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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. 10 million for Colo. Can't argue with the rest but do you really think we'll keep them?
  2. Am fine me like, but I think people swallow a lot of media guff and post it on here as informed opinion. Its a bit like the x files at the moment i.e. "the truth is out there" but the likes of Pardew I think are spinning it in a more positive iight than the situation warrants. Theres been good and bad since relegation, I've mostly enjoyed going to the games. Cheerleaders and fanboys are entitled to their opinion of course, but I think theyre being sold a few whoppers by the club. I disagree. Since the Carroll sale, Pardew has been very careful with his words and has guaranteed nothing. Only the other day he was saying how we could lose players in the summer. yeah, but he was droning on about "the Spurs model" the other day when we will never compete with them on wages. Its what Derek and Mike are putting out there. He was tucked up about Carroll by them too you'll remember. "No way is he leaving" etc etc...regardless of what was offered, they still made him look like a puppet. Fair play to Pardew though, this season has been pretty good, considering.
  3. Am fine me like, but I think people swallow a lot of media guff and post it on here as informed opinion. Its a bit like the x files at the moment i.e. "the truth is out there" but the likes of Pardew I think are spinning it in a more positive iight than the situation warrants. Theres been good and bad since relegation, I've mostly enjoyed going to the games. Cheerleaders and fanboys are entitled to their opinion of course, but I think theyre being sold a few whoppers by the club.
  4. add Colo into that and you've got it. All gone in the next 12-18 months because we won't pay what the likes of Spurs can/are willing to pay them. Thats NUFC with 12-14k more fans than Spurs every home game. I understand we've been losing money for half a decade or more but that has stopped. Now is the time to speculate. As has been well documented on here Spurs' turnover dwarfs our own and it used to be the other way around. We need to grow as a business but I don't think Ashley is interested when this is a once in a decade chance to really go for the top. Shame. Haven't four out of that five signed deals within the last year? Yeah, on the face of it good news. I dont think we're in a position to "do a Modric" though if say Chelsea come in for Tiote. We'll sell, with no intention of keeping him. We're spending what we're generating, but thats not enough when you need to keep players to keep competing. Alan Carr is plainly a genius, but he wont keep coming up trumps with free transfers and the odd injury prone or tempremental talent for relative buttons.
  5. add Colo into that and you've got it. All gone in the next 12-18 months because we won't pay what the likes of Spurs can/are willing to pay them. Thats NUFC with 12-14k more fans than Spurs every home game. I understand we've been losing money for half a decade or more but that has stopped. Now is the time to speculate. As has been well documented on here Spurs' turnover dwarfs our own and it used to be the other way around. We need to grow as a business but I don't think Ashley is interested when this is a once in a decade chance to really go for the top. Shame.
  6. When has Pardew or anybody said that? apologies if they have, mustve missed it.
  7. Weren't you the one saying your future domestic happiness depended on Ben Arfa when he signed?!
  8. A lot of that came out when we signed him....a gamble by Ashley that hasn't (and was masssively unlikely to) paid off.....yet.....who knows though? The signs dont look good at the moment, but Dennis Bergkamp was written off at this stage too. He needs to do as Pardew tells him though, then he'll maybe get the run that he needs.
  9. There's a photo on my Facebook in "Alan Pardews black and white army" ( am not signed up to it, my mate is ) which appears to show Santon looking out of a vehicle window showing a piece of paper with SMB scrawled on it.....cant get it on to here from photobucket via my phone, doubt if its genuine but it does look like him....
  10. We'll have to sell our best half dozen players and replace them with cheaper but better players. Spurs didn't need to let their best players go because they paid them more than we're willing to pay ours as part of the "plan". What we're doing is admirable in a way but seeing as our crowds piss over all other teams bar 2 (if Arsenal keep going down the road they're currently on we'll soon see off their 20k bandwagon jumpers ) then I think we should be aiming a bit higher. The old order "big 4" we've had for the majority of the last decade is changing and when Fergie retires with his club 600mill in debt sometime in the next 2 years, it will largely be over. Now is the time to flex our muscles a bit but with our wage cieling probably half of what Spurs have paid on top of a far better base of talent then I think we'll miss the bus. Ambition isn't a dirty word, its a must for where we are at the moment if we want to take advantage of the change in circumstances of the leading clubs. Don't think the owner sees it like that though, but I do live in hope. 10 mill on Cisse is positive and may signal a change of gear in the transfer market. But if Demba and others are allowed to leave it will prove to be another false dawn for us.
  11. He prefers 3 posistions?! Not just the one then? If you prefer something, its usually just one thing. Well it is with me anyway. Thats what I can't understand. Do you know which of the 3 is his favourite?
  12. Exactly, you can count on one hand the number of times he's started in his preferred position of CF/RW/LW and 3 of those were against 3 of the top 4 clubs in England, in 2 of those he won us a penalty and set up Ba twice who was unlucky not to score and then after a poor first half against Chelsea he hasn't been given a run in the team and from an outsider looking in, it seems as though Pardew just doesn't fancy him and doesn't want to give him that chance to show what he can do apart from cameo's from the bench in which he's not playing in his naural position hes got 3 preferred posistions? no wonder even Pardew doesn't know where to play him. anyone want to tell me where he really wants to play, perhaps with a quote from the player, and not some load of Football Manager seudonyms? I think this could be half the problem with him, where to play him.
  13. Spurs can keep a certain level of player happy on a cieling of 80k a week in London, and its done them well. I don't think our max is anywhere near that. Thats the difference. Players can get more money at more successful clubs, or clubs in London like Spurs,Arsenal and Chelsea. For us to get the level of sponsorship Spurs get we'll have to at least match Spurs' league finishes over the last 5 or 6 seasons. That won't happen on our wage cieling, 250 miles from London. Not a fuckin chance. And to be fair to Fred he knew he had to pay top dollar to get a certain level of player here. Scot Parker turned down champions league football at Everton and took 70k a week here instead. Not saying thats the way we should be going, and for me Tiote is twice the player Parker ever was,but there are limitations to where we can go with the system thats being suggested here. Not without selling 6 or 7 of the current first team in the next 12-18 months to generate the funds, and Spurs didnt do that. Neither do manu. Or anybody else. Is there another game in town? probably not. Unless the Geordie Abramovich appears, and thats unlikely as well.
  14. That's where we're going, but are there any alternatives? Try the clock across the road, same thing really though If anyone's trying to keep out the way of the law I wouldnt advise it, last two times before derby games theyve come in the garter and filmed every fucker.
  15. "Worky ticket Dunne" strikes again! When do you start at the new place? Is it local?
  16. Good news Davide, well done. What patrol have they put you on?
  17. From my Everton mate's facebook: That c--t missed it deliberately, the whole family stink
  18. So Andy Carroll and Jose Enrique leave Newcastle in 2011 and by Feb 2012 each have a winners medal from a cup final #leazesknows
  19. dear me, no one under the age of 40 in those pics
  20. Obertan as Barton's replacement has failed,the jury's still out for me on Santon and Ben Arfa,and as you say Simpson and Williamson are squad players at best. Theres huge plus points about this season, but there are also things that are plainly utter shite. We appear to be targeting certain players, and if the deal doesn't suit us we walk away. Which is ok, but then when we fail to bring a centre half in to replace Taylor last month we're stuck with the great lump who had 2 chances to clear the ball before Wolves scored the equaliser. Cisse coming in will make us go 442 every game, which is good if Pardew sticks with it as Cisse will benefit from the consisitancy. The defence is a worry though.
  21. For him to get games, Pardew has to feel as if he can trust him.Less of his "best player in the playground" bullshit and more actual team play (i.e. passing instead of losing the ball when in possesion) and he'd be in the team. At the moment, he's a liability. The balls in his court as it were, do as Pardew asks and do it properly and we may even have won yesterday.
  22. I think its harsh to stab the bloke who set you up in the back.Is there something in the background causing him to lose his grip on things work wise? Will you be adding to his problems by doing this? If you're on reasonably friendly terms with him and have other work in any case its poor form iyam. The only way its justifiable is you and your mate are struggling for work and you know he's done the same to others , or if you could see a situation where he'd do it to you and your mate.Which I imagine is probably the case as as it can all be put down to "no friends in business" and everyone will understand. If not, it doesnt sound like your needing to take on any extra labour to do the contract i.e. no actual "wealth creation"/trickle down of income so it would appear you'd just be doing it to line your own pockets at the expense of someone who has helped you in the past. The world of business is nothing like this, i do understand that. But is it wise to shit on anyone you feel like, especially those who've helped you in the past?....
  23. Howman during his test..... Good luck Davide!
  24. No thread for the Swansea game being moved to Good Friday CT? Don't away fans count in your selfish little world?
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