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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Hope not signing a centre back or two doesn't end up biting us on the arse....we're one bad injury away from Danny Simpson at CB for the rest of the season...am sure the club knows what its doing though
  2. BREAKING NEWS: Tottenham sign Swiss starlet Taxee Vasion Is that a coat I see before me?.....
  3. Best to Celtic?....naah... BBC Scotland's senior football reporter Chris McLaughlin on Twitter: "Leon Best will NOT be joining Celtic."
  4. Watford determined to hang on to Adrian Mariappa despite interest from #NUFC @BBCSport The player rejected move to Wigan #WAFC@Iandennisbbc8 mins ago
  5. The smogs have turned down 6 mill for Rhys Williams from Bolton. Thought Gibbo would've took their hands off tbh. Mariappa to Wigan is weird. According to a Watford supporting mate we'd be signing another Leon Best standard player if we got him. Is that standard of player worth 3mill-ish? Fuck knows what Watford are playing at though, doubt the player is impressed with his club. If he's got an agent capable of stamping his feet and pulling his hair till he gets his own way then he'll likely end up with us.
  6. Wayne Bridge going to the mackems on loan?....on 5live just now....
  7. Shite. Broke down at 0515 AA have just said someone will be here at 0700. I had to phone them to get that information. Oh they've just sent a txt repeating that nugget of unbridled joy. Minus 4. ice forming on inside of windscreen. Nice.
  8. There's sevaral good reasons why Ben Arfa is playing at NUFC and not at Barca or Milan and they were there for all to see yesterday evening. He's unfortunate that all he's got to provide service for at the moment are the virtually immobile bollock brothers up front and its difficult to see what formation/posistion is best for him because of that. But if we have a fit squad he doesn't start for me at moment. He needs to learn to be more of a team player because despite his immense talent his overall contribution is about the same as Leon Best's.I tried to point this out to the huge-haired ginger fuckwit stood in front of me last night at the game and it came as a bit of a surpise to find out this great sulky man-child's debating skills only extended as far as swinging punches in my general direction. Bit of handbags ensued but some prick behind us got involved and then ran away with his missus at the final whistle, only to run into us again at a boozed near the station. Cue his second sharp exit of the day. All in all a pleasant trip, but I blame fuckin Ben Arfa for everything this morning. He could've and should've won the game on his own last night but was too busy doing his 'best player in the playground' bullshit to actually take any notice of anything going on around him. I know he's got magic in his feet but if he can't utilise it properly then he's as much use to NUFC as tits on a fuckin bull.
  9. We haven't won any of our last 8 away FA cup ties and Colo has a (convenient?) injury....i'll be happy to get them back to sjp....
  10. Yeah but I don't trust the current regime to do it "the Lyon way" if you like. Can we make players stay with us? Colo, if you ask me, will/is in the process of "do/doing an Enrique" and will try to let his contract run out. So he may well, at the age of 29, be first out the door, possibly next week. What do we do? make him an offer we cant refuse? Honestly we're fuckin mid table dross without him this season.Could Graham Carr get a player remotely as good to join in January? This is all supposition, the player and/or the board may prove me completely wrong, I hope they do. But for all thats gone before I don't for a minute trust them to make a good fist of it. Hopes are raised, the past 2 and a half seasons have largely been enjoyable, I just think all the hard work may go tits up if the likes of Krul,Tiote,Cabaye and Demba all leave/are sold. Carr is key. The most important figure at the club for me.
  11. Good book that. You going to post the chapter from the same book on Olympique Lyon as well, which details how they became one of the best teams in Europe for a decade by selling their best players and replacing them the season before they leave with carefully scouted yet equally impressive young players? There's a chance Ashley, Dekka Graham Carr have read it and taken note, it would appear that they're trying something similar. I'm in two minds about the whole thing really. Spurs have gone a long way by this system too. Maybe its early days in the "plan"(?). But I truly beleive that our 6 best players will be sold in the next 18 months. Spurs and Lyon didnt do that.
  12. 7 days and a few hours left in january mate for that statement to look like "jumping the gun" at best. Some would say hopelessly naiive. For the record, I think the entire spine of our best starting 11 will leave in the next 12-18 months. Graham Carr will have to be some sort of magician to replace them adequately. Perhaps paying 10 mill for Demba's replacement is a good sign of better investment. Only time will tell on that one.
  13. Spurs fans hoping for a suspended sentance if hes found guilty, hoping that its enough to put the FA off and not appoint him as England manager. He's probably the tip of the iceberg in football, just too thick to cover his tracks properly.. The thing for me is selling Peter Crouch just as his cut went from 10% down to 5%....thats a fuckin ridiculous set up and by all accounts it was actually in his contract at Pompey. How many players did the fucker sell just because he wanted his cut? Thats players' careers' they're fuckin with there. What a coven of complete wankers.
  14. Thats not what his missus looks like in this article from the mirror: http://www.mirrorfootball.co.uk/opinion/columnists/3pm/Steve-Anglesey-s-funny-football-column-Kevin-Prince-Boateng-injuries-blamed-on-too-much-sex-with-Melissa-Satta-article856305.html
  15. This is from the Guardian comments about the game. It just about sums up what happened in the second half, which I was unable to comment on effectively last night due to being fuckin mortal I wouldnt have had Alan Smith anywhere near the bench, nevermind on the pitch yesterday but he's right about Johnson, we completely failed to adapt in the second half. Recommend? (0) Responses (1) Report | Link pinkroom 21 January 2012 8:47PM Agree with points made about Shola and Best - slow and powderpuff. Best gave up on one easiily gettable ball in a way that should have shamed any professional. .. can quite see why he is out of the RoI set-up. The difference was that during the first half Jonas did an absolutely fantastic job working between and around them. Even he ran out of wind though, doing the work of three. Tactical credit to Jol. He saw that the Mags midfield were absolutely killing his - who couldn't put a pass together, so he put on Johnson as a deep lying CF who did his job (straight-line running /chasing) brilliantly. Pardew (or a leader on the pitch) neeeded to change his game to neuter this. Cabaye is a great/the best water-carrier/picker up of scraps but he is not a destroyer; neither is Guthrie. Oddly enough, in the absence of Tiote,Alan Smith might have been your man here today. This is the second or third time I've seen Johnson and Zamora undo in every other way superior Newcastle teams with aggressive, straight running. You always need a plan to counter that sucker punch. Also I felt Simpson and Santon were playing too far forward today. Lulled by first half dominance seemed to forget their abc work. Still Newcastle look an outstanding side in progress. Return of the three in Africa plus a bit more depth and we'll still be well in the hunt for silverware. http://www.guardian.co.uk/football/2012/jan/21/fulham-newcastle-united-premier-league?commentpage=2#start-of-comments
  16. One of the strangest games of football I've seen in my life. If anyone had told me we'd let 5 in at half time I'd have said they needed fuckin sectioning. Johnson did well, but fuck me he's not that good. Ref was shocking as well but it really was a freak result. Best to forget it and move in, cup next week.
  17. Pardew gives him a stiffy apparently...my mates adamant he's there coming out with this bollocks...
  18. Getting rid of Wise and Veteri was the best decision they ever made...no shit Dekka..
  19. My mates going to follow him to the pisser and ask him where graham care is this weekend before he beats him to death with a desert spoon...
  20. Llambias is as we speak in a restaraunt down the quayside telling all that we're in for a player from Monaco. And that him and fatso have worked "bloody hard" for the club...a mate is at the table next to him...place used to be roscos or something?..
  21. He had a suspected heart attack. This is from afterhoursfc.com. Anyone who used to post on the old bbc 606 messageboard may know the lady who posted this,Patricia. She'd known Barry personally for 23 years: "Barry had been off work on Monday and Tuesday because he felt old and he even went to the doctor. However, he was back in the office on Wednesday and the blood test the doctor took came back as fine. He collapsed just as he was leaving for work on Thursday. So tragic and out of the blue." He worked for the City Council and theyve been overwhelemed with messages of condolonce to be passed on to the family. Very popular bloke by all accounts. Dry as dust sense of humour, but I wouldnt have taken his advice on the fixed odds coupon if I'm being honest Proper Mag too. Rip Percy.
  22. Cant seem to upload a picture of Wallace of "Wallace and Grommit" fame on to photobucket from Mrs PL's laptop but I'm sure someone will do the hounours...I worked with a lad who looked just like you CT a while back and he was a virgin at 30 because "birds are expensive"
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