last shoot out at Watford a couple of years back didnt we?...
  11. Speaking frankly, if you thought your missus was being tempted a while back and now you are it sounds like you're both a bit frisky. And possibly not right for each other in the first place. And as someone said it could be a honeytrap. If this bird is upper midtable/top 6 of the premier league and your usual standard is say lower midtable or dare I say play off places in the championship then I wouldnt touch it with a bargepole if I valued my marriage. But it sounds like you may not. No, don't thank me
  12. http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/bbc_r...ve_sports_extra
  13. Its on 5live sports extra, think you can get it on the bbc website
  14. Its going to happen, Rob! I won't be in any football ground when thats going on mate. I like a minutes silence, The atmosphere directly after the ref blows to end the minute is brilliant. The applause thing isnt the same but if you didnt like the person recently deceased at least you dont have to clap if you dont want to. But she can fuck off. It'll be another PR diasater for the powers that be if they try to make clubs do it after what she tried to do to football supporters.
  15. To be fair to him he also said the police were entirely responsible for the deaths at Hillsborough for failing to close the tunnel through to the centre pens before opening the gate. They were only interested (and listened) to the 'scrapping terraces' bit, mate. Aye, they were... but he wasn't. Dunno if you've read the reports he did but all seater stadia was only one of many recommendations that he made. They carefully ignored the rest. Used to come watch the matches as SJP as well, did he not? Well my retired librarian aunt knew him, don't know if he went to the games. He also said it shouldn't be used as an excuse to raise the prices when the converted stands from terraces came into effect. Yeah right! If I recall correctly Freddie Fletcher was one of the chief beneficies of the recommendations of the Taylor Report. I think the story is he is responsible for re building Ibrox after the disaster there in the 70s. He was on the board there and I think thats where SJH got him from to help with the development of SJP. I think Fletchers own company supplied the actual seats for a large number of the new stadiums that went up in the nineties. Good commercial bloke Fletcher, dont think he's have changed the sign on the East Stand though
  16. Never have been Barton's biggest fan and never will be, but "Kelvin" He's spot on in everything he says there too, I'd hardly heard of Henry before that game last season. Yeah, do it at nowts each like you did at Anfield a couple of years back Joey. Just back from the best part of a season out when we were staring relagation in the face you kick Alonso when hes heading towards his own byline with the ball and get a straight red,suspended for the final 3 games of the season and we go down. No wonder Shearer wanted to twat him after the game. Good player, needed at NUFC this season and obviously trying to change his ways but this petty little outburst just proves he'll more than likely always be a grade A bell end as a person.
  17. Think its been mentined before on here about a minutes silence for the fuckin cow at football matches when she finally croaks it...the FA/football lge/Prem Lge would be foolish to say the least to try to impose that on us. Good points about South Yorkshire Police...the worst of the worst. Older lads said the miners strike made them think they could treat anyone like shite and get away with it. My first visit to Hillsborough was the season before the disaster and ended with a mate in the back of a mariah getting the shit kicked out of him by 3 big brave boys in blue. When Trevor Hicks was frantically searching for his 2 dead daughters he was told to "shut his fuckin prattle" by another S.Y officer. Nice PR. Didnt Bruce Grobellaar have to tell the copper by the fence to do something as it was obvious there were serious problems when the stupid fucker was just stood there? The man in charge of the operation that day was Superintendant David Duckinfield who got early retirement and a nice pension, whilst he allowed the victims to be smeared, their fellow fans to be vilified and the families lied to. All because Maggie loved the SYP.
  18. I found it interesting the other day when Parsnip was talking about the transfer window and he said "we put players to the board......". "We". Possibly an insignificant word, but I found it a bit more than that. It's wonderful how things can work when you have a head scout rather than a DoF. I found it interesting the other day when Parsnip was talking about the transfer window and he said "we put players to the board......". "We". Possibly an insignificant word, but I found it a bit more than that. It's wonderful how things can work when you have a head scout rather than a DoF. Aye Ashley has realised the stupidity of appointing 3 blokes in Wise,Jiminez an Vetere to do a job Graham Carr appears to be able to do 3 times as well on his own. Am I right in saying only Vukic looks like making it out of the players Wise & co brought into the club?..
  19. Can you give an example of Hughton's reluctance to toe the party line? He played hell when Carroll was sold and not replaced and was sacked soon after. Pardew has had Barton, Enrique and Nolan flogged and has barely grumbled. Let's not pretend Pardew wasn't solely employed as a YES man just because Joey Barton said something nice about him. Neither could hold a candle to Keegan or Robson either btw. Like either of those would have stood for MA changing the name of the ground, plastering huge signs everywhere or buying and selling players behind the managers backs. That happened to Robson, and he stood for it. Can you give an example of this during Sir Bob's time here? Robson also wanted to sell Shearer to Liverpool after they offered £5 million for him, but Shepherd wouldn't let him do so. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...es-decline.html All true. Speed was on his way out as a player and we'd bought (expensively and on paper, quite well iyam) his replacement/s in Jenas and Viana. Bowyer was apparently disliked by Shepherd and seeing as how he was brought in on free Shep may have seen a profit to be made and a wage off the bill. And I thiink you've read the Shearer thing wrong. They got an offer and it was turned down. Shearer was bigger than the club and Shepherd both knew it and allowed it to happen when he shouldve been replaced before he retired. Sir Bob's book (your source for the other two examples) doesnt state that he wanted to sell him, it says he wanted to bring in Emile M'penza and ease Shearer out of the first team picture. I didnt state that it hadnt happened. I gave a plausible reason why things like that do happen at football clubs. There are others as you've stated. What about the rest of my post though?....any manager of KK or Sir Bob's vintage wouldnt put up with whats going on at SJP in 2011. Things are changing in football in this country, things are going a lot more "continental"...we've got that set up here. I just can't see where its going to go with a manager not being given the profits made on players to reinvest in the squad, like the financial support Redknapp has received at Spurs. We're not going to progress as a football club with the policy we have here at the moment. Without making excuses for Ashley (because it isn't that), what actual sense is there in saying that profits on player transactions should be ringfenced for player acquisitions? It actually bears no relationship to the overall budget of the club. Also, in a way it endorses the practice of buying and then selling at a profit-the very thing that everyone is up in arms about. I think you have to dissociate the two things tbh. Obviously it's easy for players to come out and say that's what should happen, but then they're only interested in that money ending up in their pockets at the end of the day and wouldn't have the first inkling as to the economy of running a football club-even if they are disposed to imply that they do I'm not an accountant or all that business literate tbh. But I can see Spurs selling Berbatov and Carrick and susequently qualifying for the champions league, something they didnt acheive with those players in the side. And Spurs acheived it with a wages cieling. And the'll be there or there abouts 4-6th this season again, possibly even higher. Thats because they got a manager of proven ability and gave him some money to make his own choices with. They generated a lot of that cash by selling players they already had. All that is vastly different to how things have been done here, apart from selling our best players. What the players have subsequently said has to be taken with a bucket load of salt as you say. Fuck knows what Barton and Nolan wanted in the first place, but there was a chance for compromise iyam, not just shoving them out the door. So if theyd signed at the start of the year would Enrique have stayed?...probably not, but we'll never know because there was no intention to keep him anyway, judging by his contract offer of the same money he was on. And as you say we dont know if new contracts for those 3 wouldve made us financially head towards the receivership courts but I doubt if it they would have. Look at Spurs...We're 10-15k fans a fortnight better off than them and we act like fuckin Wigan. I suppose we're all guessing to a large extent but we're going nowhere and it doesnt matter if Pardew is the secret lovechild of the little known unholy union of Sir Matt Busby,Jose Mourihno and Roy of the fuckin Rovers thats not going to change with the clowns we have in charge.
  20. That was my question that was being answered and not Leazes. What the fuck has it got to do with him in this thread?....you can answer my pioints if you like, but anyone would think that you were trying to hijack this thread to start a petty argument with him....again...
  21. Can you give an example of Hughton's reluctance to toe the party line? He played hell when Carroll was sold and not replaced and was sacked soon after. Pardew has had Barton, Enrique and Nolan flogged and has barely grumbled. Let's not pretend Pardew wasn't solely employed as a YES man just because Joey Barton said something nice about him. Neither could hold a candle to Keegan or Robson either btw. Like either of those would have stood for MA changing the name of the ground, plastering huge signs everywhere or buying and selling players behind the managers backs. That happened to Robson, and he stood for it. Can you give an example of this during Sir Bob's time here? Robson also wanted to sell Shearer to Liverpool after they offered £5 million for him, but Shepherd wouldn't let him do so. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/...es-decline.html All true. Speed was on his way out as a player and we'd bought (expensively and on paper, quite well iyam) his replacement/s in Jenas and Viana. Bowyer was apparently disliked by Shepherd and seeing as how he was brought in on free Shep may have seen a profit to be made and a wage off the bill. And I thiink you've read the Shearer thing wrong. They got an offer and it was turned down. Shearer was bigger than the club and Shepherd both knew it and allowed it to happen when he shouldve been replaced before he retired. Sir Bob's book (your source for the other two examples) doesnt state that he wanted to sell him, it says he wanted to bring in Emile M'penza and ease Shearer out of the first team picture. I didnt state that it hadnt happened. I gave a plausible reason why things like that do happen at football clubs. There are others as you've stated. What about the rest of my post though?....any manager of KK or Sir Bob's vintage wouldnt put up with whats going on at SJP in 2011. Things are changing in football in this country, things are going a lot more "continental"...we've got that set up here. I just can't see where its going to go with a manager not being given the profits made on players to reinvest in the squad, like the financial support Redknapp has received at Spurs. We're not going to progress as a football club with the policy we have here at the moment.
  22. Can you give an example of Hughton's reluctance to toe the party line? He played hell when Carroll was sold and not replaced and was sacked soon after. Pardew has had Barton, Enrique and Nolan flogged and has barely grumbled. Let's not pretend Pardew wasn't solely employed as a YES man just because Joey Barton said something nice about him. Neither could hold a candle to Keegan or Robson either btw. Like either of those would have stood for MA changing the name of the ground, plastering huge signs everywhere or buying and selling players behind the managers backs. That happened to Robson, and he stood for it. Almost all managers are told to raise cash by selling players at some point in their careers knowing full well the cash won't be re invested in the squad. Thats how we got Batty out of the blue from Leeds, they needed the cash for a bill for something or other.Can you give an example of this during Sir Bob's time here? The thing Sir Bob wouldnt have put up with is the wholesale shipping out of the most talented (and opinionated tbf) players from the sqaud to be replaced with unproven cheap foreign replacements, and with no chance of the mananger himself reinvesting any profits made back into the squad, relying chiefly on a DoF/cheif scout to identify talent for the team, a team managed by a man who is responsible for the results of a team largely recruited by others. KK could see the game at SJP and walked. So would have Sir Bob iyam. Old Skool. Pardew will put up with this situation with little or no complaint. Makes him a fuckin puppet in my book. The best thing I can say about him is he seems to learn from his mistakes. But he has been hamstrung by the unwillingness of the club to finance a centre forward for the team and players signed with questionable medical backgrounds. This situation would drive anyone fuckin mental...keeping a team of millionaires happy and motivated and also having to dance to the owner/chairman's tune. If we don't get a centre forward in January then I'd expect him to walk if he has a shred of pride in himself. If we're down near the bottom I think they'll sack him anyway. If we're bobbing along in mid table acheiving next to fuck all then things will stay as they are.
  23. Can you give an example of Hughton's reluctance to toe the party line? He played hell when Carroll was sold and not replaced and was sacked soon after. Pardew has had Barton, Enrique and Nolan flogged and has barely grumbled. Let's not pretend Pardew wasn't solely employed as a YES man just because Joey Barton said something nice about him. Neither could hold a candle to Keegan or Robson either btw. Like either of those would have stood for MA changing the name of the ground, plastering huge signs everywhere or buying and selling players behind the managers backs. Mental. Or am I missing some outrageous sarcasm. Thats what I'm thinking....am I reading that right?.....Hughton kicked up fuck when Carroll was sold in January this year, even though Hughton had been sacked the previous November?..
  24. Rangers 4 Celtic 2 ft Naismith with 2 for Rangers, he's a canny player iyam, Jelavich too. Mulgrew sent off for Celtic at 3-2.
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