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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Jose Luis Brown was a teamate in 86. I couldnt get my head around how someone from Argentina could be called Brown....not to mention being a classy Libero Valdano scored 4 goals in that tournament including one in the final.....class horse... Napoli I'm less sure on, but this is interesting: While Maradona single-handedly lifted Argentina to the title - with five goals and five assists, while also propelling himself into the annals of history with his two-goal performance in the quarter-finals against England; one goal viewed as "Goal of the Century", the other 'Hand of God' surely the most controversial of all-time - Napoli were working on a plan to challenge for the Scudetto and brought in defender Tebaldo Bigliardi, alongside attacking trio Fernando de Napoli, Francesco Romano and Andrea Carnevale. http://soccernet.espn.go.com/columns/story/_/id/1033038/rewind-to-1987:-maradona-brings-success-to-napoli?cc=5739 de Napoli and Carnevale were Italian internationals, di Napoli in particular was brilliant at the euros in 88.
  2. Tyne and Wear County Councll was abolished in 1986, and so its districts (the metropolitan boroughs) are now effectively unitary authorities. However, the metropolitan county continues to exist in law and as a geographic frame of reference.[1][2][3] So the good news is it has been abloished, the bad news is it hasn't
  3. Which in effect means to continue with the policy of selling our best players and replacing them with lower cost alternatives Who turn out to be better players Fuck me you can see the future mate
  4. Lampards past his best at this level. Always tries to do everything and is now average at all of it.
  5. Campbell was antagonising the crowd too and he wasn't even playing. On O'Neils instructions...when they scored all the subs were told by him to get off the bench and act like cunts/ celebrate the goal.
  6. I don't think he's shite, but he is vastly overrated. His big chance was Villa, given a huge wedge and couldnt get them above 5th. Should make him a shoe-in for next Liverpool boss though. He got Celtic to a UEFA cup final....McLaren's was a bigger acheivement at Boro when he did it a couple of years later but I don't see any journo's wanking themselves off at his acheivements. It's because O'Neil is a part-qualified lawyer, football journo's think thats great and want to bask in his reflected fabbiness, the fuckin bell ends.
  7. Has he scored a better goal than Ben Arfa's v Blackburn?......
  8. Blacburn 2 up.......wonder if Billy will come back if they stay up?.....
  9. PaddockLad


    obviously agood judge of character, I am an anti crriyste! I do agree with what he said about our dear shirt sponsor mind, "never trust a hippy"
  10. PaddockLad


    Whatever you say maaaan another cult btw Well given it's a conclusion I've reached on my own and I'm not currently recruiting young fitties I think I'm safe from the tanks shooting fire for now. I'd revise my statement to 'find your own path' for risk of being labelled a hippy again. Sorry, couldnt resist, good photo though Tbh mate, I hate putting people into boxes, most normal folks take stuff from different ways of thinking and as you say reach their own conclusions. Any militiant yes/no'ists who are on any given side of a debate about this are just fuckin nuts. Your "find your own way" (direct quote from Life of Brian iinm?) stuff is spot on, but some people take the militant atheism stuff far too seriously.
  11. All true, but that ignores the "Real Madrid" model that Abramovich is (probably unintentionally) following...."heres the players, you're the coach, champions league minimum and you might keep your job for next season, but likely not" Theres huge uncertainty among the established media nominated "big 4/5/6 etc....Fergies off soon, Redknapp as well likely, Abramovich making a complete cunt of himself and his club, Wenger too stubborn to change too much and has probably lost too much ground anyway...we can sneak in there, if we get it right...I just think we'll make a cunt of it..again...
  12. PaddockLad


    Whatever you say maaaan another cult btw
  13. PaddockLad


    Sounds like another cult tbh....Dawkinism is the same....the only thing I've ever followed is NUFC
  14. Suppose Tiote is off, have we been linked to anyone who could conceiveably be his replacement?...
  15. Labour giving it one last try to get it stopped...from the beeb.. Labour have forced a Commons debate on whether MPs can consider planned NHS changes for a final time before an assessment of the potential risks to the health service is published. It will take place on Tuesday after being granted by Speaker John Bercow.
  16. Straight up racist that sucker was Simple and plain Motherfucker him and John Wayne
  17. PaddockLad


    Do you still get into heaven when its a fear based, self serving epiphany rather than actual faith? yeah, but you dont get to meet St Peter at the gates, you get Princess Di instead. And a free introductory offer of a gold plated "loaves and fishes" snowdome. I do think there are thousands of people who are comforted by religion at times of bereavement or when loved ones are gravely ill who would normally rather stick a fork in their own eyes rather than go to church even once a month. Fact of life I think. Bit hyporcritical, but there you go. People are inconsistent.
  18. PaddockLad


    Old Hospital Chaplains' saying: "there aren't many atheists on a cancer ward"
  19. Skid Row was a previous name of Thin Lizzy too......were the High Numbers an early incarnation of The Jam?...
  20. Aye, I thought this morning that if his brain has been starved of oxygen for two hours it really doesn't look good for the poor lad. Whats the best the family can expect do you think?
  21. Am willing to take a bit of flack for this but talk of cancelling games in the wake of Muamba's collapse is a bit much iyam....football is "different" of course, but a work place fatality (thankfully this isn't the case with Muamba) doesn't usually mean complete closure of a company's "core" business. I understand times are different now but man utd had a team out on the pitch 10 days after the air crash at Munich in 58. You've got to get on with things. Am sure the players and management are very upset and they do have my sympathy, but life goes on...
  22. You didnt see much of the Spurs game at WHL then? One swallow doesnt make a summer, but he's cover for about 4 posistions so we'll be putting up with him for a while yet, especially if we get in the Europa league next season.
  23. Just to reiterate, I dont really disagree with what the club are doing with Guthrie, but for those who don't think he's being "forced out" if you put yourself in the players posistion then I think thats exactly how you'd feel. Barton and Nolan were given a big "fuck off" pill as well with their contract offers. Its a take it or leave it situation. I think I'm among those who thought letting Barton and Nolan go was bad business and would make for a poorer squad. I was wrong on that, even more so after I was told yesterday by a pretty impeccable source that Colo wouldnt have signed a new contract if Barton had still been at the club. The club unrguably got this right.
  24. Am not negative, just not over positive I don't really disagree with what theyre doing, there are better players than Guthrie out there. This maybe the start of the "smaller squad, better bench" that's been mentioned. If we qualify for Europe though he's the sort of experianced squad player we'll need.
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