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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. That blog writer ripped off that Lyon story lock stock and barrel from a chapter in a book called "Why England Lose" by Simon Kuper and Stefan Szymanski. I've referred to it a couple of times on here and I think Leazes has read it too. "Christian" has just been on national radio claiming it as an original idea of his. Prick. http://www.leazesterrace.com/lyon-on-tyne-newcastls-unlikely-inspiration/
  2. Theres some bell end (blog writer, blog has "Leazes" in the title...he's called Christian?) on 5live just said "you cant really fault Mike Ashley".......yes you can and anyone blowing smoke up his arse for striking lucky with Graham Carr and Pardew should know he's incapable of making 2 decent decisions in a row. Cunning though...get the fans onside by selling the waverers cheap season tickets then change the name of the stadium.....if this is true.......
  3. A compronise has been reached....fifa have said England (and Wales?) can wear a poppy on their black armbands that they will be wearing for the games this weekend http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport
  4. Taken from "Macilvaney on Boxing" which is as brilliant as this article suggests. Theres an article on Johnny Owen from Merthyr, who died in the ring in LA in 1980 in front of his father who trained him. Cried my eyes out after reading that, beautifully and sensitively written. http://www.amazon.co.uk/McIlvanney-Boxing-Mainstream-Sport-Hugh/dp/1840186054/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1320791539&sr=8-1
  5. The thing about this Spain team (apart from being utterly and completely brilliant) is that they appear to love playing with each other.....that is what is going to ruin England apart from "our lads" being mediocre at best. When the Spain squad meet up it'll more than likely be like a high school reunion than a football squad. You can tell by the way they all play for each other that they just love to play. Theres no fuckin way theyre going to take their feet off the collective pedal this lot. Not in front of a full house at Wembley. What sort of collective mood will the England players turn up in?....Shit scared of the manager, shit scared of Terry trying to shaft their birds in the players lounge after the game, shit scared of getting injured mid season and shit scared of the present crop of morons who inhabit Wembley on International nights. Spain will win by at least 3 without getting out of second gear.
  6. From the Football Ramble after the Stoke game. I think 3 defeats are on the cards but if as the blog says, we emerge from them in the top 4, would we be contenders for a CL place? Hard to say really....if we get beat in the next 3 games, but get 9 from 12, or even 7 from 12 say in the next 4 very winnable fixtures then we'd be 5th or 6th at worst. We were top at christmas in 01 but finsihed 4th eventually, with probably a couple less teams with the ability squad wise to catch us. So unlikely iyam, but you never know. We had 22 points at this stage in 01, but am not sure where that had us in the table. We went top at Arsenal on December 18th and stayed there the following week by beating Leeds. Chelsea beat us to knock us off between Christmas and New Year but I think we were top again sometime in January.
  7. 5 years?...sounds like he's been offered a small rise and a long contract. He'll likely sign and then be sold should a good offer come in. The it's 'over to you Graham!..find us a cheap world class centre back capable of hitting the ground running and also with good oragnising and leadership skills' Was saying to a mate yesterday who the fuck are Argentina's centre backs if Colo cant even make the squad? Him and Kompany are miles better than anyone else this season.
  8. That article makes it sound as if we're doing something unheard of here at nufc which is patent bollocks. How will our 'plan' look if we finish 12th after selling Tiote and Colo in January? Am not saying its certain to happen, but if recent history is anything to go by there must be a chance that one of them might go if a good offer is made. I hope to be proved wrong like but I remain 'skeptical' about Ashley's long term aims/next guess at good club management/massive and risky gamble. He's tried all 3 during his time here and his latest throw of the dice has come good....for the moment.
  9. Benefit fraud is wrong obviously, but how much will/does it cost the country compared with bailing out the banks and stuff like quantative easing?....all the cuts that ordinary people are suffering would be on a lot smaller scale if we hadn't have had to borrow billions to try to sort that mess out. I just cant get too excited about things like some chancer claiming benefits under false pretences or the MP's expenses affair. Its all a drop in the ocean compared with what the banks have cost to keep going.
  10. You can't apply value to the shirt in the same post as you remove value from it. I love that the #9 Newcastle shirt is revered and wouldn't diminish it by giving it to anyone but a legend. A legend such as Martins for instance?.... I think Shola should be given it for the rest of his contract. Loves the club, we're the only silly fuckers to keep giving him contracts. But that aside, he's been here longer than anyone now Stevie Taylor's looking like he's removed himself from the (team) picture. And above all he would truly appreciate and understand the gesture.
  11. Only 16 pages. Thats just sad. Its not as bad as this one...this should go in our "gold" section http://www.readytogo.net/smb/showthread.php?t=640900&page=2
  12. Stoke were better at football than us last season, whichever way they wished to play it. Whatever you say about them last season was great for them but they may be paying the price for it now. Possibly the worst european competition group draw for an English team ever. Theyre off to Israel to play on Thursday then back to play Bolton on Sunday. Without their captain and best centre half and the first choice right back,both injured last night. I almost feel sorry for them. Last night for a change we matched them physically and showed huge spirit and commitment to the task. They didnt play 2 balls all night as good as the ones Obertan and Colo played in the build up to our first 2 goals. That was the key....show we weren't going to be pushed around (like last season...shocking display) by them and then beat them at football. This was Pardews victory...got the tactics spot on, and obviously motivated the players brilliantly. Well done to them and Pardew.
  13. I could be wrong but wasnt one of the sky pundits that night Alan Hansen?... It was definetly the first game I watched on sky, and they were all bumming themselves up..'ooh we were laughed at for screening this competition by the press but we knew it would be great blah blah blah'...self aggrandising wankers even in those days...
  14. I'd make a new thread about this but I dont want to upset poor old Leazes on a Sunday...from the Daily/Sunday Express website:
  15. Glass always half full with me mate
  16. I fully expect an offer to come in from Liverpool, and I fully expect Colo to be offered no more than 30-40k a week to stay. That will have only one outcome. Dont expect the proceeds to be used to buy a top quality centre back, but do expect Graham Carr to unearth a young talented french speaking african lad playing on the continent who we'll fail to sign having put a derisory offer in for at 9pm on the 31st of January 2012,this after having scouted him for the preceading 6 months. And then expect more mealy mouthed bullshit from those in charge at the club, including Pardew. Or we may sign Liam Ridgewell from Birmingham.....
  17. underrated iyam....that game v Arsenal when him and Jamie Mclen(?) more than put it up to Viera and Gilberto. Wtf happend to Mclen?....he once lit a cigar with a 20 pound note in High Pit club in Cramlington....various retired miners struggling on shite pensions and with horrible lung diseses remained disticntly unimpressed. Clarence got the winner at White Hart Lane and we met one of his mates from Chile that night...Alex, lives in Watford. Was hanging out of a very slutty married woman for a while iirc...just in case you were wondering...
  18. If you're still out there Leazes what was Benny Arentoft like?.....one of the 10 best?......
  19. Re-living my long lost youth by going to see The Specials in Bournemouth tonight, then some halloween party at friends tomorrow night. Sat and Sun may well see me sleeping. A lot.
  20. Have we made 3 substitutions?....if Krul goes off who's going in? Sammy O?
  21. So were Scunny and Forest....I'd say our name was on the cup but frankly man city are fuckin scarily good atm so maybe not.........?
  22. ref evens the dodgy pen count by the sounds of it...Lovenkrands to take....goal 3 each.....pull back on Cabaye apparently...
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