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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Portsmouth v Southampton last month had more travel restrictions than any North East derby I've been to. There's 2 main roads into Pompey, a motorway and a dual carriageway. The Southampton fans didn't get their tickets till they got on the buses before leaving St Mary's . Then the police completely closed the dual carriageway to other traffic for the two hours before the game. There are roads leading on to the dual carriageway once you get into Pompey and they were all barricaded off and there was police on every motorway bridge between the two cities as well. The buses were then taken one at a time down the dual carriageway to Fratton Park. It worked, but most locals thought it was a case of hugely expensive overkill. Id agree with that but there's no doubt these two despise each other in a way only 2 different cities can. The mix is too close in most other derbies with teams from the same city. They're all too cheek by jowel to take it to the violent extremes that mobs from two seperate cities do,when they have little or no social or occupational cross over.
  2. Oh and just seen the goals, fuckin class both of them. Ben Arfa's last feint before the shot was unbeleiveable, so little room to work in. Can't think of many players capable of that (morning Senor Messi ) Jonas's was great too, cool as fuck finish. Can only imagine the pandamonium at the end, gutted to miss it.
  3. Couldnt make it yesterday, family stuff going on, was round the outlaws when the winner went in, think I scared them a bit.... So me and the missus went out for a meal to celebrate and so I could explain the phrase "our names on the cup this season am tellin ye"....which led to me drinking loads of some lovely imported Peruvian beer, which led to me saying that I'd marry her if Newcastle win the cup this season After I explained we last bothered the scorers 5 months before I was born she was a bit crestfallen, but she's suddenly taking a real interest in football for a change...not sure if thats a good thing either, shes on about coming to the next round now
  4. Shola looking like a young Nelson Mandela there on Sky A great game of football, Man Utd second best all over the pitch. Why Fergie didnt sign 2 midfielders in the summer is beyond me....maybe theyre carrying too much debt?! ...never mind, fuck them and them worldwide plastic bandwagon jumping fans. Got to say Simpson and Ba are two of the best "atheletes" I've ever seen play for us. Fuckin incredible both of them. And Tim Krul was virtually faultless. Fergie much be fuckin gutted with the clowns he's got between the sticks with what he saw tonight.
  5. Fuckin hell you couldnt make some of this shit up...one of the black players Dalglish did sign was on 5live drive last night and he was fuckin fuming. John Barnes main beef was how its only now 20 odd years after when it was rife in the game that racial abuse from an opposing player is being taken seriously. Don't know if its on podcast or anything but its worth listening to because he's plainly furious with the media in general over this as well as the likes of Terry and Suarez.
  6. Is this the same "minor" knee injury that kept him out of the Inter side on 3 different occasions last season?....what a completely unexpected surprise... :/
  7. Is it beyond the realms of possibility that Santon may be injured?......
  8. If a fan was arrested for racially abusing someone at a football match and found guilty I think theres a fair chance that they'd end up with a banning order. Imagine the England captain banned from every football ground in the country. Not to mention that if they had a season ticket for their club, wjich would be revoked as well and it would be nigh on impossible to get it back when the banning order had run its time. Thats if,of course, all things were equal in life. Which of course they're not where millionaire footballers are concerned. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1123823/Four-Tottenham-fans-banned-indecent-Campbell-chants.html
  9. from the FA: An Independent Regulatory Commission has today [Tuesday 20 December 2011] found a charge of misconduct against Luis Suarez proven, and have issued a suspension for a period of eight matches as well as fining him £40,000, pending appeal. On 16 November 2011, The Football Association charged Luis Suarez with misconduct contrary to FA Rule E3 in relation to the Liverpool FC versus Manchester United FC fixture on 15 October 2011. A hearing took place from 14-20 December 2011 before an Independent Regulatory Commission of The FA to consider the charge. The Independent Regulatory Commission announced its decision on 20 December 2011, which is as follows: Mr Suarez used insulting words towards Mr Evra during the match contrary to FA Rule E3(1); the insulting words used by Mr Suarez included a reference to Mr Evra's colour within the meaning of Rule E3(2); Mr Suarez shall be warned as to his future conduct, be suspended for eight matches covering all first team competitive matches and fined the sum of £40,000; the [penalty] is suspended pending the outcome of any appeal lodged by Mr Suarez against this decision. The Independent Regulatory Commission will provide written reasons for its decision in due course setting out: (a) the findings of fact made by it; ( the reasons for its decision finding the charge proved; and © the reasons for the penalty. Mr Suarez has the right to appeal the decision of the Independent Regulatory Commission to an Appeal Board. An appeal must be lodged within 14 days of the date of the written reasons for the decision. The penalty is suspended until after the outcome of any appeal, or the time for appealing expires, or should Mr Suarez decide not to appeal. The reason for this is to ensure that the penalty does not take effect before any appeal so that Mr Suarez has an effective right of appeal. http://www.thefa.com/TheFA/Disciplinary/NewsAndFeatures/2011/luis-suarez-20-12-11 The FA dont actually accuse Suarez of being a racist, he was on a charge of misconduct which appears to have been proven. Frankly all bollocks, as Brock says it'll probably be reduced on appeal. Doesnt look good for John Terry mind...
  10. Is it just me or are the Blackburn fans in general being treated in a completely different way by the media in general than we would be if it was us up in arms about people at the top of the club?....any foaming mouthed rants from Syed or Dennis?....no, thought not. And who the fuck do they think the Venky's are going to appoint should he get the bullet?... we havent got a lot to judge them on but sacking a proven manager like Allardyce (yeah I know, but he just about suited them) and replacing him with an unknown and untried fall guy may well show their policy might be.....as long as the potential new manager is on the books of the agent Jerome Anderson that is. They signed his apparently useless son not long after he became involved at Ewood. Funny that. Frankly the Balckburn fans are directing their anger at the wrong person iyam. Keen is just symptom of the problems, not the cause.
  11. Yes. Yes. YES! If you like that Jonny you'll love this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUK4pTQXrQQ
  12. I ended up in one of these establishments the night Ricky Hatton got twatted by Maywether.....there was a lass in there and I'm not sure if I've ever seen a better looking bird with my own eyes...like a minature version of Kelly Brook, she was fuckin stunnning....its a "snatch out" establsihment so I overcame my natural shyness and disaappeared with her for my 5 minute look at her goods, very nice too....anyway there was 4 of us and I was the only single one at the time. One of the other lads clapped eyes on her and "occupied" her for the rest of the night, he spent £200+ and he even missed the boxing that the rest of us had gone to the bar next door to watch. We went back to get him about half 5-6ish where we found him mortal sat in the reception area. We said "come on then you dirty bastard, lets get a cab". He then informed us that he'd paid the "management" for this lass to finish her shift and that he was going to pay her even more for what she'd promised to do to him once theyd got back to the flat he'd shared with his own bird for the previous 3 years, who was out of town for the night but due back on the Sunday morning, and that we were to disappear sharpish as his new friend would be down in a minute. One of the other lads was the fellah of his birds sister and told him in no uncertain terms that he was a fuckin idiot and he was getting in a cab NOW!...needless to say, he was promptly told to fuck off and mind his own business. After some more harsh words from the rest of us it was clear that he was so pissed he really didnt give a fuck what we said so we left him to it. So he waited, and waited and waited....every time he asked a bouncer where she was he was told "yeah mate just sit tight there, she'll be down in a minute".....he was there another hour, before he was promptly told to "fuck off mate, she aint comin out" when the bar shut. We subsequently found out from another doorman of our aquaintance that theyd been scamming punters for years like this. To me these places are in general dodgy as fuck, where the naiive are encouraged to aim for something in normal circumstances completely unobtainable. Still funny as fuck when we remind him of it when his missus is in earshot mind
  13. If this was anything like real life then the vast majority of young-ish skins in the late 70s/early 80s wouldve been wearing Fila,Sergio Taccini and Pringle by 1988. In saying that, I went to see The Specials in October and it was like going back in time 30-40 years. In a good way, it was a fuckin brilliant night
  14. "Safe standing" in the SPL?.... http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/16248937.stm
  15. Just seen something my mate put up on facebook, some of the older heeds on here may well remember this from 30 years ago today. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penlee_lifeboat_disaster
  16. All pies are generally ready to be consumed "a pied" on these shores, apart from steak and kidney....never, ever eat a steak and kidney pie without being sat at a table and having suitable cutlery to hand. Pasties are the road you want to go down. See post no 3 in this thread. Marvellous portrait of one of the worlds greatest culinary experiances, the Greggs steak bake. Sad to say that the festive period has seen the early introduction of the semi tasty "festive bake" in Greggs shops nationwide, which appears to have ousted the glorious "hot one" from the heated shleves. This has lead to withdrawl symptons in myself, and a defection to the cornish pastie shop down the road, where they serve a passable "chilly cheese pasty". But its a poor substitute to be honest
  17. Aye, he beat a man and bent it in the top corner. Barca should be after him to replace villa, would fit in well there He's on huge money at Santos, a group of Brazilian businessmen/companies are basically paying his wages....depends if he wants to test himself against the best I suppose. They want him to be the "hometown hero" when they hold the world cup.
  18. Read a couple of things on Friday trying to build the final into Messi v Neymar....only one winner there! Neymar mustve scored a good goal in the semis but I couldnt find any footage of it.
  19. Beautiful looking dog Tom, pleased shes on the mend I, however, have been in a shite mood all day as I've lost my fuckin car keys. I've tore the flat to bits, phoned the two boozers I was in last night (twice) but I cant remember seeing them at all after I got in from work last night. Putting a right pisser on xmas preparations, loads to do tomorrow,work next week and supposed to be driving north the day after boxing day to see the folks with the gf (shes not met them before)....if I have to spend a fortune on an auto locksmith before xmas itself the cost will probably double what the fuckin thigs worth. I'll have to hire something in the morning for the short term then think about what to do over the weekend. Bah humbug
  20. Out of interest, what does him being right footed matter? Also what makes you think he's injury prone? 1.Square pegs in square holes.....Stuart Pearce was right footed to be fair to Santon. If David turns out to be as good as him I'll attend every home game next season with a "Mike Ashley is a god" hat on. Its all to do with the price range we're shopping in. I think we'd have been better off getting somebody who fits the posistion more naturally than someonee who, however good he is, will always be trying to compensate for being on the wrong side. Stuart Pearce did it by being able to pass and cross the ball equally well with both the instep and the outside of his right foot. Or so he says in his autobiography. 2. Fair one, but yet again its to do with the range of player we can attract....he wouldnt be here if he was still being tipped as "the new Maldini", and its yet another gamble on Ashleys part. I'm sure theyve done their homework and worked out that the odds on him being competant and fit for selection must be fair to good. Time will tell, but there is a reason he faded away from the first team picture at Inter and it's either doubts about long term fitness, temperament or both. I saw him at Norwich on Saturday and was pretty impressed. Good luck to him. Would we have been better paying Villa 5 million for the likes of Warnock?...dunno, but he's a bog standard Premier League left back who has experience and wouldve fitted straight in to the back 4 without any need for an acclimatisation period. It wouldve been less of a gamble, and I realise had he joined and performed ok theres still no guarantee we wouldve done as well as we have this season. But as I say, square peg,square hole...
  21. in the REAL world, what you are advocating ie selling your best players, pocketing the cash and not backing your manager, will NEVER be successful. Fair enough if you support clubs such as Blackburn, Bolton etc though, which is their level in the scheme of things. As I said in my thread about Ashley and his apologists, it does appear that those apologists are indeed non-match going supporters, who aren't putting their cash into the club so have different priorities. Except for all the succesfull clubs that do it Any of these successful clubs start the season without a recognised left back?.... Didn't we buy Santon ? Manager seemed to think Taylor was a better option to start with though. Nlot sure what your point is, we will buy what we can afford, just like the rest, end of. My point is we dont have a left footed left back bacause we didnt buy a left footed left back...we bought an injury prone right footed left back because he was cheap and rumoured to be half decent 2 seasons ago pre injury. Your comparison with manu in this regard is fuckin bollocks old son. I accept we're in a brave new world of football and I completley accept that things have to be done differently but we're really not doing anything like spurs and manu have done in recent years and to suggest otherwise at this stage is shite. If we do the business in January I'll be very pleased and will accept that Ashley is steering us to acheiveing more this season than we did last season but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
  22. in the REAL world, what you are advocating ie selling your best players, pocketing the cash and not backing your manager, will NEVER be successful. Fair enough if you support clubs such as Blackburn, Bolton etc though, which is their level in the scheme of things. As I said in my thread about Ashley and his apologists, it does appear that those apologists are indeed non-match going supporters, who aren't putting their cash into the club so have different priorities. Except for all the succesfull clubs that do it Any of these successful clubs start the season without a recognised left back?....
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