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Everything posted by PaddockLad

  1. Fair point. But nice to have the option! If we're going all out for a CL spot, I would imagine we'd push more for that too. Thats the point though. The difference in income between the CL and EL is huge and not worth the disruption to the league season with the squad we have as it stands. Nobody has mentioned anybody leaving in the summer, which will undoubtedly happen iyam, and nobody has mentioned bedding new players in and the effect that could have. I'll say this again, Llambias has already said he wants a smaller squad and this is also the club whose bosses who thought we could do without central defensive cover once Taylor was out for the season. You lot cant winge one week about Perch having to play centre back then argue that we're well equipped for an assault on Europe the next with him still in what may be an incresingly smaller squad.Theyre releasing about 9 players this summer aren't they?. I can't beleive some of you have been taken in by the last couple of weeks. 2 swallows dont make a summer...our league posistion will suffer next season on the back of 30k crowds v Metalurgist or Litex fuckin Loveggs...its not fuckin worth the grief iyam. Consolidate in the league next season then have a dig at the europa when we've had another summer of re-investment would be a wiser move iyam.
  2. ok..say we dont win any games after returning from european trips next season and finish 12th. That would be hugely disappointing for me after this season. We dont really need europa league football at this stage iyam. Good players are coming here regardless.
  3. On your last point I strongly disagree. If we don't make Europe this season it could conceivably be an excuse for letting go of some players, where-as if we do make it the (albeit small) increase in revenue will hopefully fund some inbound movement, or at the very least make departures less likely. Plus, I'd never say no to any form of Europe as it increases our continental profile and provides additional options for the development of promising young players who otherwise aren't seeing enough competitive football. We'd have to get to the semi finals at least to make it worth our while iyam and with teams dropping out of the champs league at the last 16 stage its a tal iorder. I'm a bit ambivalent really, I have been to some dodgy old places to watch us play...Palermo,Troyes,Lokeren, etc etc and loved every minute of it, as well as the likes of Milan & Barca...I do love european games but I just think the squad wont be strong enough to cope. Llambias has already mentioned making the squad smaller but with more quality on the bench. Thats not what we need with potentially 8 extra games before christmas. But I'll wait and see. I didnt expect Colo or Krul to sign new deals. A lot of things have happened this season that I didnt think would come to pass so wtf do I know?
  4. @ j2j : I think it goes without saying he's a brilliant footballer, one of the best I've seen. But he was struggling earlier in the season, im not sure if Pardew knew where to play him. The manager also wanted more graft out of him. As I say it looks like Pardew and the player himself have gone away and thought about things and its now beginning to click for both parties. I'm delighted with that. But he's had some fuckin shockers this season (Brighton in the cup was particlarly bad) and when he's been shite I've said so. Its been frustration more than anything when I have, because its been obvious from when he scored v Everton last season that he's a fuckin genius. The thing is its no good his cheerleaders on here feeling smug about how he's playing now, that's largely down to Pardew iyam, because for a lot of this season I was thinking he may be "one that got away" if he couldn't settle properly in the team. When he was on the bench most weeks there were some saying he should leave etc and given his history at his previous clubs it wouldn't have been much of a surprise if hed had a giddy fit and done just that. Pardews also improved the likes of Guthrie, Perch, Simpson etc whilst they've all received regular critcism on here. That was the point of my post, he's improving the less talented players he's inherited and he's also getting the best out of the quality players we've signed. A very good sign. Only Sir Bob has come in and improved journeymen player's performances by 10-20% in the way Pardew has.
  5. I don't think Im an expert on football, I frankly laugh at people who throw around phrases like "you know NOTHING about football" etc etc....but I am seriously beginning to have doubts about those fuckers at the bbc...Garth Crooks's team of the week has Victor Moses,Abdel Taarbat and Stephane Sessegnon in it but no Hatem Ben Arfa, with 4 assists and one goal in the last 7 days I know its not a big thing but for fucks sakes....thats fuckin ludicrous http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17580431
  6. I actually think Hansen is worse than Lawrenson...he really hasnt said anything insightful or interesting in 20 years, same old shit every fuckin week. "pace, power,skill"...he says it about somebody every time I see him.
  7. Away to Swansea, home to Bolton, Wigan and Stoke. 3 points at each of them is a must. Away to Everton last game is tricky, Also Chelsea at the bridge and Man City at Home.... 13 points say gives us 66....the funny thing is we didnt break 70 points the last time we finished in the top 4, 69 points was good enough for 3rd in 2003....looks like we're coming into form nicely though after an "iffy" few months following the twatting of manu. I dont think we're ready for Europe though, I'd prefer to wait till next season when the squad might be a bit stronger.....
  8. The thing is, he was blatantly trying to get his best friend (according to stories in the press before he left) sent off. What sort of bell end does that?
  9. I thought that, touch of the Michael Chopra's.....we'll never know like, but its a nice thought
  10. Pardew impresses me more and more. It looks like he's found a solution to the issues with HBA, and that has improved the team overall. That's the sign of a good manager for me, problem solving, not plugging away with the same thing that plainly doesn't work in the way a few managers we've had in the past have done (morning Sam, how's life at West Hahaham?) I think Pardew has improved a few players at the club this season, even seemingly Perch and Williamson.
  11. Don't know if this has been posted already but I just noticed the Chelsea game at Stamford Bridge has been rearranged for Wed 2nd May.....the day I get the Eurostar to Paris for a short break. Not on the tv as spurs v bolton is already scheduled for that night. Bastard
  12. If Carragher plays I think we'll win. But it looks like Agger will be back according to the papers.Thing is, him and Skrtl are a good partnership but not top quality and if Cisse, Ba and Ben Arfa click like they did last week then theyll have to go some to beat us. I think someone has already said that outside of the mackem games this season that this has turned out to be our biggest game, season defining if you like. I'd agree with that, fuckin desperate for us to win it. Cant make it up either so its a pub stuffed with plastic scousers, deep joy....
  13. He can't possibly drop Ben Arfa after last week can he? West Brom was by far and away our best performance in a long time, it looked like we'd found a system that worked. I take your point about the CB pairing and needing to crowd out the midfield a bit more but Tiote is back. I really hope Pardew doesn't revert back to the the hopeless 442 hoofball that was so painfully ineffective under the false pretense that he is protecting the CBs. Liverpool will have a field day down our right flank if he does that whilst Ba and Cisse will get isolated again by the massive gap between midfield and attack. Anyone with the slightest bit of common sense can see that 433 with HBA is the way forward, especially against a poor Liverpool side at home. Then again, Pardew is fucking terrible, so I won't be surprised if I see a tame 442 surrendering to a shit team at home. Again.
  14. The Miners were well paid as were the Shipyard workers. I've seen a couple of ex-workmates working in Morrison's and ASDA. They'll be on at least half the annual salary they were getting when I worked with them a few years ago at another well known Tyneside employer that is no longer there, (Tyne Brewery). Maybe the Miners and the rest of the poor fuckers losing their jobs in the manufacturing industry knew what jobs were left were at a minimum wage level or below as the minimum wage didn't exist then. Not everyone is cut out or indeed wanted to go to 'Uni' or get on their bikes and leave their hometown. And this is where Stevie's "service economy" falls down. We dont make anything, so theres few or no apprenticeships on offer to school leavers that used to take 1000s of kids and give them a trade. The best they can hope for is one of these poxy "MacJobs" or a piss take work-fare scheme. No wonder they dont want to work if thats whats on offer. Not everyone is driven enough to be a high acheiver. There was once a need for Indians as well as chiefs. But when kids do do well, show ambition as well as intelligence and get to uni and get a degree, whats out there for them on graduation in 2012? the same "Macjobs" the kids that left school at 16 are vying for. Pitiful state of affairs. And much of it can be traced back to Thatcher iyam.
  15. The last 2 away games have gone to members mate. So has Swansea. Theyre talking shite tbh.
  16. Dont go in till whatever they do is over, not good PR to disrespect the dead,whoever they are. I take your point though, she was a fuckin cow. I actually think in some ways the present lot are worse though. The cuts are far beyond what she attempted. The diffeence is they haven't got a manufacuring side to the publlic sector to destroy anymore. Miners and Steel workers make more noise than lollipop ladies and office admins.
  17. Pardew told Ashley that we'd get 6th with Cisse. Maybe they were happy with that, and didnt want to push too hard for a European place, maybe assuming that we wouldnt get into Europe by finishing outside the top 5? Wouldnt surprise me.
  18. If Chelsea and Everton are still involved in cup competitions in late April/early May then they'll field understrength teams against us. Big if like, and as mentioned we've got to beat Liverpool without Colo on Sunday first.
  19. Dunno. Am a bit ambivalent about Europe next season. Id love it, but if it went badly it could be painful in the league. Anyway the way Liverpool are playing Everton are odds on. But Liverpool will raise their game for it mind, they always fuckin do....
  20. Chelsea beat Benfica 0-1 at the REAL Stadium of Light Good win that, Terry's managerial career continues its good start..... They'll play Spurs in the FA cup semi..they beat Bolton 3-1. If Everton beat Liverpool our end of season could be easier than it looks after tonight...
  21. Yeah I suppose if the England captain is being hauled up for racially abusing a player then that does set a bit of a precedent.
  22. Thats pretty much what I thought....to me calling someone a name isnt a crime. But am not sure where it lies in all the "hate crime" legislation Labour brought in. I hope he appeals and it gets thrown out.
  23. Does this come under the heading of young,"pissed" and stupid= incapable of rational thought, or is he a ridiculous bigot who deserves a month in clink? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-17515992
  24. Thats a massively contradictory statement. Where do you think the money for Cisse came from?
  25. That was the point I was trying to make, we could invest as wisely as Liverpool have and easily finish lower next season. Liverpool haven't had Europe to deal with and will likely finish lower than they did last season. Ho hum, never mind. Spurs finsihed 4th in 2009/10, but 5th last season when they had champions league football. They took the piss out of the Europa league this season and it will be a surprise if they dont finish in the 4 now, 5 points ahead of us and Chelsea. So we might be better finsishing 6th and staying out of the Europa if we want to progress. I'd love a european campaign but I think we'd suffer in the league. Although Liverpool have shown nothing is a given. But I get the feeling them and us are heading in opposite directions in a few different areas.....
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